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Show PLAYINO THE DA3S DRUM. NORTHWEST NOTES. Musician to Handle the Inctro-mcn- t Property, Tbo basa drummer ii one of tho most lmjorUut memberi of a hand eaid David U Clark, of Chicago, at the I am selling musical rianhlogtoru I tell you that the and Instruments, music furnished ty a band depends aa much upon thq quality and playing of tho big bans drum as upon the quality and playing of any one Instrumtnt Tho best bass drummer In tho world today li a Philadelphia roan I cannot think of hlg name Just now, although I know It as well as I know my own and ho g'Sks as high a salary as any musician in tho world who is not a soloist Tho beat of tho bass drum Is the very hack Lon 9 of music. If it Is In tho least uncertain or warering tho rest of tho band will be uncertain and wavering and the result would bo discord. Thero la a great difference In drum too. It depends upon the Take material and tho workmanship In manufacture. A poor drum may have will soon become dead and flat, while the right tono for a abort time, but It n good Instrument will, like a violin. Improve with ago. Milwaukee WU-conal- Found at Last Hensley, Ark., Dec. 20th. (Special) ' That a euro euro for Backache would be a priceless boon to the pMple, and especially the women of America, la admitted by all interested in medical matters, and Mrs. Suo Williams of this place I9 certain sho has lound In Dodd's Kidney Pills the long looked for cure. "I am 33 years old Mrs. Williams a ays, and I have stiff ored with the llackacho very much for three or four years. I have boen troated by good physicians and got no relief, but thanks to God, I have found a cure at last and it Is Dodds Kidney Pills I have taken only ono box and It has done me more good than all the doctors In three or four years. I want ail sufferers from Pachache to know that they can get Dodds Kidney Pills and get well. Rackache Is one of tho first symptoms of ICJdncy Disease. Guard against Rrights Disease or Rheumatism by caring it with Dodds Kidney Pills. Thick Walls of Mexican Houses. The outsido walls of many of the houses In Mexico are from three feet to six feet thick, to withstand earthquake shocks. Reward, $100 $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least. ue dreaded disease tbs t science lias been able to cure In all lie stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a oust tutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taten Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the eysiein, thereby destroying the foundation f the disease, and giving the patient treustih by building up the constitution and nature In going Iks work. The proprietors have (j much faith In Its curat. ve powers that they offer Dne Hun Ired Dollars for any ca.so that it falls to bure. Send for Usi of Address l- 4 LHKNKY & CO., Toledo, Sold bv all Druggists, 75c. Take LUna Fatally nils for constipation. 0. Difference in the Sexes. Men always like to make out that theyre a little worse than they are, end women that they are a little bet- ter. TEA is deeper than coffee; takes time to get at the full meaning of tea. Write for our Knowledge Book, A. Schilling Jt Company, San Francisco. Copenhagens Large Deer Park. Copenhagen has tho largest enclosed deer park of any city in the world. Its area Is about 4,200 acres. i TEA Which is the better, and which is the worse, at your house, tea or coffee? Tour ffroger re boras your money It you dont y Sell liar's Best. Judge Curler of Reno, Nevada, while Ml took a developing solution, think tng It was medicine, and his condition 0m Is critical. L Sheriff ltonner of Great Falls has boen arrested on a charge of passing a bogus check lor $25 In a department wtoro In Seattle. An Invitation has been extended to President David It. Francis of tho Louisiana. Purchase exposition to bo a guest of honor at the opening day ceremonies of the Portland exposition. The Unite.! States government has Issued a circular directing that all sa loons on government land la Nevada bo closed on account of the many crimes committed along government canals. Mrs. Mary Andrews Clark, mother of Senator Wlldam A. Clark, of Montana, and cf J. Ross Clark, Is dead at her home In Los Angeles after an Illness of but three days. Mrs. Clark was nearly 92 years of age. Charles II. Moyer of Denver, president of tho Western Federation of Miners, has been appointed a member of tho executive council of tho American Labor union, to servo until the next annual convention. Tho Pullman gambling rooms In Tacoma were robbed of $.IG3 by a masked man, who held up threo employees and compelled one of them to empty tho silver In the racks Into a canvas sack which ho carried. Mrs. William Gladden, who shot and killed her husband at their home In Arequa gulch, Cripple Creek, Colo., district, has been acquitted by the coroner's jury. The jury found that the woman shot In Tho Uintah railroad, which has been completed from Mack, Colo., Into tho Uintah reservation In Utah, has placed an order in Denver for two large track automobiles, which are to be used in carrying passengers. Denver and Quincy, Ills., capitalists have formed tho Nevada Power company to supply power to mines and mills at Goldfield, Nevada. It is capitalized at $1,000,000. Power will be transmisfurnished by hydro-electri- c sion and will bo generated by the waterfall of Rishop creek, on the eastern slope of the Sierras, eighty miles from Goldfield. Robert Ii win, who was arrested by Sheriff Faxton near Basin, Wyo., and Is now in the Basin jail, has been positively identified as one of the two robbers who attempted to hold up the Cody bank and killed Cashier I. O. Middaugh on November 1. The identification is made bv men who witnessed the attack on the bank. In defending Clarence P. Dixon, an election clerk charged with contempt in having permitted illegal voting at the November election in violation of the supreme courts injunction, Attorney Philip Hornbein declared in open court in Denver that the ballot box must have boon tampered with since the election. Indictments against Alderman Chas. W. Cochran and Walter B. Lcwry, of Denver, charged with certifying irregularly lists of voters for registration, have been quashed by Judge Mullins, who held that no offense against the statutes was charged in the indictments, as it was not alleged that the names certified were not those of legal voters. Ed. Smith, a negro jockey, shot and killed an unknown burglar in the Maple Leaf saloon at Van Asselt, Wash. Smith Was sleeping In the saloon and was awakened when, the burglar entered through a window. Smith fired at the burglar, the ball entering the body just above the nip Die. and he died forty minutes later. self-defens- ii iSbeb s. I. r For Infants and Children. 3 r The Kind You Have f Always Bought ANcff table Prfpirationrof Assimilating foe Food andEeguh-lin- g flic Stomachs and Bowels of A Bears the if r Fromotcs DigeslmChrerfu-nes- s and Hestontalns neiltscr ChiumIorptiine nor Uncial. Signature of u y. 1 A IsotT'Iaiicotic. fitfoua-siMaunas- n Jteit tt SJkt AmmSmd Jiirrm Sttti Apetfecl Remedy forConstipa-Ilon- , Sour S to nuch. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness nnd Loss Sleep. For Over of Facsimile Signature or Thirty Years NEW YORK. i mmmsEs&i THt e. tmtd'l . IMNNV. OCNTAUK RCW VtM CITY. nJnai imWEim, TREAT and CURE CATARRH sni all curable rfisetsea f the eye, ear, neae. threat, lunji, stomach, liter. bowels. kUntyi, bladder aa! all ehroaio. nerveaa and private disea.ee ef both eaaee. end diaensea ef children. Home Treatment Cares. Write symptom Hat If ya fr free mil. Couaultetloa tree. e-a- ot. Special Offer in Private Diseases Unfortunates, of both sexes, who are sufferlag from Private Dl see sea whether caused by Ignorance, excess or contagion have always been looked upon as legitimate prey by the Sharks and PH8. Charlatans who pose ns "Speein lists" and rob the sufferer for worth ess treatment. SHIRKS DO NOT aSK YOU TO DAY THBH ONB DOLLAR UNTIL CURED UNLEad YOU WISH TO YOUKHELK. DR8. SHORES' KN W THEY CAN CURB AND DO CURB PRIVATE DISEASES IN BOTH SEXES PERMANENTLY, and to PROVE their skill. In this elass ef ailments, they treat end cure such cases before the patient Is required to pay Drs. Shores' one dollar, or those who prefer, may pay the fee in small week.y or monthlr Ins ailments as the cure progresses. THIS HONEST PLAN OP J EALING WITH THE AFFLICTED. deals adeah blew to tbe Quack and Vakir who Did you ever hear ef a Fakir refunding demands all Cush, lu exchange for empty promises. penny t ABLY CURES nek o hir Doctors how many cases they cure under the old snd useless plan of treatment for this trjuh'e. We eure Los r MANHoOO. Seminal Weakness. 8pei nnttorrhoca, GONORRHOEA, SYPHILIS. VARICOCELE and kindred troubles. In less time and for less money, t han any Instltm ion in the west, every oas Is confidential we never use a name or betray a secret. Consul'iiriou, Examination and Advlcs KHK E by mail or at tho office. CIV1CE HOURS: 'J a m to 6 p m; Evenings 7 to S; auHdavs ani holidays 10 a m to H. DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Exoart Snasialists, 249 UtMtoW. HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, FURS, Etc. Rowe, Talorcis, Summerhays Company SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH WRITE FOR PARTICULARS: BOUGHT AT TOP MARKET PRICES HY jjuM.Mxa.twiuwassiBWiumaiu HALLS CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY FOR THE MOUTH, THROAT, STOMACH AND BOWELS.... N3id3n-JnjS3- n I FVF H FA 1 1 IILTLII InlLU . Drug Co., Gsneral Agents. FOR SALE BY ALL AND GENERAL DRUGGIST STORES,. ..... Salt Lak9 City, Utah. cored to stay cored. Eminent judges, ministers, congressmen and the medical press declare my cures permanent. I cure after others fall. WRITE TO Y FOR FREE BOOKLET, Address. Dp. W Towns, Fond du Lao, Wlflb pis girl is mad because off her engagement broke when she to have everyasked last week, she thing returned, the young man sent Kfc.LlAHl.IC ASSAYS. back with her letters a lock of hair .75 Gold and Silver.... 11.(9 two shades darker than the one that Lead................ .75 Ould. Silver, Cupper LiS fv Mail prompt Attbxtioml she had given him. Somerville Jour- - Placer Gold. Retortskjheivk and Rich Ores Bo ighL Sen A Somerville I tor Free Mailing Envelopes sad Price List. Olden Atuy Cotl725 Ar&paboe 8t Deavef, Golfe |