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Show ' j t f r u : b I i i f r ) 1 i i T? A ' k IQ) i Nil j i BTJd-- 1 iLlLLilhd jL1A 4 iL ; ? U2lly G2.00 Pci Ycni. O NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST S, 1S96. 7hz V thi: HL JIE'1 1NSTIII urn OnSif I. c Jr.c 3 (lay Ai:g. 4 ' jt I. n .1 .i 1 it .i1 ' ! lVo- -i j !!,I!;i In. Weil A.U 3 ar Reatn A to, ic r.Jvd.-Coc, g Given. '0. I ( I M i . I w . 1 -- at that it has ha such a career. Air. .bih ns, in answer to cujr ipn ry as to the accomodat inns of his tirm, said: 'All we desire is tint tiie peep e wli write us aud they will that the most courteous of treatment is extended to hem. To those wiio have not do dt with us, all we k is a trial shipwondered jJ. Sound Tile lp n did r. .1 trjrrr. Y,f, ti h h H.i u . iVn Pnn - i b. ' Ut leu I I',.;.,., V , .4 A 1 M. . t t r.i-a- in i. aj ' v, fry 1 l: y by Le 1 ill l succes-fu- U- - cultural Uoliege. j cJ i T.n.i'rr. of the iutrodueid and t i.e tern hers on 'Goegrapie r a inch: r l'r. 'l 'ir lli t: iuriiUWjt e. I, rtf k i,; J 1 - A A iniijJi -;-- Count!. nr, Tier in Jua!3 Independent 5 Uo 10. At in i!;e 'harh s Thiede 'I: was tried ' i land eonviettd tie; murder (if! ment.' had Which way do you have our stock Apostle Teasdite, Presidents Mary Tlii gat (d April Mr. Johns our rep rter Tupped Sperry, and Elder Christenst n ot doth, was trung up "tween the Well, we advise the lulling of all ..'.anti Speaks -- J. w- Paxman 'hours of In and M stock to Chicago with Kansas City a-- j I Pax-na- j i Wert T fc.w.ujfiiy sr.t iv. ; a come. - YO.-lmk- wiser i i. n;d.iv Ii it ilere: so Presents the Authorities. to keep in touch dadt a-- t with Chicago markets, fot we aim to dispose of consignments u. any jmmt whieii will meet the ivipnrements of and w hile there w our customers best. We aim to give as to the piid f the best results, and only ask them to overw lielming: ica-- s evidence "write us," wire us" or ship us." that was brouyht to against Mr. Geo. C. Whitmore of tide city and president of the First National him was enough to eonv mt him. bat. k gives good account, in' ti,? pmui-cia- l That diaries T.hieih- was guiltv. and business ability of this Erin and anyone going to him w ill pee that this linn is out for business at fair Shedd'-tlto listened Alans IJluoil," etc., go prices. l.e shed and atone for let loud hid. ' worst J., Id:; history., flint doubt! Ti-.de, i thej The erim tin1 1 1 -t if E.-a- - The conference opened hen Saturday morning. the meetings were fairly w !! attended. On Sunday morning llhli-- Chri. tinnseu of 3Ianti spoke to the Saint- - on doing work for the dead. Showed to the people the necessity of the church ordinance of the vicarious work that should ho carried on for the redemption of tho dead. And in general illustrated that would accrue ' the benefits THE TAEEmCLS CEOR from following out the instructions on this principle. He a ked tho HV'dnnft ef It Will tbp Saints to follow tho instructions i iU.ii .1 i.. which they reel ived from time to Eisteddfod. jtime from the authorities, and h toped they would profit Ly tlic.-- e The Mormon Tabernacle choir of instructions. Salt Lake City has umi more ratio An President Paxman then gave a than any other exclusively church musto tin voting nu-ical organization in t lie United State-- . stirring- lecture lie It is the largest b idy of singers nith and young ladies of kion. ims Tie of gro-seemingly one great musical purpose spoke sorrowfully in lea and sympathy under one leiship morality of some of the young peo- lias tins country. The opportunity !ph of Xephi and 'sail thaUsuc-now come tor all the he. ers of chorus things ns these wochl. ii O'Uitmued choir of sin girg to ll";)'- the ta m 'mecs. It will sing under its wonYu-fu- l cause the church to bore a He h ader, Prof. Evan Stevens, at each tiie eyes of the world. of the sessions of the Eiste hlfod, a ml powerful testimony t the gospel at tin? closing concert,. The paviiwn of Christ and hoped the young men wdi accoinod ite Jo.odi) cnuiforiabiy, the example of the This is a would emulate and there are seven sessions Sa ior in leading pure and holy rare chance to hear something good. r , empire, d .e ;i a.:, r was int.-reM- 3. Monday, John. T. Moh I'rufe'sor r the was iu chair. I: understood that the institute would have s rue music, hut the si t.ers Were at t he EbUddfod at ver. Thi.- - is explained in justice to the was Ih-r.-- : j Urn ques-ungiip,- - -- - - Tided'- i ...... that - ! 1 1 . lit I - l , l . ii fun'diar . - r i Hi i v" K vs .i a r ii . t i. j lives. the people. THE REPUBLICAN The law has been carried out. the cry for blood has been appeas-- j :t Is ed. and the people are satisfied. Forceful A & ard Document the Matter Open. Leaves HYDE ADDRESS. Afternoon Session. I ( jZNSEN. Oar perusal of the adlress of paity shows to us that the is of more than ordinary issa piesent rhe Flour Mill Will Open imp' an a nre, and will) regard to the elect ouil vote it wlv'y and eons 'ien-- t Week, i.nisly leave? the matter open. We are satisfied that this light is !n classes and tne masses, and the The tkuir juill of llyd-- ; A Jer.si'n wi no iief the money lenders come to a open about the middle next week. Mr. reaiia' ion of their inability to control Hyde when seen by a reprswit iti e r tin masses of the west the better. The this i'aier; said that tiie mill laid ei a u wouhl have bean fought some w renovated from to to bottom; t In: sooner it is over the betiu,' r machinery put in: a general clem u lliu western people have been tin had been gone through and L i " m ,i i"is of Wall Street long enough, vi-- theK?-piihiuM- n ? is-- - : - - ,1 ! was in a line condition. It can be attended to WaliSfreet is in die pay of Eng-the people must, tight e whidj will lie berielicial i The Trilnine of Iriday dm we-a fit'.iatiou in a nut shell and d . ly tlnn: - a- I we -- that Lin; Hour from this firm is t! est quality and the people slum H onie hi ron i.e them freely. thebe should at any price Irger.,1." i j i 0 !. i - mb i. 1 RN, CONG 1 between undars-.undin- im. chads of both tne old par- ; i uc ir.j no.v djri.ttmg liow they ican o mo,! f drctive, whatliir by jain- .sen ira. o sir Li on . Hut tiie in g lore, .a.' Tin aflontnon services were opened with prayer by TUh r II. F. 3IeCime. Cuun.sellor J. V. Paxman presented the authorities to the people which were unanimously sustained. Apostle Tcnsdale was then called upon to speak to the people, aud lie took for his subject Obedience" He went on to show the objects that would lie brought about hy following the instruction-- ; of tho elders of the church, (lave to tho people some good and wise council on their duties. This was the theme of Apostles Tea.'daie's throughout the conference, anil if the people will only take tln-i.to heart we will have better men and women, who will live parin' and Letter l:es, and who would receive the approbation of i it. h p'rf'ct ' r A GIG ANTI deg-utra- j The judgement of the governor in the mutter is spoken well cf and is receiving the commendation ofj i 1 1 return in a mad Jit ofjedousy, he after iinbioiug a lot of whiskey committed the dead, j ovon-ing,- sic - I t vc-r-y - -- J . j 1 , amv.-wa- pn-ti- e . teaeh-lnstitut- l s been meted out l.iotm it Lie of Thiede ti., ued and the removes from the earth one of the worst criminal-tha- t Utah lias lead. to the Herald Thiede, igof Triday, e.mfes ed f a friend wlmse name is L be hej.t secret that he committed the ed charged. though jealo' y. Jf appears that his wife, wh ie n a visit to the old country, came t ;to--:- an old lover of hers and L w:t i sported to Went on to show up the stud.' of 3 rofessor Widts e, or the and said if you have not t ura! College, Lett an, w as introduced a mat hi mi. real mi d r;i cannot learn by Mr. Miller as the Hr'- spoakrr. Tire; much ir. the "mid." subnet "as botany." The ej either gave a good lemare an this subject, showing the dilferet.eo ia plant life! ' ami its various forms. Picfestor Lund, of the fl. Y. Acad- Pnitmir Jtd.n T. Muller in the i which w.m st h u'l. Mi etii g was jtened with sing dry, gave web n ccied. -- , l."oh-s-- i ; dv .u,,ivi h i.( cl the . l'rotes.-o- r h ewart of the University S. College spoke on the subject r f of Ptnli. opened up with a few inter'English.' Spoke at great length on esting ivmarks upon his being a farmer, the subject and elucidated in a lie was a strong believer in w (irk, it pleasing' manner to lr.s hearers. meant experience, ability and wealtli. A Tiiaviio.s 2 p. iu. He eaid be would choose four foundastones for his subject for the tion subProfessor Widtseo coiuiuued ids e knowledge, sympathy, freedom ject of botany. He made some arid audience favored the responsibility." Trofessor Lund t he conJitinn to of the hu relerence Servocal .Schuberts seh a with ctinn, race on man went to and show that the with received was which great enade" f thwere spmiding world !" leeeived and the enUunir applause so.oi.ii.oim per day in prepamtion for an encore. Professor Willard Hone continued wm in the destruction of each ot her. We boast f our civili;:ati"n, hut we Ills subject of "English." lie made a have just begun. Ifcferred to verv forcible argument ea entrusts it to Utah. At llurris'iii's an said it was well known that many was tli at time there not the best of families who l.ad .splendid libraries by of Utah and between the feelings on people side their well known authors, had Said United the Utah States. that dime board or some secluded corner, Kehad misunderstood. ent been irely was He of novels trashy literature. Sabasked many questions by the students ferred to the ovation given by the which he answered intelligently and to bath school children to the President of the United States on that occasion. their satisfaction. Th president was astonished at th'J loyalty of the people of Utah.. The EVENING speaker made reference to the class ot teaehtrs we should have so tint we After singing of America- Ly the must have moral men and women as choir the meeting opened with prayer Next spoke of how de-- I VE.Ord. John by endcnt we were all to each other, "and Professor Done then gave a lecture made leference to the uselessness (if on Odd Moments." ispoke chiefly on the millionaires of today, without the time its uses and abuses. Keferred to aid of the laboring classes. Made men" the great geologist Hugh Miller, of tion of the Pmtbschilds, Spoke very Scotland, who improved all his odd mo- feicil'ly indeed upon the hypocrisy of ments under the mest ditlieult circum- mankind in general, and made refer-- j stances. The lecture "was attentive!.' cnee to the young men and young la-L.stened to by the audience. on the d:cs exhibiting them-che- s j sin. Inal er. j i j . erect deal of f. "or T:a.i:er iat reilm-epo- S'; art as a g..ii fellow. I lei d with Piotesser Tar, nor in treat nog go g'a; ay ami .said he thought u was a ccr.'ial study. Science ot ed.ii- cite a is the hardest of ail sciences ,u d deals with more complexities, of a bright lutnre for the i our Father. Conference then adjourimd. RATIONAL BANS MEETING id) Bank ogetl.cr t! rough the Hard stums becnms laTg'-i"dt stories smaller. tt:e iag bi.visu c ?! d'.iug fact - of tho net ion (ft l.o eaitk. ri.Mwing that ;d snum ed by the rubbing urn cityef waier. t - , ; ;,',u if ar! v. one n fob wing some "orld's leio b-- 1 'sien.ihat VC ti e- umm Ei ve S g re; cs. :. i a m:. l Tl.,.s Unm d Si.e. of cf "i ' -, : . e i I w (Joan iiss!"U t ccld t ,o h. i ii ' Ni b ( ii.,- - I: 'jUlttall.s bottom cf j r ;ug ne n Jg "d 1 . , "II . th" swa, ard h. nee d m'.-our hate forinnt ict.s ai. 1 heavy metals. the heavy g ing to the butt an. Prok or Pane or.tinue.l his sub jocLif E'.pih'.?. Spoke chie11 upon graraO"!' and tiie I lode of how it should taught to tho young. rrok-.-e- r M.ker stated that ark J L mi-sio- n, ('ago, j soils V, ar:-- horn or " is a p U . ; . I e. P (.'.. (.,, on e - g Ci'--y ; an ! N sg . : - . I i r : grea t ss m c . t l ' I.i i i , I i., g ., l i ir i i.V x.i . . i.i f hi jw .r i I uo no co 1 . I o i :a . ! 1 . I i i : j : -- ' - ! i ' a ai'-- net? 'it. i'.":i i'lOU f' f en-r- Mr. bank : ir in 1 1 at-b- v. of n M I.ie N L:n,k Mr. idml Wv !:,- i- ! iv. u S ii: E I'm In i:,g m ai-- o Mr. Erii-k-oa of M.. G ". '.Vi,i! more . 1 i 1 . hr.-.- : f- 1- I,( d lb.: a" , Tills tirm Ci y Cnuncil. .sa sii..;:i ia jiu Utah, and Last, i"atecn !! its employ. lay x haul at a. m. d aang . i" o. y i :.i .1 ai lione-t- y and Lor ii Is s j j si .a.,n, I'lcadiing si vvioos at v p. n... i ho a m os 1..V Th ,'T m c li and as lk. - 'stands f mj i ChrisThe tho ct. ump.e'tionsd Suhj Triunqh i t wo t '..mt of sp;.c: in tho pot Las boon moulded r.cis U.'.ug rar.gi'iio't. - had b.u n mad? fertcans tern." .. a ).d t!;o ias.a thin of the 11 ia an of " rock i.i.:i;nl the a to on Ail the te upon 'tabihiy, enterprise (rbi the take up to idoe ork' it, is mt, to toe laccticg li i next and tprogre-siveaes- s m ii au Mt. .Nolo. plt-te- r cm s a j T"" i i i v .- i . ... A a.t t k . i nditics. j;..;, J Ui'-- : , .j l . i s o- - '(.a:,' i'.- .' "'o',.;, , i It ca op i ;., M'.c'l .V i g t .o l.s " ie at tl.i ,u ii , S n ia a Mast in 1 tin- - bulk ill! 1 of In ('. Chap. S. Tingey iepu"s the in a nourishing condition, and ai sitisiiedat its standing. A tegular ill vi lend was declared, and tiie meet ing a ij tan e 1. Tiie pc?p!e of tnis region should support this bans for by doing so ou support home in !u urv.JJ |