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Show TEA Nothing to Tear. Judgo Kockwood Hoar brother of the late Senator Hoar, was noted at a wit as well aa Jurist. Shortly before his death, as hia daughter entered his room in the morning, he said: "My dear, I had a dream lart night, and in It I raw the angel of death fitting at the foot of my bed. At first I was horribly frightened, but as 1 gazed at Ho aay visitor my fears vanished. wore a fur cap. Brooklyn Llfo. TEA shoveled out of a bin is a child without parents; no name, no fame. Schillings Best is in packages. There are as many different sorts of tea as there are of tea cooks. I rry feovVet. Mow Wr f n4 In TEA T. . pod T If ft BaOvhcusa Mistake. Around Stockholm thera are many suburban resorts where aea bathing is Indulged in when the weather Is warm enough. At on of these resorts a visitor observed a large signboard at a gateway, reading Dam Bad HauO This not lea gave him quite a shock, until ha found out It meant St James Gazette. "1-adl- Bath-house.- es " to ctre a lebt? When he owes for his wit. Wiflln-- A coi.n is one nitiM Yie-.. TX Ltia.lt i Brunt, Joks of the End Man. When may a man be considered to be really over head and ears in ft- - pi.ta rmn4 lb Urvta'a c:ur m I y ft tu If It la Wu. 11 hit All drr cur. L. M. Quctr Names. Frtemantle, West Australia, has some queer names. The mayor is a Cadd, the chief printer Is Cant, a contractor Thick has Just sued a local Had to Take th Doga. NEWS SUMMARY. Going to the cattle show to boy sheep, eh? qurriM the minister of an It Is sill thf Russia ha bought Anagricultural member if hi chapel, fine steam yachl whom he nut on the tatbn platform thony J. Drc-xtsurrounded by half a dozen of his Margarito, paying $650,000. sheep dog. "Oh, dear, ro, sir," reTho Fall UIvit cotton manufactureri plied the farmer. lm taking my have rejected tho proposition for arb! juuugsters f.r a day in the city. There are thirteen of :n, so ( am bound to (ration by tho National Civic Fedora take tint dogs, iik, to keep 'em from tlon. More then J.OOO.OOO Christmas treti strayin'." were taken from the sides of th Grtvn mountains to supply tho wants Boston. There is no Schillings of New York and A dispatch from Sydney, N. 8. Vf airin Best not announces that two British warship! packages, hivo sailed for the Tonga Island with TEA tight packages. Nearly five yesrs of Irving's time was consumed in writing The Life of George Washington. thought It re. qulred no more than ten days to write the first 120 pagM of "Bracsbrldgc Hall. "The Alhambra was written three months he spent In the during that palace. the Intention of annexing them. Nellie Tracy and May Johnson wers found dead in their room In a bilging house In San Francisco. They had teen accidentally asphyxiated by gas. The steamboat Robert H Leo struck a snag near Craighead Point. Tenn., and sank In shallow water. All of the passenger and crew w ere taken off In safety. Secretary Wilson has appointed E H. Webster of Kansan, chief of th dairying division of tho department oi agriculture, to succihhI tho lato Majoi Henry H. Alvord. Four more deaths from wood alco hoi have heen rejiorted from the moutl of the Beaver river, in Kentucky, mala ing a total of ten deaths. Two mor are said to be dying. Secretary Shaw has transmitted ts the house a request from Secretary Wilson for a deficiency nppropriatlo of Bcablc3 la 15,o00 to eradicate sheep and mange In cattle. King Peter of Servia ban signed th new pres law, which practically abolishes freedom of the press in Servia, though aimed principally at tho anti dynastic and opposition papers. Tho governor of Moscow has officially condemned the resolution of the Moscow town council December 12, advocating popular control of tho government and freedom of the press and 11 M' Purr for Oouinptlon laa company, and a man couib ml cold.-- N. W. Samuki niwl!dDfor rewas fined named Offsprlrg Webb N. J.. Fctk 17. hoO. Urvre. tVii cently for keeping an unlicensed dog Whistling with ths Feet. The following notice has Just been placed in a proraicent position on the Find Old Roman Bread. In Glaigow; Good tea goes far to make walla of x ormusic hallwith The best examples of old Roman tho feet Is cheering "Whistling taread have been found at Pompeii, a common food luxurious. strictly prohibited. town that was destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius In the year 78 A. D. A Pars Cood Thin. Costs perhaps nothing at alL loav were dug out of ona rorty-eieh- t Am using ALLENS )OT EASE, and Yor fTrtr.r return yaar nontr l( yoft Irol cati truly say 1 would not lurotwua without hake shop. lib it so long, had I kuown Ilia relief It would ro Children Sickly. Many give toy uching fret. 1 think it a rare good Makes Gcod Income for Italy. Mother Gra j S west lo wder for Children, thing for anyone having sore or t Irrd feet. sed by Mother Gray, a nurso in Childrens Italys income from foreign visitors Mrs. MatiM- - Iloltwert, Providence, It. L" Home, Now York, cure Feverishness, Head- is estimated at $40,000,000 a year. In Sold by all Druggets JSo. Jink ache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Dis- Roma there are three times as many orders, Break up Colds and Destroy Worms. hotels and boarding houses for tourThe Small Boy's Question. At all Druggists, 25c. Sample mailed FK EE. ists as thero were twenty years ago. The other day a Klrksvllle small Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeUoy, N. Y. boy went over to a neighbors home , Counting the Pulse. and, entering the kitchen, said to the woman of tho house: "Mrs. Pickens, How fast is your pulse? You will look in your face a minute. lemne Bad tea is almost worse probably overestimate it In trying to woman The picked Mm up and asked, find out most people do. One usualWhat do you want. Willie? The ly counts his pulse while talking than bad coffee; which is a moment her at looked and then boy about the matter, and the excitement replied. "Geo, ef yer ez ugly ez the of conversation and concentration superflous. so bad. he The devil, quickens the pulse from five to twenis superflous? has decidedaintthat she wont woman Which speak to ty beats. more. mother tho Kansas any boys Both. of meeting. City Journal. Your rriura your ony If y doul Tho Pitcairn island cruising cutter ill Schilling- Beat. been wrecked. Mr. Coffin, ono ol has There are several ways of the passengers, was drowned. Three Sum Value of Happiness. i come-over of Will to young men managed to make their estea; having a poor pot Every human soul has the germ of you some flowers within; and they would cape by swimming eight miles in a there is only one way to a open If they could next tea Tuesday? find only sunshine rough sea. In. I always to air and free expand Several newspapers of Copenhagen Delighted. good one. e told you that not having enough f Schilling' Bort Tes 1 ft charge War Minister Madsen with pen was what ailed the world. Make In erery pekff Not said: booklet: How to Make Good Tea. the people happy, and there will not mitting Danish gun factories to manube half the quarreling or a tenth part facture arm for Russia. It is exWhat sort of tea? Her Case Hopeless. of the wickedness there Is. Lydia pected that the incident will cause a The woman who is so embittered Maria Child. I wonder! storm in parliament. that she is uninteresting to herself can return Your grots-yur money if ya Sont never hope to bo beautiful or Interest- A C.UARANTEKD ClRE TOR PILES. Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick and his wife, like SchlUliitc Bent. Itolilnvr. llllnd, JUeoJIng or I'rtinxlliuf I'lle-i- . Your to others. ing Mrs. Cassio L. Chadwick, have been druKlit will refund money If lAZO OlXIUJOiX UlU to cur you lu C u 14 Indias Increase of Population. dy. sou. jointly indicted by the grand jury al In India the population increases at Cleveland, ()., on the charge of having Various Trades In London. rate of 3.C00,0C0 annually. the forged and uttered a ?5,UU0,Cd0 nots According to tho latest returns Moneyback: tea insur there are 1,756 distinct trades being signed Andrew Carnegie. and London in on its suourbs. carried A courier from Alcazar, about 160 ance: free insurance: costs Do you know the differ- miles northeast of Tangier, says that "Hr. Kennedy' Favorite Remedy my nlioof a trrill disease. With pleasure A you nothing: costs nobody eun-itebUf l its marvelous etticaoy. J. Sweet, Albany, X. V tribesmo:; lmve surrounded Alcazar ence? tea and tea? tannin and threaten to sack the town unless anything. City Childs Idea of Grass. tea? herb-te- a and tea? the French consul and one British suband returns your money If yon 4at Your one schools In of the London public like Schillings Best. ject arc handed over to tnem. Wrlto for tir Knowlodj- Book, A. Schilling Jt a teacher asked her class what turf A gang of Company, 8u kVauclsco. organized to To Mak Hair Grow. was. Nobody could tell. She next steal the property of guests in th For a stimulant to make the hair asked what grass was. There was a Can Strive to Do Right. one part tincture of long pause, and then the smartest grow mix Every one of us majr do the wrong downtown hotels, has been discovered and three parts of castor oil, scholar raised a hand. "Well? asked thing every day of our lives, yet none by tho police of Chicago, and money and rub this well into the root3 night the teacher. Tleasem, Its what you the less should we get up each and jewelry amounting to nearly $1,004 and morning. got to keep off of, wa3 the reply. to do the determined has been found in their possession. !ng right A fund to be used for prizes for the best papers on the subject of the relations of the United States with the Old Monlt Curo republics has bees for given to Columbia university by John Barrett, American minister to Panama. and Tho victorious forces have entered of tho human family, roliovss the city of Ascunsion, Paraguay, and aad cures promptly. t met with an enthusiastic reception. General Caballero and other politicians Price 25c. nd 50c will leave the coutnry, it is Baid, not, however, under sentence of banisk meut. Fine tea is a delicate pleasure and a most real comfort soup-preservlr- g TEA to-da- y. TEA TEA TEA - sun-snin- r TEA TEA l - bell-boy- can-tharid- es T. JACOB: OIL The Pains Latin-America- AchcS n s, |