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Show The Gunnison Gazette. RCCTOR or 44 4 4' ST. LUKE'S. : 4- think it i trll jou what a wonderful tl!ict Chtmbcr!ain'd Cough Remedy ha produced. - 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 n ttt4 44 444 44444 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 Ont., April 1, 1903, onlj riht that I Muuld The day before FaMer 1 v.as to distreH.i with a cold ami cough that I did m;t tkiok to be able to tub my riutaa the next day, ai my voice tvaa aim'll chokcil by the cough. The Fame day I received ho order r, in jou for a bctllo of jour Cough IFmeriy. I at once procured a sample buttle, and took about three closer of' the n, diei:i. To my great relief the cough nod told ha completely disap peered and 1 was able to preach three limes on Hauler day. 1 know that this rupid and cdTeotivo cure was due I Prlesthool Meeting. to jour Cough Remedy. 1 make this The monthly Priesthood me tieg of I testimonial without eohed.itiou, being God the South Saapete Stake jf '.mu will thankful to have found ewh be b'ld at the Manti Tabernacle, Sat- - Pent remedy. Respectfully jours, E. A. Lwiitior, M. A., Rcior St. Lukeh Church, To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy L for sala by Gunni-eo- 44444 4 4 4 44 4 4 S' Aihturflhsrn, OoUrlo, Tfitlflce to thf Good juUttcs of ClumterUln's Couuh Rrratiy. 1 4444 - 4 4- - 4 4 Tj Our Friends One and 4 With our sincere thankr fur jcur liberal patronage for the and wishing you Year, continued 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 All : perity. Yours lUsiiertfulI.v, - 4 4- - W. H. GRIBBIJ Co-op- 4 4 Th! Rev. Irl. R. Hie! s 1905 Almanac 4 4 The Lev. Irl. II. Hicks Almanac for 44 1005 is now ready, being the finest 4 4 edition ever issued. This splendid 4 Citizens inu rested in the grnzing I and costly book of 200 pages is a coin- 4I ed cattle Manti reserve the plete study of astronomy and etorm 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 coming year should read the instruct and weather for 1905. It is too well ti ms from Superchci Jensen, pub known to need comment. See it and fished in another column.. ycu will so decide. The price, post paid to cay address, is 30o. per copy. (iECRGH S. PRAM CIS, Proprietor. A' striking feature of the election is The Ilev. Irl It. Hicks scientific, re the insignificant vote in tho south. ligious and family journal Word and Ilnlr CutllnR. with E0W abreast' best the Ohiocisfc a million votes, while theporhs ShnulnR is T5c. a Both year. nice states along the extreme 6outh magazines, fTIimpoolnJ I assn (jt ord and and Works tho Almanac eru border cact only 800,000 altogeth Ilnlr Tonic. w, .including third parties. People 5100 per year. Xo better investment in every section know perfectly well Possible for any person or family. TO PLIIASE U'STOMf.KS. AIM CONSTANT JXS' MY R ancl see to Send Woan is and this not a or normal that healthful T ro y La u n dr y . Wohes Pen. Co., 11201 Locust Street, A?e nt Ccle t condition. St. Loui, Mo. GrxMsox 1 Main Strfzt Jbo Beasley of Middeaboro, Ky., The Gunxisou Gazette, is in jail because he refused to surrender an accordian which ho had received in exchange for his wife, after Punishment for Wife Beaters. The merits of the whipping the other man had repented of his tor wife heaters we oneo more post OF PROPRIETOR under bargain, lie probably wanted to discussion in New York state. play under the other mans window. dent ItooscIt, while in the Presilegislature several years ago, made a strenu-Jti- s effort to provide this method of Six miles of freight cars loaded dealing with cruel husbands. After with the products of the mills in the be 9' llfuI collected authenticated ree- Jower Monongahela valley, block the ords showing the astonishing preva- yards of the Homestead plant. The hence of this cowardly practice, he AND DEALERS IN railroads are seriously handicapped PrPSC(l a bill providing for the rein the way of motive power. If relief h Vi wipyinS lost Tor wife beaters only. The measure Mas rfe 1 7 does cot come soon some of the mills reated, the being that of will have to shut down. This is a the revival ofargument such punishment would mo-- t remarkable state of allairs, and be a return to barbarous methods, Llre of Dottlerl Goods Ourare i d m ates what a vast amount of iron i. Simply Eloga nt. r. itvrial is wanted by the country. Transforming Fur Skins. A common hare skin can GUNNISON POOL TABLES TN CONNECTION be made to a UTAH. represent valuable dark brown In a short, ie timt would seem, the fox, and to such perfection that only Chinese population of the United an expert may discover the differStates will become extinct. During the ence. A common Arctic fox skin, origiJi-- t ten years they have diminished nal cost only $2.50, transported to fiom 32,778 to 1 12,050. In tho fiscal Leipsic, is deftly turned into a - on-th- e The palace Tonsorial Parlor I I $T r-t- ed th. L. Loclvigson, TheNewport Saloon ; Choice Wines, Whiskies, Beer and Cigars. first-clas- ending Juno B0, 1903 more than jar d ,000 voluntarily left San PTancisco Lwthe lindof their birth. ago there were hi San Praucisco; m.h thiu 10,000. A genera-t.o- n Chinamen now there ere 10 0JO dark-brow- n fox worth' $?,o to marmot skin, after treatment, successfully represents a sable skin;' a rabbit is made to imitate a fur sen A $50. skin. s Livery & Feed Rigs ready on short notice. Herpes fed and given best care . MY' HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS. Fishermens Superstition. The fishermen near the Mai coni wireless telegraph stations in England Money to Loan on water stock. take ithave petitioned parliament to away, because Larg3 or numll annuuts. P L. produces the delugesit, they allege, descending 38 upon them. tfSTRIGS FURNISHED FOR LONG-DISTAN- CE DRIVES: . . H.. P.. JENSEN, Gunnison, UtalL. |