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Show f T nail .! f ! .1 .irrB ai ;! is !'.: m 1 :j i' miI? 1 ! j t 1 1 i r' Mi-- 5 Tyg" Kmilj Larson, who has ben absent in Salt Likednlng the Mini 4 mer, H with ns to upend thoholidar. Schedule. ll , s n n iiuu south. Yesterday the one moth cld chili Jeii'-euwho Departs of Charles Jodas s at axtejl. was repotted rrylow 2 :0 p m with pneumonia and ut t expected to . .V UlM. .Umb-i.k!5 : 10 '.I .. 0 a tu. p ir survive. I'tlJrV.i ;nrth k idh 2 p ra. lU:X0a.m Brigham of Center held i turned Friday from ; few weeks IWtto lia no Sunday mail. All stay in Emery county looking uftir d.Iut mad ate daily. bv lucgii seed purchased i:i.kn a KtuKMr.s. I. M. Messrs. Cribble A Copning. t r. . : . i. i r i ai Mrs. H. J. Kearns entertained as dance Monday Chridmas guests her Mntrr. Mrs. The Chritma Teny Brown and daughh-- Alta, of gdght was a hummer. v. Manti. ILr fither, John V. Wit f Salt Lake is tisst.1, P. ThuuGl beck, lu also been -- pic!ing the dug iti'(iuuns iU 11" daughter, Mrs. Week in Gunnison. )t f Ed S. Clnldi. Hr. C. M. Hart of Salt Lake will n k A. Larson ba in G uuui soil one week, prepared Mr. and Mr. Aont to Muti Sunday, to peiul to do all kinds of Ih ntal work. Dr. Christina. with the parent of Mrs. Hart is u graduate of the Philadelpha La i sou. College of Dental Surgeons, and has n r. r. had fourteen )ears experience. He The Su liar Th fttcr company will can s references. Call give Mon in standard repntoiro .appear upon him, at tho olliie f Dr. Hagan. 2 and Tuesday nights. January day R r. R and .I, at tho Gunnison opera house. The legislature will convene a week v. n v. from .Monday nt 12 oclock noon, Chi Finns eve's big snow was the when the work of organizing will la season's hrst of any consequence, and formally attended to. Caucusing for certainly very' much .appreciated iu the different tfficea will take place on this vicinity where a white Christmas t the 7th. The Jiist vole on a United :b so seldom. , State senator to succeed Senator H t It , Mi- Am her. B.irdsley and Miss Thomas Kearns will hi taken Jaxui-ir17th. Violet i Bardsjpy, daughters of Mr. r. i and Mrs. William Bardsley, uro Ht When v cu waLt a phasint purga homo tp ppend the holiday v.icatiou tive try Chamberlains Stomach and in this city. Both are teaching Liver Tablets. They are easy to take school, ftho former at Park City and and produce no nausea, griping or the latter at Sunuvhide.. other dis igieeable. (fleet. For sale n e. n Tho dooil Woodmen gav their by G u unison Co op. 3 r. i fourth Tumuai social Wednesday ftsvecl Pearls. .evening, in the opera house. They f had the usual big attendance, this Du.. iu a .paper before the of Science, Paris, sho.vs .occasion partaking of a dance and tl.a is by means of the 4supper which was immensely enjoyed Ibx ufven possible, to examine tbe living 4 rips, 4 by tho members and their friends, jvrt wit hunt in any way injurii:; it. it and to c.ivrtiiia wlieiher or nut it For the medicine chest or side- contains a pearl. If it contains only board:' I. Harper Whiskey is a tiny pearl the oyster is returned, u.l is allowed to live until the disease the family whiskey-xioLas developed a larrre pearl. bytter. Sold bv L.. Lcdvigson, Had to Believe Her. Gunnison, Utah. it t tt Jmlpte Parry of the English judiciVhe Christmas entertainments at ary tells of a man who the PresbyLuLan .church and the L. va' rebuked tor supporting a ridicu4 I tell 4 D. S. Sunday were both cmd lous claim made by his wife. cu candidly I dont believe a word of .table affaire. The program wen ur wife's story, said Judge Parry. precisely as announced and all the "Vcr may do as yer like, replied tho children were made glad by the liber'.an, mournfully, "but Ive got to. al hand of Santa Claus. The church was gayly dtcorated, as is usual for this event, and the ward Sunday school followed suit in that particular A MATTER OF HEALTH 4 this time, for a change. Both places 4 4 were jammed with spectators, the 44- ' church on Friday night'and the IL S. hall on Saturday night. re-G- s tl-ei- :c CLAUS d HAS IDEAL THINGS FOR ew T1 .A t 1 loch r Jo-aip- first-clus- s - AT h k . PURCHASERS 4 THEODORES UteiH. Gunnison, . Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. . y - "JC ,T -- w - 4 THE PLACE TO GET MONEY'S YOUR v WORTH. - pie-emfuentl- feeble-lookin- g 4 4- 4 :Good Borg ue y 4 4 IN OJS LADIES Dress Skirts 4-- Heady-to-we- ar Shirt Waists 4 4 4 HATS ii Gowns and Uudenvear. 4 ptT e. nt 4 oir nc-boo- l I ' Gt dea i About tc Rarst From Severe Attack. CUT and SLASH SALE ! and Gents Furnishings. jgr NOW IS YOUR THE 4 4 4 . Absolutely Pure MS ffl SUBSTITUTE, 1 BARGAIN. 4 4f 4t W. EDWARDS, 44Y 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CITY. J. 4 4 4 4 Propr. a reliable Salve handy and theres as good as Butklena Arnica Running like mad down the street none dumping the occupants, or a hundred Salve, Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema A s. A Yours for business, 4 4 t 44 GET PATTERNS IN THE 4 I had r severe bilious attack ami felt like mv head way about to burst when I got hold of a- free sample of Chambeylain'H Stomach, and Liver Tablets. I took a dose of them after supper and tbe next day felt like a nevv man acd have been feeling hip ainc-oJ.. ever Mr. W. Smith py says of fluJiff, Texas, For bilion-uesctomach troubles and constipation these Tablets have no equal. Price ''15 cents. For sale by Guunisou Co op. CHANCE TO 4 PRETTIEST LINE OF DRESS 4 4 4 Biilous I on Clothing, Underwear Fresbrened Horse. other accidents, are every day occur- and Piles, disappear quickly under rences, It behooee everybody to have its soothing effect. 25c, at Gunnjso Csh Store,. j |