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Show The Republic. Kephi. Utnh- Suturiuj- Air - - SPANISH EHUTALITY. TIIE ft t! EMIT'-Bldr- . ut to th L ( Xti'.v tliat Em l.iom-- tla- - mind- t.u 'ti-i- s w 1 lien j i 1 d ii I in iftu'i- L are I I - ,l with tin-- 1 t: a eEa me In uket fir JU .. a Ah pr Li ,ia 1 :.! in ral ii' the t in ; v is . g ;r t ufti.f - rs. 1 f iv;-- tuiV. fi -- L I V f! ra-..- .:. g-- a of pulitr specification ut legal C". e: i,.. U i D Unit d United state -- . th rr lit b il.au o of Mates, Cuba's emancipation ha 1 lie bond holder- - can be A e:vl. I ; tVc AYe ejmmt c.x 1 !U-ecertain to obeurity. g percentage relegated :s m.L mn '.CUUT11)N: it Europe ''w The slot li ful less and sluggavdiy greenbacks, etc. ur debt r aaJ must settle lu'"r "fall people, an O'D Or in nv. conduct of the present administraEurope's sliver so thin skinned that th ... i i her gold, euu- - tape ;l ;ttle lecture without .i, tion in Cuban ail ail's cannot help is m iv'.il .1! om t, three to se-- , is not our fault. AY- - iutvX hlor, but arouse the indignation of ... owd te 1. d filar on The en cents fie Laropean can not raise any indebtedness in to publish news without fear or people. vt merchant nr bunker will therefore The actions of drover Cleveland anvthing else but gold coin. make his trade ett!e:n rats with us in favor. Another thing we absoleis to ot silver tree I he wishes of to n the q ciore protituble tv from 3 t a 7 per lutely refuse to roat people w ho and his pandering object :) ' F.. IX i;t puKu indeb.edsen if it can, the bonded cent than in liis silver. With the ic- - may have incurred their hatred. Spain's diseased and norm-eateVia) i. United Mates, It will staut that European trade settlements These colums are not op-- n for viliaristocracy as against the battle lor States are made in with the Unitfication or ahue. So we hope peoand liberty of Cuba, shows be the means by which we can pay right for our gull and silver t::u itarrui-i- ri'i!i.i'ii;N'- omia:.y the tailing of this brutal and boor-jd- i for our merebaudi-- e in legal coin gold, parity will bear this in mind and not money is e.tablisheU in the markets of ple M YxCunc, Manager. we incumbent of the AYhite House, (silver coin predominating); ,the .N01.u Therewith the 371 grains ask us. toin of pure .ilver in our silver dollar and here can directed build manufactories llis recent speeches dol-v- e tl at Iki" AVI'5 wards the pioneers and builders of the west, with the same debased..?! the 33.52 grains of gold in uur gold ii tLe mail' a u uh1 for - railroad lar become of exactly can paythe west showed very plainly- a ui.ul m.Ultr. bullion in New Yo:k. woeful ignorance of the actions ol freightage with itmphuild railroads, The masses will see that ibis in fact carry- - on a general business the American people. The Old Reliable is not against protection, light one with with SATURDAY AUG. Mb, k'.ii!. to the another. his inabilitycope lly IItROY STEAM LAUNDRY. Tlic t upon a financial platform. Some people will say- - that n of Caban rights and his 1. Sa.Nfactu u will not trade with us. If greatest good to the greatest num- - YvrR rviUod for aiul total lack of conception of the very w o Vs for us we don't shirt wiNt- - a "jiokady. orVu-SE readi- her is needed. wo such him were could as one case the Monroe doctrine you:-ADVERT1places Bo a.1 sparks Catuly Ciax tore. of the most gigantic idiots that ly- get over the difficulty. Ilut no care how it comes: whether under E- H Jr. Agent. Sparks ever sat in the presidential chair of one, with any degree of common a Republican, Democrat or PopuIN bethe United States. sense would imagine for a moment list. As we' said at lirst. we This man who was elected to that the oast will cut oil all com- lieved that Senator Teller would fulfil the will of the people, ami munication with a, great bulk of luue tilled the hill and all parties THE CITY LIQUOR STORE, have conscientiously- - and who pledged himself to standby its western representatives just be- could The Finest and most complete the constitution of the United cause the people wi.--h silver to be consistently supported him, but if it is deemed right and proper Lines of Liquors and it will States, lias not only dismally- - failed placed on an equal parity- - with the to of have people majority to keep his promises, but is such gold. Cigars in Nephi. under -representaprosperity any The and liis an St. that a Mr. eastern John the in autocrat, prejudice doctrine, prominent Wo believe , Salt Lake leer on Iiaml. numnot allow will who was ousted tive of the parties. Why-- let us man. to the greatest banking granted good have it. But bond contracts that ber" says an exchange. Then vote him to see farther than the end of from his position as president of a are made Courteous treatment to all. payable in gold must be silliis in facial bank east his of because the silver! appendage. free for J. R. Edgheill Prop. He is not uor never will lie gift- ver views, spoke in this manner in strictly kept. ed with any sentiments of probity, the convention of the new silver Who are in favor of having a THE SUMMER INSTITUTE. ut uprightness or scientiousness, for party and his words should be Tits Denver & Rio Grange company of the National (uard us and let rogury and rascality he is without perused by every student on this see and Come Nephi. question: The Summer Institute held in equal. RAILROAD. us know your views. us with a "sudden threaten "They this city- this week lias been very If ho had been the man that the retirement of SdOO.OOOgKX) Scenic Line of the World. gold, with in so far as education is American people believed him to the successful, conaccompanying panic, causing Taney Herr Mod and Ik Tilery be he would have long ago put a traction and commercial disaster un- concerned. LEADVILLE, same, the platform. Anderson on The Only T.ine ASPEN Ve answer that onr total The subjects treated were to the scene of carnage which paralleled. stop Two Kuntiim; lamb PPE11LO. Talk about tlie lion and the Fsit of gold other than about SlO.uitO,-00stock rhroujrh is and the teachers and Tniibw Da.ily.to' Spain perpetrating upon liberty (COLORADO is a SPS, that or $1.7, 100,000 circulating on the citizens in lying down together, why DENVER. Cuba. were instrucattendance loving 1aei tic Roast is already in retirement. fool to these two extremists. ted. day- bring Thedispatchcs EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1094Practically all of our gold is in the The news of some act of brutality which United States should No. Wvs Salt Lako yO.'i ;i. in. ;ir-have Train general public Treasury or held bv rs at PurMo ri: 10 n (olorih Springs this num has been heaped upon the heads of bunks. The gold in the AY hen the reader gets shown a of 7:51 a. m. Drnvci 0:30 u. m.. Cripple (YerU '.U50 greater appreciation Treasury will m. Shortt-.UiK to ('rippit i. ,oIornloM if (diaries remain there the men who believe the cause of the Secretary avails of these meetings than they have. her of The Republic. ;rnM camp, 7 Xn hsivt Tram Lake Sait his redeem in. to p. United States As these institutes are promulga sit In !!( riuir p. in. t'uioi'iiOn Spin :i aiwives Thiedes soul will have ringed its island is a righteous one, and who notesoption 0 .53 p. in Iknivi-silver. in The the hanks gold to have forsaken home and kindred ted lor the edification of the people in..CmiiiivluiihD.C5 m. at Pimhio, (0ora.0o Right from this sphere, malmp utes the quiet and undisturbed suiO rpnvr w it Ii sill Spring'-esit. Eh 'tolxt for tlu-i-, be confronted by the, s.piiiti his vlistir cnr. ami Inllman emancipation and portion of their iV'erves against their the people should not be wanting r;iiit Oay coin'lln sill trains. Takt-tlD. UkeporH h (r. am) freedom. liabilities. murdered wile. It will continue to do respect for the promoters. And in Imve a rnmfnrtaMe trip ami rnjoy tin iim't MHrv mi tlm ouniiinmt. S. K. HOOPER. The action of (Jeneral Olivera, money duty as such reserve after free future they should turn out am A. S. lit( ES, Tr.ulir Manasr'!, (L P. tt T. A.. coinage of silver is enacted. Hence a sustain them in their endeavors to is nn Den a r. 'ol. not of an Colo, the Cubanas, tr, AYlicn the, people want legisla- governor on B. F. N'EYIXS, it will not contract the instruct mankind. II. M. rL mx;, premium Agropt, Tra. tion passed favorable to them, it. is exception to the rule practiced by currency, Thu utmost possible con-- ' salt Lakh City, UTam. nomonof these nabobs a of traction the mouldering currency will be the called revolution. AYlicn the few millions circulating on the Pacific in and His bility-. the down beastly, Are we for silver? Yes. m ignorant poor ey barons grind Coast, ami this will he retired, but to blood in action at bonds regard buckets ful! thirsty hdr unholy scramble lor slowly. THURMAN Jv WEDGWOOD, Melton the American correspondis called business. it A similar threat, of a flight of gold i.igli prices ent who is coalined in the Ca- was nude fur the Eland act of WS. Attorneys - at - Laty. We think that for the sake of a President Hayes was urged to veto it, banas, shows the breeding of it would he better for the John. I) Rockefeller lias again iniM'ivant and a cur. but Congress parsed it over the veto. harmonyItoom I inul 3, i senti-Democrats to quit slurring the ae ecu exhibiting' his inherent Fir-- t National Eank BaUui-'UInstead of a of as has been flight gold, The sighs of the times point very time ot Eons this A .cut of philanthropy. Republicans. predicteil, vu gaieuj by importation UTAH pnovo, plainly to the era w hick is not iar t l,0.:V),0Uil the li i st year, 770,0.) ),0 K) the man can please himself what he j is a gift of 273 acres of. land, be will no tu xt, iiml distant .when Spain' t'oiM.t) ,0 the thiol year. lued at NdOD.OOit, to the people of mure. lls caducity is alrcady unrig the 15 years tint the act was on cveland, Ohio. Now notieeable. ami if the present strug-gle.i- s the statute bo'k we gained 551 ,0i'0.0,!i) a cent a gallon rai"f ieteiga gold. Instead of ihe.de- prolonged, while it will cripn n yi 51 rrt fe N t iiO- !, as hie! g Aim? : - - q gca ple Cuba fur vcai'S to- come, the p.t; oiled St lies per M a q I eis ita will have the saiiMae-Sonaliiu!e ti J d at Ed on E.e in the tinturn of seeing rotten monarchy dev of enaeti.ii ht. sold at 150 per real Cannon's letter w 0.1, m three year-a- of at 130 percent H Luke Tribune of Sunday ringSpain, together with its goods iih.si s In toad of defeating w ijrently. inch :1nd sold the in auction chattels, th the spirit of patrioti-a tae of ion Xr spori.i 1:11 a K H'S U1y piyinentson nvs to the people not only h.s marts f the world to sati.-f-y the i;. diiiuarv nf the th follmving year, liistitutnm.-- . dcbte.lne s wluen it has incurred. to Ameru-aNjlvor lll)!I(lrg winch wore w 1.0 W here is e nt tho,1 m D7S and eirou! ited Cleveland! to Wake liis up T :t ei:;e honesty U aiti-Eitlier "f ihe sil cr er:iticatos reduce-the patrioti.-m- ? m to the Senate of y,ur lu oi'ih r to in am- - room for our now fail Muck wlm h w III Mion' the government for gold. si- - ''A"'1'' 1!i'U drew from of wake state up your tps. mee, i he threat of disaster no.v w arrive, we will for the IvLoTFrt , elom- - out' C'ct Oil and deal justice with P r.c fuural.itien. "CiM Summor hlock at Or0:lt,-- v priei ineludli glim fillow-- t the edi- tin- earth. Journal Thi is what will follmv ti,oiU1' (mirc I- n:l)AV MOBNINU acr, Editor. -. 1 1 u-l- M I -u j i ; -- ; i j j , lu-l- - j I I . i n . i 1 - ? t H- , Dont Forget. et,oinl-v.:i-,,- tin-eas- que-tio- Sure that -- A: - TtieRepliblic Pay you. by-tl- thick-headedne- m ss j - 0 - - U ri m-.- Cido-U.- 4 rr- -, cun-ni- t A: 111 ( . (hm-r,i- l . 1 - I T rs iLM 1 or f.- H 13 J i iM - n m 0 1 . aJ. . j 1 : - i j 1 Tlqtixfy Dnyt?. ;:n-ss- ld-- ' - The Logan tor of this paper is a Republican. if Editor We beg to protest. headline our Warrum will notice very Irout page it will on we lavor paity, plain Iv that will whieli for principles but are of tin enkanee the masses. time, j SONPS AND SILV ER. thuTreav.iry 'l'-n- tin- - i Burke Coekran is on his 'ear. He don't like the Chicago platform. The people never did understand him especially his Tammany Hall methods. -- It is a question of morals says lie. Certainly to a "gold-bug- " and a capitalist every introduction of reform for the masses is it is anuichy. TYor.se than that reopening of our mints gold uiieu !y in ihc Trea-urmain there, if CKiiinnii There are a great many irreconcilable iews as to the payment of siome silver bonds. advocates will go far towards trying to explain that if we get free silver that we can pay- - our bonds in that money. Xow as an ardent advocate of the silver cause, and in justice to those who are termed "gold-bugs,we desire to state that that is not the way- - we view it. When bonds have beeii issued, and the contract stipulates that they must be payable in gold; suck " tr.ij Tre redieem silver; y will the ing lines: re- dictates m lnageniont, that is. if I'xeun-e- s 'the op'i m to run cl Hoys H-ii-si Cnited States notes in silver. premium on gold wid nut occasion a contract ion of tho currency, bank hoards of gold continuing to servo as a pc rtion of bank reserves against bank liabilities. A premium on gold will tend to increase uur by causa of rate foreign exchange: ing higher that is to say, by yielding a larger net return in dollars on the sale of bills of A Unde rw car, UNTo Olotlxins oliLAXon i', IlOscry, Sliocs and Slippers, Sills. Trimmings and DrosQ Goods etc. Besides the largest line of Carpets ever offered in Xephi. We invite exchange with which to pay for goods satisfied w e can. you to call and examine these as we fer-imported. The tendency of increasing . save and please you you money-our exports and decreasing our imports 1 first, to set our spindles running, swell the number of paid operatives, increase their wages, thereby adding to the number aaJ paying ea- will be, Ghas.Foote, XELMIl CITY, UTAH. |