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Show The Republic. NepLi, Utah. Saturday. An g. d Hoix2ci Es .o q 4 U s - .. . ,ri .1i r . V 1 I ; apt-r- ht t.tts d T'-- r ! ct i ba... Ju t1 .. u n v ... j um r ti ,p . t! i , ,y. ,.l w w if . id a . i.v 'I'.. q Uili ii I1 r i . a Insti: j Tin fci.fi;. lu .d s At vim i I ;r l I t,'i,ii Mr. s Mr. .1. from 0 .. ' , day. ,,, . i cornu ACc t Ur J vl ? !, u'ti .1 Hi1. 1) . W OllL-hC- i x L a I . S ritev !)j j : , c'a-- ot , . mt a v. ueayo.i i i,.i.r, mi!liiir.jl, a. , 111 st to .. isjn A n a .1 1 .nw mil t , , 1 1 0,1 s.u ' 1 l,e ,. HI ,m , . 1. bt ,, hud ur; eon i'll' CO, i.e 1 I 1 A Capital 030,000. Surplus, 85,000. (.LxrnvL nvxKiNu 112 'tf's. they wdl edi.e. sent to the dead be r McCun-e- , II. F. I . e ill m possess,,, n t tun i.s to-- u . ' e d iil. ten -- an. 1,1.11 lie,, on 11 it si.oujih r 1J .J t i) irai i .Mf , ni 0!lt li.i ui.i.t iet- - NephiCity, P. M. t a (i on Kit 1 11 fl Give you ,t . v M ee the highest rlt N'i,tV one amt ,Lit 1,1pollin. sale okloel, p m. b',1 ler at 1 Ap 11. Auj-iH- !i V a - Is Kio. ii. Jx'iF-'- litAii). romnl C ,. -c Kooper. ,J,i,r.P n Loin and Porterhouse Steak 0c. per lb. t straight. EoIC 5'H. SAXisnso ' , stole. 'fib new Sfif" C0-- 1 1 1 pa-L1- C r.- -e r- Co-o- p A . 01 hail u gone rai house clean n 4 A.l h.pu pi lees cltanuu ut. it. 11 i v a,l o 1 -- -- -- 1 ' 1 tu 1 L ,ic ui opinion'. Come to the 1 1. eat Cash Jlwgniii ede U.pi on next t h ufstl iy h r. ay am; rsat 1:1 tin , at A bin p r z o d mine exists the Cbc 10 unu stole, iftaa A brvatt C ei'.'.lv, U i.u. 1. 4 be con, m, lluiliti ng . 1 . IVxM.ltt bis , ,i,ol us li,'l.-- , go-ka- . , . ,A . s- -i ;i i.itoi- . . ' to th pi d 'ns" a e ns 1 I teachcis pi , - I . . A sdimulant is often needed to n'jutMt and Mil ugltten the roots and to keep the hair a iia.ur.it color. Halls ll.n ifene-weis the best tome -r the hair, r f- k Proftsscr McClellan, a graduate of music bom Attu Arbor, and a resident of nephew of J. V. Dougins iavaon, andwas in town Tuesd, y. of this city, Mr. lie rt Coonrod the gen ii conductor on the mad iraiu of Nepht, with his wile and family spend a pleas, .nt hour or two with .Mr. uud Mis. Z. Whittaker of this city. FOUND Cold watch chain ; near the residebse of Henry Golding. Owner cun have the same by calling on John Chapman of ibis city and paying for this notice. Three ti.unp3 were arre-tc- il at the depot the other evening and Marshal Love maced them in durauce vile over night and next morning started them on their . Hanker McCormick cf b.lt I.,ke City n to our burgh this vvtek on business, and from the s title oa Ills f uv everything stems u be m a eattsluetuiy conditu, n. vi-it- or Henry Fr ckson of filt . lLtb'-unt-, and the Moot Growers .Vs oem. preside n l ut v tio1., a el li e piemdent oi the Fust 1, mis oi N'"phi was n visitor tu ci.r um s lay. buigh N'al-ioit- al tiers in tnat g i, s tie vv thr-nig- a i u ,v mg tl.c-- i teds , . 1 1 " 1 '. u-- - i- , ' i I i L i , i ct tl n c o . t- Ire.-iJe- Iir-- nt t Chicago, Feed- National Hank, Xcphi. St. Louis, and Kansas City. ui I io u Iims',,i!i, d s; t ne i , i , j y. i,s, . iv ti the ty- ihu.it.Hv .iierea.v Ka tu Mv little hov, For Everyone in Nephi to have their Picture taken. We are in the city for business and can give you the finest Bi1!1 txM uh i.ie ti i' Mfiit tor disorder pi rs ' nt course of Avars b,rv tptrilla c to to i. ms nnd invigorate the blood. Tlus b i.;g aceurAbbshed, nature will do fits the n 'I. nmiii a Macbeth. Certainlv niy a o oi lord ; tae mail y the n.tnd depends large'y, if n it bu elv, oa tha c.'nfitnn of tile stomach, liver, and bowels, for all . Vcrv 1, - .: e . i h v ic h r dls-eas'-- u. v A' ! t ' Ccme Os,xg v J See cl "OH Next door north of Blackett Bros, fiArTp a jtjr ilm JL ti 'mS ircot IcplTi. 'x ? V- t- u.. v ' r it" U L,Ax H. I A A u 8 4.U t Li, 'i .J r F ,"4' 5 i ki w T i 1 j ts. Cr p .I ; - t 5 - . J 'X r m a ii i r)A pmiEZT 'fyArrrrrri i L ' WVir e I what kind of work we can do. i v hue' G i..7Vi l I . . 1 ' You ever saw. We will show you j I - (GrK AFTcE 1 '.an af agt , as taken ery ill wit n il l . I ioujy w a. iulv ibid to u e Ch inia'i iln s Cube, Llmluia and Di u i a'loea Unncdv, ami inekdy piomred t'vrc it a buttle. J Cnretully retd the dtreetluns and gave it aei ordingiv . lls w is very low, but slow Iv and surely ho began to improve, v teeovi red, and is now ns st 'ut grad- and strobg as ever. 1 feel sure it save bis lit . 1 nev er cun pi au-- the remedy ii al f its worth, lam sorry every oae ia the wurl dues not know how good it is, 1 as Co. Mrs. I.in lluiton, Grahams-j, M ir n Ci 1'Kriii i . p r c - . . vv . when two U FAir, :rT;-nor- :rs A i u vv a n, iif n. II Afi.T.rJcJ - u; ctt.hcB and hsl.U . v tun Wliitmoie, II' 1 en. i.'s o..l .r: l the o! mevtd' ' i Iu a a , flu t' f n,i' I',!,, in ;li, 'I', liliiiii tut1'" c. Ki to m- q i n lion ui'i; t. nt r tin' new tv , e ippns.n : It t.,( ,rn Vil ll.'ti,, , ri.l I. t hey tiu1 quitll is te.'Msi , an fries in g)!i,, vvlta is- Geo. C. OFFICES: . , I'itc hive. 'JLiitreu ndows the v th vi lmiust'T lld'e: cnees. -i ! 1 .vv Ci4-!- Ockey) fel-in- - tb' a n & ing Cattle and Sheep. a nt ll . j iv 1 ; vuli.Tsij mu vu .. i a " e Q cer-titii'- . ' Proprietors. (La'o Ostler ' We make a specialty of Handling h bee! e. v ace mruod iat ing Oursmilia- - an t twits nan Fls.vorth Joaet went flow n to bait L ik1 la appetr bet me the me lie d ooar.t ut this stite. We think Hllsvv ,.rth vv til Ir.vrH lull ' li 'm t 111 b ) ird ns he has iron r I fil 111 ,v, i .1 m , in , i.p.u it s ire ui, mi nnd eastern medical boards as hrst-cdas- s Fouittun tiie'n will be ? J.Tu; Nepln J 0 ; di uegist and pharmoaist. We wish him Tickets fouih of fsinlaquin health, wealth and prosperty, an 1 trust filonn gnod f r ilium Aug. lfi, nor.h 01 b.tnta-ijuithe little girl he is 'sweet on will open limited to date of sale. lier arms and corner him with er hem! words of gratefulness, admiration and filr. C. I. Yonker a well known drugSuccess approval. m of Ohio Howling Green, gist spetkiug of Cnambetlaiu 'a Couch Kunedy, says: 1 take pleasma iu reco Tho reception tenuered the teachers nmending it to my11 customers, lor I am certain th it it at Jits. Nirensens Thursday evening w. a! .vavs please them. I self moie of was a most suceessfui all ur from any it than all other kiD.hs put together. standpoint. The beautiful lawn had For sale by A. Hunt A bun Druggusts. been prepared for the occasion. The The Crigham City Eugler is responsible sumputons college spread consisting fur this: it find that app'ys may be kepvt of several kiuds of sandwich, cake, for two yeais ty wrapping theniin news- and lemonade, was heartily enjoyed. paper in such a manner tu exc ude the Formality and dignity was throw n off, air. The newspaper must, however, be a tul all leit a common fellowship. Dr. one on which the subscription is paid Tanner an untisu.il amount 111 lull, or the da ii pin ss lemiling trom 0" tict displayed it w w up amusement. keepmg th til cause the fruit to spoil. tbe Lt l Sweet music ll mte out on the air from Tae post of.iee has beta moved into the struigs of tl e guitar, tn.md.liu, ban-i- o mme commodious quitters. The pre-.sev tbe manuoLn club. and v mini, p! ice is a great lmmovtruent on the aus-- . to our Thanhs music. old ont . It is nic'i ty cltatmd thr lughout, and the post nigstcr has suite vi ry nice rec ive I from the music loxts fir rental, (.all b.ixes Luc. per We have just e of The b. Hratnards hnu uOe. lock boxes publishing per quarter; quarter, Sons lot Wabarh Avo., Chicago, Y .as 's a ( heaper rate than any oliice lo., post Line blue iicpu bltcan' copies of the g.ves in L tali. Ib'd It t Dmiocrutto 'ampatgn and t!e fur Xs'tii. Tney are not a b'ng Hook's lt has b en .stid that vve are an HI sired sa'oon in tins urunning Wc .In a u w f'rd edition a, but contain solos, 'i.e. vv lsii vv e had cause for the Jl d jt ts, m.xed and iu ii quartets, and ate iss u tion vv ouhi h e p ci ihv in ring for campaign clubs, ive a kind of s th.ng b'.. Ui ,s tot vv , it her. We wise tb v, o iliev 'ife s ld at I,, bov price ot 10 cunts d c. m . t .clt, jl.OJ pthe statement v ouid ki s in t t .r Vi lu am of t ci s a d noi 1 ' e 1m .'ty s,.i ; y ,,,, , , .1 vv it ,1 u- - nut a L'i ule l ut n b.itrei. 1 . e'l. Chisago Litre Stock Commission Go. 1 , 15 a s n o t a pa'i1 n t m iliciAyers ne . It does n. t i tu ti) list u't nostrums,. it IS, beie ' nil I, SOI IMS. 1 . 1 lii-is- .. Chas. Ockey & Sons v v bnptid.i.s in the chuich of X, uter Un of Jesus c t s,unis at Nephl, iVtihesdiy. ihe o'drisior was K. v.. Flder Xvl,eglii. on liniid. ur Ilia, are TiuniY-i-'vci- i t II a- . rvi ui., .s veil, ami , is o risli I mt the ,ir t ie s' r e. s e nn' Li e p ,i. Gtigar Cured lEruns, Ifincoii, 23uttcr rorli, rvucl Chocao alYtrvys etc. A splen ltd lepisl voted tnnoks to Mr. and fills. Joseph TiIOs. B. LLL. ire Pies t. THOb. KELLY, PresiCant E B. C EUbTIfPET, 2, 1 Yiec Pres't Wright on th's outwaid and tangible mulls is C.tv fil. UI l'o r mi.iile tat on ot gene. os ty. .VM.eneral Manager. St. Louis Munu ger. There was unite an excit ible time in ciiam. kelly, c. white, joix-Fn,i,-alt -- ritonil. The f.UhsC id' r. ltd Vie" Pres't. Secy. A Tiv the excess ot f, e.pig was ;t tire at, Z. W I'lttull'T s pm'V. It 0"curi'ed ltt tile stinnucr iltcht'u, u 1 s.i'cfnr a little L'ld'irinfi dll t..e w .iilwdilf, thine V,,ts Iipiie exi'ltcl.io ,1 t! ,1.1 blilulv'e. JI . Pleasant u ef to hol'd of the r,ck-1- 1 ess ut its .soil, m.ct a nidn from there the (Incorporate J 1538. Capita! Stock $200,000.) other day w as en nil, isiri ng the fiu. A tu Lam-- ) n, , lirm fcuev. I,,., g the liiiiiiou A Chub p.uif fclule CobipiiLiy. ..." 1 1 w . 11 , , iei lev e u come and 1 o e l.uiol. was hi tow a this in the in t e ,1 ol a i 01,1 Ijineil nip of ,,k .j tD s , e .1 i see L'inl A - nns i.u Ltah, J u,i v and nfb.aiU County cluurM t 10.: 01 u .st.it lull hue ichs. .y i is 1.1 it on prices now and The L u in lion.e m,iiie or b d on i .'i can Him W ill it arthotirv poo lastetn Wi. file, t ,i,c k ; ..11 1 l.ake vv d su no ui t goods, Cad III, fro at p, to ; v 1.1; 1 ng 1 . We f id to fs.inp I e V.iiky lfa.lio.d compitiy li is i'MH,r;,u..i' 01 it .s 00- made a g a ,1 jo o. llie hi uad gaga tig up i ..non. he genu '11 m m dang tins filain fs.ii.il. It looks like a new giaJe. il cs nil n, "i. uh li ivj t) s.c.dive l'.,s 1, r "epti t .,',.'1 g'l'W i, r ,v nhi-ia- J jj bUiTj, 1 Ayers at tne worlds Fair. Ayers parilla enjoys the exttry ordinary distinction of having been the olood only purnier allowed an exhibit Worlds Chicago, filanuf cturt ers of other s luir, irsaparillas sought r.y every means to obtain a snowing ct their goods but they were all turned away under the application ot the rule foroidding the enof try patent tneuicnes and nostrumss 1 he cl.eisioa o thoW'oiids fair authurt-tie- s tu of Ayers Sarsaparilla was was given at Mrs. an eifectfavor as follows: barsanaril- S irsa id .v v . 111 .1 i 11 this wet... If you vim. hone Cut are onn-- t ol this month in t Ik's Lil; fsinpcte County, we w ish y mi a good Inn- - b ay s. II ih't forget to s e our school su.ts as is the time to iw Ms 1.7n p r ,, ur. No cl til- - your b, vs nr the approaching school s is "v, O r prices n,i these bans - idy astoLishiug. We have many. if n k of iveplit u m on the t 11 1 (if bei-- t pounds for 25c. Tor Rent. d the meat at the cheapest prices, and vve tieat all with courtesy and respect. Shouldor or Rounnd steak and Mutton, 10c. per pound or 3 wmp n,'t v I'! about s.x ten lo In mus .si l,le. IUllla.s nuts on - ml amnia's be m ,1 n t, il.ns f, (mu the hale ot m,t tiie.i n nl l,t. sol 'An NDV..1 out o B no ituu ir m .1 hoi-s.- . Gani s- - O Ol.l t 11,1 Mime ff d nii.i-f- s and hs-- 1 sell- - t.ie follow, (h i.'hoi' H i, nrs t,i,j 11 r , - .... Utah. CITY HEAT MARKET. ,l,.r lv. n.N.iia MltH .trm ' 'N" p.i.,1 -- l.Mt VII . tor al, ot us. vv l all irs i llllANCUl.s. street, 4 rooms; f.ouse or Ifead cr Brvan IJldg. 4 our entire hue 0t rooms and ccdfer; app.y, fiirs. fil. A. We hire rtdn !i as Ti . p r j, i r to el me cut an 1 v rover, s ,e .1 nb" ee K c 10 is rare!. seen lu ' en , all lusts s af tilt is n - u .v )l .1, v mi. ! I &a::u oj uepl;. Estray Notice. v'etfally c.fl your attention to a page 5. Patr i..ra Iv ll Old Stn.es 01 to i a a. If Will better j e 1 a' kJM- -i vTe t Supt; 1.. ft lent of schools I!,muni of fililldi.i c oanty is a visitor tb ilia institute at fit phi ibis week Now s your tl.be for ire cr, am. ,r have IIH ton pine in town. .. u. wn rail 11- (1.! (tni t 1 the .ry fj s Co-o- jouruej i 3 Parents to want to IP their fin, s'. Its snoulu go lO tile et ho e suits, they ate . ismr at, ig at h ' n r ce.,t lcdaeliou. c ( it, A' ric a 1. e .: ll Si v Rvn 1;: et. r biioo iul Jiliic il.Jli 1 W. i 1. Ti on is I lie next Cheap Ule . itcm'i r. n, .In .. ,'u ,1 muid ai.u au a., u.jbi.i c i:.x fu'.oj lu t:. 1 1 u 11 i 11,, JllsUi ll t ,UI, af r- - t t j Co iv' L Prole--1- t vie . . v . r, cf ' I U. A. Pi in.ee, of b ill L ik i .i, in Net,o. i 1 saay n.i g i,m i'uuCity. u p. a.s 1.1 call . All oar at Summer Pivs- - loud ro at cos. U el so ne uelow lu cl ur IIilo, uuu, s - ,.thir I . . O V 1 ,sf? O 1'Ojte Tile i- 1 1 V .1 It h. ) 1 ir o ; , If- V. o- - ,u.i-- its .11 I bu-- , 1.1 A.. List of Lnclaimed Letters. The list of une.a.m, d letters rein lining 1.1 Aepht p ist office Aug. 1st. ispb is as follows. ,j ' j i". Shorn V' back Mrs. JI inner. 'a If. Kne.-.ftajv c te.r, are u r lor in n if,iln., V 1 1 v o ; i 3 i uifri.ate j i iit. Cj uj. ck i ri vy t 1m. in 5 11 1.4" ' 4.11.1 t . o. - li of Ful r , w ns a vt .it u , ek at.cnj.ti tac su , lUhtllL, 1. JLa 10 want Sulphur s.iould go to the r.vie. iy Ji.Ou Aepln V- o o' , a t 'a vc in ; VV Is OJ our Sit Lt v .1 (1 i , 1 i hit vp filer. C lei ; n distr k Jl icu hin t? L l u a - on cirri, ... 0 ,s W t ion ,v. a ,11 . a- a i i tocscr.1 .1st. V. to S dt .iitm're unit Vvf envoi vmt a c. art s. an t r tui imd ssl k . Udjss li.ll. silt, a.lJ the most . pfShe , i.i S , , Ml J . ) j oil C aiVf rii.t.1 trd LUt. Ut two u.r, 3 Liii a z un. Uu iihiay cy. r 11 Mi Cv, (iirit Ci. -.t .M . A . J. - th wh rustler 1'"'!.! ..i v kt i iMav di ui vl h u fb A LiiaiJ f is m the city K, U If.-d tii'l). up Cajli trc, up loou.ii is rs.au. -t for tile in.ei is. s ol L..!liu,', r J t I. nils H th,' idi-ir .Vr si '.n ;,;r I,, J ,'ins ti avefing sil.-svi fur .. t ,1 u .. U , S ne i l.i e n lie ui I.illi ,i CJ a. il.isi'j.i 1 to f o Va ,.ii l. y he li,l.v t 1', i' M,J. 1.1.1 bd ,4 liny .rp.,i b S J f 1 u i v . i J.ihe 1 CUUUI Pl.'iUU. . -- - . li L u tiLtJ itrljw. r!r-- The t n a bv th i, livened j liter l is I' j v tsii jrs tii.s v g. t f Clot', mu', clothing, c lot1; mg, Cheapest and best. Ur.f Eros. S. If i'liurmaii, PrcTjs 5t ilent. J attorney ui.ali to.tu irulay. Lawyer Wiim, of ..It tvu la tutu 5,,. Jila, ,a,. o.i o jI.e.'i'it, a, ileas 0 at. We l ,i m 1j v j iiuo and go id goods. Lxeelsi ir .,i i . Co. We u. fur Uu fr, aid u ni.niiii.t. c JUKI-- , Di v va r at a i tt i l u ot Vt to . . d :i i ljO t J c (vri 'i ft 1. i -- V. S d i'.'f V. i.i-'- i n ,r i been nine cpide- -, in different piris or the him 1 mala-si- a .1 I L'l. i tar-- 1 u tk . tins v. n a 1. hm .nr uiiiHl emji!') for a m-v- ll ts a i' l ) me vv inn iiuk. iVi I -r . , Jfl.J tie i.nit'-- , . . . - ( there it livseuteiy m: s bet-a- store. p 1.nc-- 1 WTs f! v E ! he McCune ar j fiv'tll .i l l.a sse tins urtt. t L NTphL Jj-u- i vvuet iU'C-.- country la which I hauiberlatn 's Colic, Cholera Diarruhoea liemedy was ued uh perfect success. Dysentery, when so veil cat . epidemic, is almost as atwere and danterete fore gerous as Am itic cholera. is oa tap at the the best efforts of the most skilled p'tysi-cai liaie fai ed to check its raauLs, this remedy, however has cured the most to v eat llaipin malignant casts, both of children and adulu, a id under the most trying: conditions, which proves it to be tbe test rued, cane m the world for bowel com-itints. For safe by A. Lunt A bon !!.! i LaVe -- D;x.e n iit -- a llalLav.U. .tAKs 'flu sum!, r ; n&t iijwcry. u'te.ided as H shoal cLj ' i..ea . . ' r is i Eros. . IV -- J ' !.. .1 ui .4 c 5. t! it if r. t .. . 111. j ..,; .1 an gh! t l 1 . i'lmr-ida- o j d . Aii j . asi.Vif j ,,! f -- -r . t t r .iitt v . ned - t .'... :.: :: Li-- j - ! ., Or.di .Mto I.vr c!j!) far fret- Silir tu jmotto. Attorney Ad i us w.Jt V.r ! .i, t tocoihfT and irrca; jcu.o c! p n .j i" O . i 1 Si at a v. : on mg. n Luke j .ins Hint to 1 i .. 1 1 :u oi ll V ..ig ,.t i G yr .! h. f K V . kinds of Km, .".d cbotc iu fctniaJU at f. E. I JUi. S Tlla . ek . iro u2'ij. u 1 J. 1 i i r t. Tl.t-Ur- ti.in T j A THE CITY r- -i - r It. 8 A t K - . i from Anmnn'a, Alum or any other adulterant , i 0 i ...4.4 & i CHOC f At f MOST PERFECT MADE. pute Grape Cream cf Tartar Pow der. Ftes b Jf T7 TTtr a. Tn in. :tt r J r 9 & & m SNT |