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Show EVEREw KIDNEY ARMY CHAPLAIN BLADDER TROUBLE. a2T. 'x . OCEAN LINERS COLLIDE. ft L JAYCOX. CHAPLAIN D. Over Two Thousand People Narrowly Escape Death. Two cn:it muuatlantir Umrs. tho Parisian of the Allan lino, and tlu Al both rlean tano. a Hamburg-Anbound in, heavily loath'd uith collided off tlu harbor's at Halifax. N. S.. Saturday won Hoth damn god. night. but roachod their dorks and landed Ihtir passongrr saf!y. There was a panic among tin passengers on both ships when tho statnor struck. Tho Parisian's stem tmieln-- bottom as sho rent hod lor wharf, whllo hard pumping Kept the Albano free. Hoth steamers were from European ports, the Parisian front Movlllo and tho Albano from Hamburg. Tlio Parisian had about a thousand passengers, many of whom wen lotind for St. Johns. N It. Tho Albano carried about S00 passengers, nearly all for Philadelphia, to which jort sho was to have proceeded aftef coaling at Halifax. lat, paa-eonpo- V N " ink ''' .' V (1 ' v V' a N v . j .' j i- i j C1. - HALF OUR ILLS ARE CATARRH. CASTRO REFUSES Thousands of People Have Kidney Trouble and Dont Know It Is Catarrh. Mr. David L. Jaycox. Chaplain Clarinda, I. O. (. T., and Chaplain O. A. 1L, 8C5 llroadway, Oak and, Cal., writes: 7 am an old war veteran. I contracted severe bladder and kidney trouble. spent hundreds of dollars and consulted a host of doctors, but neither did me any good. Terunahas proven the best medicine I ever used. Mv pains are pone and I believe myself to be cured. I feel well and would not be without a bottle in time of need for ten times its cost. Present Time. doctored with every drug, have conceivable consul ted all schools of medicine. It was not until Peru-it- came a in- to use, however, that these old soldiers found a remedy that would actually cure them. More cases of catarrh of kidneys and ) bladder have been cured by Peruna Hundreds of war veterans have kidthan all other medicines combined. ney and bladder trouble. Address Dr. 8. II. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus. on water, Impure drinking sleeping Ohio, the ground, and all manner of expo- tho and he will be pleased to give you advice gratis. sures to wet and cold weather produced All benefit of his medical correspondence held strictly catarrh of the kidneys and bladder. 3SE rnragrjgg: The Secret ZZm of Good Coffee Even the beet housekeepers cannot make a good cup of coffee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerly blended coffee such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counters wont do. But take tho pure, clean, natural flavored Peace Prospects are Brighter. Prospects of peace between Russia and Japan assumed a more definite HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. Uee LION COFFEE, because to get best results you must use the best coffee. Grind yonr LION COFFEE rather fine. Use a tablespoonful to each cup, and one extra for the pot. First mix it with a little cold water, enough to make a thick paste, and add white of an egg (if egg is to be used as a settler), then follow one of the following rules : and almost tangible aspect Friday, says a Paris dispatch, as the result of the announcement of the resumption of negotiations for a Russian loan. Coupled with the announcement of the resumption of the loan negotiations came a strong intimation from official and diplomatic quarters that steps looking toward peace had been definitely taken by Russia. The foreign office declined to confirm a report that France was likely to bo the intermediary, but diplomats who are actively interested for the first time gave credit to the statement that Russia had de- 1st. WITH BOILING WATER. Add boiling water, and let It boll THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and set aside live minutes to settle. Serve promptly. 2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to the paste and it to a boll. Then set aside, add a little cold water, and In live bring minutes It's ready to serve. boll it too long. Q - (Dont Dont let It stand more than ten minutes before serving. (.Dont use water that has been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st With Eggs. Use part of the white of an egg, mixing it with the ground LION COFFEE before boiling. 2d. With Cold Water instead of eggs. After boiling add a dash of cold water, and set aside for eight or ten minutes, then serve through a Btrainer. Insist on getting a package ol genuine LION COFFEE, will only use it according to this recipe andinyou prepare 1 lb. sealed packages.) (Sold only LION COFFEE In future. Lion-hea- cided to seek peace. on every package.) for valuable premiums.) (Lion-hea- d (Save these ds SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE O WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. it ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, 11; Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold, 50c; ZlncorCopper.il. Cyanide tests. Hailing envelopes and full price list sent on application. Control and Umpire work solicited. Lead-Vill- e, Colo- - Reference, Carbonate National Bank. RELIABLEGold ASSAVS Gold and Silver 75 I 75 Gold, Silver. Copper.. Lead Placer Gold, Retorts and Rich Ores Bought. I Ooden flssau Go. 1.00 1.50 D en v er.C olorado. w?uw:m!vumim.wmfwvmpw WiMfUWlI nmr When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Salt 23 MRES Lake-N- o. WHERE 13. 1905. RETOR FAILS. ALL ELSE Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. iiaauiwgf War Cost Czar Half a Million Men. Stung by tho wholesale criticism lately heaped upon the war office for Its unpreparedness and incapacity In providing army with men. guns and munitions, the Russian government lias laid bare what has been dono since tin opening of hosilitics, giving the exact figures. From those it appears that up to March 12 the war office had dispatched 13.087 officers, 701.407 men, 140.308 horses, 3 ,521 guns and 310.321 tens of munitions and supplies to tho front, declaring the trans- cost almost fifid.Oou men in killed, wounded, prisoners and sick, and the whole effective army in the far east is now believed not to exceed 500,000 men. the leader ol all package coffees the coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been daily welcomed in millions of homes and you will make a drink fit for a king in this way : DONTS Minister Howcn cables from Caracas that President Castro has flatly re fused to arbitrate tho pending issues between Venezuela and the United States. The administration will tako no action in regard to tho reply which President Castro of Venezuela made to Minister Bowen. Tho matter was fully discussed at the cabinet meeting Friday, and it was determined to allow the matter to await developments. The situation Is considered such as to not necessarily interfere with the departure of the president on his southwestern trip. portation strained the Siberian railroad to its utmost capacity. It is practically admitted that the war has LION COFFEE, BECOaD Slavs Battle in Utah Mining Town. A dead Austrian and a badly wounded deputy sheriff make up part of the results of a midnight battle between rival factions in a Bingham. Utah, Slav colony Saturday. More than 200 shots were fired. Deputy Sheriff Lafayette Chidester, ambushed during an effort to quell the disturbance, and Tony Skojvik, shot down by during the melee, fellow-countryme- n are in a Salt Lake hospital, the latter dead, the former a cripple Sheriff Emery and deputies looking for Frank Smith, the warring forces, supposed man who shot, Chidester. for life. are still leader of to be the OF l GREAT MEOICIDE A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tall liow Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a VvLbk Compound Completely Cured lier. r. The great good Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable CtJiujMtund i tiding among the women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading sciential, and thinking people jjfrxSnra IVijon ARBITRATION. But No Drastic Action is Likely at the They have ITS MEHITjS PROVED The following letter is only one of many thousands whieh are on file in the Pinkhain office, and go to prove beyond question that Lydia K. Vegetable Compound must be m remedy of great merit, otherwise it could not produce such marvelous result among sick and ailing women. Pink-ham- 's Dear Mm. Pinlham: Atxiut nine months ago I was a great sufferer with womb trouble, which caused m ever iain extreme nervousness aol fra- from which the doctor ?uent toheadaches, relieve me. I tried Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Comoiin!, ami within a short time t letter, nod after taking fir IwUlesof it I was entirely cured. 1 therefor heartily recommend your Comjund as a splendid uterine tonic. It makes the monthly jieriods regular and without pain ; and what a blessing it is to find such a remedy after so many doctors fail to help you. I am pleased to recommend it to all suffering women. Mrs. Sara Wilson, :tl East .'id Street, Cincinms f.-l- nati, Ohio. If you have suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness of the stomach. indigestion, bloating, leucorrluea, flooding, nervous prostration, dizzidon't-carness. faintness, and alone feeling, excitability, backache or the blues, these are sure indications of female wivik-nessome derangement of the uterus or ovarian trouble. In such eases there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E. linkhains Vegetable Compound. e want-to-be-le- ft s, Alabastine Your Wails Walls are smoky and grimy after the winters coal and soot. They need cleaning with Alabastine. The new color schemes and harmonies for this year can only be done in Alabastine. The colors are the richest, the tints the most permanent, the hues the most beautiful in Ala. bastine there isnt any wallcovering that is just as good. Alabastine does not need washing off before a fresh coat can be applied you simply mix Alabastine with cold water and apply with a brush. Any decorator or painter can apply it or any woman can apply it herself. Remember Alabastine conies in pack- ages Uke no substitutes do not buy in bulk. If your dealer cant supply yon, send us his name and we will see that you have Alabastine. Beautiful tint cards and free color suggestions free for the asking. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grant Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. New York Office. 105 Water St. Good Seed Pay. When yon boy Fnrlty Saeda you gat the bait. Big catalag frei VOGELER SEED GO. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. m a a a i t m m s a x B B ta a a a i i w a R I I , |