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Show Michael Jensen went to Salt Lake City this week for the purpose of at tending the funeral of his fioniu law, Dr. John D. Paige, whoo death was mentioned in these columns last wck. 0 irA vx sssumasi ezr: this store leads Remember QUALITY AND VARIETY OF NEW AND ft ft ft Mrs. Gtirje Leslie, formerly of! city, but now roiding in Halt SHOp.ml1 3:40 p.m Lake, came Tuesday to attend the her Mother, Mrs. Hannah l0:30a.mHunera - - - UP-TO-DA- i I Chrifetenson. ft k The Highland canal company met some trouble with their reservoir dam at Nine Mile last week. One of the pipe baud gate way, causing a rapid leakage of the water that was stored. ft pring All three of the members of the Gunuison school boird visited to PATRONS ALWAYS FIND QUALITY AND PRICE RIGHT WITH US. OUR AIM TO SATISFY IS PROVERBIAL. THATS WORTH REMEMBERING - - getber Wednesday the Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln schools, and on aud Thursday the Grant. The board re Mr9. Annie Christenson I ! tughter, Addie, returned Monday ports the schools in duo condition, from an extended visit with friends! though some of the departments are 11 I overcrowded. More school room is needed to do proper justice, particlu ft ft it Lincoln, which it is Conference rate commence Mon- - Marb? have bwn obriated It day. Fare from GiiDnisoo to Salt bought might building were located a Lake aud return, S3.D0. Selling lhs block further ecuth. date. April 3 to 8, tickets good un-j til April 15. A Farmers Institute for Sanpete icouLty is scheduled to take place at Joseph Frome and P, McFarland I Ephraim ou the llth uad i2th ol were taken before Justice Strain a prjjt organization been Saturday morning to aimer effected wiieu it was talked of, a few I the the and disturbing peace Jighting the farmers of this vicinity u0( of the progress night before, during ml(ht hare been ja ,hlpe now ,0 a dance. The boys pleaded guilty obuin benefit from its members who .and llis Honor lightened their woud be interested in attending I wallets a V apiece. kind deeeemate of this and gatherings ft ft ft through their sooioty the iuvaluable After five weeks of severe illness experimental work that is paid for by from lung trouble, Miss Laura Rich I lb state. One or more of the repre-ardof this city died Wednesday sentative farmers from Gunnison and I evening, March .29th, aged nearly vicinity ought to mako it a point to Deceased was the be present at the Ephraim institute, sixteen years. at k daughter of F. S. and Sarah J. who were Red Richards, formerly cl Bishop Joseph Christenson took Sevier county. She was born casion Sunday to mention the un June 4th, 1889, at DeBeret, Millard comeliness of the building in which Funeral will take place I ward meetings are held. It is a county. wonder that attention to this matter Saturday, 10 a. m. t ft at has never been brought up by the The local postoffice will tomorrow bishopric before now. The building be in charge of Paul von Nordeck, aQd R surroundings have been sadly he haring been commissioned as neglected since before Bishop to succed Miss Helena sen retired. It is now proposed to re Kearns, wLo some time ago resigned model the interior and put it in pre-he- r position. Miss Kearns has given scntable shape for worship, seeing good satisfaction during the four and there is little hope of completing for a half years of her service to the pub- - some years yet the new meetinghouse The lie. Mr. von Nordeck who succeeds commenced six years ago. of Bishop Christenson her is a gentleman of pleasing man proposition all meet the sanction means uer aud baviug previously served in j should by the people, aud a big effort to do tlie capacity he is to assume, the at once would be the public is assured of uninterrupted llP the work proper thing. good service. j;i California. THEODORE Gunnison, 1 I M I oc-mon- I I J Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. jaj s Mad-postmaste- r j? Consolidated Wagon Machine Co. GUNNISON BRANCH. Loading Implement Dealers. xDTJLxJ u. The John Deere The Canton ad Ajax Steel HARROWS. ft ft Strikes Hidden Rocks. taste and prompt cures Whciyocraliip of health strikes! have pleasant made Chamberlains dough he bidden rocks cf Consumptiioc, Fut'ui a onia, ere, you arc lost, il you RemedJ farite wTith the, ,mother8 of small children. It quickly cures get help from Dr. Kings New their coughs aud colds and prevents Discovery lor Consumption, J, W, oi Talladega Springs, Ala any danger of pneumonia or other I Li;d boeu very ill with serious consequences. It not only Milvf. untier the care of two cures croup, but wheu given as soon mu was getting no bettor as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Gun began to take Dr uison Co op. The to bottle cured mo. True Corrpanions. brormhifi.s, The Japanese wife shares the counGuaranteed at igos anu eoJJv. cils cf husuand and influences his Paul on Xor et. k'a drug Store, juice career her to a greater extent than do Vie jl i;f' Da! bottle free. he wives of the Western land. and IV Canton Scotch Clipper- THESE ARE THE LEADERS. Wagons and Buggies, any size and style. Stewart Steel Ranges and Heating Stoves. Elwood Wire Fencing. Plain and Barbed Wire, Wire Nails and Iron Roofing. 1 ft UtoH. r jtvr-n- r nraAK'V a. We Are Here With the mb. Goods. C. M. MADSEN 9 L OCAL MANAGER, GUNNISON, UTAH, I t ; a-- Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. William Shaffer, a brakeman of Novel Accident Insurance. An English firm issues picture posDennison, Ohio, was confined to his tal cards, the purchaser of one of bed for several weeks with inflam- which can, by mailing it to the firm With his name and address on it inI used many sure matory rheumatism. his life for $2,500 for twenty, 1 sent he says. remedies, Finally four hours against travel accidents. to McCaws drug store for a bottle of ChamberJain8 Pain Balm, at which Fashion Note for Men. time I was unable to use hand or foot, The London Tailor and Cutter gives and in one weeks time was able to go this valuable advice to lovers of For sport: For cricket, boating, tennis to work as hippy as a chm. sale by Gunnison Co-op- and football, jewelry must be eschewed. but for motoring, fishing and golf jewelry is indispensable. . (l Tnn Gunnison Gazette, $1.50. . A Mf1 J |