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Show f Tha Rcpublij, Nepai, Utah, ! F y.e 15!! X. O . 3 -- SatarJaj, August Z2 nCODGDuSSCCDgSDGC inannnoDcaDnnaaccs L -- i j & ". J "i - r s-- -- 4 . q i r- - j- f?' vC r tut--i lliitu 3 DEfi Li ihl' J P j t 1 nnv7 f-- 3' PU DU Z3 E f o jL vvA -- : r npri UUUlhJUWia 0 niynr v - .a UU 'iajMfaygLJUwry h. OD OB OD D OD on OD ,y& cj r v yy FOH. tr m sa saiaiean crj aSrmaaiaacJDD nJ3raraE3E3E3E23 gUP DnndnooDOQQODDnPiooQDGSD oaDDOonon du Wht the Free Coinage ct Silver Would Do. of Free Coinage Mr. St. Johns Views. -- New York Labor Mens Adherence to the Cause ot Silver. The Meaning What would Free Coinage Do? salaried officers. the annuitants by utilizing Qne.of the precious metals laid up ia store for us by a wise and beneficent Creator. The rapid increase of our population, the enlarged area of circulation, the division and subdivision of our industries, the discoveries and inventions by which products are multiplied contribute to making gold an insecure aud inefficient basis for a Government credit money. If silver is coined free and without limit it will furnish a sure and safe foundation, with gold to support issues of government paper money. The free and unlimited coinage of silver will enable Congress to maintain in good faith the requirements of the Constitution and entitle the American Government to the proud distinction given it by Balfour, one of the greatest He said: The English statesmen. American Government stands first in rank in the civilized word for its adherence to the instutionB handed down to them by their forefathers, and furnishes a remarkable example of National pride and National strength. With these suggestions our constant reader can add to the benefits which will attend or follow the free and unlimited coinage cf silver. Cincinnati asks us to say A Constant Reader what the free and unlimited coinage of silver would do. Answer These are some results which would certainly follow: Aa the product of gold and silver mines is nearly equal in their coinage value, the free coinage of silver and the full restoration of its money function, the volume of legal tender coin would be doubled. It would restore to their former com. mercial value the farms of the country and give better prices to all farm pro. Enquirer. ducts. It would have the same effect as upon factories and their products upon farms. enterprises, It would encourage new conwhich would give better and more earners. all stant wages to wage to the It would give instant relief are who men of thousands enterprising ocof bankruptcy, verge now on the casioned by a shrinking of the money volume and a corresponding shrinkage in the commercial value of the products of industry. to It would enable the worlds toilersand necessaries, of the consume more f the comforts of life, as more enjoy of silver has always been the money wealth. create those who for a It would lessen the demandA credcorporation or bank currency. had without it money which cannot be use. compelfor its pat ing an interest his honest share to the producer ling Cankearnings with the nonproducer. socan ers who supply the currency at Branch or Long journ at Saratoga v ho use ban ice is those of expense The Meaning of Free Coinage. Free coinage means that silver and gold gold bullion shall be coined with out charge by the United States mints Unlimited coinage means that all the gold and all the silver presented at the United States nrnts shall be coined into money. The ratio of 16 to 1 means that the number of grains of pure silver in a silver dollar shall be sixteen times the number of grains of pure gold in a gold dollar. By full legal tender is meant that when a debtor offers either goldorsil er to a creditor in any sum whatever the creditor is bound to accept the same and discharge the debtor from his liability. Cincinnati Enquirer. What Mr. St- John Thinks. Dr.C.H. BIRD of sincerity and cool judgement. lie can not be denounced as a wild-eyeHis Anarchist or howling dervish. considerainto be taken opinion might tion mournfully by Mr. Whitney, and hopefully by Senator Hill. If the sil ver movement maintains for three months longer the gait it has paced for three months past, it can take the Empire state without straining itself. tion to the presidency would be beneficial to the country. Mark A. Il3rrigan of the riujubers Society I dont like this bulldozing on the part of the gold people. They want to run things in spite of the popular will. I will take pleasure in voting All d Bryan. James Ray of the Plumbers Society Bryan and Sewail are my choice. I am (New Vork Evening World.) Opinions of workingmen on the political situation are contained in the following interviews: Charles Ward, President of the Amalgamated Society of Plumbers and 1 am a sound money man. This silver craze is carrying the workingmen outside the lines. Many of them do cot understand the question. I will vote for McKinley unless some good reason is given to warrant me in doing otherwise. of Bernard Spear, Serganl-at-Arm- s the Amalgamated Society of Plumbers and I am for Bryan and Sewail for reasons entirely satisfactory to throw away my voce. not Dennis Finn of the Plumbers Society I am in favor of Bryan. Ralph Glover of the Cornice and Skylight Makers Union I am for Bryan right through. New York Business Men. Mr. George E. Van Ileymgen has received the following letter from W. L. Scott of Norwich, Chenango county, N. Y., the head of a large lumber firm: Y'es, I am for free silver, and let me assure you that New York state is full of this same element, as will be fully attested in the coming election. If the was submitted today this question would give a large majority for county am of the opiniou that I and silver, the state would do the same. I am to me. glad to get any and all the arguments Patrick Dockery, Sanitary Enginner that 1 can. It all serves to make con I thlDk this will be a Democratic verts, and God knows we want and year. Bryan is a good, square man, need the change. and if elected president I believe be will do justice to the people. I shall vote for him with pleasure. Vanted-- An Thomas Murphy of the Amalgama- Protect your Ides; the may bring you wmiu Write JOHN WEDDEKUtlRN ft CO.. Patent Attor and of neys, Washington, D. C., for their 1.8uo prise offer ted Society Plumbers and list of two hundred inventions wanted. I am for free silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. I do not believe in the demonetization of silver. I have been all over the United States, having lived several years in California, and it has been my observation that silver is the money we most use and that it is better for all the people. P. J. Dervin, member of the Amalgamated Society of Plumbers and I would like to see Bryan elected because he would prove to be the best man fur the people. He stands for straight principles and believes in rs work done with neatness and dispatch. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Offices: JV ojolxi nixcl Mauti. Subscribe For THE Gas-Fitte- rs Idea Gas-Fit-te- rs Cas-Fitter- them, Feter F. Thelan of the numbers Society I thiDk it is the same oH Democracy. ( Gas-Fitte- rs The Largest, eicicst, and Best . All Home Print Week s Bryan has a walkover in my and nearly all the workmen I opinion, the same belief. The share met the have William B. St. John, of New York, if elected Democratic candidates, debts as money. on his return home from St. Louis, said meet to the enable the taxpayer from a would present change It would give This free sdVer him for to an interviewer: conditions. bad the assessments made upon such of possession Govern- temper has taken the support of our extravagant James G. Green of the Amalgamated the people, and grows so rapidly, that ment. of state the Society of Plumbers and w. ate confident carrying It would enable the Goiernmor. is I am a Divan man and believe his elec a man Mr. St. John bondholders, the i New York." nvr.C easily to ray the ! kinds of Dental for New York Labor. Gas-Fitte- Dentist "" The specific and universal opinions, condensed, You deserve great praise, nnd the gratitude of the reading world that portion of it, at ljast. that is fortunate enough to read THE GREAT DIVIDE. Having a field entirely its own, it U intensely American in cat and character. It is useless for us to say, the illustrativein features and typography are superb equaiand to the fascinating quality and unusualness our columns. Strange contents that fill ONE DOLLAR a year, TEN CENTS a copy; If send to not, Your newsdealer has it. are as follows: THE CREAT DIVIDE, Denver,. ly Published in Utah. 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