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Show 44444444444 f,e Gunnison Gazette. A .JATTER OFHEALTH i OLCDIItLL fir SON., Utah. Sj Pulitzers A oicdiiiu, Mjaacer. tjUUSCRJ I ION 4 OATHS: One Year 3lx Month Three Month TVloline ! 4 4 4 $1X0 I. CO X0 Plow Co SULKY PLOWS 1 ALFALFA.8 4 4 Absolutely Pure AS I!0 SUBSTITUTE Washington Letter. ! ( -- 1 well-know- 4 4 X 4 4 4 Tte i t44 Celebrated Schuttler Wagon, t 4' 4 4 4 W. H. Gribble 4 4 General Merchandise. 4 4 UTAH. GUNNISON, Don Manuel de Aspiroz; the can Ambassador to this country,, dieci A Story of Admiral Keppel. The English papers tell the following story which illustrates the intrepidity of the late Admiral Keppel and the discipline He maintained aboard ship: His ship, the Raleigh, was in danger of sinking, and lie had to run her into a French port. As she entered the harbor a French vessel fired a salute. The Raleigh-wafast, sinking, but Sir Henry lit- erally stuck to his guns and returned tho salute, with the water rushat the embassy yesterday. The ing in, at the portholes, the sailors Ambassador is the second distinguishmaiming their guns and: firing till ed victim of the fourth of March in- the ammunition above water was augural ceremonies having contracted exhausted.. the disease which terminated fatally, Ambassador and Horse Trainer. by the same exposure which caused the death of Senator Bate of TennesSome of the ambassadors have a see. Secretary of State Hay whose very easy time in Bangkok and apillness of late has necessitated a sea pear to have.' strange ideas about vovage and a desertion of his office at their duties. The representative of a rather critical time iu the govern- one of the five' great powers horses for the loments affairs has attributed his con- cal to training nobles, and as his clientele is indition to exposure on that date, and it creasing at the expense of the local is probable that if a census should be trainers considerable lias-take- professional takmi of those who contracted colds, feeling is being engendered. grip, pneumonia. and other diseases mercial. Intelligencer. Com- n - 4' The palace Tonsorial Parlor GEORGE S. FRANCIS, Proprietor. Hair Gutting. Shaulng: Shampooing Massage ITS MY CONSTANT PLEASE TO AIM Hair Tonic. CUSTOMERS.- - T Agent Celebrated Troy Laundry. i Main - Street - - Gunnison Utah. I apolis Times. 4- 4 X 4 it ment of the senate without actiou is being felt. Belgium, which has been awaiting the ratification of the treaty by which this government was to have administered the custom receipts of the Islands and have paid off her foreign creditors- - has handed in an energetic protest against further delay, and the other creditor nations will likely fellow suit. ' 4 4 4 . they t,,atjto m,I,c;lt0thattheKovernmeot Lary to lho chila-- s deTCiopmcnt to was dividwl u.iost itself that the ail- - leave open knives, scissors, razors ministration would be found iueapa- - and' butcher knives lying around hie of protecting the interests of the in the same room. You never can United. States in tlm Caribbean Sea tell, though. It is just possible thia region. II makes no secret of lho dub might consider it necessary for fact that he feels keenly the embar- - the baby to punch its eye out with ecaSOrs or cut an artery with rassrnent to the government in the the razor just to teach it such senates failure to uphold him in the things are to be left alone. The Dominican treaty. progress being made in the science of motherhood makes one tremble In Santo Domingo also the adjourn- for the next generation. Minne- 4 4 4 4 4 X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 n 1 Disc Harrows Disc Plows. 4 X The information which hai Dot been denied by General Sherman Hell that he may go to Venezuela as ue 1 exposure at that time could ba an agent of this government with ex-would be found that the traordinary power to protect American taken and peaoeful joyful celebration would juterests there is regarded us claim ic more ims than some battles. of the none too friendly relations Th de th of Ambassador Azpiroz with that government at present. Tue situation iu that country while will remove an interesting figure from not regarded yet as mnmiciog is re the Diplomatic corps. Personally one of most the deal of the presidents popular of the e iving a aiieutiou thougu it is said he has ad- D'plounts he is ouo of the abl t and mitted .hut by the action of the senat? mo-- t respected. lie is the first to in refusing to ratify the Sau Doming-- 00016 to this country as Ambassador an treaty be would be at a loss to r0U1 Mexico, his predecessor the SenorDon Romero having know what can bo done by this J0 Gjce raised from a legation government iu Venezuela if the situa-- ija at aQ embassy and having re-i- s tion called for actiou on our part. It p I eeh'ed his credentials as Ambassador his opinion that the arrogant atti aa d waa Jn tude ol the president of Venezuela is the result of the senates failure to The Babys Own Hour. stand by the administration in the A mothers club in Chicago has Santo Dumiugo affair. Iuaconversa- discovered that every child, even of tion with Representative Babcock hel 010S tender age, Bhould be left said he believed that President Castro had accepted the lack of actioa on the aoslui'cv to itself for one whole daU 13.,to hoPed U.r of the senate with regard to the part do not consider : neces- that 4 4 4 FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1015. 4 Carload Just Ilccclvcd From the 4 m. 4 Farm Implements! Publ:lti every Friday at Cud iiHin, Sanpete Comity ; PROPRIETOR OF The Newport Saloon AND DEALERS IN Choice Wines, Whiskies, Beer and Cigars Line of Bottled Goodi Ourare Simply Blegant. POOL TABLES TN CONNECTION GUNNISON. UTAH. The Livery & Feed Stables is now Under New Management. gff TEAMS ARE WELL CARFD FOR AND KEPT IN PRIMS CONDITION FOR DRIVES MY HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS. A. D. DIMMLCK, Gunnison, Utalt |