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Show ' 1 I 1 mi Aclvcrtico t iOIIICCCJ, 1 1 !LJ jlY LL iiU L. IUD V. I voLunn iv. '0: i i J 1 U a j (j i o I c raio -- ac1 1 :3 c i 1: v Ha. 11- -i -- r - f i M Ip lie Subject l,i Tl.e Audit-ric-s of A Inmili: rro-tulo'i . f )V I ILimviviH if S;mu! i Giccm-Char- y William Eailcy Aila Eicctcu Chairmaa With T C. winn Secretary relocates Appointed to Eoth Ccn les Andrews Chairman. v A large and aiten ive audience attended the organization of the McKinley club of Aiephi. 'harh-Andrews was placed i the chair who called the gathering to order by slating that the band" would favor them with a piece. The boys tri ati-- the audience to and were a splendid heartily encored: The "band' was composed of the, following; George CMler. guitar: Win. Burton, man-- 1 dolin; II. AI. MeCunc, banjo. They responded with another piece, which received still further ap-- , -- re s , m r , U' v k-- s Av g K a s -- - f..W . . j ph ' Ik ! v A: t : 1 ' . r . rJ- ',i . it f . - , . ' - ' bn-ine- -s v. 'bWx "rSe1.' - : entions. The 11. ei ting w as called to order at tin Court house by piecinet chaiiman Vfjii. Bailey. at7:fih The ehahman called upm the secretary V inn to n ml the call. The chairman said the first onUr of was to elect a chairman. Attorney T. L. Foote placed in nomination the name of 3Ir. J. A. liyde. 'AVgz rny, j Mr. Hyde objected. 1 i !'l j Chas. Andrew.-- ' (the chairman), stated the objects of the meeting-calledlie stated that some of been working together had them and wished to have a McKinley club full organized, lie said Thomas had been asked to speak and had come down on purpose to help to fully organize the club. Mr. John S. Cooper read the ar- tides of the which were as follows: a, V? ? I'ts-A- . y , 1 V; it h i 1 1 f. o i r I;i M U f j ' f t v; err;'- - j - s L', u ' 3Ir. Cazier placed the name of the present chairman. The motion was put anil carried. 3Ir. AVinn was placed in nomination as secretary, which was car- I . ried. 3Ir. Chas. Andrews moved that the secret ballot he the order of the meeting. The motion was xWvv f r or .Vici.INLilY - SiluT. I'.cre At cr.tive The Club Alerged out ot Dark- ness and w- 1C, nn COME KiSS YOUR HONEY BOY. Jf il'1 m? 1396. 19, Yf o o I ::i : cnr.'or il NZPIII CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, SZFTHLIBER :r T I t i i o ; - C II v e r 02 o o ( A'-- , carried. The chair appointed T. L. loote, Ik It. Booth and John T. Miller as tellers. Mr. Lunt placed in nomination the name of E. B. Booth. ji j i j Mr. Pparkes i aid before they proceed that he wished to know whether they would nominate from the body of the hou-e- . Mr. Cazier moved that it be the seime of the meeting that the nominations should be made according- y The following wore nominated; Messrs. T.L. Foote, Howard. J. F. AYrighp AVm. Hailey', Ban Miller, Andrews, Kienkie, J. S. Cowan. AVm. II. Pettogrew, T. C. AVinn, Chas. Sperry, John T. Miller, Geo. 3IcCune, AVm. Ocheyg 3Ir-i- . Chas. Tmgey, Mrs. John h. Cowan j CLUB OF NEPHI. Olio E use Thought It Oouid Como to This. The name of this club shall be t he The ObMcKinley Club of Sephi. of the principles ot ject, is the study to work for and the Republican part), the success of the party ticket. Any per-President AAhn. Faxma wu the j.jjg would try to fill it to place hut the matter was finally p meinber-hiin thii . is t', spa cligbi'j'.e straightened out and what threat- - first speaker. He felt surprised at club who subscribes to the following. Moved and seconded that E. lh ened to be a storm drifted into a the few in number which were We believe in free silver, free speech Booth be elected to the office of summers calm. present and complained of tlie slim protection and reciprocity. Webcliee Mrs. Mrs. Chas. attendance at tlie presthood meetJoseph Wright, in free silver, hut not in free trade. secretary, lie showed Andrews, Mr. Joseph F. Wright ing the previous day Carried, silver is a Utah product, free trade is Me Alfred zeal elected the enemy to every Utah enterprise were the necessity- - of Lunt with much He was also elected treasurer of jan'T and we believe would close Utah mines. to the executive board. living up to our privileges and rethe club. If Pemocrupv with its free trade, Lx ,ou,",,r Tl,oni,lS introduce.!. joice in the blessings which we Moved that the executive board of . policy was injurious to the welfare He was gl.ul at lining the oppmtunity oi are receh ing every day--A, He spoke Utah in 1SAA, we believe it to be m ije composed of five, three to he standing before the people. We aie in the be- aUi two males, and presi- midst of an ex iti.ig campaign. Went on at length on the law of tithing and jurious to its welfare in IsbG. lie jajjcs Mr. AYinn asked that his name the blessings we w ould receive in lieve in protection to all our products, dent and to be part of to show that the people weie more secretary as he scratched oil. to those of the mine and the field, this election than the 7 ear ls!0. If the following out that ordinance. lie board. the well as those of the shop and factory, took Considnabli day should ever come whin the people related his recent visit to AYayne to wool, to the products of the izreat Moved and seconded that 31 rs. lease to tli ink for thenm'hn then Repub- stake of Xicn and the n of the names good time he place on the que-tioa lican pi inc'ples will have lo-- t its power in industry of sheep husbandry as well as Chares Tiuoy pe appoinb-as nominated had rrhile there. delegates being dig" to the finished woolens of the mill, we member of the dcel.ua-tiowhich was the land. Hiowed up the qoard Alter the ones- hold able ollice. to most w for the ample Elder II. II. Pitchforth was the promise to oik of principle-- . a in opiated by both carried. been finally settled and protection. sllvei m xt sneaker. lie spoke of his re- tion had McKinley and Jlian. Re faid to wanted Cazier Mr. Adelbert the motion carried, wheili had and promotion should g Laud in hand. cent mission and We condemn the present adminstra-tioencouraged the de- Slid no one will doubt the fact that Win. who had the whether with know anyouc for not keeping .faith He finish-- 1 Kiken up the time of the lm eting Saints to faithfulness. t ed v States is of one r,m J. the of United notim the lh.m be could for clared eligidle. sugar producers Brj an to the the following were declared elected ed by hearing his La- e in Amebian liis s we trade! that Pee and we favor such protection as will 3Irs. Tingey's name was withas delegate--- . Latterday work and its truthfultory. lie went on to show the lead to the production on Utah soil of drawn. Ik B. Booth, Chas. AViBon. Geo, Dtmmatie daily hat shown to the ness. the sugar consumed in Utah. V l!l" Vul F" Vs was elected. Cazier 3Irs. Adelbert 'y piineiple of protiition. l,t We pledge ourselves to work fur such Eider Jj. A. Bailey jr. showed l,mvara.! J lid s infound no he ( lie Jv' silk JollU whlimiyinan the ivullku will enable pril' as to 3Ir. Cazier wanted know if legislation ij the necessity- cf obeying tho.-who, , .vImuh- lb ( i. 3 1' lUl' dustry to prosper in Utah, and we be- Mrs. Cazier A name was on the lHt. fir thinking ublt"", are placed over us and enconroged lionet- ,,ci. ing 1. is own uev. lieve this can be done only by a lush Vmn. Ockey. He did not know' whether she was the youth of Zion to obey 1lf,ir Glhr, (ieo, AfcCune. ,rt f the lie re id fiom the tariff on raw silk, which now comes' not. Alternate: Alts, lorrist, Airs. fi.e ic v. .n ami in inis un n U v. it'll AV. parents for in this find into the country from China and Jai an for 3IcKinlcy or i ' g that ,T. Jiii, an"; name a tbu L. loote. Airs, Uuut. . Irs. free of duty. true liappines. lie explained .soijk The chairman staled that the : lina piotivtiw th paity mho entiiiiy doctrinal points spoken of in tlie Pexton, 3,rs- John 1s. Cooper. Airs, Thd chairman stated that those object of the meeting was for the t.iiilV. Til? saakor jr Until a ola. hi o! who had already signed the role purpose of organizing a 3IcKinley e.i!(THT t'.Olll .1 Il?T!K'l,.t a r.t " that tin scriptures and felt thankful that he A. were The fullowing would iiave the privilege of voting club, at which none would he eli- - country pin-j- raj tn a way gnat e At lit had bet'ii privileged to he horn in untcr taiili". a to ZemdomI Zion the of and her llO elected jnoteitive and all W club office Vote or eighth ways. taught for the officers of the giblc to hold ot tin lie sh'iv.cil tin roltr to be It eld at convention After and benediction those who wished to join would had not previously- - signed the roll singing and tlie Imi .i i - in e b il - 1 j , difi.-ren- n fi,-- I n - ty-th- e ri-l- I t uVb - ir e hiiii-i$- 1 i -- - : - - j 1 , they-woul- j io-- d I. . -t - Ca-dc- r. 11 deh-gate- it s j 11 . -- also have the opportunity of tot. ing. Mr. John S. Cooper nominated Mr. Chas. Andrews for president of the club. v a- -, of the organization. lawn of ntietion. i r.w 3Ir. Hyde addressed the chair and enquired if this was a Republican meeting and being answered THE SUXDYY RYU; in the affirmative, went on to say if this was a Republican rneet-nThis was carried unanimously. tlirt he contended that any Itepuhli Pritlent Wm. Pasvnn Ar.d FddirS Mr. Andrews thanked the people can present had a right to takiy Pxtfhforth Ar.d PAH ?r. for their kindness in electing him and vote, and I warn you 3Ir. part to the position. Chairman that if you insist in carMoved and seconded that 3Irs. rying out your program as youj Ti:e usual Sui ervic.s Wen1 John S. Cooper be elected to the stated it, you are tresdiug on dan-- ! held in the Taheirmde. w ith a very position of gerous ground and disregarding slim attendance. Carried. all previous precedents of the I!eA ttor A.in singing sacrament wim ad- Airs. Cooper thanked them lor publican partyr n;ai-tr"feheplu. by He lae houor conk nod her, unit, . pctisidsrabl'.. discus .dou. f 'k hidnoj'ric. i g j - j -- vice-presiden- t. - I 1 d ui-e- A. Cazier, John AAr. Onl, Henry Eorre-t- , .). A. Hyde, II. the congregation dispersed. ) Adam-- . T. A. Foote. STANDS AT THE HEAD. Alternates Aug. .J. j R.igl, tlie leading ilnurJa oi Dr. Kings Xew I,.!., s iv.: is th only tiling that cures my fiig'i, imd it is tiie be- -t ullor I luive. J. F. C'amjibdl, mei fliant of fcuTorff, Ariz., J )r. v. litc-sis nil Kingk Xew . th.i'i-,(lit never limed it for ; j fails, an! is a me cure for Consumption, Coughs ami f"r its mciits. Col(U 1 canI10t ,J0f-'for Consumptiuu, Dr. King's Xew i Coughs and Colds is not an expeiiment. It has him tried l'ora quarter of a century, and to day stands at the head. It never s!ucemt, !Di-.f)w- iy : iy -- j ry Rue pjrei anddealerj. tk.l b.Ul'.z rt all Brag Airs. L. .Miller, Moved and Air,---. J. F. Wright, AFrs.J.S. Cooper, seconded that the-matUr- electing justices of the peace and constable be left to the county convention. It was jmoxed and that tho election of the seconded pr(cincfc committee lie left for the county convention' to decide. The motion was carried. The vier.tirg then adjourned. |