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Show A ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO. A. GUNNISON TOWN OHTCIT mNNisoN-M.wnri.ni am Proai.ient T. I Keanu;, ul j.ivv f htjQriwlna comfiBy.-rrl- r.i f Citri I. ChiEbri'-tni- . new. tJani.Ixun, Itiiti. N0 i .!.-- ! glv.n J f Trustees llittt at tiuM'tinrf if On I'jurJ f tllri i .lolui S. I n. vt LdJun the ilU day i.." r. I.4. an K' tilu i! Clonti I 01 n: r xtiure j tMo(uttui of wtnly O') tjsur. lerlid upon the nutsUifiaii.tf eapjiul !., k ,.f .Turk N, (iliaihilj the corporation, (it) !! I'l.m. Tioneurti- - Clirs 1. ChruteoM'n, lary of the rompsuy. at ltj urti a. J. 1. FjoUMwI. Any nock u)an hkh tM ie,i.ix!t., m i.i i) M.,r-h- NOTICE. DELINQUENT -- u THK MAYFIELD LASI) AND -i Grazing company, Pricoipal place o f bushiH-- t, MivfleM, Utah Notioe. a r dehmjuent upon the folLok on account of lowing assessment Infill ou th day of , amounts November, 1901, the utiprM i'n .J tLo re rctiiaiu opposite lh imm-l!r4, a 111 lx --T- bd 1- -t '-r i- t h P - i ' Jdtu insn 1 .Idf.iil- -' 1 I M Ciurlo ' l.'ii; I, UAf. Lndvoy I.ki .f i I , I 1 cnitr I eu t :, rnanv til II hun-i- ' of n'ldj piro r- in - of tum-n- n HM O ,! f n fU I., .ti ' ; : ! i l. " : i i l J i u n f tab!, ' Or;, tan I'l I ( . ! 0 in I . i , Ifi'l. t- I ot ill, tin . I . I I ! ,i t . . i Sain : i r i - . af ; I I i J . r rA t r o. m jr ' CTiMm.! ro " in i i U. i M . i 'Sv'r I i i Fight Wlii ! Lit t r.tr. p - SVcfc w I I I ' ,v v'4 , r v. COPYRiCHTS 1. li'- y Ii iif'ii' I ,u miiOi -t ii ! Ii. r, nr'iiz Scienfiftc i.ri-p-- Waxhltiut.iii. ; i w 0.S 1 llk . uKUV.h. 0 I'.NTIMi. ;UINMI.S ,jv - . Ul4ilt. - Dr. C.H.BHtD . -o Jlrricnn. mubh a say H.anpti ofli.-- i. iCa K St ray wife had every symptom of conShe took Dr. Kings sumption. New Dioovery after everything eBs had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by Gunnison Cash Trial Store. Price 50c, and $1.00, bottles free. Hue. TAIM.I. Nonl IN V -- M C4.,f QiEPITfST !ii..'xoninlT llnxtrrtnl wnoMr. I .t i.ti.in I iy xcicM hip J.iiii iiul. 'I itp x, r "ir t f"ur iniiiitlis, tL Sold by nil ri c In. itx. no 301Croa Isay, hew York A Cxiir ... l! k I'Ot Ac. piiii-ii- i Maim A Ao. lit AliiHfi, 111 tlul . h i and iTouldinu 1 ri. 't I'll t:tx t'lki I rt it ,1 if 1C, l 1 ; i I- f 4 i Ik I Minns Tnrc Ues:c.W3 A ;t . V n n:.v. 1 r'.oi h Avrm.p ij'ij.v It n i i t : miI. . ! ,r i 'i'i it mi lu o I 'ii-- i in r sn nl mnrt'iiiiit-- i. i(i"t ill1,. liifi'inn lx 1. liiiKlIxviU nn I' tinii xt ruM Iv - i.il t hht Mi?, W. YEAns1 MilFlita l I h , t t , . 1.0 ia n. Es;pumtNcs :f. - ; y c.;;l.;i.LK w nt ' c , I I . -- . !l FTrlM:, I .!!n l!.' I. . r i.'l vt . t i J ji.i i r tv t'. 'a ' i , ll'l.l . . ' f if I . .1 , . i -t t, 11 I xj (Jouiiix n. t !., . t- is given one year in jail. Horace Isaacs, for horse-thefgets three )ears in states prison. Mrs. fichus. .l4!i-cli- ( w Arrowpine Ra :ch I -- e72, s AV o. n. r.Kiau.r' Nl:tr!I (UMDllUA i ho Justice is a curious jade. In Connecticut Judge L. S. Burr, convicted of embezzling to the amount of : 1Ihu. - - jf 1 - n, All. it : : i i i k. j K vA. t .ui ,!, I n ; I'l I i ! tin! "i T ; Ii'tt , ri UtO',rii'. W. i. f I I . All . 1 . ( ! !. Il - p. - A V.. , l'fibc J vcpnoi, TKrsiT.KS t ' t i; ;i i , !( I oi1 1,(1 Hru of .1. N. Chiis- t 1 1 .A . t Ilf lf I.. (. ol buen l .1 K- -f Co: '1 , . . I . ' - rn. . i r-- l 1. I ! tin- !r! i , I ti- - i tl.i Jb'iu o u- , of ,if thoj Tno.x-woHiHty, IP will pM"M i i e'o-in- ;; k 2 of o'eioi hour p. to., to pwy tin I heir )rs naint thi'cnnlumal rorn :o uif.idutinn of Dr. onimits tJuri-oti- , diTiiojuenl u.vrF vov, I);-- etu-- t of udt ertifciu wih tlie cover) for Coneumptioi, w ill hate .u umI expense' of Joutf uhd bitter with thi ir J. N. CiliaSTAIXSFN, Sicrctary. troubles, if not emi"d earlCr by f.ital Ollice at residence, Mayfield, Utah. termination. Head what T. H. Beall IT pub Dec. 2.5, IPUl. Lu-- t fall of Beall, : has to JV.ii ti .i y iMtr.nNcr lu-t- I,,...,. J.p. tx Ql'iPiuitiju4 ri:iiiMti .,J, ttoTfuy - A. 11 Chr'-M.'ui- n. lVunok 4jv4r - AnNu.i' , tt!-- of Sir Sujtv:oi . UV i. t;i (I,, , I i! 1 ju 111 II nl "'uj-U- ' i!.- - : . i .1 : ,v tock as Mild ft - W O 1 f a 1.77. ! .! il t S - O;il ) ! A Uii in iltvoi iu o it h (.rA at ,.m ii' ', .t ;i ,mi 5 VO j f p'-ii- l. i t.if-'- . . ! K'.UO i i- It tl O r f o tj j r ! ! ASSESSMENT MUTCH. .v vvj - ' !;::! l'rli rn. .f I'T Iii', j 7.00 1 :i C Wniii c ir !i -i .i (i O 3 5 . 7 t. i rtV-- ( ! 75 I . P.-tJi-r- nt rtv... 75 2 2 H Chrm H mu di M. I 3 1 U hitl 'ea (?.'! 1,0 7 1.40 3 :.o flay of Jas i?il ioh J.ii.utry, U'i, to l'' j lh. of. G IKJ 3$ ;ut tin- - v.F V .. -- ul Ni l' ll Ol l.lMIIl.U I tricks n. e 11 of To 1 i i!J.ki-!-- i tn-fir- $:i.W and .'d 12 S'nber,; .J. 1 I: ID r-- J T - 'r , V . a! public HUrt..n. umI uii!. tlll Im nht on ti main Aiut. Shares Name F. J. Christiansen 0. H. Christensen Andrew Sorenson IbAm Anderson Thomas Olitjton Nels Grvgersou C. Hsfoll wa: No. of 11 1 -t, " epfcthe fbarehoMer, r - r a-- a-- ! rl.--- m I 11. Office, MANTjf. C. AND' GUNNISON . MAVIS LA1IS0N. ATTORNEY-AT-LAV- V. li?a iiiiittcrs ri'i'i'l cc proir. pt ami cari? atti'nt'oii. All 1 fuJ FFI FCT APli'II. 3. lv02 Chadwick gets what does Mrs. Train No. 13 leaves Gu lui'on for I I.tKin Money on Forms. Chadwick get. anyhow? Ahd Banker RETURNED WITH A BARE SKIN. F.jsv i erttis Mauti, Hpkra'm Mt Pleasant, Beckwith nobody knows the punishHew Hunter Kept Promise Made to Provo, Salt Lake City mo Interment he gets but himseff, faun-- , buy and m'11 !Lm1 His Companions. mediate points at II .21 a. m. and tow n prope-rtOnce upon a time there was a hunArrives Salt n at Lake 00 m. ter who left his camp quite early in p. - tbcc. MANTI Utal. The Pope Bicycle Memorandum the 10 Train No. loaves Salt comana Lake OflioecverPodiis morning promised Caleudar for 1905 contains a memo- panions that he would return at nght for Bingham, Provo Mt. a with bear sKin. randum leaf for every day in the year, Pleasant, Mimti; Gunnison and nwrnazaK'iV'rriT"2$.!i,r u: f in Late a the found afternoon bear 7 3G5 and ever 'm.1' Td it. has original sayings in favor of him 8 Intermediate Nothing :00 rn a. pchits wandering in the woods and at Nothing can ever surpass it. . good roads, good health, outdoor ex- once made a fierce attacK, whkh was Train No. 1 12 leaves Gunnison for ercise, and that great vehiole of received with a shot that went wide o Salina, Kichfiold, ENmore and 1 v health giving, the modern bioycle, by of Its mark. Then the combatants at 2:11 p.m. Arrive Maryevale our most eminent living men of closed ' and the hunter used his knife. at MarysvaleG :15 p(m. Connecmarked accomplishment. The calen- There was a fierce conflict and the tions made at Thistle, unction for 1 bear succeeded in the hundar is free at Pope Mfg. Cos stores ter of his clothing, stripping cdl points east. which was scator any of our readers can obtain it by tered over the ground in shreds. For "Holland M, p,,r A. Bkn ion, I. i i; r,' The bear, having received many KJ,3S sending five 2 cent stamps id Pope IL A. P. 7). wounds, gave up the fight and ran to Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn., or 113 hide AH ThioL and A. A?ufc(t in his den, while the hunter Mt'univ, b St., Ill, I, urn; TT oT Lv. Sigel ChioagOj Cure: limped through the woods tb his camp fac,d Agent. ' Trial Pottlei free, r Money back it it looking very much like Adam walking in the garden. A Costly Mistake. Moral There is more than cue way to fulfil a promise. Blunders are sometimes very exX V W X X'V-- V Bad pensive. Occasionally life itself is the JOB PKIN dN'ti NEATLY EXE IT uMiUy lO'id.m Paper Stronger Thar'CIoth. rr;r ' ) .41,.. ...s Some wrapping papers arc made a5 price of a mistake, but youll never ,V1i be wrong if you take Dr. Kings New strong as clonh of a pvopuitionate n v thickness. Life Pills for Dispepsia, Dizziness, ; J T d i Headache. Liver or Bowel troubles, i iTiiJ Bilious Colic Prevented. or j an r, V'.M'i'U If i (. Thev are gentle yet thorough.1- 25c, i j mt. ma'.'Uty c lien nk. f CUT7:; Ari THE GAZETTE Taka a double dose of Chamberat Gunnison Cash Store. TTHADE-MRk- S 3T lain's Colic, Cholera aud DDrilneu indication Remedy as soon as Peter Christiansen bas received & of thn disease appears and a Uneaten-es i i h iCL-i C(Cvb-- ' new stock of Shoes. They are cheapattack may be awarded off. " OFFICE, ' lg I - i atent Office. er, according to quality, than can be Hundreds of people use the remedy iL a'LON O. C. bird elsewhere. At the shoeshep, 45 in this way with perfect success. Eor sale by Gunnison Co op. 1 ... i L-ii'- . . . X mm s 18W I iJisefdn ' -- "X Vi 1 , A Im - rLt:L ti a H n I ' sSi-n't- . - c'Tl i . 1 1 - the-iirs- t Y v t i-v- . t 1 d b- - |