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Show nr 0 7 tRnten-- J Pciontxw 19, lvn. t Ounntaon, Ttah. rs VOb. VI. ivond-e- mutter. U UUNNISON, umli-- r Am of On;?nof March S. UTAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 11)05. Artor Day. Hannah Christenson Dead. -- Notice! of the Gunnison Shareholders Mayfield Land and Grazing company are hereby notified that stock for grazing on the companys land this season will be received on Tuesday April 4th 1905, alRO on Saturdays and Tuesdays thereafter. Two head will be allowed to each share. Those concerned will govern themselves accordingly. NEPIII GLEDUILL, Secretary. Parties desiring marble work for spring delivery should write me a card at once. Abtech Hknkie, Rich' 17 field, Utah, What great benefactors some of our stock gamblers would be if they would ,get a corner on all the gun stocks and all the ammunition of the world and .keep them in a corner. -- It would appear to be a great come down for Colorada from two governors to one lieutenant governor- The Colonels Waterloo. Colonel JohaM. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Water loo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says : I was nearly dead, of the complaints, and, although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good ; so I got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you knowledge to make them. Sold, and guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by Paul von Nordeck, drug fist, at 50c a bottle. Money to Loan Jjarge or small Cb PEKING. on water stock. amounts. F. L. 38 INSTITUTE. document ; According to custom and In accordance with the law of this state, I, Johu 0. Cutler, Governor of the State of Utuh, do hereby designate and 6et apart, Saturday, April 15, 1905, aa Arbor day, aud recommend that this day bo devoted by the trustees of public institutions, by the faculties aud students of colleges aud normal schools, by the teachers, pupils aud school boards of our public schools, and the people of the state generally, to the planting nf trees, shrubs aud aud viues about state aud school buildings, by the highways aud uround their homes. Let as many a9 possible participate in the usual exercises of this oc cssiou, each contributing his share to the renewal of our forest and shade trees, thus enhancing the beauty aud value of homes, schools and public highwas. I a testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my baud' aud caused the great seal of the State of Utah to be hereunto affixed. Done at Salt Lake City, this 28th day of March, A. I). 19U5. JOHN C. CUTLER. Notice! Notice is hereby given to parties who contemplate having water transferred iuto the canal of the Westview Irrigation company for the season of 1905, that at a mecPngof the board of directors of said cotnpauy, held March (5, 1905, a resolution was adopted, specifying That for each $100.00 of water transferred from the Dover Irrigation company into the canal belonging to the Westview Irrigation compauy the party making the transfer must own or control $500.00 of stock iu the Westview Irrigation company; also for one second foot of any other water so transferred, the party desiring to transfer must own or control $200.00 of stock in the Westview Irrigation company, said water when so placet to be under the control of the board of directors of the Westview Irrigation company, and if not so placed, the party or parties puting their water into the canal of the Westview Irriga tion company will be held responsible for any damage therefrom which may occur to those who have transferred and placed under the direction of the said above board their water. F. L. CGPENING, Secretary. CHURCH Hell at Etbralm Two Days Be nil el Wednesday afternoon, the ceremony being conducted by Her King of Balina, who preached a comforting eermou to the bereaved relatives and frieuda. Diseased was the widow of the late She was Herman J. Christenson, the mother of Theodore E Christenson, Titus Christenson, Mis. Sarah F. Martin and the late Julius Christenson, all of this city, and Mrs. George Leslie of Salt Lake. Airs. Christenson was born in Denmark 81 years ago aud came to Utah iu 1853, being among the pioneers of this county. She has been the con slant care of her children for a number of years past, necessitated by her weak mental state. .SO. 'I. -- FARMERS COUNTY In compliance with the law Tha remains of Mrs. Hannah Christenson, who died nt Salt Lake City Governor Johu C. Cuttler baa issued Sunday, were brought to her home a proclamation Betting aside April To ia this city Tuesday for burial. Ah to be observed as Arbor day. Funeral was held from the Following is the full teit of the Presby-teriauclnp- 1ST, 11 aai NOTICES. Priesthood Mcctinsr. 12. Experiment Station, Logan, Utah, March 21. Mr. James Frost, Secretary Farmers' Institute Committee, Ephraim, Utah. Dear Sir:--Th- e long delay iu arranging for the institute in Sanpete We couuty has been unavoidable. are now ready to suggest that a two days Farmers Institute for Sanpete county bo held at Ephraim, beginning Tuesday morning and eudiug Wednesday evening April lltli aud 12th. I realize that this is rather late in the season, but I believe it will be possible to get out some farmers who certainly will bo bcnelittod by the exercises. Please maka the arrangements as jwr our earlier correspondence. There will be iu all probability three speakers from the college, two meu aud one woman. Do uot change these dates unless it is absolutely necessary. Other counties have been notifiod of institute meetings which wilt follow immediately on the Sanpete institute, and if your dates are changed, all the others must be chauged also. Please also remember that this is an Institute for Sanpete county and should be advertised thoroughly front one eud to the other of the county. The farmers cught to come out iu large numbers and we ought to have a rousing time with results that will be beneficial for a long time to come. Very 6iucerely yours, JOHN A. WIDTSQH. The monthly priesthood meeting of the South S inpeto Stake of ton will y, lie bold at the Mar.ti tabernacle, Sat-unla- April 1st, 1905. .it 1J oclock a. m. The High Council will meet at 10 a. m. at the usual place. Lewis Anderson, Joseph Y. Jcushd, G. A. Iverson. Stake Presidency Au epidemic of grip is predicted a? one result of the war in eastern Asia, t Nrws. It ia supsays the posed that the home of that unwelcome guest is Northern Ciiiua, aud that it follows railroad linos aud other lines ol communication. In 1890 the Do-we- epidemic spiVad throughout the world from Asia, consequent on the It is now opening up of Bokhara. argued that thousands of Russian soldiers will return from the home of the grip germ, aud iu all probability cause another epidemic. It is, as almost everybody knows by experience, a sickness to be dreaded, because it leaves tho system in a weak condition iu which it easily becomes the prey of other diseases. Pestilence nearly always follows iu the wake of war, aud through improvement in the means of communication, the evil effects are rapidly distributed to all parts of the world. To Relieve Toothache. To relieve toothache, make a flannel hag about four or five inches square, s fill it full of common sew up and heat the bag In the salt; If troubled with weak digestion, oven, and apply to the side of the use face. The salt retains heat for a conbelching of sour stumsch, Chamberlains Stomach and Liver siderable time and gives much relief. Tablets and you will get quick reProper Treatment of Pneumonia. lief. For sale by Gunuisou Co op. Pueumonia is too dangerous a disthree-quarter- to attempt to ease foi anyone doctor himself, although he may have A the proper remedies at hand. phvsiciau should always be called. It should be borne in mind, however that pneumonia always resul-t- from a cold or from au attack of tho gnp aud that by giving Chamber hum Cough remedy the threatened alia !' of pneumonia may be warded uh This remedy is aho used by phsi eians in the treatmont of pueumorm with the best rebuild. Jr. W Smith, of Sanders, Ala., v. i o druggist, sa) a of it "J kvo selling Chamber Iain's Cough Pe and prescribing it in n, pr.jti-tirvon S. Francis, Paul :t .. Fjeldsted. Geo, past six years, , F. Copen-ingL. Nordeck, L. Ludvigson, of pneumonia end hm o .tfv'iy E J Kearns, t ha best Anthony Madsen, or I. W. HARPER WHISKEY. H. A. Kearns, Nepbi Anderson. M30U COp. Pronounced by the Worlds best experts The Worlds Best Whiskey Coreas Navy. Ws r."Grand Prize Highest Award St. The navy of Corea consists of ( ! I' i.i In the Louis Worlds Fair. Sold by L. twenty-fivadmirals and one iron a sia weg built coal barge. Ludvigson, Gunnison, Utah. The dancing party given on Friday night by the Musinia club whs among the best given during the season. A big crowd was out and an air of gaiety presented by elaborate decorations. Badges commemorative of the event as the initial ball, designated charter members attending. The affair was not au ideal one to come under such auspices, but it served to bring the organization into more r'.lice and put a few dollars to Lhe fund. The Commercial club is gainirg membership, it now numberJoining since lhe ing twenty-ninefir.--c lint published, are the following-namecitizens, Axel Einarsen, J P. . . : d lx. j. re.-.di:- , I j e - f i I |