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Show 1 t I Uv E: C 1BQ): - - :a soIiilikTy' vXit'os a i a "1 .! . Mure Get f : .ii c.y fit c C m9rK n m j os aur y oa d L. Retcr Tu.v aii u." ii t. i.ru-pn-j- t MOST r.t I.. a ru ii. ; . v I. I'i i.i ,r ..I l, I'm y o.n.y Ii i.i t:i -- r iiiia li of : I!o Mire a be-'- l 1 e .in i. 't . a fie D. m. nlU'.iJ pnmary t iii"ht! y f a. ( , .as, 'IL M r- -. u5 ' il c! vvilu a 40 Yeirs the Standard, iul. o. - ' U - bo , !u ui Old D.' uu f up. i i 71 .i . Mo. her iv, lib are Co-o- n v .a . at a tec! I.er l i. Cl t !l I t V. i ! - li Ar.rr cco ' i Ayer's at iiio : c worlds Fair. ii.nyor t i im and c.i ..ip-s- ;sj b.uis .a. luo n. l ic arai.iii i.- - . t i s pi luui ol i e.i.d u uy I . and nicy We 1 is rpio t'd h.. nd-oi I i Yearly ad uo:ni br.v good hair, though many fire pray, unci fevui. bald. H ill ,s ii new tr ii stoics the :...turai c doi , and thickens tnc g.oV. th cd the hair. Qur binding and utlipii ' ocr.l r JuC Du n lev s vi, ther t Is ii i..iing i.iieDist d ome, a.id il mi do i t be lev j it ad, me. ior sarn al Luats Da.innaey. I7,).v litre we are Tne prettieii mid i lust lot if jiwclry exhibited in MU.e mr j.utl-iliciled gel c;uil. te.-t .seliiua ut tii.it will stuu-- the nnric sdore. asici.ihliing lew ha urea. 1 he It is i cl that the f in.ic cMi trice nrc go- ing to luse on tne lepicbentatna aud him ever io li.at bide of the yank icounty. There are oth r.s but none like outs Security School shoes for children. Dasure to get Security. Every pair varranted. Chas. Foote & Sons. Mrs. II. M. McCune has been very sick or over a week , bnt we ar- gl id to slate niat tha laly is on u.e road t lecoteiy. Shoes! Shoes! our fall sloe!: is now complete in this line and we have H -- C i Vqrx m riisCwi : Li r n m a f a p .V, J y 0 U. Lin . i . . I 3. v b.u Diu,. A -. 3 ! i j : 1TV e fcts 'i' Str ' J0 i n t Ii t - r - I 7? v u. ii I'D. u'.. j , m' o IJ t .A - (i will ell Y on r M 1 f i1 i F" Co-o- p ler Lojs I i i Ilvt i v mol lit r should ni vi r can 1 !, A. Luat s s praisa th" re pedy am every one in r. rd hn "V how good it is, do. Mrs. I.ma . Hinton, Gr hams-M irinn C. . , Florid. For sal; or! - las j i hfi. Ins iis.f its worth. tiiworl l ts ll-u- Y. t o i MiU' c Wci.it great b.irgaim in mens ladies and childri us uuderivt-aa. Ilyin; A r Whit-mort- , j Mi'S C,i- ie Sorensen returned to Xeplii the nther d.iv after spending tne summer in Sail hr.lv. -i T, H petting cod, so let us show c, .. i arPulus 111 UI1 lerwtar. 'i Jlyau t: Whitmore. T.i ' and potatoes. A Do honey anti honey vinegar. At Toonns Dellihlons. Chas Fiote A Sons. Tom Carters boy is Very sick with in D ).. ou have legal a U erl i ng to pub-Im- i tlamii a ion of the bow,-.-Ui . Husnu r i: so put it w her it u .if d t.,c must is in aiundar.ee. good. Dri.ig it oo. io us or woia Tbs Banner Brand of knee pants at this oiliue and w w ill Com j and get it. 11 u very .hovv when w see u'th ;tUU,, k"te a,nti dl,uY, Vile,HHt A W hit- - crals with suggestive rouyl1 a 5UK;n!ey badges' on. At more. a binail tanri of closer U)eer, ' irJ'"d the heio ot Can- is A "light hock of f nrlhquake in Yctdu S.ilutd.ty at ii oclock. luu' Ko serious results followed save of a little The bpU r.btr C'usmcp uiita n lias just blinking up. been reu-ivat our table. It is a splendid at the low price of ten cents mngazmearul Co-op The now has some very nice mouth be in every household. should per dress patterns and Dimniings, and can Came and look at our cloaks cn Friday suit ail in quality leauty and price come and sue tilt in. and batu: J ty next and te; the largest and Lad'es (o you want to see the large-- , mrsl sty lnh hn ; ever .in the wet t. Exline of cloaks ever shown in ihe west. celsior, Come to oui store on Friday anu baturday Dont f oi g t to sm our school suits as low as il-neit. Exit 1 jior. Yow is tha time to t er p ur. clothe your Leys far the approaching ter is the title of a booklet school season. Our prices on these suits d tiy Yt Ison Cbesman and Co. , are really We have many. justi8ut , l.&ui-Mo. It contains about 750 Co-ott. ' catchy illustrations, applicable to dilferent nrticies, Iai gan Yicdv I rinted in conveaient fo.in. Brice 75c. odd pant they will be sold fur about O n hall their We surely have the v!u.. Call and get your lhst choice. greatest bargains in boys and childrens suits in tlrs Chas. Foite Oc Sans. town. W'o have just added a choice to this stock and Me chalAyers l!ai? Vigor tons up the weak lenge a!l competitors in this line m l.air rout, stimulates the vessels and tis-- . supp-.tlu hair with nuthem wtlhany sutswhiih prias, come and compaie trition, s lengthens tne hair itstlt, and Hung else in town, Co-o- p Store. aotls the oil winch kerns tile shuts soft, A cry oi lire lustrous, and silky. The most popular Sunday brought out a anu valuable toilet prepamtua in the huge ciowd. Gruit eonlusioii resulted and people were seen running to and fro world. With tuckets. The lire was at Special reduc-- d rates for the Festival of Guild's piren. No damage was done, however, and the lire was quickly put mountain and plain. Denytr, Colorado, Get. bill to Stii ly.ii. Open rale J71.I1D for out. tin trip. Selling dates Oct. bdi We have just received a large siiipmen t lb!1). of mens furnishings mid an over supply E. D, WltlttS; .ut: 'ni. of ck thing, which we want to sell you C. r J Co. t AnJrews have jost n and to prepared to give you bargains In (j car of t',s Lest ieftned Stiin'iur t: at thi;, line cf goods. Y ice hats comfortable ) Will se'l c.t ific lonest n.arlct pr ; appi.ru i perfect tit, at the Co-o5s.ri shou'J sos it is fore Lii)i ; there Co-op stoic for dress goods me) Try the Su'phur. trimmings waist set t bains gold bands S ethis! We have 70h pairs of ladies gc.ltl j ins, i lid n fact evert thing in the catalogue of Beauty Wti.d guurantctd ana children s shoes that wa have reduce,! ard j nets ihatcanuot bu n. over one half. Among these you vvi'l find snoes ihat will give you excellent Broken Watches service for st houl ana everv day wear. sebet while the assortment s Clock, Jewelry and Sewing Machines C.itnt and Co-o- p stoic. repaired in lirst class order cii short no- great. tice at lhe Nephi Jewtiry Store. All Money to Loan. w. rt guaranteed to give jctfcit satisfacIn amount aav from one hundred to tion. ton thousan 1 cioilars. On improved farm Several years ago I was taken with a se- property or on water stock. T. O. Winn, County Recorder. vere attack of flux. I was sick in bed about tea days and cjuld get nothing to there relieve me until 1 used Chamberlains coucicH ls a nothing toanu prevent anyone ig m.xture calling it sar-- 8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea UjuicJy, ipar 11 1, and there is uotiiug to prewhch cured me and has been a household vent anyone spending pool money testremedy with us ever since, J. G MARLOW, ing tl e stuff; but prudent people, who & DFCATrnvn.Livro.For ale by A. Luut wish to be sure ot their remedy, take bon. Druggists. only Ayers Kirsaparilia, tnd so get curWood will be taken on subscription at ed. this ofliee. We hope subscribers will take From all accounts Chambsrlaiqf Cough advantage of this and keep us secuie Remedy is n Godseud to the Afflicted. from the cold shivering blast of winter. Then is no advertisment about this; we f II thero i anything v.j!. 7 bedAa, tMO Ii C'x'ft 'l.x yJ hot drink la W.nte: it ir g rdee rc sy luc ie CAKUOUli'DN, KY, I'U' OUtvt Xa..ai tit t)J. Boa, , -- . bt,-v- oer-arm- td AI'rAYTL'J ' If t ' "i . Dr.-giis- , 'i srVLIIAL FAIT1IFCL MEN t va r ttn ii s Id'! ' iii Ut.ih. S.ii i v r . ),., jl.it Rinll vprniTS. It U11 ont. s .Dtl Ti.t XatLiiJil, btu. ii.. (r h - U f 1 Tliat will cOst you 50c, 33o not talsto any place. lout come and oui word, see. t emcioji. I.VJl ar-o- Legal Notice. IX TIM .Tii'. it I., I o' .it 1. D!7;iiT('F'VRT OFTiT FI5TH 1 ,.!! i. i i Y fl I').' -- Uli Jll 11 f f ti 1 I c lirui of t (. I' I tall. rni. stat oj raarl-- , ( real 1datb Ctli.T! w b r We are also taking a great many orders for III ;I oi Ir N(tiv Wi'sun hii iikd in tin aboe fnliMcil coutt hisuilmim-itratu-'tiviii pi a inr fur an o.M( r r ut in cntdlo tu vMi! liiJ id .D ot 'jv ot aiv rlo in tb I :sp rlt.irj tu ii. p.; littiliunv J u cumt t .tr.cu of Ihf iu !ov, mtr i io !o it ; t '.bi IH; .nw s; roi'iiF! of tlie 'outh (jikp tiv t stvliuu i only tivo m t.velve of r;n jo one 'west ot township lhe Milt Lake Mondial), thonco runnimr oast om luiiidrod and sixty rn.s, thonoo s null thirty rods, thonoo west one l.toidivil and si.ty ihmIs, thonce north thirf, rml to the ot m n jf and oontamiiiir minv ao. pl:ue sol land : That at the Tuosilay ta? Uth da of October court ih nun ot sanl court in tb city of Nephi ( onnt oi Jua,b, State ol Utah, ims boon up pointed as the tune and phip tor he niir ai pM it ion : tli.it all if'. soi.s int rest d niav an coat st s;u,i pea by nlinr their olouctions in writmjD'-t- Ui.M ( ut . ji - (. i ct a . : ad DaUni septmper 1, ' L v IP itTi S V, A. C. 1)10 1. t Xirt(n. . (' -. t Vk- hi p' Iliiiiik' t o w t ( .s u t tlu Ul FV it l' t Hi1 vl : .i i . d it r di.v ipnr ' ' t 1, t.t i d i hi h cc- if the dlivi a Iht u t : I i si IP t' hi f ViU .1, I t I ,i? CU h na ,; u lie t X. ol tr! ' h bvt. ns- - he Ousr 2?000 oomplGS from the houses: Pspoier Tailcrmg Dorks Oo.? arpbj Bros.j, U Co., Fen and Stroiss, Edvjcrd Rose Co., Strauss Bros., CosiliEiCEifog Tailoring Co., Chicago, and Prouo ffol-EoiTiS- N , I..' v w h n. nf uau. VI EJooion Tisibiv (( u, nv h.ii iit- s, pf'tPi.M; T. .Tills- - V ;w i r ,ul i"'tuiM.'in ii - tiu.t ail pr- It st slVid it t ml 11 l.M ud lei d lb .t i .i of Juab io , d irb s P. Ndi ol P .DP foi O) ii i illkT f i - vunty h Itio M.ir ' ' r'v j r , J 'M j N ' h U ' ,? f Iv ; A OF THE of tan. T I A 1' - 7 7 I - - j ;; ; p a ci Pr t. ... -- - 1 . If ii T j -- 1 .5 rf oi i!eai I ta 4 Xv i V'.lll im 0. 'tc. t t a j eourt b is pT l Yi..s rT' ilnvoti.fjf the pci b!M UK4 .ICTCC rodent bv o ecu aikT to eaneovft v follow m p rty, to wit. t ;ir r of t he oath vet The snv boas uar t r tl o lion tvuto.iU m tv. i ship twelve vmol south of the halt Luke ran.;. ph mil in. coni aupij- o.-- acres f laud : that Tuesday the th h o.a ot October llN'd, at thf court room of court in the city of Nephi, Count of J nati, Smlo of Utah, has been appointed as the time and place for hruiniij' aid u, - 41 ' iU ng s,t vst Cl til Ft cnnt.jiiim V t tl ... f c.s p. tl J Mild j1 mm. so! pin I : i Li, t the 20r li m i lobtr "h ;,t the cuiP't iHK'in of . of J'UU). hi, ( Mint t c i t , . i io P oi t ' i i .5 M ' uup thim 'i of real rliam court o! F'c north i s i t vo-- t MO Mil! h' trurr amc t till a till ) t s I'd r.u in1 U or i: k : k.i d ) n : 1,inh-'l!- L p t. W n IM i: P u .n pii'itn t H ui t nti( e ot tunv ,h -- FIFTH d I tail, ( 'omit v of Cliaric tliccst u V ( or Tnc 'tT.T . ns 'd. J br Not peldio.i lilL & ivt.u'dist :i JmgumI lhstrn t t ot d'ia . Ja t.n & at: Cht It Cl T. L. ifTF, I)( put;,, an, Albnv.e; ui IVtitiuner, 1 p A 77 n tl DJ STother that is going to buy her Boy a suit of CLOTHES or a pair of PANTS can save money by calling on us now, come and see for yourself, it is no fcrou- ble to show goods. p. 1 Co-o- . M v sill zery out b ys i ; nine's q 7 t M n -i c- in tnc Ta ocIol!- u: 15.01) hi y :i.uvi bl.c.t sum. ( p.tala.g. to .t The Co on rs in it on can suit you in homo goods, Call 111 . (ients nine S.vi.3 Condi, al! wool ribbtd underw t ar only jl.50 p l u,i ut Chas. 1 uutu it ijuiis: All our neat Summer Dress Goods uoi nr at cost and mime below to cli.tr Ihem out. Whit panli hI s - suit ;J tiiit We h.r. j i vt gut '.a a nro piep.itd t i do ad itt torney M P v. i!. bo I. div cm' ' a a.' on n i i! v ll t e :.i.ig a. 7:7 . r.; Your..: '! In A ii uantinif f.r civ.', p arm;: c.ia su it uu. j for Inn 'i Apply toll. ii. 1iu ,.i .n tii. I .five t. is cat f.r i'jc Judyc Tin Mry s'yiea in full Cnrs goods fioin I is n.vii.'t. i'li" ,:. n .: : .o at Cl.a.s I note k b..n-i- . j, I l l run Uu is i l tic hand-- ui nis lueadi Don't f.rigi t that a fd Go lint giu-- witn for she p sii.oi. . every lhu t n dollar suit bou i.t fit Ord You imi-t- . s c on r c.ie.iiK carlains ru d Eros. eu is to convince C0cis ... cause to of tin tr beauty n n i .e me til. on Rem.'ilii r t !io C ) ip p o.le nr deter- so c.iO'iply they ui o within taa leach of mined tu sll us cheaply as unj oi.e. Due a l. Co-oslui c. us a c It. .lice. It tha O ZJ.Z2 UT r . i a r I ii III. o ,V i i fiu.-I.li- ci .Ulc We lmve a lnt of nicj .u in r Ii i silk until and cii.ujIdj t to Ci- Call ft'ld SI( our ii".v In ll.: n A. Lui.t fti..l S m. shemj c l i ionic sale at Eve. Grand and buiii.' : i.y nett. v . ; i . UrJ i.i d. . rA T nH, JV A 1 clri Clot'.iir., r a ..- u I', c y a ' l.t t. t i.tt.i. oi .& i.i t'.i'.e r.M - f C on r.i n t . .. s i f ttiij Ct, L. c j i. si u : u.t j ,rs st i, i r '.u'ip r, come an ! c'r.ir t..e..i out b! a: t ..e frost. C j v" .ie. ' t ut A A U. Am t i.i r hl.tp brj 7 : ill J JJI C i.l.i )J II; Ij .Y lor Min sii. cheapt at ami FERFECT MADE. A pure Gripe cf Tartar Pcv.xVr. Free .i ticm Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. a n- - i. I i. i - L.tj'i fiot .1 r l.nts b 1J t ilru.--. i other. U.d E. II. .' .irk j I i i".-- hixlei tu t.'-.i.-- t. i: ; :o ' ai OeIeIitecI Cr-'-- 'i Tint:- fnen.i-- 1 r-- I o; O a r- re-- pnnnpn LoJuUn rITIie i. for v . U it i? ru rr i 1 Xi f !; r. Lllmu Ll . - u t, -i Fra i i Ctu ' ! I R D.is Id-- ! -- ! o- Saul Co-oi- .rv 1 : 1 : ts 1,'.' - "h '' W:'. ViU .A) , I, u Ip. . u."cra V L J t i o TOWN TALK LK tv!.l .. . T i I Iuj CITY rt ? - v & t'- pn -- . : . Worlds Fair. ' . U. . i. Highest Honors - l. Sitirday, re U-i- AwarucJ . i t N; h i, .. rr-.-r- -y cyi rj mlmiip-pecllHMn- petition: that all prison intrstd may ami contest saui petiWon by niin their i !ie n i on s in r.tiiur. J) p ''Dlrinbiv ! sih M m. Lt uu n, Clerk . ijoy. You a-- o ..i .cJ x5 v ; fcc-- g; ir-vkuir KirA-'Z'S- cyac?. of rw.f. antses a; rp.co ax Ryd6 & Whitmore, up-jic-- 1 cr: iyt) a , Ey T, A. C Bftij an, I, Atijruty Deduty Cler-- . for ! utiouer - c TJtdxTl-- . |