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Show I JSfl Supplement to Cache American A. m oo out pn Firt Published 1914 House Organ of Everton & Sons Co. Logan, Utah We Give SCHOOL TO START SOON The opening of m hool li rtpht our door. This meant that j hundred! of young people who! have mnt (he summer tin the farm tod in varioui part of the; country. will return to C'arhoj Valley to spend the winter In order lhnl they may attend! nrhoot. To accommodate th'-ayoung people many change will hare to bo made In the home. Hoorn will have to be brightened up with a hew coat of paint,! beds will have to be purchased, rooking utensils will also have! to be purchased. Dishes and silverware will need replenishHERE SOON ing. Many students will want to rent small apartments and that will mean the purchase of new furniture to fit out these apart nients. Other peoplo will pre pare to take hoarders and this also menns additional equipment. Whatever you deride to do to prepare to take rare of No matter where you bought these young people, we believe that we can help yon do it. We your stove or how long you have the paint. We have the have had It. we can repair it for We can get gruteg and you. (Continued on Page Pour) linings like the ones that were in your stove when it wag new in nearly alt rases. If we find an old stove for which we are unable to purchase the proper Is linings, then we have adjustable linings which can he used to It has been long time since repair your stove. It pays to window glass cost less than U keep stoves and ranges properly does now and besides that we repaired. Burning a stove for believe with the Improved ma- a few months without suitable chinery now used by glass man- linings will injure it more than ufacturers, that window glass Is to use It a few years with suitmuch better than it formerly able linings. Our charges for was. The old style glass with stove repairing are reasonable. thick and thin places has been We do not hare traveling exreplaced by the new even smooth penses to pay. neither do we glass which is so much more pay our men lor standing around desirable. There Is one kind waiting for another stove repair of glass which Is less desirable job to come In. Stove repairing than the old style wavy glass, is Just one of the things that and that Is broken glass. If you tee do and when we are not have broken glass in your win- busy at that we can easily find dows they should be replaced. (Continued on Page Four) Feople who see your home with broken windows are so apt to misjudge you. It will cost you so little to get new glass at our store that you cannot afford to do without it. I t . ! WE REPAIR ALL STOVES AND RANGES Window Glass Price Low Tool Display Rearranged the west wall of our store we have some sample boards on which we have had a display of tools and other hardware for a number of years. During the quiet summer season we have rearranged these sample boards, taken all the samples off and repainted them and then replaced these samples in a little nicer shape than they were preWe think that this is viously. now quite an attractive display of hardware. On September 1934 Green Stamps STAMP BOOKS ARE NOW AT ANY STORE ARE HERE THAT GIVES GREEN STAMPS GUNS AND AMMUNITION RE-DEEME- The limiting season is soon We have in a nice upon us. for the stock of ammunition hunters. We are also well supWhether it Is plied with guna. to a used gun you would like purchase or a new gun which you want to buy or a used gun you would like to hire, we can We have supply your needs. ammunition for many of the odd ammunition guns which most stores do not carry and to the sheep men and other who dewe sire cheaper ammunition. have in many caliber! a supply of ammunition which I several years old. It at III shoots well hut we are offering It for much less Ilia nthe price charged for our new ammunition. In former years a numMerchants gave S.&H. Green Trading Stamp with purchases In their store. This practice, however. Was discontinued several months ago and those who had n-- . cumulated a part of a hook of green Mumps supposed that these hooks were a total loss. In fact we have heard of many who have destroyed their hooks thinking they would never he of value again. This lonilitlon has all changed now. Th S.&JI. Green Stamp people have established themselves in ottr city again. It Is on a different basis this time, however. There is no premium store connected with these stamps now. When your green stamp book is full, simply go to one of the stores that is giving tho ber of EXCHANGE STOVES Because we are prepared to fix any stove which comes Into our shop, we have been paryour filled stamp boos. ii will hs taken just the same ticularly successful in our stove as cash in all stores which give green stamps. Everton Used stoves and exchange. & Sons is one of the stores that now gives 8.&H. Green ranges by the dozen come to We believe hundreds of that Trading Stamps. our exchange department and peoplo save we repair them and find ready these stamps and that they go to the stores that give Green are stamps to trade. We want the trade of all green stamp colsale for them after they (Continued on page three) repaired. Many of these stoves lectors and we have contractare In good condition and will sergive long and satisfactory vice though they have been used before we got them. Many of We aim to give discount, stamps oul them have new linings so that to those who them. Tljose who do not have a stamp book and who the fire box is the same as a stove just out of tho factory. are not pasting their stamps in these books in order that We always need more salable they may present their buok and get their premium, wilt What we not be given stamps at our store. .We aim to ask each stoves and ranges. mean by salable Is stoves which customer if they me saving stamps and those who reply thal are worth repairing and which they are, we hand them stamps when they make their purwe place the responsibility of getting will sell after they are repaired. chase. However, If you have such a stove, we stamps squarely upon the shoulders of the customers. When you come to ottr store, remind the clerk that you want the (Continued on Page Four) stamps. You are welcome to them and he will give them to you freely if you remind him. However, if you fail to remind him and he forgets to ask you then you will not receive any stamps. It is your responsibility to see that you get the stamps at the time the purchase is made. wtr ASK FOR YOUR STAMPS g BEDS AND Shipment of MATTRESSES Reed Ware Has Arrived SELL FASTER S&H Green Stamps Will Be Issued On The Following Baasis Reed Enamelware and tinSome time ago, in rearrangware has for many years been ing our store, we made a place considered the highest quality obtainable. We just received from the factory, a large shipment of this famous enamel-war- e and tinware. There are some real bargains included in this shipment. in Elsewhere this issue you will find 10 quart enamel dish pans advertised to sell for 15c each. These pans, if sold in the regular way, would retail for 49c each. The factory sell these without profit and suggest that the retailer do the same in order to make a (Continued on Page Two) IT PAYS TO PAINT UP D to display beds, bed springs and mattresses In our main sales room. Since making this change we have noticed a decided improvement in the amount of this we sell. which merchandise Many people apparently did not know that we had a stock of beds and springs and as a conneeded when they sequence. these things they did not come to our store. Now these same (Continued ON ALL ON ALL CASH SALES CURRENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS WHEN PAID IN FULL ON OR BEFORE THE 10TH OF THE MONTH FOLLOWING DATE OF PURCHASE ON ALL INSTALLMENT OR BUDGET ACCOUNTS WHEN INSTALLMENTS ARE KEPT UP TO DATE NO MERCHANT HAS THE RIGHT TO ISSUE S&H STAMPS ON ANY OTHER BASIS BY ORDER OF THE SIERRY HUTCHISON COMPANY LEARN TO DO THINGS on Page Two) TYPEWRITER NEWS When the government agents make a home loan, We Still Need More Typethey usually Insist that the house be properly painted. Thpy realize that a Departhouse which is not painted soon goes down in value until it is not writers in Our Rental ment. If you have a typewriter worth the amount the government hioh you would like to sell, is loaning on it and there is nothPerwe would like to buy it. incan ing that you buy which reason we are so short creases the value so much as a haps the typewriters is because so little paint. It costs so little and are buying their it looks so much better that many peoplethis year instead of no one snould afford to let their typewriters we have made and quite home go unpainted. If you have renting - number of typewriter-sal- es as a room to rent, you can easily Our Mr. George .. consequence. get a dollar more each month If vou will spend a dollar for paint Everton. who gives his personal of all before you attempt to rent it. If attention to the repairing which come in. is you have a house for rent, a few typewriters dollars spent for paint will make finding an ever increasing deThe re--1 a wonderful in difference the mand for his services. done has amount of rent you are able to pairing which he has coilec. Renters ke to- live in given splendid satisfaction. He .e looking homes, they like to live In nice looking rooms and Is well equipped for doing the feW dolIars vorth of paiDt' 13 Eot a nice best work that can be done and homeh 3CkS looking (Continued on Page Three) : (EDITORIAL) Generally speaking our best customers are those who have learned to do things for themselves. There are many people who have not learned to do things and many of these people neither do things themselves nor hire someone else to do them and when you see their homes and their surroundings, you at once see the disadvantage of not being able to do things. Whether you are male or female, we believe our advice is good. Learn to do things for yourself. Men should know how to fix a fence, to fix a washing machine, to make They should know simple repairs on electrical appliances. how to use a saw and a hammer, a soldering iron, a screw driver and a trowel. They should know how to mix cement, While a bow to mix kalsomine and how to spread paint. man mav not be able to do all of these things around his heme all the time, yet there is a ioy about being able to do things when you want to do them. Women folks also should learn how to do things. A woman should be able to cook. While she mav not wish to make all the cake she she should knew how to make a good use,s :u the house. e h? should knew how to tew, how to maki a dress cake. ?h& should know how to care fer her sewing f5, vnrcelf machine, tor her ''ashing machine and for her ether t'e beUe e our advice is very good in a general" way. However, there is a selfish motive in giving around the home, there this advice. When peoplei do things rn. vottr) (ConUr-wnt n- ( |