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Show N T'hn ParV1! ik'auii i t 1 k TTiV i Q t r, J.X . 0 Q nnrp w7nnn If 5 OF OIIF2 DISCONTENT Said the Immortal Ikml Shakespeare. At the time whoa those mmnraV.e words were uttered they wore trying indeed. But such ex. pressions us these may have been uttered by some of Xephi's citizens. Iiut if such lias been the cae. they can very readily dispel them now. For we have the wherewith to turn your discontented looks to that of brightness personified. WS HAVE 6.fy'r, Just received a great consignment of the finest line of Children's Clothing that Xephi's city ever saw. and at such prices that will make your ears tickle with pleasure at their cheapness. AJjJU WOOIi BVXTB From Four Ages The to Ctfom $175' to $8. Years. Xim-tee- cheapest and best line of Ladies and (lenfs Footwear in town. We are determined to compete with any store in legitimate business, in the matter of prices and Goods whether Eastern or Home made. W. X. ' SCIENTIFIC AI, The Great Ice Sheets of Hie Period. OXXJO, southeasterly across New England, and medals by the demonetization of silver, PAY & JENKINS. southerly and southwesterly across the and the attempt to maintain our credit basins of the Liuremian lakes; from in gold, has reduced the redemption Mauitobia and the Saskatchewan region money of the world from 7,517,333,215 to Two Neplii Boys Who are Doing a the southerly into Minnesota, Iowa, the 3,727,018,Sfi9, or a little Dss Good Busin 3ss. amount. Coins Financial Dakotas, and Montana: from British original Columbia into Idaho and Washington on School. the south, into the edge of the Pacific Two of Xephi's Young men li.ul consider Ocean on the west, and down the Y ukon ed Ibr some time the mhi .ability of Vail y on the north ; and from the great RANGE & CO. northern Barren Grounds northerly down lishing ill the furniture business, the Mackenzie and across the islands of The enfei prise shown by these gcntlc-- ; of the Arctic Sea . men cannot liel t but cunmiuid the ndmira-- I Have Done A Very Good El mess Northern Europe and the present lion of all the people and we trust they basins of the Irish, North, Baltic, and At Nonhi, j may do a good business, White seas were covered by an ice sheet From present indi utmus. they an' pu-which attained an extent of 2,033,030 ing tilings along in gicit shape ami hope square miles, being hilf as large as that The lilli'l'lij.li" in iv.l- - spoke t() to ra r the neople's wants. of Norta A meric i; and its maximum y of the won 'which lus hetn of beds the and the above iea S.ve depth Baltic. Sea and G ali of Bothnia was one done by tlie jilmtograpie linn on Main mile, or More probably two miles. The Street, Ncphi. and tlie people can unv, testiof tin's papers j high, much eroded, and channeled Scan- fv of th( truthfuiae-dinavian plateau even now has numerous 'marks. In speaking it h Mr. Ikmee v.e' M r. Jacob Esboneu , who is in the e:n-- I s ploy ot the Chicago Lumber Co., at local ice fields, varying in sizs up to 530 .1'ivcd hnu how mam long-- r he wotilu May Moines, Iowa, says: h.ivo mat sent remsquare miles, which are doubtless ill town, and this' Was his medicine back to my mother in the reply. "You some nants of a continuous glaciation through ran toll the public th d old country, that 1 know from personal fnll'civ to tie the best medicine in tne world all t lie centuries since the vast European ljo one week longei tor rhpumatipni, having used it in mv ice field of the Glacial period flowed out- just Y fVr. No.v citizens of Xephi, if von nidi t. years, it is called ward on all sides from this great plateau. humoerlnins Fain B.ilnr It always have taken toto GO s wi'd worn. c Fur j'do-- the your pictures you ant bottles for sale Boulders from its rock nations were by A. Lnnt X. Sou Druggists. o: the oppm U:ult v icial currents in ail you i then borne by the slow eastward to the headwate.s of the .Volga, w ill he tlie kid wek. Notice of Dissolution. southward to the Dnieper and the Udine, 5Ye can s iv their work Ins be-- n r: In !lt ' 'i j. and soathvvesttvarj to tiia northeastern ,n. and v, hope lh.-- will r t iin ninl sj shore of England, tuu 'confluent t. t; " at X v Iihih again. ..1 ' mu aal ti current of the ice 11 iwing away from the il inj. lu FillHart-Scottish Highlands wird1 oli the Scan-o- , na v i'' ") .! dinaviau ice after its passage over the bed n o! the shallow Norti Sea. The European ; lip I'1.1' c lllr.K - ,iHAY)' Oi MY ice sheet extended south oaiy to the intX ;ai i. W'Vnr-.i- a , my MJI v Hudj of 5) per cent, while that oi our Hoii.-.Xr;Iii City Hoarding continent reacht d to 33 per cent in soatli-10cm Illinais; but the (.inference was Kii Cold BaiiiS, Then yen need far to the present co.itrast of the mean annual temperature and isotherm-- ; lines Main S! net of tne two coruiuents. Today file Greenland ice sheet, the In r ie D'ug Lin 3 Malaspiua ice ohe.-- t b. tween (Mount St. Cm t Fail to Cal illia.s and the ocean, many glaciers southon us. ward along the Cordiileran mountain . . . belt, and the ice fields and glaciers of We ore iisre for Year !!3sllii. Norway a id the Alps, m ly be regarded as lingering representatives of the condition of the period, which not long '1 iu: Only First-;IaStore a ;o, geologically monk eg, spread a 1; of Suit Like. Soul .. m unite pall cf sau., uninhabitable desolation over large p... ts of the earth Drugs. Medicines, all kinds of Fancy that are no'.v temperate, fruitful, and hoap, Toilet Articles, Perfpopulous. Warren Upliarn in Popular ume-, Science .Monthly, Stationery. Artists and tlie best Soda water in Utah. Before Demonetization. A GOOD TOILET SOAP FOR 5c. one-ha- S State Officers and Juan County Directory. V S. lf f- 1 ' . Inventor. Stvivtarv of . r. n: Allonift i I'm ' liiiits T. iliumuw. j o i a m . , C. Z;uhm 15 a rt ll V J . A. M in-r- l)iKtn,-- . .Na.ihh i'mti i.t Liiwha r Laul r ha ml i i Web, Janus flupnim M'HVaii KiHia rN, A. C. John U. li,, .) JudtY Fittli Jmlirial h- Allen K. .... . TrenMuvr Auditor j . Uv'triu K, V. M.DnNro .J.ums ( Hi ulicM ( ifj .Ft ank IJai ns ri't' eiJojj-Mcrub- l - s j D-- . , AJ! t M M) 111 DID'. S(Urt inrii re-- , itf IrlTv J . up t I ( l ! n UHl i: Attorns Y i hi arl Y. f j i p. t . (,r ( Tivaurrr u) mas TO li t Nullt : t Y. ( 'ai- i I. , 1 Khu, .. J. . ; I Jt h. If. A. vsiir I .; 'Tmrfs i i .hf-iiy- Haul . Will, Or . . , j,t ' -- ; ( 1 .J'Hin T. MU;, r r -it rti t u- - nA ' Mm-r- - mX : us : ui. nc Unir'i U i.,'ii ,j, Iai Un L.irst'jj, Jnl.n h,im,n, A'Uv y. o, .1 J J H . A t , -!: ' a INS M 2 M a , Nt-pi- ANYTHING The Golden Eagle Ul.-.c.- s When You Want a Nice Drink Visit the Win Madi-rial.-- f . ;! X Tt man '"s S,, I V. hn n BLACKETT BBOS. N"oplii, XJtnli. l i . i.t 4 o r W. Al.ji', in LI nttr h Ha "I I.lMlil ,, N- , Mona Xs T S r H uYHm'J; ? T, V, Ik j j -- t ti SI fN - v .M- s - , II. M V., "- -. ) . in Ami iu cr aitl V 'I'm U Pr iu.tr;, inn p. m. ilf.Ut ' j: m. '2 in f. a m S i'iuhI W.MIm i -- ( I.I- -. i Faj t j n-- Ibb'-- '. v j n !i S.it i. nia inof-- lU'M s ;u Satm-tl.i- Presbyterain, lOv.O. S, Wilwn, p.isl.ip nvnlar .u II o', Kir, a. in ,17 c at 7 ..VI, .P. Suu.lay -- r.io.,1 at Ci u'.'l.j. l; a. Ci'a.'.tu- Boys, Before demonetization both metals constituted the redemption money of the world; and as both metals existed in about the same quantities, it gave us twice as much money of redemption as All kinds of beer, Ij.pi rs and cigars in gold alone will now furnish us. There stock. is in the world now, according to the report of the director of our mint, 3,727,01-8,80- 9 in gold, and 3,820,571,318 in silver. The dislocation of the parity of the two ' ! J list 1 in Juab State f 3 - Lam W ;u. !, . tsimi-h-ig- Ti "ins T U V'm ; t nUt j . If. (vs ii: i '"'Hv: j f v.n-r- j ir t 1 citir-s.iti'iu- ' hmtu-.- . 1 -( .t.i-.eve- l. Frank .J . Or n Arthur Hrvn. (oiL'I'iss... t sr i During the Ice age, or Glacial period oi sheets geology , very extensive aocl thick of land ice, like those now enveloping the Antarctic continent and the interior of Greenland, overspread the northern half of North America (excepting the greater part of Alaska) and .vorthein of the Europe, with nearly; the whole Tin-boundary southern Brittish Isles. of the North American ice sheet crossed Nantucket and Marthas Vineyard, Block Isiand, Long Island, and iotateu Island. On the mainland it extended through northern New Jersey and northeastern and northwestern Pennsylvania, being indented by a great angle, whose apeY was at Salamanca in southwestern New York. Thence it reached southwest and west across southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and through central Mssouvi, into northeastern Kansas; and beyond, eastern it curved far northward, crossing DaLoui-FroNebraska and South and North near Bismarck it again trended westward through Montana, Idaho, and Washington, to the Pacific Ocean not far south of Puget Sound. North of this line an area of about l,0.Mt(,3) square miles, stretching to the Arctic arc tipeliwas covered with ice hundreds and t deep. thousands of The comparatively small present ies ellect of Greenland cavers C75.G5J s paara miles, and rises with average slopes of fact or more per mile to a ci nlra! along its axial portion, yf eight feel, or almost tw6 mil s to ten thou-an- d measure vertically, above thm fhe ancient ice sneels had a sorilar altitude and thickness. From the directions at outflow of the North Ameiican icefields, as shown by the transportation of the glacial drift, and from the observed upppr limits of glaciation on high maintains, Prof. James I). Dana cstimut- the thickness of the ice formerly accun.- r.ed above the Laurmitide highlands, h ..en the t. Lawrenco P.iver and Iluckn Bay, to be fully two miles. It prooibly varied in thickness from one to two miles across highlands, Labrador, the Laurentide James Bay, Lake Winnipeg, Kcindeer and Athabasca lakes, to the Kocky Mountains, in the region of the Peace Eiver, where their summits, lower than southward, were probably buried beneath In British Columbia, the ice expanse. according to Dr. George M. Dawsons observations of glacial striae and drift on mountains, the ice sheet exceeded a mile in depth. In all directions from its thick central areas the vast continental glacier flowed outward, carrying its drift from Hudson Strait, Labrador, and Newfoundland easterly beyond the present coast line; from the provinces of Quebec and Ontario Sonatina rVlckMlf W, ,, Irr . 11;. MetiiodiU. at 9 oVUmk a. ai. Sunday Ihyulav km Sunday 7:BU ld. iWv. J, A. Simtii, l All as cheap as tlie cheapest. Ii'escrijitioii'i cai'cj'tilly and jH'ojootnulctl by a s Pa-U- ror-1ritt- s. Post OiTitc. Time of of mail from (He ofTlo and to Fount.arn Moroni ami Chester, leaves the ofiict. 10: p. m., daily. II. F. McCtxe, P. M. 9 Dfice Hours: ui., till 5 p m. Sundays 12 a. m., till 1 j.. in. dfparture AH mail jroiny South Pharmacy, Main Street, U. First-clas- s riuirmaist. L unts jf NephJ, . 3 I |