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Show J- s t C! - J .tfu'cYJ.. 'ui.agrew, wan, and after tLal Detroit it liAIiKXV JLe broken yet, tis queer deeply merged neath sorrows 1 II-- s Chicago Ilecord. The summer girl, the biking girl, Are drifting toward oblivion sad; For now, in lifes uncertain whirl. The candidate Dscomes the fad. Washington Star. One ball! the umpire loudly cried; And t Jen the barkeep at my side, Whose mind was ex er fixed on bizz. Inquired;'lStraightvhiskey or gin fizz? Philadelphia .North America. LL no InVla? Ever Known. Words cf Fraiso from a New Yoik Lady for AYERS PILLS , 1 e. tt-- of l.e.idaelie can-o- y th. 1 il Axel's ldis cannot -- -- o tom-aei derang.--mci:t-- be , jPasjpo f Nephi Her Resources - J Attractions. v U v ' -- St r. Tell me, ye winged winds, that round my pathway roll. Is there a place where it is cool, except up at the poll? A place where shirts neer wilt and collars aye are nite, And where we would not need cold drinks and water ice? The winged winds smile softly as they fanned their face. And whispered in my listening ear, There is no such place. Philadelphia Inquirer. I astced my What makes you ill? friend; He slowly shook his head. I am not ill; Ive just got back From a summer resort, he said. Cleveland Leader. She clings to last years bathing suit, For it she does prefer; ' The reason lor doing so Is that it clings to her. Pack. aw- -, t" - . -- mo- m tin cent -l Nq tr ot M Utah. rrxmnvs art practically t c poi.--t - t'ity f As. ruM.lt nit-- ; ) " V'1" . When my friends k me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stomach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in season, tbev will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, cheek fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, tin; best family medicine I have ever known. Mrs. May Johnson-- , 3bS Rider Avenue, a-- all-rou- New York City. Highest Honors at Worlds Fair. That actress showed training, at Ah? Yes. She bad one eye least. swollen shut and two large bruises on the neck. Detroit Tribune. I think Nells new photograph must look exactly like her. She Why? hasnt shown them to a living soul. Tits Bits. Men generally have more sense than women. For instance, no human power could ever persuade a man to put on bloomers. Somerville Journal. She loved him, but misgivings lingered in her heart. Darling, she faltered are you very sure you can pay the alimony to which I have been accustomed? Detroit Tribune. Miss Bjones uses French phrases in Does she? the most pecular manner. Yes. indeed. Why, at breakfast yesterday I asked her how she liked her eggs, and she said they were very chick. Philadelphia liecord. Chaperones must learn to ride wheels and be scorchers if they would be useful. New Orleans Picayune. A lady and gentleman touched each others feet accidently under the table. Secret telegraphy, she said. Communion of soles, I think, said. he. It is not good form. now to speak of an ocean greyhound. What is the correct expression? An ocean scorcher. Puck. Stimler has been married twenty-thre- e years. lie told me so himself. I suppose that explains the continual Cleveland harping on the crime of 73! Ayers Sarsaparilla Cures all The Chicago, Milwaukee Blood Disorders. A st. Paul Ry would look like this. Omaha - YrnOLF.-LY- iniu-?r- of v local. t.' , LOCAL TIME CARD. t an 1 the West. For maps, time tables and inlbrmation generally, callou or address Alex. Mitchell, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City, Etah. A bright and attractive JOURNAL. Devoted to letter writing rtul correspondence, especially auapvd to those who are downheaited,' lonesome and lonely. In it you will tine pleasure and happiness. Through it you may tlnd peace at heart. Send 10 cents for a three months trial subscription to Letters PublishingCo. sar-cas.- It is supplied with a complete system of orks along? which flows the water from distant some three miles up the pure springs canyon. To the west about five miles, the mountain ranjre is low, rolling and of easy access, and abounding w ith rich pasturage. To the east a couple of miles, the Xelx range abrubtly rises, to the northintoeast a few miles the region? of the top of Mt. Nebo rises eternal snow, Without exaggeration and without coloring, the foregoing is a description of the lovely city of Nephi, the Capital of Juab County iu which are found the mines of Tint ie, the wonder and admiration of the Great West. Besides Tintic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a portion of Deep Creek and otherin wealthy and the Western Avowing camps aye situated part of Juab County. Following is a directory of Xephis business hustlers: Home Missionaries. Missionary upjNiintments for Hun.hiy, August !Hh, are as Inflows: Nephi Edward Newton, Adelhcrt Kay. Nebo Thomas Stephenson, Joseph Price, Mona - Henry Anderson, Joseph Jenson, Eureka -- Thomas Crawley, J. C. Ostler. Mammoth John Adams. Eilwin Booth. Juab Isaac C. ("fluid, Peter Christiansen. Allred (fluid, Andrew Neil-soWellington comniuuicatious should be ad dressed to The Eettulic Publishing Company, Nephi, Utah. A-- UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, E. K. Booth, Manager. XEPHI HOUSE, Mrs. E. Goldsorough, propr. UNION HOTEL, Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr. J, "W, I390.C0Q. Money to Loan. amount from one handrbd to In any ten thousand dollars. On improved farm propertyX.orC.on water stock. Recorder, Winn, County CAPITAL A 3YERR5-0- niYESTB , R E 1181 IH NfWJItTtOrt-Vr- r w.g,gs!ii , Jii:hj Druggi-t- SOUTH SX, am . 4 A4 A. 'JO .. UvireKa . CAY pm pm xN!i'ALl U iix-i- b - is a tre"' LOCAL DISEASE ""sm ",i and is the result oi colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection e this positively state that remedy does not contain mercury or any other injurious diug. xx Elys Gream Oslui I Sleeper on No. and I South, Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. Sleeper on It 2 North, Mondays Tuesday's and Friday's. Trains souh of Juab run dally except Sundays Two through trains daily from Salt Lake to all points Fast. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers frm Salt Lake to Chicago without change Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair cars. Elegaut day coaches. The only line operating dining car service. The shortest aEd fastest line to all points east. D. is adcnoxvledred to he the most thorongh cure for Nasal t atari h, Cold in Head and liny l exer of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain anti inllammauon, heals the sores, protects the membrane front colds, restores t e reuses cf taste and smell. 1rioeMe. at Dmeeistsorhy mail. 1.LV BKUTJJFliS, Oti Warren Mreet, New York, 'T ICKTMl CO.L CYCLE MFC. IND. INDIANAPOLIS, MAKERS OF O BEN-HU- R E. D. WICKIXS, Agent, Nephi. E. Burley, Genl Ast. Panspr. Dept.,1 Jiil Main Salt Lake. CityTieket Ofliee, Lomax, Gen i Pasajzr. ami Ticket Apt. UeiiT Mugr., Omaha E. E. L. 8. H. H. Clark, Oliver W. Miulf, E. Ellery Anderson, John V. Doane, Erederiek R. Coudert, Receiver. SAN PETE YALLEY RAILWAY TIME TABLE NO. Effective dunday, November PNEUMATIC I CUSHION d G ! $100.03 TIRE, 75.00 TIRE, t AGENTS WANTED. 16. 17th, 1S95. s. COOPER. TYPES & CO. Dealers in Hardware, Tinner- ers. GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, and .Plumb- Blackett Bros. Proprs. Dealers in Wines, Liquors etc. M. I KONG, Cabinet and Codin Maker. OSTLER & ALLEN, Manufacturers of Harms; and Saddles and dealers m all kinus of lior-- e furmdnng goods. w. r. STOUT, Repairer of Boots and Shoes. CIIAS. FOOTE A SONS Dealers in Genua,l Merchandise. NEPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE "INSTITUTION. J. W. Ord, Supt. W. II, PETTEGREW, t and dc.iler in Harness, Manutaetnr Saddle- and -, Sheep-Men'- s supplies. JXO. S PAINTER, Dealer iu General and given Groceries. ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, Dealers in Clothing and Gent- furnish! ngs OSTLER A OClvEY, Butchers. II. II. HAWKINS, and Morrison at TOO p. m., Mondays, Wodiios- day's ami Fridays. Returning arrive, at Manti at 0:00 p. m. Direct connections at Nephi with Union Badific Railway from ami to Salt Lake City, Ojrdon, Butte , Provo, Milford and intermediate points, and all pointe East and West. Stop on signal. The Company reserves the right to vp.rj rout ill is Time Table at pleasure Theodore &Bruback, Pres. Genl Manasrer, Salt Lake City. - II. S. Supt. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., Dealers in General Merchandise. W. Pavman, supt. PEXTOX & CHASE, CAINE Kerr, fc F. Agent, Slant mmmm - ;jq .UNION r. G0lJASE,flX-D.-''LL- ,:, -- Arvrrtraa't'-t : - COURSE James To advprtisi! our Collg wo will give thorough courst of instruction iu Dou-hiand tuul Singh1 Entry Counncrciai Arithmetic, by mail, at e it Book-Keepin- - One Foariii Regular Price to a limited number of persoim. This lessons. course will be completed in 10 No charge for diplomas. t Address, rOMMERCIAL CAPITAL vjOLLEGE JrtM-erit- x- - Ttmi fAvTC RECASJR'N ? . llGWekt Sixth Street. & . TE'rU SECUKE THIS ' AY. F. ILL. Blaeksmithing. A. & U. CHiCAGf' TOPEKA, - KANSAS. Lead in the race Come and sec us. The National & Barnes e:ond Sooth St. Salt Lake City. t.i. 1 V &LOOO. repuiata purifv Ti'B .lie I I VER atm --UDNEW' B In all thma oLTH! cf VIGOR HEALTH and A A ID disca; cri roqmriiiK a certain an Oincjent Apctitelndigea specially DvpensiaAVant use is marKei lion, La. k oV Strength Bom tMih immediate a m v.rnder'ui results. .Lliveniiaclus and nerves re.ei'v. new iorce the imnd ami uo,les Brain Tower. snC.o-hiRom ill compiar timlhi pe.'uii'.rtothcirseX'wjll OR. EJ.RTER'8 IRON ? ONJC a sale and speedy cure. t given a clear and hea tljy complexion The srronpest testimony to t..e value ot 1)R frequent alieuipts Hakti h's luo.t TONij is tlrutided to thepopuiar counterfeiting have only' Vv of the o'igimil. Jfyou earnestly desire ltealUi oiiol experimea get the Original ai.d CoBLsL Haner Med .V addret,ourihePr. "DRRAM BOOK, p (Rend jur Mo- fife. useful information, strange aii is for Sale by AW Db, Harters iron T T.'& OKUOQ1STS AND IL v-- d f m il'll tl'fc 1 CO, Bicycles are the Best. r FIRT MeCUXE, Bakery and Cpnfcetlonary. A. LUNT A SON, Ointment. Many very had cases have been ! J. A. BOOTH, It is equally j Dentist. permanently cured by it. efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem- , T. B. FOOTE, edy for sore nipples; ohapjied hands, chilDealer in ncr;il and Gremi blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Taxman. t Av:) M. KNOWLES A WEBB, Wheel Wrights. HYDE & WHITMORE, SKIN. DISEASES OF TIIE J General Merchandise. The intense ilchi."' md smarting inci- THOS. BELLI KTOX, rii: and other j dent to eczema, tetter, Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. diseases of the skin is im.j'uly allayed by , C IL BIRD Dentist. applying Chamberlain's lye and Skin Try Dr. Cadys Condition Towders, they Levan William Buekholt, John W. Ord. are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Missionaries and presiding otllecrs will please clip this out for future reference, as ou other notices will be given of your appointments, Fairfield .. h.'At am I. Ca.ier, Supt. All Papers, p!ain and Printed. Twines, Cutters, etc, j;l WEST ic ing bicycles now before they will even Indianthink of becoming converted. Journal. apolis ripping ovp, t Indiinapolis, Ind., U. S. A. Boardinghouse and Restaurant. And read the addresses of many atJ. M. C. OSTLER, Still taking up collections to send Boot and Shoe maker. tractive young men and women that flannels to the heathen? asked the FRANCIS SELLS, answered are wealohy and live in luxry, who deman. O, dear, no, Furniture and undertaking. earnest woman . They insist on gettNEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. a sire correspondent. A. Ite-cor- d. v. -. CO., Dealers in Wool, Grain ete. There is nothing more simple than that, and it is less than dOD miles between Omaha and Chicago. Two through trains daily in each direction with the best Sleeping Clar and Dining Car Service, and all regular travelers kn v and appreciate the meri cs ot the Chicago, Mdwaukee A: St. Paul Railfli-- ITiINTEltS SUPPLIES one of Utah, and -- m h as to demand the attention ot two wealthy linns and l.uve warehouse-fo- r the and handling uf tin product. A couj'lettf miles east of the city, and near the mouth of Salt Uivek ( anyon, - a veritable mountain f ure cr stalled ypsuui. tonenient to the tjuavry, is a otnpitie mill lor -- rindim; and refinm;' the product which is btnnp: i ontmtiou-- 1 v shipped to the tain states of the Pacitic Uuast, UUU tons last mouth bciii the output. Up Salt Creek canyon and north e.wrely about nine mile-.- , pun salt prlns j:ii-- h iroui the mountain side, and b means ot ore ot tne most complete ;tlt nuiuutactones in tile United States, Hie brine is converted into table, salt that has but few equals dairy and packing and no superior- - in the world. The brine is H5 the supply practically cent, and salt per unlimited. Jn addition to the manufactured product, there are several mines or quarries of rock salt, the extent of which cannot be computed. Asa distributinsr point, Xephi rciui.es but one superior in Utah. It is the key to southern Utah, and w ith the advantage t two railroads stretching out to the east and south, furnishes, wlthoui question, the best point in Utah I'm the establishment of punufadories and wholesale houses. The attractions of Xephi as a resideive town Ue unique in their variety. It is situated on almost the highest portion of the divide that turns the flow of waters north into into the Sevier rivUtah lake and south-war- d er, thence onward to the Sevier lake the dead sea of Millortl County. Its altitude, gravelly soil and perfect drainage insure the best of health, in fact, the conditions are such, that but two cases of diptheria have occurred iu five years amoujr a population of nearly 3.boO. Its citizens are thrifty and progressive. The ide streets and avenues of larjre shade trees, cosey cottages, beautiful lawns and elegant modern public buildings, make of Xephi a place in which life is a real luxury. m Co. IK DEALERS L - latitude. C. ANDREWS Chicago. ways Short line between the Lambri ?apsr J water-w- Many people uuaequaiutod with the geography of the West imagine that liecause are Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul names used in the corporate title of the railway owning the Short Line between Chicago and Omaha, they must go via the cities of Milwaukee and St. Paul to reach their destination if it be Chicago or east thereof. This is a mistaken idea. On a line the cast west and runniug directly map r. There is one thing sure, commented the living skeleton, as he debated his chaDoesof married happiness with the she cant swipe my show fat iidy, kcickerbrocks to complete her bicycle Buffalo Express. costume. You didnt stay long at that hotel which advertised a fine trout stream in the vicinity? No; the hotel man explained that it was a fine trout stream, bat he couldnt help it if the trout hadnt sense enough to find it out. Chicago J uot - ' ' . lar;ie-- t S AVERS PILLS DY. - , The wool a .. ' 1- umm BETA IL. Main St. S.i.t Like City. aturul It- Hoi tieulture : Hi ot the sheep indu-- u and 4 oi minerals. To th Noilh, We- -t and Noutn land-a- -, ol oral uiva agneiilt isaiarg t'itii W 'ouml m Utah. Abundant frop-- i of bit--tin lain? s of the hu cereals and alfuita acres of Inuidmu. To the Xorth,tinm-,and- s meadow, watered hl,uje natural - 'Fend out li be ;i eer:tid cfl.ijM-t''l,e Xeolu are utiexeedej e!t table jjardeu it- - trnit and tnat of it- in the w t. ou tow is a- - peri a t a- can be rTud in t)ii- levs e;Sr-- d;p i iintfliiiTil. C : f WHOLESALE kryyjiijiifdih ae equaled. ' . - i-- A j ( . j. aluiuuii, to add lay ti.tinn-iiI would to c used Axel's th.it of ether-- , who I have taken th. m Fills, and in say for many vein and ;.1 j s derived the For 't r. suits frem their and liver truahie--- . and for the erne The gowns she used to wear last year This summer will not hook at all. & CO. ! Family blEQicmE is Plain-Deale- . THE BEST J ttory, QUIPS OF THE u.- - si r- - r ES I story would do. uB'h ' Y- - - A. B. Palmer, Ly Blacksmith, 'All kiwis of repair Main Street, work done Nephi, Utah. J |