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Show Attar of Rosea. HoumanU U and DuiyarU that la It attar of rosea Is made from rose tea res Th Shinto of Nebraska ha jinssed n bill outlawing the practice of Chris TEA it be steaming hot from the earthen pot; and the loveliest Demand for Oanana Skins. ling-land- . tmii in onk hat TXs l.itiilto Bruton (joinlne Tab:rie. All lruj refund On in ury r li fa'.. ure. K. W. o. e It iua. i5c. Grets's ei.oalure and two others were wounded. Violent storms throughout Indian Territory on Saturday resulted In four deaths nnd numerous injuries to otliers. out at YgRa, I)i sorders have hroUi-in the Crimea, where simps along the quay and In the bazaar hate been pillaged. The govemo of Tnu- s'hv has signed a hill whr-I- i prohibits helling on horse races, urov.din; a penalty of $25 in each cue. It is stated the president will call an extra resiou cf eocgiesi on October 1. I the purpose cl coisidern g i. I Lives cf Men and Women. No man. even the mo.n wretched, would change with any woman, even the most fortunate. And this I not an Illusion. He Is Instinctively right. Ho gets more out of life. He knows this, and it helps him to hear much without complaint. Referee. u t railroad run lostsluon. ( who Mrs. Jessie lJopKbi shot her husbat wbn he attempted to heat her, i New Wars dy, has been discharged fron custody. Kd Dunn and J. A. Casley, convicted of robbing the hank at Lebanon, Ore., on February 8, have been sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. A rowboat containing a party of live returning from Occanus beach to Georgiana, Ga.t was overturned by a squall, and four of the occupants were Clih-ago- y j Union ilado W. T. Donclas nnVf nml mom Mens Ml. 50r shore limn any other iim-In numitfai llio nurM. KIii.oihI W m-I- Ii RE Alii) leany cue who can dliprova this staUunant. W. Tj. Dougin S'l.SO shoes nro the ercAlvit seller in Him world limuiin of their excellent stylo, fitting1 and (.unlitics. superior They am wearing an goiMl an those that rout from ju.t (s.VOO to S7.lO. Tim only difleronre Is V. I,. Douiilai 50 shoes the cost price. mom to make. hoi. I their sliaio lielter, wear longer, and are of value than any oilier S3. Ml shoogreater on the W. I.. Dougin guarmarket antees their value by stamping his on the bottom of each liamu and shoe. Lookprice for it. Take no substitute. IV. I.. Douglas shoes are sold through liisown retail stores in the prinand hy shoe dealers everycipal cities, where. No matter where you live, W. L. are within your reach. bliocs Douglas riy to-da- , 1 1:t y? r'?y. dl-ea- easy-goin- IUnana hklr.K are In demand in particularly at hotel, for th cleaning uf boot. ifi-- dyNi'I. iskeo si Ponies uf Dr. Pierce s wedliTaa and to stop uaUl fpi ret) good, but ary not going fu.r liJf frlcid am mar am cured. I lell Tleg about Dr iircsa all ar. "Low good you ars loukiiof Mra. Tar 11 loe-ucl- a, br. and I answer It Kavortiw 1 PrwriHiun. all du U Dr. llfW 1 hanking you ones more for your kind Your truly. nes I remain. g y woman pour it. a Many iIum women call on their family physician, ufferli)f. at they Imagine, ona from another from heart tlan Science. another from liter or kidney another from nervous exhaustion or The women and children are reportanother with pain hero and rTotirailon. In this way they all present ed to be leaving Harbin and the busialike to themtelve and their ness houses are dosing. and Indifferent, or (tor-busdoctor, and distinct dives, for which he, Ry an explosion in a tolliery at them to tauch. prescribes hit Drenkovn. Hunsurv, to:i nurvri were assuming pi Ha and potion. In reality they ar all only tymvtinn raused by some womb dls killed and many :tlu"s Injur:?!. aao. The physician. Ignorant of the Fiank Racon. at one tin.? nou.lno caned of suffer! us. encourage this prac-ar- e ne Prohibition lice until large bills no made. The auf for president better, but prole feting patient get tb ket, is dead at I.os Anadta ably worse, by reaenu of the delay, wrong treatment and rouseouent complications. In a riot at Riga, Russia. Saturday A Dr. Pierce FaprojT medicine like Prescription, direrfof fo the muse night one s!ienian was shot dead vorite would have entirely removed the disease, dls, Linger longer over it; let to crux: Treating Wrong Disease. NEWS SUMMARY. Mho. K G. aep-ara- la Tatloh. hpilng Arbor. Maaa. An honot dealer will not urgo aubitl tut in place of " Favorite Prcscrlptloa. Than nothing in lh world Just 4 good, although avaricious druggists will sometime aay so for th sake of tb greater profit to bo made upon th Inferior article. Nhun all such. Kvery wise and careful bouewif recog nlrea in value of a gKl homo medical Gonunon Sense IsKik. Dr. ll'-r- i is that kind of a book and leal to sell for of it kind. It us. the thereby dl?iel!lug ail those distressing f 1..V) per copy. Now a big edition Is beFor paper-coverermptoms, and Instituting comfort in- ing glien away-rRstead of prolonged misery. It Laa been copy, rend 21 on-stamp, to well said that a dlo-aknown is half cover mailing only. French cloth bindIn case almost Innumerable, ing ten rents extra. Addre. Dr. IL V. cured. after ail other medicines had fallrxj u Pierce, Iluffalo, N. Y. help and doctor had said there w&a no ASSIST NATURE cure Msblc, the use of Dr. l1rres now and then, with agent! laxwhen a little Prescription, supplemented with a mor searchnwwuary hy medical aLlcc and counsel ative, or, If need of Dr. Pierre, has resulhxl in a crfect ing and cleansing, yet gentio cathartic, and permanent cure. The genuinemw of to remove matter from the these cures i attesteil not only by tho; stomach and bowels, to tone up and entire disappearance of pain, but by a j invigorate the liver and auicken Its gain of flesh, a clear complexion and a tardy action, and you thereby avoid a e. cheerful disposition. multitude of derangements and A Scientific Mfdicine. Dr. Pierce agents to accomplish Favorite Prescription is a scientific med- thiOf all known Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelpurpose. d devised an icine, carefully by exj'erienec-Once used they are and skillful physician, and adapted to lets aro inuncqualed. favor. Their secondary effect woman's delicate organism. It is purely always is to keep the Imwel open and reguvegetable in Its composition ana per- lar, not to further constipate, as is in any tli case with fectly harmless In Its efff-c- t other pills. Itenc, their condltUm of the rystem. It contains no popularity with sufferers from alcohol, opium, digitalis or other injuri- great habitual constipation, pile and their ous ingredient attendant discomfort and manifold deBos 91. 1 Med-Advis- tt I d KE. nt Fa-vori- to I, dls-eas- Dh. It V. Pi cunt Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir I was Terr low. and our home physician said I would never t well until I went to the Knowing what I did of yoe.r modiclne 1 concluded to try It and felt y sure it would cure inc. f thank God for Dr. Pierre's medicine. 1 keeping house the lith day of April jid wa Just aide to crawl about and In tliree weeks I could do all xay own work, laundry and all. 1 haro ho-pit- al. To-da- rangements. The "Pleasant Pellets aro valuable in all rases of biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or bowels, sour stomach, constipation of the "heart-burnaln and windy Inching, distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liter, stomach and n, bowels. drowned. Jews at Kishineff are greatly alarmed over a renewal of (agitation. The governor Is taking energetic measures to prevent racial anti-semiti- c y. collisions. Ten peasants were killed and fifty were wounded at Lamenta, Russian Poland, March 21, as the result of the EQUAL $5.00 SHOES. 7 have worn IV. 1.. Don plot $3.50 shoes for shooting of infantry sent to quell disyears, and consider them tquul to any $5.00 shoe turbances. now on the tnneiet. They have entire satisfaction." M'n. ft, Anderson , yivtn Heal Estate Canadian shipbuilders have asked Agent , Kansas City , Mo. Boys wear V. L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 the government for a bounty of $G per shoes because they tit better, hold their ton for ten years on Canadian-buil- t shape and wear longer than other makes. 1C. L. Douglas uses Corona Calfskin in Ms ships to protect the industry against $3.50 shoes. Corona Colt is conceded to , oe the finest patent leather produced. British competition. Fast Color Eyelets will not wear Brassy. The president has completed the Vf. L. Douglas lias the largest shoe mail order business in the world. No trouble to get a lit by mail. Efteentsextruprepiiysdelivery. organization of the commission which If you desire further information, write for is to investigate and report to conIllustrated Catalogue of iSpring Styles. W. t. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. gress on the question of reform of the naturalization law's. The president and Secretary Taft are making every effort to complete the rearrangement of the Isthmian BAILEY & SONS canal commisison previous to the deI B. 2ND SO. ST., SALT LAKH CITY, UTAH Are headquarters for the best quality Alfalfa parture of the president on his southSeed, also Grass and Garden Seeds, Grain, western trip. Grain Bags, Twine, etc. In seed business 40 yrs. Mail orders given special attention. During a heavy fog, William Higgins, a ferryman, and five passengers, names unknown, wrere drowned in. the Monongahela river, near Charleroi, Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Rhode Island Reds, Ruff Orpingtons, Minarcas, Brown Leghorn, Pa., the boat being carried over a dam White Leghorn, White All ACITDE riTDD LLIKc FOR RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRAINS, wounds, old sores, corns, bun- - IONS, GALLS, BRUISES, CONTRACT ED MUSCLES, LAME BACH, STIFF JOINTS, FROSTED FEET, BURNS, SCALDS, ETC. AM ANTISEPTIC that mation and drives out Pain. Irritation, subdues Inflam- - PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues, promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Muscles natural elasticity. CURED OF PARALYSIS ALFALFA SEED My wife liad been suffering five W. S. Bailey, P. O. True, Texas, writes: I was persuaded to use Ballards Snow years with paralysisin her arm, when cure. I have also used it for old sores, Liniment, which effected a complete frost bites and skin eruptions. It does the work. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED. ALWAYS VSED REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c and $1.00 Liniment Ballard Snow ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. i SEVEN LEADERS Wyandottes. winners. Kgga. $2 for 15. Write us. Get the prize best. Also luoubators and Brooders. Chick food. VOGELER C. C. SEED CO. SALT CITY. LAKE UTAH SALT LAKE CITY HUNTING, Superintendent EGGS THAT WILL HATCH ! From My Prize Winners. Barred Plymouth Rook Eggs, S. C. Brown Leghorn Eggs .... Sf n MA V I $2.00 11.50 per setting. per setting. 725 SEVENTH 8T. SALT LAKE CITY... and capsizing. The shooting of peasants at Lamenta, Russian Poland, has aroused intense excitement in the whole district The action of the authorities in shooting down unarmed peasants is very angrily criticised. W. J. Ford, a prominent farmer living five miles from Brookshire, Texas, was shot and killed by a negro employed on his farm, the result of an altercation. If the negro is caught a lynching is probable. Former General Charles Tracy Is dead at his home in Albany, N. Y after an illness of some months, aged 57 years. In congress General Tracy was oke of the leading Democratic opponents of free silver. 10,000 Planis for 16c, WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING RECEIVED THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S PAIR. Send us the names of dealers in your town who do not sell our goods, and we will send you & collection of pictures, in colors, of. famous towers of the world. taT A. cf. TOWER CO, ESTABLISHED lass'. BOSTON. CHICAOO. NW YORK. . TOWER CAN ASIAN CO, UaRti. TORONTO CAR More pardens and farms are planted to Salzers Seeds than any other in America. There is reason for this. We own over 5,000 acres for the pro- duction of our warranted eed. In order to induce you to try them, we. make you the following unpre-cedented offer: For 18 Cents Postpaid 1000 Early. Medium and Late Cabbages, 2000 Floe Juicy Turnip,, 2000 Rlanehlng Celerr, 2000 Kick 1000 Splendid Onions, 1000 Rare Lu.elou, Itadlshss, 1000 dlorlonslj Brilliant Flowers. Above seven packages contain sufficient seed to grow 10.000 plants, fur. Mutt-Lettu- nishing bushels of brilliant of choice flowers and lots and lotsour vegetables, together with great telling all about Flowers, catalog,Small Roses, Fruits, etc., all for 16o in8tamps and this notice. e Big catalog alone, lo. JOHN A.SALZER SEED CO, n.u. La Crosse, Wis. or |