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Show t i- -f 11 "lur y Ounn lion, Cub, V VOL. VI. ivuuJ.cImw trnurr. m.4fr Act of C.nTi xuf Marvti 3. wy. UUXXISOX, UTAH, I'KIDAY, DMCLM Ill'll :!(, Ml - m xj G )0. SO. 1 1 I m MO- - OF INTEREST TO STOCI(MEH. Locker Withdraws From Factory, I u the cuti,ci interested in grazing In the reserve from April 15th to upon tb Mnnti Forc'd reserve October 15th, 19U.i. Cattle and horses grazing in during the year 190b : ou are tidiised that the depart-mtu- districts Nos. 5 and t are allowed to bn allowed 29,500 cuttle and graze from 1st to October May 15th, horse to prize upon the Mauti Forest llKii. rcrve during the grazing season of ABBAS PRECLUDED FROM L,""b Said stock art; ul lolled ns s hk t fol-luw- SHEEP. : Ill'll ALLOTTED. XUM To Nos. 1, 2, .'1 uud 1 ten thousand ehck (L rpH ami critic.) To districts Noe. f aud i ten thousand live hundred (horse and cattle. WHEN STOCK MW GRAZE. The ti me that said 6took may graze in said reserve, ami under the direction of tlie reserve officers id : Cuttle and horses grazing in districts Xus. 1,2, 3 and 1 are allowed to graze di-trie- ta etc-c- I Sheep are not allowed upmi thefol lowing described areas : District Xo. 5, except upon the driveways and one mile east of the divide between Sanpeto valley and Huntington creek, Joe's valley, Per-rucreek basin, and Muddy basin, within districts Nos. I, 2, 3and 4 ; and Also that portion lying one and mile west of the divide Muddy creek basin and Twelve Mile creek basin in district Xo. ti, t as to the sheep driveways, which will be extended across those closed areas. I Ins order restricts sheep from grazing upon the summit of tho mountains from FLAT CAXYOX on the north to tho UUXXISOX YAL-LLon the suuth. MAKE APPLICATIOX FOB CATTLE AXD HOUSES BY FEBRUARY 1st 1905. Respectfully, n ono-hal- f be-twee- ex-cp- The local committee entrusted with the sugar faotory movement became th.noughly aroused over the turn that transpired last week, wherein the Utah Sugar company was supjio-e- d to have effectively stopped theerection of a factory by auy outside company. A meeting w& held Thursday of lait week, iu tho loan hall, to get ex pression from tho people what should be done in tho matter. There was a determination shown to go ahead with tho company represented by Mr. Locker ami accordingly tic signing of contracts for sugar beet plautlug became vigorous. Messrs. F. L. Copco in g aud II. A. 1 t met-tin- .Compliments of the season, W. a n LOCAL JTK.HS. n Kearns wertMhgib pr.cn! to S alt Lake and lay the in it t r properly before the projii"itr .c.n miMurag their elfi-i- to e fet.ryrt-gardlt-snf the acli.ci t ikmi by the Utah Sugar comp iuv. The-- e gentle-mewere in S Kt L iko Mi nd ty, and their report is to the effect that Mr. Lacker hud been bought off, sail left. Mr. Copening h now at Uiehlh-ld- , whTe Mr. Austin of the Utah Sugar with company is holding a tho farmers today with a view of establishing a factory, but in what part of the valley is uot yet known until the Held is hxiked over. The statement is current that Supt. Austin isc.av visiting tho tvve counties arranging to take over the contracts secured by Mr. Dicker. That Gunnisons side of the G being guarded by its representative and how tho Utah Sugar company locks at tho matter may lie sen by the following, taken from Thursday evening's Deseret News: Messrs. F. Copeuiug and Kearns of Guuui.sou are in the Hoary in reference to the beet suga city factory, which Is to bo built in Sanpeto or Sevier counties iu tho near future. Both gentlemen expressed their surprise at the article in last nights News, quoting Mr. Locker to tho effect that he had come to an understanding with the Utah Sugar company, aud that that company would build the factory. Messrs. Copening and Kearns stated emphatically that the contracts for acreage that they have will not be turned over to Mr. Locker, and that ho had no authority to assign hia contracts. These gentlemen claim that they aro doing business not with Locker, but with his associates, Messrs, Shaw and Trowbridge. They also claim that they have enough contracts to justify them iu the belief that they can secure capital to go ahead on their K Uommenoi Sunday to write it 190f. H t i Al itbeck has been spending a (TlN'TEItFi LLl). few days in Gtiuni-on- . About seven inches of enow fell t Theater next Monday aud Christmas eve. We have since then Tuesday been having very cold weather. evenings. The Stellar Theater Co. i r. r. Our Christmas time has been one Gunnison students of the B. Y. of much merriment, from Friday the university are mostly all home, ,23rd up to tha present Thursday spending the holiday season. night, when a leap year party is the . n r. attraction. io Miss V. A. J EX SEN, Sorenson, who has charge of Tithe settling occupies the time of of one the Forest Supervisor. public schools in IVovo, is enjoying the the ward bishopric this week. Books fortnights holiday will be open for cash remittances uu-twith her parents in this city, Nephi find Annie Anderson. Our : t k Saturday night, December oist. sympathy is extended to all the be Jess Roper and his oldest brother, Mrs. John Anderson of Sterling reared. from Cache valley, with their wives Willardseu of iutid .Mrs. James are spending the Christmas holiday jEphraim with their husbands, have iu Gunnison with with relatives. CARD OF THANKS. been spending Christmas in Center Messrs. Roper are sone of our veterun To all who assisted us in auy field, the guests of their parents, Mr. way at the funeral of our mother, Mary citizen, Joseph B. Roper. ,and Mrs. Charles H. Embley. K K K we extend our thanks, and Sanders, For the Teachers Normal Institute The unusual cold weather hae we extend our heartfelt to be held in Salt Lake do especially .caused some to suffer bad .colds.; City the D. & to Frederick Ludvigson, R. G. thanks has authorized a rate of railway otherwise, little sickness prevails here Chris I, Christensen, Mrs. Swalberg one faro for the Two round trip. Tickets at present. little girls and one and Mrs. Frome for their kindness in on sale sufferers from tyJauuary 1 and 2, good for reboy are the only her for burial. turn until January 9th. phoid, and these are .doing nicely, preparing EDMUXD SANDERS, own hook. n it r. Students cf the Snow academy and In behalf of the family, At the office of the Utah Sugaa Preliminary to regular lesson for B. Y. university, from this place, are next Sunday evenings Mutual will be company, where Messrs. Copening ,home to spend the holiday vacation. Be Quick. and Kearns called, it was stated that rendered the following program : Xew Years servioe will be held at Xot a minute should be lost when a Current events John E. Larson. the company a agents were holding , .the usual hour of meeting next child shows symptama of croup. Duet . ..Mary and Sylvia Giedhill. daily meetings in Sanpete and Seviea in compliance to request of the Chamberlain, s Cough remedy given Select Vio Sorenson! and receiving the warme.-.- i aesuraaces reading Xot stake presidency. only church as soon as the child becomes hoarse, Comet Solo Clement Swalberg. ot support, They were going right welwho all desire are or even after the croupy cough apahead with their plans regardless of .members, but ? sentifor of to come attend what others might do, aud Mr. Lockexchange pears, will prevent the attack. It Revolution Imminent. ment and praise. never fails, and is pleasant and safe er had repreeented both himself and A sure sign of revolt approaching to take. For sale by Gunnison Co op and serious Funeral services over the remains trouble in your system is associates in his assignments. They any misunderstanding of Annie Lenora, wife of Henry Jennervousness, sleeplessness, or stomaoh regretted the people of the various BORN. sen, whose death occurred on the upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly among tho exact locatowns, 20th inst., was held at the meeting dismember the tooublesome causes tion of the proposed factory was not house on Friday, Dec. 24, 1904, FREDRICK8EN In this city, Satur- It never fails to tone the stomach, settled, and would rot bo until tbs day, Dec. 24, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs, regulate the Kidneys and .Charles H. Embley and Sylvester Bowels, made. Hyrum Fredricksen, a son. stimulate the Livev, and clarify tho guarantee of nObO AVhiting of the bishopric speaking There was u hound to on the Debug upon the occasion. Deceased was KEABXS In this city, Thursday, blood. Itun down systems benefit tlxof of some no mutter bebern Deo. 23, 1879, in Gunnison, Dec. 22, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. X. particularly and all the usual attend- part which particular oi.a wan hnaliy semoat kind and lovable G. Kearns, a daughter. ing known as a ing aches vanish undo its searching woman. She leaves a husband and and thorough effectiveness. Electric lected, and the, company could only AXDEBSOX- - In this city, Thursthree little boys to mourn her loss, Bitters is only 50c, and that is return- look camfuily over the held aud on the bet natural locution for day, Deo. 22, 1904, to Mr and Mrs. ed if it dont the youngest not yet a yaar old. give satisfaction. perfect David Anderson, a son, Guaranteed by Gumiiooa Cush Store. silo legdrdh.--s c.f h re it might b iJrs. Jensen was the daughter of I il oorno-whor- Sun-.day- . h- -; 4 D-wne-, th;-cw- ld o |