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Show s. Utah. The Republic. Nepni I jta'ncl ncvpri i QVTVS sister. j 0 w I.;1- i the Ui.ti (La TL: j sr'v ' ! T h i -- t u Li. l1' t is i tin- n t r - fnun the jnic-cfu- : Tin Nan v no KuMlcr uf July 28. c.ciia..: s tl: following item wliicu will b uf iatere--t t ) many of our made: : LtM ::unday was the Mini birthday anniversary of Mr. of near Fort (Jreen nrin' was fittingly celebrated, and a sifter of the Mormon is the proolict, Joseph Smith, and is the on'y i int member of that famous family. Hers lias been a mo.-- re- She was born i .arkable history. i i New York and was one of the nix. chosen members of the Mormon Church organized and founded at l'aLnyra. N. Y., and knows much about Joseph, tin prophet's discovery of the golden plates" from which he received his inspiration." llrigham City Ilngler. and wind t mini well ku c a air, ? s v feature-- , AttanM nc...-ao-r v. with in la e J 1 JUAB COUNTYS large Increase A VALUATION. Last Year's Over Figures. H Ne.lii 'ol-t.- - - We Sell Tnem.x mr Fluli - . like 1.. GENE.RAL AND PERSONAL. Senator ('oihre.l of Mwsouri dots not take Ho hues kindly to the new woman idea. lie all t lie women new. old and young. indulges in long walks ami takes eaniige liJes, hut is uieise to all other forms of ex- TDin F. W. CHAPPELL, A ttoinnj-iit-lProbate vi'rlv a SjH-- t ir ji laliy. Koom NEII.S0X L.c. Li Earlier Temple of Music, 232 S. Main, Treatment Guaranteed to all. real irkahle individual n nu d l'oatenuy Desinn just died at Montpelier, France. he fact t iut possessed 2o,(llll)J(IOO pite die francs, tie was disgustingly miserly, lu the streets, with his ragged, dirty clothes, 1, looked like a negg ir. lie was neatly 70 years old and had never been manic 1. - JSt. UNXojolii J. A. For particulars call on W. L. Booth, The valuation uf Juab- county for lHlKi; Ileal Estate mprovements Personal propertry Net proceeds of mines Mining claims Mortgages 581,777.00 0711, 200.01) 1 ft 18,72000 078,822.00 17,313.1(1 30,201.00 Tutal $2,528,1.51.91 Last year the assessed valuation of railroads. telegraph and telephone hues amounted to $538,313; estimating it will he about the same this year, will make the assessed valuation of the en tire county $3,000,489.91, an increase over 1895 of $810,522.91. The above figures are not intended to le construed as absolutely correct in every respect or as official, but are as near correct as we could get them owing to the assessment roil not being completed, and we do not anticipate there will beany material change in the aggregate. Xepki dimes. Henry Norman has written a hook on China. I.iilliery and corruption, according to him, Hour sh iu high places in that land while ignorance, deceit and filth of body and mind are universal. Sir. Donald Maeleod of Glasgow, the editor of Good Words, read a paper on church-goin- g to a . gathering of clergy in Scotland recently, in which he emphatically of protested against the identification church-goinwith religion. One of our English roads that run between London and Edinburgh advertises Dmagni-fic- c it new corridor trains, whi h aie aliout on a pit with the average American ordinary passenger car, with the aisle down the center. Wool Growers Building, Constantly pouring their wealth into Salt Lake City will continue to stimulate business of all kinds, aDd to rapidly increase the value of city realty. OAKLEY LOTS at the present extremely low price, $100 to $200 each, St- - TNTciDlAi. HYYnixa Utali. We Have will soon double in value. Terms: $10 a Month. and REAPERS - s of vig nut' of the luxurioulift 'li. it belongs to the people of Ncplii is A o jilca-mre- llu: i i No Interest. the Mercur gold belt for Sale. Write or call for further informa- - tiou. fact-- - -- our goods. "7". Wm. Bailey IE3.'b'ba.rcL IE3. XJtrtlx. IMoplii, NBPHI HOUSE 43 West 2nd So St., Salt Lake For 34 years ihe Leadiug Hotel in Southern Utah. Re- Refitted; modeled and Replete with every Tilt queen of Denmark, who. although 78 years of age, is still pretty anil retains her Convenience. vivacity and :1m in, declares that the only way she keeps young is h having young Sample Rooms lor Commercial Travelers. people abiut her. she always has a liouse-lu- l Free Bus to and from depot. of them, and likes nothing hotter than Livery and feed stable connected with it. to he surrounded by her gran lvhildreu and t heir friends. She affirms that she is aunt to all of Europe to w Iiicli she is not grandII. GOLDSBROUGII, mother. annual niitlsummertrips to the canyoti. the intention of enjoying one of these out .ngs we procured the assist .race of a team, turn I our faces towanl the rising sun and wit i well filled lunch basket mul a good j tl ; in a lumber wagon over our rough et c i ro ids we lin illy levelled our ilesti-Hat,- 1 HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. ami selected u shady spot beneath a ledg of rock which east its tall sli dow to the utli ami a'mnLmtiy decorated with Buttermilk Biscuits A quart of ilnur. a nil! mis of ild shruVvy l hieli is so eom-of lard, a te.tsnaonfal of s ida We spread our eveursionists. n and one of salt; thick milk for a soft dough. Ida1. .cts, willingly ourselves sep irating Roll h ilf an inch thick, cut out and hake from the. tmsy hum of civilization siirmund-iii a quick oven. mount tin scenery that would send an lu! i artist hysterical not m my paces Claret Gup Taka one quart bit'le of one ta'ile.spo.iuful of powdered sugar, l'l on; mr natural puhi dashing down the claret ton drop ot extract of cinn.unij and the tm','iiiof the ratine could lie heard the of a sui ill lciu ni. Stir until thoroughfrpl hing sound of one of oar silvery m mn-tj- i juice and just before serving add out dreams (which seemed to m ek gold-- h ly s of ski. bottle winding its way to the valley allow assisting the homM fanner in inatur' Ka'ptieny Jam Equal weights of rasp While dotted lien lien ics and iou he golden giain. sugar, lut the berries in a nod there on either e ige of the stream was large eartlicru dish and cover with the In the morning th mispr.tyel will sirvis tierry hushes, sugar; let set over night. li.'i so a rics well iuto a inn" mixture Iciicd the la with j put prostniiig kettle iiy After and stew gently two hours, removing the tie eurlv settlor of Ftah. known for a short tuna from the scum that ries, then seal. hi ling s irehing v ivs of an August sun, luchc m Fliry nelet Beat six eggs separately : was m 'lition 1. an 1 c i a one with an am to add six taUlcspoont'uls of milk. tlu ik u tlvur faces Heat yolks onions an I hungry with a hit of butter and pour in. pail uni sjmndcd to tin call with an appetite the beaten whites last on top. slipping known to any except ail excuriouist. Cover for a minute. Season with half a Aim lit. instant menus the lire as it were teaspoonfnl of salt and a dash ol pepper. was lighted and cheer! illness reigned When done serve on platter, letting the throughout the camp. Some were busy dis- - whites and yellow parts alternate with a ussing the local news of t ic town, others of green. garnish trimming the salty edge ol a home cured lum, while peace uml good will prevailed. NOTICE. After luncheon our little party well supplied r with lunch baskets and with a gvatetul look 71 rc iqsin our llwes was seen by a representative r H. C. L. Jorgeseu is our correspon.f tl le paper urging theinsMves upon the all commuui sidohills iu search of the delicious wild dent and agent in Levan, and inbe will to him iu cheerfully scut ations lierrv. the of columns Levan the in serted But as the goM.n sin nearel t ie western 1 ci iz in the little party rcturue with berry YvY Mining Slocks and Claims in everything necessary for farin work.' Call and inspect In CANYON Enjoy Themselves. minutes High and dry: 6hade trees; beautiful view; wide streets; alleys, etc. MOWERS BINDERS, 12 drivo from business center. The most complete and and up-t- o date WAGONS, Utah of V g The bicycle ribbons, or strips of asphabout four leet wide which arc being exalt A SPLENDID TRIP. tensively laid in New York on the side of paved streets, are said to be giving great 0c: Representative and Seme Friends satisfaction to the wheelers, but many tax. payers are up iu arms against the expense. omcc The Great Dividend Paying Mines DEIJTIST. 1 - Etc at tms THE For smie time past Mr. Gladstone has been going through the dozens of huge box" esin which he lias carefully preserved hi i , A great many correspondence for years. letters of little pr no interest have been Makes a Specialty of Gold .Crown and weeded out, but there stilt remains no less Bridge work. Teeth withoet plates. than (J. ,0(1(1 missives, wliicli are tied up in bundles and care ully docketed. Max Oliell has no use for tile Anglo-Saxonew woman. ie declares her to be the most ridiculous production of modem times anil destined to lie the most ghastly failure of the century. He says lie wants to retain all the privileges of her sex and secure all those of man besides. She will fail to bj a man, Max kindly assures us lint she may succeed iu ceasing to he a woman. LAKE CITY. SALT A Dr. Mt every one 1iioes ar.J terms to nt e Pcpsiifs.v Easy SIERItY & The only First-Clas- s Shop iu Xcphi. Clrvelan 1, Viee-- i Candidate Arthur Sewull dearly enjoys Cuurtious fishing. John It. HjugLton the other day took Mi. bewail out foi a day oil the col of Seguiu. Pae first lisli TVTzxixx grounds out-sidMr. Sewall hooked wits a silver hake. .1 Utah. Ncpf.l City, ercise. Ihe-ide- 'W v. 4.11. bumming ill,, 'Taeic's no home. I. ike v n h:v-- , hui -- Cath-'ib'bur- 1 W. A. C. BKYAN! Cuniiu-- r l i v r i ri win li o scMu'ii hethls a country In a -- hurt time we wxte Hi. ill. the eict-t.- uf Xejihi ing triii of bivir.T enUra-- -. j o CJ i Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Govt .!, Aug, 17, Proprietor. . -- m 1 rortiioc .1 Prizes io ABS02JUTELY PURE ! 1 T $6,ILT5 55 S e pa rate Prize 3 . in'l, 1 1 1 1 . ONE rr.IZE OF.. . rPatontod In United States and Canada.) J e fTrcnL'- -t C'-- l tsr ,e fl Is rre .1 liandmoly off3r ever mvl il j(im1 i n n furniOird ln and ("iishicr. viii liination Lock ami Kgirstcnn A tiackim-nIf recoril; both raGhand credit Mile:? It records lDlmrsnint. it itemizes money paid m on account. )! emiblcsoti to nace tiaiactnns in c. keep difToreiit lilies if pood mi.ikuc. ohi k. s the transact ions of Tr makes a candors man car1' cl. a and It keeps an IiotH'xt TiKiu honcL m ill not , me r.cv , .slay w here it K It nil save in cn venn .i e. imeann r.nuirh to pay for iielf iuhbv time's aoe. Ibioli m.alune boxed M'parateiy ni.d rr.nfed r two vJa For fail particulars address o 4th. New S h tM( n pnpf'r of tLo n is s j v t r s chnrnp'on; it thv pu-(- ' J it tn (hoiisjht. a in nciva. Mg boen ealartfoci and irn- VYtroKlv it (ohidUis the latest and fullest min-ti- i: dnd nr: n'ock rows, it spectnl de- c.ted t o tli Farm, the Hotisi n and Children; all the bnchtest iHmiT'8 ;iiii livest comment of the daily edi-ii- n in It: it presents in eon-- f ir! inr rr be found the d imfTi of ail the World it is a f.i'mlv pat'f'P e peer. Ant the Wet'kiv News is determined to have ipd n tjiK'finn tie largest circulation of nnv hoiAf'en the Mississippi river and the Mietefore it oflers to tb nor-..- ? IM.jLg ti.jinf. 8 r'v in the preate-s- t number of $4 ear- 1; miivi Mj.t intif b(Mote biptembtic Jiext t.u'iO uiGijuallvd pitzes. Jt will 'Fi If -- f d. t' l1? Mniioy Denver, Colo., T1 A ur r r a Vrarllral tod Iy 1rarfU'at Evu.im'" It NEW WEEKLY ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, 3 1 . 060 $1,000 -- our-edve- Tle StaiJtM ?asl GIVLN' AWAY IX hC'M r. C. IV. BUISCO CO., w, strn 125 DEARSOHK ST., CHICAGO. ILL. tiar lt REGULAR AGENTS' COMMISSION ALLOWED IN ADDITION. CON TES T BEGINS A T ONCE. OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE. The Republic is only $2.00 per : Ter particulars adJrfsf rrT"y !V"v Tlve ZVcavs Hriutiug Denver, Colo. Co) :A Y' j. W v. - . ' Year A x - - . v'w1"' . "'s V . Strictly Independent, 1 |