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Show NOTICK OF ASSESSMENT. PROBATE AMD GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES- - DOVER IRRIGATION AND CANAL 1 km r. Company, Prlelpal place of Utah. Notice hereby given that .it a lmct log of the ktockholder held on the &th l.iy of December, 1a(, an of nine cent peraharc a a levied on the caUl ihck if the corporation, and by nn order of the Ward of dlreeto made on the 4th day of Mavh. nu nt, v!: IS e nt t half of aPd la05, .h per hart. 1 payable immediately fcta rviarf, at U oJHeu. residence, Utah. Any tck upon which ald flrt on half of this l may r main unpaid on the 15th day of April. i.u will be tbilojm nt at.d t advovtUed f r dal, 1. 1 ptil.ge auction. and un-- 1 paym. i;: - made fore will U- - .!d n the Cth day of May, I M, to pay the delinquent ' with the cet f adi r ss',i:!ir,,, to;. of ale, tUlng and Consult County Clerk or the rtspactlve ?ne r for futl- - information. TtiepttltlontifW.il. GrJt.Mf ChrUunon prajlr.g for to temuit iitoa i -- Panders. tiace&sed, and for tin granting of Lett n Tyhtumentary to thcmM-Irha Wan nt f r hearing on Monday the Mb day of May, A. D. WO, at IQ oclock a. m. at the county court bousa. In tba court room of ald court. In Mantl city, Panpct county. Utah. Wltuejs tha Clark of aald Court with tb aenl thereof atfln-- thi I3lh day of March, A. e m. A. 11. E. II. ANDERSON, 1al Christenson, -- T. F. Kearns. f 1 L. C. ANDERSON. Office at r 6M nee, Clerk. 1st pub. March Atty. NOTICK In the Hereath Judicial District Court In and for Punpite County. Ptato of Utah. In the matter of the Guardianship of Lyman Sanders, Loren II. Sander and Ken noth V. Sander. Minors. Notice 1 hereby siren, that a petition filed by Lena C. Sanders, praying for tbe Issuance to hern If of fetter of Guardianship of said Minors ha lown set for hearing on Monday, the 9th day of May A. I), lidi, at 10 oclock a. m. nt the county court house. In the court room of said couuty, In Mantl city, Sanpete County, Utkh. Witness my hand and seat of said District Court ut my office In Mantl. Sanpete county, this Sftuh day of March. A. 1. K. it. ANDKUoN, Clerk. si:L A. II. CbrNteriMUi. Atty. 1 I I lluli. Haver, 17. U5. 1 Clirt-t(ti!!!?n- i. John ,, ftertjR, Koiiboi) Cliristt nson. ( ClorkJunitis Metcalf. TreusuretChriH I. Chritou-on- . Marshal J. P. FjeldsttHl. Supervise! of -- Str-et--J.P- ni , 1 Quanindne Physician .1. A Hagan. II. Christenson. Utoruey.-A- , -- 0. II. BF.KtiLrXI). Arrowpinc Ranch, Autone Yepscu. Poumiketqv-r- - Ii:i:CIXCT OFFICEIiS. - Ciumnstn, Tustice of lht- - Peace Albert Swain CViiMablw A. I). Dimmick. - - 1tali. SCHOOL TiH STKHS Cnairniau Brigham JriiMn. Clerk- - W. H. Cribble. liunniNs a keauns dam andcanal company. Irlnep.il phife busline Utah. Noilee K hereby git e, at f the Uiard v dir.a-trou I lie Ml. day of March, it A, an f ten cons, ja r .hnro m.h !.,-- on tl, capital atook tif thocornuratl.ai. imniedlatt ly to A. J. Uol.tiln s ai.t Mvretary, nt hi re.M hi (lunnl-ot- i. Utah. tld-thN aw-oneAny hio--tuny uin remain unpaid on tho J.'M, day ,.f April. Ilvi. will lx- de!ic.U .t advertised for sale at p i) i,,. m f pul !l ma'tloii, .Old w 111 ! sold .m the t'th day .:h y, 10. to piv the deolil,i-n- t UXM'Xxlii.Ut, to-- ; ell,, r lt!i the co-- t of ad va rtl-!- i; und M of -- al . p.! : : M. HOMUs. r. t iry. Ollicoat u A.J. ltoliblim. residence In the Seventh Judicial District Court In Utah. and for Sanpete Couuty, State of Utah. pub. Mur h 17. 05. In the matter of Guardianship of Mary A. Sanders. Golden V. Sanders Dauntes II. Sanders and Leonard O. Sanders. Minors. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, thatn pet et Ion filed by Edmund Sanders. Jr., praying for Issuance WEST VI EW IRRIGATION COMPANY. to himself of Letters of Guardianship of said Gunnison, Utah -Principal place of Inislm-Mtminors has been set for hearing on Monday Notice N at meeting of that hereby given the rth day of May, A. D. 19U5, ut 10 o'clock tha Ixiurd of directors held onthedth day of a. m. at the oounty courthouse, In the court klitch, 19U5, un usseasnielit of live cents in room of said county, In Mantl city, Sanpete luluir and one-ha- lf of ucent In cash, on the county, Utah. dollar, was levied upon the outstanding Witness my hand and seal of said District capital stocK of the corporation, payable Court al my ofUco hi Mantl. Sanpete county, to the secretary of the company, this 29th day of March, A. 1). 1905. ut his ofiiee. E. D. ANDERSON, Clerk. Lsfial Any Mock upon vldch tl Is assessment may A. II, Christenson, Atly. remain unpaid on tho Pth day of April, 1905, will bo delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, urn) unless payment la made will In) sold on the tit ti dy of Muy, Incredible Brutality. 005. to pay delinquent aasessment, together It would have been incredible with cost of advertising and expense of sale. F, L. COl'F.NING, Secretary. brutality if Chas, F. Lemberger, of Oflice ut residence. Gunnison, Utah. Syracuse, X. Y.. had not done the 1st pub. March 10. 05. 1 um-IiImi- iim.-iilnc- Aiilion. hi re.nner--Nr)- OF ASSESSMENT. NEPHI OLEDHILL, o. !e-l- naat-icmc- d Motary -- h - . Chris 1. A I.. Minbrn s;i riitte8 I i- d it. t-- I'er. artin documa.i. jurportlng to last Will and Testament f Edmund UrMuttoof Ik at :,d Reuben o - Prv.juciU- - 1 In the DUtr'.rt Court, Probate PlvLlon, tn and for nnp-tComity, gut of llnb. In tUt matter of the mate of Edmund F tnders. dece.i-.td- . Notice. olt:ci:us. GJXXISOX TOWN A Rufolic - - - GnnnFi.n UTAH. land.-l-for- B0 TEARS e Dcclcr iti experience n l'j. tJun-nlrto- n. HOf.HE.SION ami DIXOMATIVH PAINTING. T..aDt Marks Designs r GkAIMMl. Copyrights Ac. n iikclr! wnd timf Anvonc nonillng ur ipiiiiti freono,lirr ail rri.nn Conitunnlrn-In rolmllf mlnlitil. nxtrictirooiitldontlitL llninltxHikon I'ntont . Iiili-i- t pnlt-titsoul Iron. itifMiry for Pul on i taken ihrounh Munn A Co. receive tpteial notice, without charge, in the flnli-kl- f invent Ion k mn-urin- Dr. C.H.UIRD DENTIST Scientific American. hnndnomcly llhmtrnted weekly. I.ergest elf-- t alatlon of ny eeteniitle journal. Terms, f3 year: four months, f L Hold by all newsdealera. A RUNNCo.3,8adr-fiewYor- Office, k time. If his wife dies, he must enter a monastery. Hence the Russians tell many stories of the extraordinary ni6Mis to which the JIAXTI-- r AND GUNNISON LEWIS LARSON 1 Second Utnh. - GUlMINIfSOIV. dcxrrlp.'.on e Co-op- ul Applicr of nz s.--- best he could for his suffering eon. cut a fearful My boy,M he Bays, Best Remedy for Constipation. gash over his eye, so I applied Buck-len- s The finest remedy for constipation Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye.M Good I ever used is Chamberlains Stcmarh says Mr. K:i for bufns and ulcers too. Only 25c and Liver Tablets, Butler, of Frankville, N. Y. Thuj at Paul von Nordecks drug store. act gently and without any unpleasant effect, and leave the bowels in a About Russian Priests. Sold perfectly natural condidion. A white Russian priest must be . Gunnison married, but he cannot marry the by IN. - wail Paper irz and Moulding .- . F,;h - tV. C. CIIHIHTIINSI ai--- t s Live fHcch Gnrcltn Offlcp, GUNNISON H. UiinUiLi. . ATTORNEY-AT-LA- 1 111 U I IN AO,... fill L J. 1002 lHleavee Gu mieon for Manti, pphra:m Mt Pleasant, Provo, Salt Lake City ana A XVaiuNo, 1 All lepui matters receive prompt mid careful attention. I Eloquent and Effective Plea. Representative Hill of Connecticut had a bill up for the relief of a postin his district who had lost priess resort in guarding the health master of their wives. If the priests consort money through the theft of stamps 1. A Ben i on, sneezes, a mild panic ensues in- the from the postoffice. He showed that G. A.P. D. one of the thieves was serving time household. The Worlds WTcrk. In Illinois and one in New York. RepA. J. Menruv, resentative Boutell of Illinois came to Local ;gent. Mains in rescue of Representative Hill and the Cocking England. Cock fighting has been revived in made an eloquent plea for Hills claim, A number of fights have beginning thus:- "Mr. Speaker, here is England. taken place, but the utmost secrecy where Illinois and New York Join The fighting birds are hands through Joliet and Sing-Sinis observed. JOB PRINTING N.SATLY EXE- armed with steel spurs about two to help this worthy citizen of inches long. Riches in the Kremlin. Startling Mortality. All the czars of Russia have been in the famous Kremlin in crowned Statistics show startling mortality, and in the there aie Moscow, CUTKD AT THE GAZETTE from appendicitis and peritonitis To the thrones of all treasury the emperors of the prevent and curetLv'se awful diseases, past, as well as the historic jewels thre is jus1' one reliable remedy, Dr. and the choicest plate now owned by crown. There are Rings Xew Life Pills. M. Flannery, the Russian worth of gold and silver and of 14 Custom House Place. Chicago, precious stones in that treasury and key have no equal for are basins of gold there as big OFFICE, and Biliousness. bath-tub- , 25c at - a baO-and two card of solid silver. 3uul v i. X rdeck, druggist. I.oflii Money o Fnrms. Easy Tern: buy and pell Real Potato, and town property. Iuter-modiat- e points at II .24 a. m. Arrives at Salt Lake b 00 p. m. Train No. 10 leaves Salt Lake for Bingham, Provo Mt. Pleasant, Manti, Gunnison and Intermediate points 8 :00 a, m. Train Xo. 142 leaves Gunnison for Salina, Richfield, Elsinore and Marysvale at 2 :1 1 p.m. Arrive at Marysvale G :I5 p,ra. Connections made at Thistle Junction for ail points east. W. Office over Pop farm Utah ffice, MANTI, uwBJtmigaBMajiMBMii bb i .k Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing cau ever surpass it. 9 ins: s rnuoirMiTio.v ft Prire 50c . s 51.30 kj - A Perfect Cure: Money For All Throat and i s Lung Troubles. back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. - g We promptly obtain Con--lecticu- 11. S. a' i l'ortii;:i a X Send model, sKuteb or photo cl iLxuition yatentability. Jr r free :!SSS;WTRADE-IBAnK- S 1 1;, vi," !$'& . $600,-000.00- 0 , I Con-sMpaTi- s osite U. S. Patent Office" WASHINGTON D. C. s f'.i-le- h jt. a e |