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Show y NITIII OLEDIILLL 0UNNI8ON, 02f. UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS. XJnlvorsity of Utah students havo pledged about $3,000 to the new gymnasium fund At a meeting held in Itingham June lion last wink, the prevailing sentiment wa in favor of the incorporation of that town. Tho teacher of Salt Lako City an,1 the children a.c to have no vacation this spring. It being deemed not ad vlsable to prolong the school term. Jam Moran, a resident of Ogden, received a telegram one day last week stating that hi wife had been killed in a street car accident in Oakland. Four inmates of the reform school at Ogden have made their escape from that Institution during the past five weeks, but three have been captured. It Is announced that Green River and Moab will have a boat In operation next week, which will serve to better the transportation facilities to Grand county. Many farmers in the vicinity of American Fork are plowing under their lucerne and planting wheat, be jleving there Is more money In the latter crop. S. S. Smith, employed In the Dalj West mine at Park City, was seriously injured, being knocked down and dragged a considerable distance by a string of cars. The establishing of a Juvenile court In Salt Lake City soon, as provided for by the recent legislature, has produced a large number of candidates for Judge of the court. Jack McAUnden, a miner employed at the Daly-Judgmine, at Fark City, was seriously injured by picking Into a charge of giant powder in a missed hole in the face of a drift. e Three years of controversy over the waters of Beaver river has ended In a complete victory for Beaver City and the water users who derive their rights from that municipality. The Malad Valley railroad from Corinno to Garland has been turned over to the Oregon Short Line, and preparations are being made to extend the line to Malad City in Idaho. John G. Rhodin, manager of tho American Flag mine at Park City, and one of the best known mining men in the west, died at his home in Park City on the 21st, of pneumonia, after a brief illness. While a party of small boys were hunting in the hills near Salt Lake City, Clem Horsley, aged 12, was shot in the back with a 22 calibre rifle, sustaining a dangerous wound, but he has good chances for recovery. The people of Perry, a small village three miles south of Brigham, have made arrangements to purchase electric power from Brigham City for lighting and other purposes. The poles are being put in place now. Residents of Bingham Junction are petitioning the Rio Grande Western for a midnight train from Salt Lake City, In order that the Junctionites may attend the theatre in the capital city and return home the same night. In an altercation between Hugh Watson and J. Harry Williams, of Salt Lake City, over the manner of piling sacks of lime which Watson was delivering, the latter was severely tabbed and Williams is under arrest. Laughter and Worldly Success. "Speaking of laughter, I have often wondered if the laughing man and the Result of Blunder In Attempt to Dewoman really get along betlaughing stroy Spanish Vessel. ter in the world than the man and That the battleship Maine, through woman who do not laugh, or If they an error, was destroyed by a bomb of laugh at all merely grin at aoao hla manufacture, was tho statement amusing thing. said the observant made by Gegsler Rosseau In tho Now man. "I do not know, I ara sure. Of York City prison Tuesday. Rosseau course, you will find that men and I do not bclIeTe Plso'ti Cure for Consumption women of both types probably in your an equal for coughs and cold. Jon F. wa convicted of having sent exploown acqualntanco have been able to Ilovxu, Trinltj Springs Jnd., Feb. 15, IWO. sive to the Cunard lino pier, New get along fairly well In the world. York City, In May, 1503. Laughter Is no doubt good capital In Carlyle's Estimate of Mualclana. his a of Rosseau tells fighting a great many Instances. It Is equally story Thomas Carlyle once told Dr. Joand true that the grim face, the sour look, achim, the well known violinist, T with the Cubans for their liberty, don't care generally for musicians; a plot coneoted to blow up Spanish 1 may say, has often proved a valuthey're a nerapty, sort of vessels. He belonged to the secret able asset The which would seem to Indicate that there is a time to laugh people. service, and declares that a compatriot New Orwho had been entrusted with the task and a time not to laugh. of destroying a Spanish vessel at- leans tempted to fasten a box during the to one of Alfonsos warships, night Is there anything good that and blundered into blowing up the Cattle on Holiday, In West Australia some farmers end their catUo for about six weeks holiday to tho seasldo each year. The change of air and food Is said to be extremely beneficial to them. The gTasa on the roast Is Impregnated with saline, and has the effect of a tcnlc on the animals. GUNNISON GAZETTE. wind-bagg- CUDANS BLEW UP THE MAINE. y TEA Tlmes-Democra- t. TEA Isnt advanced by good tea?. Is there anything bad that cant kept down by good tea? Work. Almost any kind of work would bo pleasant if one didn't have to do It for a living. TEA Good tea it better than poor coffee, and cosu leas money. Go by the book. tm m, gjMvfedf. U f S Maine. 'I was told, said Rosseau, that the man, immediately after learning of the error ho had made, committed CLIMAX IN BEEF TRUST CASE. Moat Trusted of Armours Employes Indicted by Grand Jury. The federal grand jury at Chicago has returned an Indictment against Thomas J. Connors, general superintendent of Armour & Co., on a charge of Interfering with a witness summoned to appear before the jury now The greatest arc full-botto- tea-drinke- rs Dutchmen. m There isnt much nervous prostration in Holland. Vast Forest In Northern Belt The northern belt of forests la per- haps greater In extent than all the. other timber belts and reserves of, Canada combined. It extends from' the eastern part of Labrador, north of the fiftieth parallel In a northwesterly direction to Alaska, a distance of soma 3,000 miles, with an average width of perhaps 500 miles. Salaera Home Dallder Cora. So named because 50 acres produced 8 k. A Sc&EL raAciaca. to heavily, that its proceeds built a lovelg home. See Salzera catalog. Yielded in Ind. 157 bu., Ohio 160 bu., Tenn. 196 bo., and in Mich. 220 bu. per acre. You can beat this record in 1905. London's Breathing Spots. The open spaces of London measure and a half miles. The agtwenty-ongregate cost each year of the maintenance of the parks is less than e $2,-500.0- W1IAT DO you THINK Of THESit YIELDS? 120 bu. Beardless Barley per acre. 310 bu. Salzers New National Oats per A'. 80 bu. Salzer Speltz and Macaroni Wheat. 1.000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre. 14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass ITav. CO, 000 lbs. Victoria Rape for sheep per A. Mr. Winslow's Roothlnf redness ta for children teetblnr, softens tbs Sjrnp. SsmmsUon, Us;i pstn, cures wind collet 2bc s botllo. Korean Currency. The currency in Korea consists of nickel and copper coins and silver difdollars. At one time twenty-siferent kinds of nickels were in circulation, most of them spurious. lbs. Teosinte. the fodder wonder. Salzers Superior Fodder Com rich, juicy fodder, per A. Now such yields you can have in 1905 if you will plant my seeds. 1G0.000 x 54.000 lbs. Chal- In stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Vis., and receive their great catalog and lots of farm seed samples. W.N.U.J JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND IOC TRA Schillings Best is a lenge: almost nobody taken the money, almost nobody takes the money. Yor grocar rMtinu you r irhillinJ,i bail! mmjt if you don't Uks Finigins Filosofy. Minny a mon dont thry t do tings bekase hes bragged that he cud if he thried an is afraid t thry fr fear he an be laughed at. Ut dont wul fa-apa-at brag. The good mon dont nade t brag an the fool has no lxcuse fr ut. Baltimore American. ll GZVZQfl IZFfTIGY' (Kouropatklns Successor.) beef trust. is J. Ogden Armours most confidential employe and the active head of one of the largest packing companies of the world, was arrested on a bench warrant by a depStates marshal and uty United to the grand jury room, where brought on $5,000 bonds. After was released he his release Mr. Connors refused to Investigating the so-call- Mr. Connors, who discuss the matter. y TEA Of all the drinks that we drink, a nice cup of tea is tha daintiest. Talkativeness. It Is as easy to draw back a stone thrown by the hand as a word once spoken. Menander. New Equipment on the Santa Fe. An order for some new equipment was placed the other day by the Santa Fe. It comprises 75 locomotives, 5,300 freight cars and 60 passenger coaches, and postal cars, all to be delivered within the next four months. Fifteen of the new engines are Atlantic type balanced compounds, thirty Pacific type balanced compounds and thirty Santa Fe type. This big expense, aggregating more than $5,000,000, is incurred in order that growing traffic may be promptly handled. Present facilities are ample for todays travel and shipments; tomorrow they may not be sufficient. The Santa Fe looks ahead; that Is why it gets the business. REBELLION IN HAYTI. General Barbas Followers Have Risen Against President Morales. Advices received at Cape Haytien, Hayti, by courier from Monte Christi, on the northern coast of the republic of Santo Domingo, announce that Gen-era- l Barba, with a number of Dominican exiles, has landed at Monte Christi and that the inhabitants have risen against President Morales, reproaching him with being the cause of the present difficulties with foreign countries. It is added that the district of Monte Christi is ready to begin a revolution in favor of former President Jiminez, and is only awaiting the sign to take arms. Intimations of a projected movement against President Morales of San Domingo, fomented by exiles from that country, reached the state department several days ago. The affair, however, is not giving the officials any uneasiness, as they now feel free In view of President Roosevelts acceptance of the Dominican governments proposition to control the finances of that country, to assist, and, It is said, will assist President Morales If requested by the latter, in putting down any movement which is a men- ace to its best interests. Otto of Roses. Otto or attar of roses is the fragrant, volatile, essential oil extracted from the petals of roses and is obtained by distilling the flowers with water. Essential oils are on account of their possessing in a concentrated form the odor characteristic of the plant or vegetable substances from which they are obtained being as It were the essence of the plant. Although roses are found growing wild in nearly every part of the world, it is only in France, Turkey and India that they are cultivated for their perfume. The Turkish oil is the one commonly found in the market. Otto of roses is the basis of all genuine ros$ perfume and is very expensive. so-call- TEA Theres a time to remem- ber, a time to forget : it is tea time ; remember your joys and forget your sorrows. Sunshine. The latest fad of the very rich Is sunshine, obtained at any cost and almost at will. Verandas are glassed in to form sun parlors, and rooms to which the sun comes in the natural course of events are furnished accordingly. Then there is no anxiety over the fading of carpets and hangings. A room seen recently contained rugs warranted to resist the influence of the sun, ecru curtains and rattan furniture, whose cushions were covered with Java cotton, in bright colors, that are indelible. It was very pretty and cheery, and had the sun a good part of the day in its early hours. |