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Show Cemetery for Book. for book' Is whet a French writer call the National Library In Tarla, in which the history of France alone la represented by 109,000 volumes. NINE A MYSTICAL NUMBER. "A cemetery VLADIVOSTOK 8uperitltlon Connected With Three Times Three. Nine Is a mystical number. A eat Is said to have nine lives; there are nine crowns in heraldry; possession Is nine points of the law, and the whip for punishing evildoers has nine Theres a difference in ad- tails, the superstition being that a flogging by a trinity of trlulties would vertisements. be sacred and more efficacious. In orAlso in tea. der to see the fairies, mortals are directed to put nine grains of wheat on KU vm mum yof mamwy jvi a four leaf clover. The hydra had nine heads, and leases are frequently Land in Argentina. granted for 09 or 009 years. Milton, Of the 720,000,000 acres of iand mak- In "Paradise Lost," says: -- The gates of hell are thrice threefold three ing up the total area of Argentina, are arable. The principal folds adamantine, three folds Iron and three folds adamantine rock. They crops are corn, wheat anil flax. have nine folds, nine plates and nine A GtM It ANTKI.'II CTItK FOK IILK. When the angels were cast linings. licblDif, Jiiiuj, Itirrjiiut r I'roir-- linn !:!. lour out of n!n- days they fell." heaven will If I'XZo OIN IMKXT draUl fall to cur )oii lu 6 lo 14 Uk. , Ttl. d). ered tho curse of Scotland,.Uaand.COnl Hotels In United States. to see There are 41,000 hotels In the nlno magpies In the land of cakes Is United States, representing an Invest- considered as bad as to seo tho doll ed capital of over JC.OAO.OoO.oao. These his ano sol. establishments employ 3..r00,0u0 perBenefit of Collegiate Course. sons. President Woodrow Wilson of Princeton: "You dont need to send a NEXT OK LISTVSS BULL Many JAPANESE WILL TURN THEIR TO THAT POINT. N TEA Are No Longer Chasing Russians in the Vicinity of Harbin, Having Withdrawn From the Pursuit i - Tea is tea sometimes and at some houses; at other times and at other houses, what do you think it is? Schilling' Saai Ta la tnk larcrypckof Wti Hu To UuoJ Tm. Uki A Malden's Inconsistency. There vas a young Kiri mmed . I.lewelljn with lletu-iswhen Who ujh lavi.'-spellyn, But .she broke with her beuu. And lot tier teai. fl.au. h Because he addr-j-s- Ji.-- r d as Hhellyn. TEA Which do you spend most money on, tea or coffee? Yaur )r ? Sckniingt Hwt, non it dat.'x JTi Woman as Subject for Romancer. Perhaps Balzac was the first to recognize that woman is the most important part of the human race for the romancer, and that in human society the woman is not always the female of the male Globe. Mn. .T. IT. Giles, Kverott, Ia., Suffered Tear with kidney and (Travel trouble. Cured by Ur. David Kennedy Favorite Kemedy, Kondout, N. Y. 11.0s). The Little Things. Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindnesses and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort. TEA There is such a thing in the worU as tea-tope- r, slave of the cup; one can hardly agine it. boy to college to find ua education, its to fird himself, to find his relation to the life that around, and to beioino of value to the nation. Tho class room is not vital, because ono rsan dominates, one mind Is master. 1 believe that t lie only way to learn is by trying your mind alongside f some other mind and drawing conclusions. Nothing gives a youngster catholicity of view !!lc rubbing against the men of varlou mri nf th mirntrv." What the Dentist Says. Toledo. Ohio, March 27th ( Special.) Harry T. Lewis, the well known dentist of C07 Sumit street' this city, is telling of his remarkable cure of Kidney Disease by using Dodds Kidney Pills. was flat, on my back and must I iiad almost say given up all hopo of ever getting any help," says Dr. Lewis. My kidneys had troubled me for years. The pains in my back were severe and I had to get up several times at night. I tried different, medicines but kept on getting worse till I was laid up. Then a friend advised me to try Dodds Kidney Pills and in about two weeks I started to improve. Now I am glad to admit I am cured and I cannot praise Dodds Kidney Pills too highly." If you take Dodds Kidney Pills when your kidneys first show signs of being out of order you will never have Brights Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Gravel or Rheumatism. 1 Horse Commits Suicide. In a lawsuit in Aberdeen, Wash., over a horse, tho death of which in a flood the owner attributed to the carelessness of a man who had hired it, the court decided that the animal, which had suffered from melancholia for some time, committed suicide. im- Inventor in Doubt. Is your invention a success?" T dont know yet, answered the meIt is such a simple chanical genius. and effective device that I dont know whether I can develop enough imaginative eloquence concerning it to make people subscribe for stock." TEA Good tea and tea are quite different; both grow on the same bush. Is RESTORED HIS HAIR Scalp Humor Cured by Cutlcura Soap and Ointment After All Else Had Failed. was troubled with a severe scalp humor and loss of hair that gave me a great deal of annoyance and Inconvenience. After unsuccessful efforts with hair many remedies and tonics, a friend induced me to try The Cuticura Soap and Ointment. humor was cured in a short time, my hair was restored as healthy as ever, and I can gladly say I have since been entirely free from any further annoyance. I shall always use Cutlcura Soap, and I keep the Ointment on hand to use as a dressing for the hair and scalp. (Signed) Fredk Busche, 213 East 57th St., New York City. I d The impression prevalent In Pome O-- hav military circles that the Japan Ing removed tl. jmsslbility of tho main Russian army In Manchuria assuming tbo Initiative, will now turn their attention to the next objective of the war, Vladivostok, Is strengthened by a dispatch from Ciunslnt pass announcing the withdrawal of the Japanese from the immidlato fri nt of the Runar,ny for a distance of thlrty-flvmiles south. It Is realized, of course, that this may In inejuly a blind to cover flanking operations, but it is nut improbable that the Japanese, having , 24.-000,0- TEA TEARFUL DECLINE OF STRENGTH COMPLETELY ARRESTED. Medical Skill lla.l A I mo. I liau.tr.l lltelf la Vain Altempl to Kellete Her A '. IT rrf-m.- RECOVERS - I cleared pout hern Manchuria of Hus-niatroops and sectirid a jHi.sition from whence expulsion would be a long and difficult pioce.-s- , may be satis-lieto hold the Tie pass line without further extension of communication. CASTRO LOCKING FOR TROUBLE. n lleiuarkable The recovery of Milder! rude L. Dull t is of great to the medical world, A very bad c.ugli followed n severe attack of pneunmuia. It seemed impos-d-bito break it up or .to restore her sadly under-minestrength, which liud U-In spite of the Int etTorts of tho doctors nnd the use of several advertised nunles of treatment her ridition daily grew m.ro serion.-- . Sim finally discontinued all medicine and gave herself up to desjMiir. Whitt was your condition at this time? she win asked. ' My stonnu h was s weak I could not j keep fund down. I suffered from con Maut nausea. My kidney were in terrible condit ion. My feet and ankles were swollen so ladly that it juiined mo even to titaml on them. I wih very bilious. My heart was in bail shape so I could not go up nml down stairs or stand any exertion or sleep in a natural posit ion. H "It seems n wonder that you should How did it ever have recovered. lt-ul- l. inD-H-f- o d. liapjH-- ? u You may v dl call it n marvel, but Dr. Williams link 1ills wrought it. None of my friends thought I could live many mouths longer. My parents had no hope. Just then ii pamphlet advertising Dr. Williams Fink Fills for lalo Feoplo was thrown in our door. It was a great event for me. These pills saved mo from tho grave. With inn week from tho timo I began to take them I felt better, and in three months I was entirely well. I cannot praise I)r. Williams IMuk Fills too highly nnd I dearly hopo that my experience may bring good to some other sufferers. Miss Hull, who was so remarkably cured, resides at Union drove, Illinois. Dr.Villiams Pink Fills net immediately on tho blood, purifying and enriching it. In all debilitating diseases, such ns lung troubles, grip, levers, and in nil cases in which tho system is thoroughly rundown, tlieso pills perform wonders. They are sold by nil druggists throughout tho world. A valuable booklet on diseases of the blood, will In: sent freo to any one who applies for it to Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. His Present Actions Likely to Provokf War With Colombia. President Castro has again refused to resume diplomatic relations witb Colombia, and in so doing lias create a situation which many South American diplomats fear will lead to war between Colombia and Venezuela. I gist year Pre.-ldoReyes visited President Castro in Caracas, ami it was rumored at that time their differences were partly settled, but such was Hot I lie ease. President Castro has to iermit Colour refused persistently bia to carry on trade except under conditions which an almost prohibi tory, though Maracaibo and other ports near the eastern boundary of Colombia afford a natural outlet for Colombian products, wliirli ran be marketed at other ports only at a great loss. This discrimination against Colombia has almost ruined the trade of one of the Sums Spent to Repress Crime. richest sections of the republic, and For the repression of crime about has also brought great loss to Vene- $30,000,000 a year is spent by England zuelans who depended on that trade. ami Wales. President Castro has disregarded the requests of botli Venczuilans and Co- state of Onio. City of Toledo, 9S- Lucas Gouty. lombians, however, his purpose being Frank ,J. Chknky makes oath that he I senior to punish Colombia fur its alleged as- partner of the Arm of F. J. Ciienky fc Co., dolmc bus lot hi lit tho City of Toledo. sistance to the Matos revolution. County and State 1 nt I ( MRS. CHADWICK GETS TEN YEARS Case Will Be Carried to Higher Court, and Stubborn Fight Expected. Unless the higher court interferes, Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick will spend the greater part of the next ten years in the Ohio state penitentiary. Mrs. Chadwick was convicted on several counts. For four of tluse counts a sentence of two years each was iror posed. Upon two counts a sentene of one year each was imposed, making a total sentence of ten years. The case will now go to the higher courts, Mrs. Chadwick's attorneys declaring they will fight to the last ditch. Village Wiped Out by Cyclone. A report has reached St. Taul that the little town of Louisburg, in tho extreme western portion of Minnesota, had been practically wiped out by a tornado, and that seven persons had been seriously injured. It was also stated that from two to seven were aforesaid, anil that paid II rm will pay the mini of oyL 1HJN1JKKL) DOLL V11S for eai'h and every rase of Cata Kim that cauuot be cured by the use of Hall's Catauuu Cuke. FUAN'K J. C1IUVEV. Sworn to before me and subm-rlbelu preneuee thin tith day of December, A. D., lssfi. uiy i A. W. GLliASOV, i sealI Notary Public. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of ths. 1 bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHUNKY iSs CO., Toledo, O. s, Sold by all 7.re. Take Halls Family Dills for constipation. system, Drut-KlHt- Retort Courteous. Sandy MoNab was uoastfui of his areestors and of the noble connections of his family. A tourist who was spending a week in tho village where Sandy lived met that individual drivHullo, Sandy, said tho ing a pig. Is this one of your nobla visitor. relations? Na, na, sir, was Sandys Shes no relation at all, shes reply. shust an aconainfTeo like yersel. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CA3TORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infanta and children, and see that it Bears the of Signature killed. Over 30 Years. Louisburg is a town of about 100 la Use Tor Kind You Have Always Bought. The Write for our Knowledge Hook. A 8chflttig A inhabitants, in Lac Qui Parle county, San Franeiee Company, and has neither telephone nor teleLook Pleasant, Please. graph connection with the outside Now, Mr. Hornihand, Photographer world. Reports from nearby towns, Best Season for Barbers. Good Advice. a for few minutes that your buildImagine however, state that three story Barbers say that the late summer is Think twice before you speak. And ings corn overrun had all estimates were demolished and that crop entirely the best season for the sale of hair even then, nine times out of ten, the every residence more when was and town that had in the it ready for you tonics and the best season also for world wont lose anything if you keep or less damaged. market there was a freight-ratwar till. Somerville Journal. scalp massage and for hair singeing. on between the railroad companies. e |