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Show - y" r"A. n r"i i v j 1 tj Zi 's9 ijt e kwi U i I nr 3 Li I i t b , ; n i Qi C L iA ;" ' - t LJi i ini ? S words were uttered they were trying indeed. But such exSaid the Immortal Banl Shakespeare. At the t'.nr' v lien ;m,e if such has b'en the ca-- e. they can very readily dispel them now-Fo- r pressions as these may have been uttered by soma of Xe phi's citiz ms. But we have the wherewith to turn your discontented looks to that oi brightness pel sonified. 1 T ! .WE HAVE Just received agveat consignment of the finest line of Children's Clothing that Xephi's city ever saw, and at such prices that will make your ears tickle with pleasure at their cheapness. B to fiom $8.00 From Four to Nineteen Years. Ages The cheapest and best line of Ladies and Gent's Footwear in town. We are determined to compete with any store in legitimate business, in the matter of prices and Goods whether Eastern or Home made. J. W. Olll), Jupt, .i.. ' County Convention. ion Republican County Comen bept. on Monday ill be held at Xeplil o'clock a. m. for the ., 1890, at 11 . 19 delegates and irpose of electing at mates to represent Juab County he to e Republican State Convention A al-- .,d at Mtrioataat on Something to Know. " Wm. H. Warner Nephi First should be the U. S. POST OFFICE. T. H. O. Parkes Second reU Thygerson, A. L It may be worth something to know Wellington TIiok. Orgnll, P. K, ; cTABUiSAI l.K AMI W Kit StKVRLS. that the very best medicine lor restoring Services Sunday in Uie Tiilieriiaole at. Jacknmu or Martin Xeilson. the tired out nervous system to a healthy 2 o'clock p.every in. Sabbath School 1U o'clock a. m. Arrival and Closing of Malls at medicine This is Bitiers. Eleitric I M. I. Y. Association meetings are held in V.gor is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone the First aid every Wednesday evening and nerve centres in the btouiach, gem- - in the Second Tuesday evenings. Nephi Post Office. Every voter will have to register to the Primary meetings every Saturday at 3 o'clock ihe liver and kidneys, and siimulates iy in. anew t0 Vote. The old registration aids these organs in throwing otl iwpuri- - p. High Pr: ts meetings, tirst ip Saturday . ties in the nioud. Electric Bi.leis im- each inou.n at 2 u'eioe,, p. m. A UK AL. wjn not lK5 used. I!!e sure your proves the appiate, aids dlseslion, and is lYoiu San ami sou? ealDm IT.kh II :05a t put who tried have need inose it' prouou hy on the new list. From all ptunt-- . north includm; a.stas the very best blood pu rilier and nerve Tintu mails. .. :05 a c and rn, tome. Try it. bold lor ado. orl.hO per tf:J5ar From tin not th and mitli Presbyterain, followin'1- J to rep.eat Soft. A v j -- IN legate and alternates State tab County at the Republican on at held Odgen be to mvntion, nomination ot pt M 1890:an1 for the olh-r- s publican candidates for County and a nietnberof the State The Democrats mot Thursday and the selection of a county evening in the court bouse for the nt ral committee. above purpose af more thoroughly perThe representation at the as fecting the organization of their .med convention is apportioned club, as the primary was to be held lows: reka on this Saturday evening, all were :h Springs urged to be present at that time to ah select delegates to the various rhi Judge Chappell spoke to the members upon tin1 necessity t is recommended that the prec.ncl of attending and taking part in the primniites in each precinct call 1C lor the primaries and selecting from the vies on or before Sept. sub-- j to the party those who would best pose of selecting delegates serve the interests of the party in ve named conventions. sau at :at t recommended t is also coming election. lor the ' maries candidates be uominattd Further action as to organization for tice of the peace and constable was deferred until the next meet-- 1 ir respective precincts, county iy order of the Republican trill committe. Legi-'-tur- con-vontion- s. J. PHOTOGRAPHY. A. liVDE, - 11 bottle at ail Drug S.ores. Ci.OsiMr. Rev. O. n i IT For Sanpete and southeastern Flail. lUTaati l or ail points north incluilingeastcrn 3 !5ai lU'stern ami Tiiilii' Mails S iaani For all points north and soiiutli ori'ii K Jiot'f.s. (.eneral delivery, money order, registry ami stamp widow' open rum a. m. to 5 p. m. 11 SI M1AVH. from i.i'-tof- A dAROfevLf delivery ami stamp vv imlAw open ha. to p, m. II. K. McCT'm;, P. M. (eneral at (loVuck a. tn. 7 .HU ji. ::i butjfl.iy . 1 'fc!Sr- State Officers and Juab County Directory. U- - B'r;mk J. C.umon. Lur ill ou ij. Senators S. Dilrat to A 1 ( CongiV'-- s STAT K . IC. uScn OFFK LIDS, IIch r M. WeL'f floxcrnor tj aiiiis T. ,sijcr,.iH,y of Stutc ' JaMD-; Titumiiv r jf?J 5loBrfin Dhaniff Auditor C. Attorney (tcnor-iof rul.lic liistniftum John K. Ill l . . Our Fall stock is now Complete in all departments. Consisting of TH MJ k S .: no, W H.ircV A. Miner Jiuljros of Sniircmo Conrl. .. Chairman, E. R. Booth, We desirr to niiinmuee to llm public tliut Jmlpre Filth Judicial liistriol ...E. Y. Jio'triu after September l.'nii, we suidl be jireiJiircd to Scimtor, Svcutli District.. ...limits P.D. i.coJ Secretaty. take vuur pictures. l Member Lower UrnDt Cjiibi. We warrant our work and will no it nt prices Hcjristrar Land nhcc B ; on c lS!)t. to suit th 'tunes. We also have ill- - neunes, liecciver ..FimiiIv Land odioe, iiarri'i fc Itepublicau Primary at s s, v .'tVWUU . hi, Sept. WiFon, pastor recular Mrvie( Since 1ST3 there has been nine epidemics of dyseutery in (inherent pulls oi the country in winch (.'ha m Dereun s C'oiic, Coolers Diarranoea Remedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost ns seveio and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore me best efforts ot the most bKilied pivSi-ciaSinidav Sv,lnil fiav e f tl .ed to iT.cck its lavsgts, tins remedy, however i.as ccr-a- i the mu-- t Jv J. A. Mint.', ut ctiiidien and luulignan t .uses, rm adults, and under l!ie must trying conditions, which proves It to he the best medicine m the world for tiovvel complaints. i'or sale oy A. Lunt Of Sm Drugp istb. ( . S. Tt' X'-X'- fT fZf -3 r- fS In all the Latest Styles; t ; i and can ( made bv S. J. If.'inee recently superior-hni-li eatiinet phutograiiis furnisli ier do.U. Call and see us. theretrom at C. II. II it A N sV Co., Pliotovrajihers. Nephi, I tab. Le- . rnnv. Charles Foote van. u '1.1 Selectmen . . I)ep e.lll 1.. a.iekm.ui Physiciansby Value Recogr.ized I. T. Sulin an Its ShrifT pri-- ; 17: Republican van, Sept. AssfNsor and ( i. W. C.uier Clerk and Kefonh-meeling was held here last night ...Wun.im Bin toa, Tlioma Winn As a rule I sm oppoBed to proprietary and E. esLduunl Tike A. L. Junkman chairman Attorney medicines. Still I value a good one,relief . t . iLiuturd Surveyor eterson secretary. The following pecially when such is the source of Win Oekoy Treasurer a applicaAs the (external) from pain. topical .uMioe rates were elected to attend Chamberlain's Pain Coroner found I have tion T. Miller SeliooN John be held at Nephi Dalm the best remedy I have ever used Slipenn to convention ty 5or neu ralgia cf any Kind. 1 have conscit many entiously recommend H it D , JanesW. Betersro. IB win Malnigreen, William lie. :,M. ITV OFFff M!S persons. sV Son. mis Sorenson, John X. buepheid, ville, WlS. Sold by v. Lent L. H. I!on;li Mayor: . VriLrit, .Jolm SnlweiJL, rnates Andrew ITenriekson, Deter Druggitts. (ouucilmeu Alfred r.imt. Msirtiu Larson, John Ellison, rerson. Martin Xoilsou, Charles ji'.mi V i oi vrv imir.i 1 .. . - oih-fto- i -- : Keeortler ....O. : Marshall: gelson. sen-idegatos choen to the eighth convention at Deseret. Sept. 23 al BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. Treasurer: liv ustiee City Attorney: ( . ; P. rwhNhvoupu .lames Seholseld Ahrahum Oruie Win. Spoilt T. ij. Foot Wm. Iialey Supt. Water Vorlfs; The Best Salve in the world for CnD, Ilendiick- Bruises, Seres, L'leers, Salt Rheum. Bever Juab Stake. M, llansen and John Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, and positivefor justice Corns, and all skin Eruptions, It is no or ie primary nominated cures Biles, mpmed. pay for ly or Wm. Paxman Nephi; Presiilent. satisfaction Mangelsen: Charles to give perfect ,c peace, guaranteed Cluirles Sperry and James W. Paxn Lo cents per box. For Price refused. Morgan, John money ttable, Nepni; Counselors. and geneial dealers. WAfUJS. mnoFt. was the sense of the meeting, sale by all druggists Peter Lantensoel Eureka convention C. Itoht. Stevenso J nab should the county X. P. HaniniDaT linate a candidate from Levan for If you want any Job printing doue Levau Jas. H. Xewtot that one of the come to us. ' Plannols LindLsays Toascl Downs and of all tlio Prints, very latest patterns, Oar-pot- s, ,.xxa.3, 33l2xnl5Lot!S, rvrvttixxss, XJxidoir-woa- r, and. Hats, CDcx-px- n Iitny other lines too numerous to mention, which we are offering at Prices never equalled in the "West. extend a Cordic 1 Invitation to all to Call and Lxamine our Goods; and we are Satisfied You Can Save Money by so going. 5Ve - jty commissioner, Ghas Foote and Sons, NElIII CITY, - - UTAH. |