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Show CAUSED WRECK, HOW IHSAIIE FEAR Tfl ItSM PEABODY SAD FATE OF OPERATOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COLLISION. LEGISLATURE TO TAKE HAND IN ELECTION CONTEST. Wanders About the Hills, Continually Raving, and Declares He Can Hear the Cries of the Dying. Plans Formulated Which, If Carried Cut, Will Result in the Defeat of Adams and the Ccicctian of Peabody to the Governorship. special from Cheyenne, Wyoming, says an unknown man, who Is believed to be Operator James Miller, whoj-error in copying a train order bad much to do with causing the awcollision at Azusa last ful head-enmonth, as a result of which twelve people lost tfcclr lives, has tern seen In the vicinity of Opal, in western Wyoming. He Is Insane and wanders over the A According to adUes from Denver, FHu.uth g. mrul aa.euhly 1 WedColorado, which is to uuvt If the nesday, January 1, shall elfcciuate tho plans formulated by thy managers of the Republican post elontm campaign, Governor Janus It. IVal-odmay serve as chhf exctullvo c? Colorado t ito the facl for two years mere, that Alva Adams still has n.' uly 20, POO tills, appearing at ranches occasion- plurality tdiue tho votes if live Denally for food. The fellow has teen ver precincts wuo thrown cut tidily heard raving about train orders, do-- ty order of tho suprt mo court In con- In eon-hxpoM-pots, trains and wrecks, and says that sequence of frauds can hear the erica of the dying. tempt proceedings against (.lection of- All efforts to capture the Insane man fidals. There will be a Republican majority have failed. Tho authorities of Uinta of thirty cr more in the general ascounty will send out a posso to effect his capture. Ranchmen w ho have seen sembly which will canvass the votO him say he answ ers the description of for state offices. It Is proposed to have the general assembly uppolut a speMiller. He disappeared from Granger on cial contest committee of id no to the night of the awful wreck, and has twelve members to which will be subnot teen heard from since that time. mitted the evidence of wholesale election frauds in Denver and possibly CODY BANK RODBER CAPTURED. Eomo other counties which the Republican committees have been collecting Bob Irwin in Jail at Basin, Awaiting ever since the election. Identification. The Republican maim gets malutaiu Bob Erwin, the larger of the two that with the irauduleul vote of DenCody, Wyo., bank robbers, was cap- ver eliminated. Governor Peabody will 7,000 plurality In this tured Tuesday and is in jail at Basin, have at hast and 2.000 in tho state. These county Wyo., waiting identification by V. L. politicians do not Intend that tire legal Walls, Carl Hammltt and Asa Love- votes shall be silted from the illegal land. Loveland is the freighter who and then counted e.r that tho legislawas struck over the bead by the flee- ture shall reject the entire vote ol Denver county, because to do this ing robbers on the day of the tragedy. would not accomplish their purpose to reseat Governor Peabody, but they He knew Hr win well. Sheriff Fenton planned the capture, propose that about 109 Democrat id precincts shall be thrown out on the having discovered that Erwin had ground cf alleged frauds and that the been seen at a ranch at the mouth of vote of tho Republican precincts shall the Gooseberry. He and Will Ham-mi- tt be counted. They assert that tho sutook the trail, leaving Bert Holtz preme court has established a preceto watch at the mouth of the Goose- dent for such a procedure. The radical programme is opposed berry. The robber made a circle to by some conservative Republican leadbeat off the officers aDd about two ers. inc luding Judge N. Walter Dixon hours later came upon Holtz, who held of Pueblo, and Dr. John Grass of Trinihim up with a Winchester and waited dad, and until the legislature mcetJ for tVe arrival of Fenton and Ham-mit- and takes action it cannot be known There is no doubt as to the certainly whether Icabody or Adams will bo governor for tho next two prisoners identity. d d-i- I Miss Rose Hennessy, well known as a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington, Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Pkar Mm. FTxkyiam: I hare been so blessedly helped through the us of Lydia E. Pinklmms Vegetable Compound that I feel it but just to acknowledge it, hoping that it may help some other woman buffering as I did. For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always do 60. I attended parties and receptions thinly clad, and would be suddenly chilled, but I did not think of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflammation of the womb and congested ovaries. I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse. My attention was called to your Vegetable Compound and th wonderful cures it had performed, and I made up my mind to trv it for two montlrs and see what it would do for me. Within one month 1 felt much better, and at the close of the second I was entirely well. I have advised a number of my lady friends to use it, and all express themselves as well satisfied with the results as I was. Miss Rose Nora IlKXMESsr, 410 S. Broadway, Lexington. Ky. The experience and of some of the most noted women of America go totestimony prove beyond a question that Lydia E. Pinkliams Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble and at once, by removing the cause, and restoring the organs to a normal and healthy condition. Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: About two years ago I consulted a physician about my health which had become so wretched that I was no longer able to bo about. I had severe backache, bearing-dowpains, n pains across the abdomen, was very nervous and irritable, and this trouble grew worse each month. The physician prescribed for me, but I soon discovered that he was unable to help me, and I then decided to try Lydia E. Pinkliams Vegetable Compound, and soon found that it was doing me good. My appetite was returning, the pains disappearing, and the general benefits were well marked. You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking the medicine for only three months, I found that I was completely cured of my trouble, and have been well and hearty ever since, and no more fear the monthly period, as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly, Miss Pearl Ackers, 327 North Summer St., Nashville, Tenn. . When a medicine lias been successful in restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying it I do riot believe it will help me. If you are ill, do not hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for special advice. Her advice is free and helpful. Write Delay may be fatal. to-da- y. Ai AHA VmEllll VvUU FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures ef ahoTe testimonial, which will prore their absolute genuineness. Lrdia A. riaUasi UmI. Ch Lf no, SbMi SENT NEW PENSION LAWS FREE IJICKFORD, 914 Apply to NATHAN W D. C. JT St ashington JSi'i&tlSiTlionpjoii's W. N. U.. Salt Lako Best Cowgh Syrep. ta time. XJ Eya Water No. 53. 1904. Tstas Ooed. fW4 b r tfniejrists. ONSMICRtOI Use Good Advice to Athenians. You that are genuine Athenians, devour with a golden epicurism the arts and sciences, the spirits and extractions of authors. Culverwell. Mrs. Wiadow'i Soothlnc Syrws. tscthlsf, oftm the fpirna, reduc For rhlldres (Unumtuua, ljipia,r wladculki. ta a&cstMXUs. Uncle Ebens Idea. Some men," said Uncle Eben, "fails In life because dey regards work merely as sumpln dat interferes wif deir goin flshin. Washington Star. d e t. years. The Democratic leaders are preparing to contest vigorously the attempt Received Over Two Million and a Half to reseat Peabody. Bipartisan mass More Votes Than Parker. meetings are to bo bold in Denver, Pueblo and other cities to protest The official canvass of the votes the line of action mapped out against cast on November 8, has been com- for the legislature by the Republican pleted, and the following shows the leaders. vote for president in the forty-fivBOLD ATTACK BY JAPANESE. states. The total vote is 13,50S,49G, against 13,908,574 in 1900 a dccreas Capture Trench After Trench, But of 450,078. The ballots were divided Are Finally Beaten Back. as follows: A message from Port Arthur deRoosevelt, Republican, 7,627,032. scribes a Japanese attaelc the evening Parker, Democrat, 5,080,054. of December 22 with a light column Debs, Socialist. 391,587. of 500 and many machine guns on tho Swallow, Prohibition, 260,303. northern defenses. dashed Watson, Peoples, 114,639. They Socialist-Labor- , 33,453. Corregan, tho along railway, carrying trench 830. Ilcleomb, Continental-Labor- , after and succeeded in reachtrench, , Roosevelt received over all the watercourse beneath Payui-seaand over Parker 2.547,578. In ing 1900 McKinley had 467,046 more than mountain, when tho Russian arall the other candidates and 859,984 tillery worked terrible execution. more than Bryan. A fierce bayonet fight occurred at The vote for Roosevelt was 409,822 A strong Russian force more than for McKinley, while that midnight. advanced eastward of Payuisean for Parker was 1,277,772 less than foi mountain, threatening tho retreat of Bryan. the Japanese, who, after a desperate Counting the Pulse. struggle, retired to the north, leaving How fast is your pulse? You wrill several machine guns, 300 rifles and probably overestimate it In trying to eighty prisoners. It is estimated that find oat most people do. One usual-lost COO killed. The counts Japanere halted near the cemehis ly pulse while talking tery, and, finding that both their about the matter, and the excitement had flanks all tho works formearned of conversation and concentration of the main the ing range cutlyirg quickens the pulse from five to twenon a small hill entrenched forts, they ty beats. near Etse mountain, under a severe enfilading lire, which caused them ROOSEVELTS BIG MAJORITY. e 1,746,-768- n . 1 heavy losses. |