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Show i V Lc i..:T'U.LiiC'( itllll, Jl2, -- C-- . Angus- - turciy, N p You Cant FasI fill the N People All the Time . J f - t : t 1. 'i 1 ' i i: ALi'iiiiuu T.i i c t : ;; ar.tl it A a tru, (!. Lai its trite la;-- of the case. toln'.-- , can talk ;Uout c:;a; ca-- h v, cu c n:c Ci own to tl.iti : i afi- tis kot a ml cla a., t ;;i the Yi u . . '.i r. i '. (.! - - ! : c.il Ord Bros, Kave the Finest and Most Complet Line Yi . f Gents Clothing in Ncphi. ltLli,e: a:ul Cha Iren's hi tin? Latest Mile-- , Aczry' INHUMAN A Spanish General Shows will be declared on the 1st. The property lias made a wonderful good record since its incorporation last spring, having paid $62,000 in without dividends, shipping a s ore. There of its pound is a million dollars worth of first-claore blocked out, some of which runs lip into the hundreds of ounces in silver, and this will he stopped until there is an improvement in prices. The entire revenues are derived from the second-clas- s and milling ore, and there is no property in Utah in which such large bodies are Mining Notes. TREATMENT. the Breed ing of a Cur. A telegram from Ivey West, Fla., dated July 26, says: Advices re ceived from Havana sta e that the Spanish authorities are prosecuting Owen Melton, the young American confined in the Cubanas, because of letters, it is claimed, he furnishin the United ed newspapers States regarding the brutal treatment of prisoners. Last Friday Melton was summoned before General 01i era, Governor of the and questioned in regard to a letter which appeared in an American paper, a marked copy of which was sent to General Olivora (Inter Mountain Mining Review.) The Mercur Mercury says that ore trains are now twenty-thre- e kept busy hauling ore from Ophir to the terminus of the railroad. a, I am a blooming and I only live to eat My dens are filled with dead mens bones in Wall and Lombard street. 1 wine and dine luxuriously; Ive got a vested rignt To goble up what others earn whatever is in sight. I've got the people by the throat submit to me they must, Anil, may the public all be damned with a Tariff or a Trust That makes the tramps and millionaires; but I dont care a So I can dress in rament that beets old king Solomon. If any dare complain, Tll cry out, Anarchist! Call out the troops and Piokertons, and give the screws a twist. I never did an hour of work of houest work, 1 mean Tne only labor I can do Is gamble, lie or scheme; Ive bought the Press and Pulpit he price was pretty high But I dont have to pay the bills I work it mighty sly, sometimes I fear I must Yes, I am a blooming gold-buand wealth with pride, or else Ill surely -- vi. Stop swelling up If I keep spreading out much more, you all can plainly see There wont be room upon this earth for any one bnt me! a gold-bufrom my birth; I am a blooming gold-bu- g own the balance of the earth, It wont be long before Ill And it I hear complaints at this or any dare to scoff, I will drive or crowd em off. As sure as Im a gold-bu- first-clas- ss . Cu-bana- A Blooming Gold Bug. Discoveries of free milling gold ore Lave been made in Box ldider county, about fifteen miles from Terrace, and many locations have been made. David Keith, one of the owners of the Silver King at Park, City, recently purchased the southern extention of the famous Virtue mine at Baker City, Or., and will shaft at once. The sink a 500-foas the Consoliis known property ot SALT LAkE TRIBUNE. SEMI-wEEKL- y Semi-Week- ly g n. Semi-Weekl- - g, Eldridge Smith, Washington, D. C. iv 5 two-foo- j 1 first-clas- .7?prEgyptian - . j m f i,. 1 Ih ' v.'g l! ir did Lid D.2,5')1 L,-- , V'. .. v-- V) IVMW- -d by G. K. OIKLING. A SAMPLE COPY FREE f icm CC3 C3 75 C3 50 CO 250 GO ICO 00 120 CO X 7 W VT WILLIAM J. UR YAW, is Editor, sentence t e enclosed with ono dollar for a it is required that each compnting is issued in secsubscription. The WttiUY World-Herayearsand hence is nearly as rood as a daily. It is the western champion of free tions, semi-week- ld j o $ and out-'- j KisSaSI Plan, 1st P.izs. Style 3, 2d Priis. Eic;cl8, (or oiaa or 3d Prize. Cash ID Cash Prizes, eacb $25 10 Cash Prizes, each $10 60 Cash Prizes, each $2 P, r piper . .1. POISE, 8BNTEGT.. A go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences are next in length. letters will receive a paper Every competitor whose sentence reaches forty-tw- o c covered volume containing.twelve of Wilkie Collins novels whether ho wins a prize or not. Thiscontest closes .. 18b6. The prize winners will be announced one week later and the winning sentences published. Incase two or more prize-wining sentences are of the same length preference will be given to the best one. Each competitor must construct his own sentence, and no person will be allowed to enter this contest more than once. Sentences cannot be corrected or substituted after they are received. Residents cf Omaha are not permitted to compete, directly or indirectly. RULES FOR THE SENTENCE 04 o' Others Furnished.) Tho length of a sentence Is to be measured by tho number of letters It contains, but no letter can be used or counted more than three times. ?o word except a or I can be used more than once. The sentence must consist of complete words, idgns, figures, abbreviations or contraction-- , etc., must not be used. The pronoun I" and the article a will be accepted as complete words. Proper nouns cannot be used. Each contestant must indicate by figures at tho end of his sentence how many letters it contains. of which This remarkably liberal oiler is made by the VTsekly Would-UeEaXthe distinguished , 1 ..4lh $ 1,135 00 rwAfV 83 Prizes A Tbs first prize will bo Riven to the person who constructs the longest k v sentence In Rood Kngllsh containing no letter of the alphabet more than three V V times. It Is not necessary to use every letter of the alphabet. The other prizes will 0 cinn-'-ero- , , g Reduced to $2.00 per Year After Jun dated Virginia. 1806. On of the tho 1st in Sal; Lake Tribune will June New strikes vicinity reduce the price of the to Marysvalo have stimulated opera- f'2 00 per year. The present high stand W at Minister be will ard and every effort by the Spanish A vein will be mademaintained, tions in that district. y to keep tbs in Melton evaded the quesfront the rank. 155 and of ounces silver carrying tions, and Olivera became furious. $84 in gold has been discovered eix ATTENTION, SHEEP MEN. He ordered the guards to bind miles southwest of town, and many Melton, and then the prisoner was locations have been made. The Denver & Rio Grande B. R. on thrown to the floor. . Jnly improved and enlarged their 12. G. Eognon, secretary of the sheep 1st corrals at Tennessee Pass, ColorOlivera then paced the room, Dalton company, visited the prop- ado, where there is the finest ot mountain hurling epitheta at the prostrate grass and clear running water, which is man and threatening to have him erty last week, and reports that the freVofcost to the sbeep men. The combeen connected Not knowing to what tunnel has now shot. pany has also provided sleepiag accomowith the shaft. It is 200 feet in dations, which will be kept especially lengths the Spaniard's rage might and the connection was for sheep men who stop there to graze lead him to, Melton finally denied length, made at a vertical depth of GO feet. their sheep. We can handle your mutton for all eastern markets. Before ordering that he had written the letter and of vein t At a this point your cars, be sure and write for further agreed to write a disclaimer. The ore is exposed. A half U car-- information to either good prisoner was then unbound and load of s ore is sacked and B. F. Nevins, General Agent, wrote the disclaimer, stating, at George A. Hawses, Traveling Freight for shipment, anil the dump Agent, Olivera 's suggestion, that the pris- ready is being sampled, with a view to A. J. Gregory, Traveling Freigh oners were well treated. it contains Agent. 5S West 2nd South Bt. , Salt Lake whether determining Since this occurence Melton, has city. been treated with great indignity. shipping ore. "What was known as the Load He is constantly watched by a If you want any Job printing done come to us . & Dalton owned Lark the by guard, and a leper has been placed Mill, in bis sell. It is said Melton be- company, at Bingham, was totally lieves the Spaniards hope to drive destroyed by lire last Friday. It fv Ancient him to suicide or to commit some was a concentrating plant, of 150 act which will give the guard- - an tons capacity, was purchased from O ngriciiltvre are nit apexcuse for shooting him. A mon- the original owners last spring. If1 tS piu. .".Mo tn the work of t:n AmeriL today. If ymiwis-wore A to Ut'.p improvements ster petition was sent from here to Expensive lully informed of the best '1 vviy, ;nj ln n:is ot sn,ces...fullv . grow ini' With farm and orJ.nrd Secretary Onley today, demanding made to the plant, and it was I.,'-- f,' YI crop; irri-(turn yon aij of doeottii 4 to tli:b raat re id a jotirnai that this Government secure Me- valued at 825,000. The Dalton & Ltiyof ' 1,1 to partmilar Mibiect. lo you wish learned been have extremeothers by hac profit Lark vlut company ltons release or an amelioration of ut the of a., immense A Hyof etpooe tine and monev? ly unfortunate of late, hat sems to ii Ji J'it his condition. I, ;s y. t,r or $1 a ye.ir is the ro.--t ot the only m.u: Hue which will hive you the resources to cepe with tr .4 Si' pas-es- s the desired information. It is handft' .id ' practical and instructive. and it i s oxpoct-- r le,;' SL . h some, IRRIGATION emergency, every AGE. CHICAGO. g(THE is tisaa. And ik'ti This ash-Ingto- gold-bug- ly -. V silver coinage and the leading family newspaper of hiebraska. Audreys, 2 ' WeeKiy '2'Z-rl- . o "5- World-Heral- d, Omalia, Neb. a |