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Show ANOTHER UPRISING IN SAMAR. EMPEROR IS LIBERAL. GUNNISON GAZETTE. SHIMS BEC01 DESPERATE Cut Will Not Yield to Demands cf ths Zemstvo. Wlille INnparor Nicholas manifesto HUNGRY RED MEN MAY CAUSE GUNNISON, UTAH, SETTLERS TROUBLE. on Russian reforms, couj led with the note of warning on the guvirnim-n- t UTAH STATIC NEWS. rame subject, haves no doubt that It Reduced to Starving Condition, the Is the Arm intention of the (mpror tc Northern Cheyennes Raid Herds The principal of tbo public schools maintain unimpaired the autocratic of Ranchers, Causing Much at Glen wood baa bceu ttrickcn with principle which no observer here evei III Feeling. smallpox, and the school has been Imagined he would relinquish, and not yield to the zemstvos demand for a doped. in received Reliable Information Tho new directory of Oftden con- national legislature, tho programme Rosebud, Mont., from an employe of and tains 10,t55 names, which, aecordln; cf reforms outlined is a broad one, the tbo United Slates Indian department, to the usual mult!pl gives Ogden a if it had not been preceded ty stationed at Tongue river agency, agitation of the last month, probably population of 30.0uu. shows that tho northern would have been accepted with univer- Lame Deer, Tho j)8toffico department has issued destitute sal acclaim In Russia as extremely Cheyennes arc iu a pitifully an order (hanging the location of the condition. Coimnissloucr cf Indian liberal. Huntsville jHJstefficc to the rxtrime on the advice of the The raising of the peasants to nn Affairs Jones, rastern end of tbo town. United States Iudiant agent, J. C. Clifequality with other citlczns of the ford, ordered that no food be issued The stockholders of the Brigham empire is alone practically second City Canning company received an only to the emancipation of tho serfs, to the Indians, except tho very young, the aged and infirm, basing his advice Xmas gift lu the shape of a 10 per but hardly lo3S important are the on tho theory that they were cent dividend on their stock. guarantees which the manifesto diTho Uintah reserve will bo thrown rects to be Incorporated In tho laws The northern Cheyennes are willing open March 10. The surveys have for the protection of the personal lib boen completed and are now before ertles of the people against the abuses workers, but as the government has failed to give them work, and as the the Indian office for approval. of administrative arbitrariness. The measures taken under the stato white settlers can only give them It Is probable that In the near future work In haying time, it is apparent Fort Douglas will be lighted by elec of siege ere no longer permissible, ex- how they can be in their present sad tricity, furnished from Its own plant, kept In cases of crimes against the condition. Complaints are coming in which wlil be & of Hate. The Increase of the Independ-abou- t Kcrui CLLDIItLL A OX. Pulajanas on the Warpath, and Boys In Blue Asked for Reinforcements. Secretary Taft has received a cablegram message troni Governor Wright at Manila Jn response to his Inquiry In regard to the recent uprising of the Pulajanas, Dolores, Samar. Governor Wrights menage is ns follows: With reference to your telegrma of December 21, I regret to say that General Corbins report of the attack on and the lo:;s of detachments of scouts at Oras and Dolores, is correcL Pulajanas have left the west and the nor tli sides of Samar and becomes active on the eat coast, which Is virtually without harbor and very difficult of access during prevalence of the existing monsoon. Orders were given some time ago to strengthen ail detachments on tho cast coast, but unfortunately this was delayed by "reck and loss of the coast guard boat, carrying a hundred or more of tla constabulary. The men were saved, but the delay In sending another coast guard boat to the rescue resulted In leaving these small detachments at Oras and Dolores Isolated and the consequent loss. "All cast coast stations have been heavily reinforced and wc are still sending men by my direction. General Alien (chief of constabulary) left here that the starving Indians are raiding two weeks ago to take per(Manila) and slaughtering the herds ot cattle sonal charge of affairs in Samar. I in the vicinity of the reservation, and am still further reinforcing him with trouble is feared unless active meas- constabulary and anr consulting with ures are taken to remedy their condi- - General Corbin, who. If necessary, will t ion. aid us with troops. C. F. NIsler, United States Indian inspector, has spent several weeks on DUEL IN STREET. the reservation, hearing complaints of agency employees, settlers and In- - Large Crowd Witnesses Pistol Fight dians, and has left for Washington to That Ends Fatally. lay before the secretary of the inA fatal duel was fought in West terior the facts in the matter. Farms, Borough of the Bronx, between BLIZZARD STRIKES THE WEST. two Italians. Fully 200 people saw tho Worst Storm of Recent Years From battle, which occurred in the street at the terminus of a trolley line. Rocky Mountains to New York. a few feet of tho One of the severest storms of recent Many were within hut ran away screaming. years has raged throughout the ter-- , combatants, The duelists alighted from a trolley the Rocky mounritory lying betw-eea quarrel. Both drew retains and the great lakes since early car after backed apart and began Tuesday morning, and has caused volvers, Sevmuch trouble to streetcar companies, shooting without preliminaries. eral shots had been fired when one railroads and telegraph companies. of the men fell with a bullet The latter wrere the greatest sufferers through the head. A policeman arfrom the blizzard which swept through rived at the moment and gave chase Several the west and northwest, and which to the uninjured Italian. officers fired tho at times the fugitive, was preceded by a heavy fog and drizwho finally fell and wras captured, but zling rain which made the wires al- showed no wounds. most unworkable. The cause of the duel was not The intense cold and terrific gale learned. that followed close upon the fog ccat-e-d RAID BY STARVING BEARS. the wires with ice and later threw to the the ground, polos crippling Railroad trains Invade Towns on East Coast of the companies badly. were delayed al through the west, Kamchatkan Peninsula. some of them being twenty-feu- r hours Captain Thwing of the steamer late. Streetcar traffic In all the cities of the west and northwest virtually Harold Dollar, which has returned was at a standstill at some time dur- from the eastern coast of Siberia, tells ing Tuesday. of an invasion of the cities and villages on the east coast of the Kam-chatkFort Taken by Japs. peninsula by hundreds of Etarving Siberian bears. The ferocious animals, driven from the mountains by hunger, made their way to the inhabited regions of the coast and ler days kept the natives in a state of semi-siegIn a small town near the city of Petropavlovsk, 150 of the savage biutes were shot in a single day, as they roamed among the houses in search of food. self-sustainin- installed at cost $10,000. Tho election of Judge James Albert Rowell, of Ogden, to the district tudgeshlp Is to be contested, the filed in tho case alleging bribery, fraudulent voting, etc. An Ogden man 13 tho possessor of a pearl about tho size of a pea which ho discovered in some oysters at a cafe. The pearl, however, is of irregular shape, which decreases its value. A glove and tanning factory is being erected in 1rgan, tho purpose to handle ail hides of the local market and manufacture gloves to meet Iho demand of the farming population. J. C. Anderson has started a lumber yard in Richfield for the handling of foreign lumber. The supply of tho native product has become so limited that it docs not begin to meet the local com-plai- nt be-ta- g demands. I cnee and scope of the doumas and tho niftvos, as well as the creation of smaller zemstvos units, the definite protection of the Jews, Armenians and other unorthodox setts, and the re-vision of the press laws, are all on the line of the zemstvo demand. The ex- tremists, of course, are not satisfied, and many of the moderate liberals are disappointed. CAUSED BY LIQUOR. Drunkenness Leads to Double Tra- - gedy in Leadville. As a result cf the jealous rage of Patrick Brennan, both he and Mrs. Kate Lowney arc probably dying at a hospital in Leadville, Colo. Brennan boarded with Mrs. Lowney at the latters boarding house in CCN. STCESSELS CHIEF AID. The big rabbit hunt between the ML Fleasant Gun club and the Spanish Fork beys resulted in a victory for Mt. Pleasant, that team killing 434 rabbits, while the boys from Spanish Fork bagged only 172. There is a rumor in Sunnyside that the wages of the miners will be reduced to the same scale they were before the strike last November, viz., all day men and drivers $2.50 per day, and the coal diggers 55c per long ton. f The success of the Lucin is proven by the fact that on January 1 all cf the engineering camp3 along the route under the charge of Chief Engineer Marsh will be closed. Mr. Marsh and his toree will leave for San Francisco oa that date. cut-of- in Babe Curtin, suspected of having shot Robert W. Titherington In Salt Lake City about twro years ago in a quarrel over some plunder, Is now under arrest at Oakland, Cal., on the charge of having killed a policeman at that place some days ago. A man named McLaughlin, reprea horse company of senting prominent Kansas City, is in the city selecting a site tor the establishment of an agency In Ogden. The concern will establish a distributing agency in the Junction City, employing a number of men. Cache valley has two condensed milk factories, one at Logan, the ether at Richmond, and both are doing well, the surplus milk, absorbing all for which they pay $1.25 per cwt. The product is in large demand, shipments having been made to the Orient, and orders are now waiting from both China and Japan. n e. Cerieral Fock. Stupmtown, three miles from this city. The couple were engaged to be married. Brennan was on a spree and after quarreling with the woman smashed the dishes and furniture. Later Mrs. Lcwney and her children went to a neghbors, where a party was in progress. Brennan came in and shot Mrs. Lowney twice, inflicting what is thought to be fatal in- jures. lie then turned the revolver upon himself, end is dying. Joke cf the End Man. When may a man be considered to be rpally over head and ears in debt? When he owes for his wig. Usta-Kam-tchatk- a, SANTA WAS RESPONSIVE. Gifts Showered on Child Who Poked Letter in Fire Alarm Box. What was thought to be an' alarm of fire in Paterson, N. J., was only a ring for Santa Claus. Margaret Seals father having uo work, the child looked forward to a gloomy Christmas until she hit upon the expedient, of writing to Santa. She poked the letter in a fire alarm box. Her hand struck the key and soon the streel was filled with firemen and engines. Residents cf Carleton Hill made up a Christmas basket and sent it to the girls home. |