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Show CACHE AM ERICAN Eight 77i E. TF W. ELLIOT & W. ELLIOT & CO OH; GILT EDGE h rvv rtiitl'.L the last day of Cache County Fair. BoiaMe Tacketts w: lift vne flliisilu hd liaa ! 1, lUnixin if I kn.i' hold up. ho the hlliily in pi y r mUrly with nm-- t any u..m 'n ronfi-rem- the T ICH to i: it) i: J,-- ''IiiIhIiv. , ' til. In 'ly AM. It wi'l be J ti (heir and of riiurne there i ih j,,,.. N. Unit will Rlbl.ty 'ha! Mou P'-- t In ehape later on m the I e. m.n MONDAY, SEPT. 10 Check Your Wardrobe for Your Appearance Sake Mr In) rvurtra) an cu.cruv.r . rj e. w. elliqt & "1 tlierrful - - tV If tt ran le lr) t linit.-ilmem ami veer of rii-mePhone 171 l" tm xmm j.ijujiw u co.iyj y I (?h vr u' Beautiful Patterns 5 vis? Xl Q&b.p from which to choose. 30 TO TTTtff STiO tSaa One Lot Axminster Rugs r Size 9x12 One Lot Good Grade Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Other Sizes and Wiltons at Special Bargain Prices! .... 1 ram '- S ru'i-- J A .dertbly lower thin that (o'iplo of pu i'luii nwy v ill he v 'll proti.ildy a Carl Simmon plitr In the hole In lih liv'd Im hero 11" trail rnd and he. vend I. only n v.ter.on forii, i New Shipment iw Hue mn'erlil Co lp hive plaeed ""mi e" 'till'. n nut nod I,j 1. Tripp at rnd. "lied" Slm-- i V ado i.t taikle opjioslte men, and Joe Maher and Kddiel j I teron iniard., hut II Is hlcl.y i Wan?nunrd. i that thl fifth F.lovd SI Only Is JiM four-- 1 posslp. Flic Willlo Kokatll. Elder. Deo Ole linn ni, Ihiane penslev, Clark, "Giihliv llendriek. I'raper, Erie Flundqui'-I- , Joe Whiteld. 0 Ilob and Hunker have a (liame rlnht now of landing rep- -' ular Job, nnd If ono I. to the word of Com Fi Dirk. ihe're all poinR to pet their For Heavy Traffic! II 5Q, Ho) MU i ky ..Si ai.Ji Musd Sweat Shirts Only 49c hanre for your choice For t.irl .N 3 lo fi'ol S Ikm'I Ito) Tweed Pants s1.98 SI4N A Flaw to IH hide s2.49 Overalls 3 to Only 1A 59' Listen In On 5:30 P. M and Mondays Fridays Robin-Hoo- d Program K. S. L. Getting ready for school is fun particularly when it comes to picking out smart clothes! Here are the shoes the smartest boys and girls will wear to school, because they offer greater comfort, better style, and marvelous value! Fall Shoe Forecasl Black Comes First! Theres a Higher Cut! Heels Have More Grace! EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS SHOES on the , ii'c"! to dicul From The General Dept. Store Print Dresses of Ready Inlaid Linoleum Square Yard (laid) v will Im as to tho ha.kf.4ld. Cuiku the hlsptst los by Ion odd, hut pone also are Tate Wardell and Itudy Van Kampen. Van Kampen I lost bv pradtm- Hon nnd Wardell by Indisposition. That, her Handley, married and settled down, will lm hiek to loonpy tho fullback job with increased competition from thn Idahoan. Ted I.o.kyer and possibly Jay Tolman, Floyd Ras.mua-ne- n of course Is certain of a halfback berth. The Boxelder express Reems due for a great Reason. For the other halfback job are Ralph Gutke, Paul Illan-toKeith Worley. Iteaumont Andrus, Eldon Houck and Turk" Ja.kson. The wiseacres have placed Ted Lo.kyer at this spot however. and this is a fairly safe bet. At the quarterback job. Kent Ryan has la n fallow during the summer waiting for the slightest provocation Square Yard WIM Veht Now Krv Is Heavy Felt Base Linoleum ' hehemnth tipped the pound i if toiirie iMi. at 130 hi pi i In? i $SaS)5 3x12 1ilrlnm l be-lle- Special Discount on all Yard Goods and .4- - s2.98 s3.98 s4.98 50-5- MNOILEUI& Sndard i 8-Pi- MATTRESSES ece t -- 14 h 5 I DINING ROOM SUITE H Regular M50 Value School Days Sale Price $S6? ; (Slightly Used) ' ss s Be Sure To See Our Complete Line Of Fall Wool Materials Plain and Printed Silk Priced "tt v f No. Main MONDAY Fall Coats j SStf 126 ht I Now is the Time to Furnish Your Spare Rooms! . . . Special School Sale of -- run tlo it with our new equll. -- SQSggmsns r.7 fVlTV Vie . I r j k's SWJ rtfl' lo Rertr" en-m- a& .J e Experts In Keeping. Your Suits & Dresses New -- IPs5 Itfat9 Cl) in l njijrr Squires Cleaners & Tailors d Thu f,rt Fm in h will lie f r d Monday afternoon After a ceremony with the Alumni. September war will In ttlminooa, riculnr ta. kin de.lared on the Henrer Pioneer a hole ihrouph hi ri.'lil the night of Si ptem her IHlb Wnh a lic crop of wh, t( in aiii-v'llfi v.ill' y mid a cod (jual.i) at hum! dnrmit . tlm Hummer' Imln-i- l l! that the II it, Ed Hull hlmm. inena-'e- r of Hi at only urn of hope Mt Hu. early Mil! (.ill Edge Itnti-thn ih finliS annoiim ciiHiiit ite liii htiiund. la all m t to tlv hi (hat Klmd Keller' heard vl!l hi In iti-cvi-a I I'rntia family, iileeiit f ir ihij flr.t lime in 1 llmir than over before Grt-- t' ir. mil-- It on an x hattre bnl fa Now nil llhk Fliiuiiiey ha to bin part rif the tiii :i a R n do I pli k tip tho remain and vl'h this jopulnr mill Id Nnrihi linild up the i h'uuplonilnp tram 41 III ull Caihe Valley Meetiia to Gilt Edge flour h.m butt a Imhlih no ronfldeiiily awaitln. Here tion-- i hold v.nrd In many of tin he ha lift. Captain I naif aim e of (mho Valiev "Pear' Ward, renter who 1 Ml", till )'- - tin mill WB, at u of all- - onferem e on Cub river norih we- -i hunora rert.iln I a of aafriy. (Ihandl tun I.ewl of Fill hmond on the Kiddle At Iho military training ptiia. I thl .iimm-- r it Wnrd'a ruup ( findt of thla mill an I'riiiliii f.ivorlto pusttimn to walk Into a rorner drii. warer with an Smart .New M)le SiJ-3 lo II a lit to lt wrltrht within 10 pound ntil walked out with an ho rream .nil i It I a firt that at one pout durltiR th .'imnier thej lit mngpr, our hliimn lam will I r Logan, Utah annawww t'ny el-i- l!rdd li & (S, North Main iwfgje Gilt Kd(! SCHOOL OPENING r EIM I L.w.LLLdo i & I nl-n- bi-- Store open until 8 p. m. Saturdays For Your Convenience. 95 Friday. September 7. 1934. mm (CmUnued Imm Pngs oiui Dealer in Flour the Vali n durlnx Hi. lno piiru inrt-ley Over Carry Stock of mniimt-Ttlpp run turd a Product Manufactured pliitifurk ihrouKh hi. funt hiln itliuliiK at amnt airay alfalfa and at Richmond Curl Ask For Details Vv UTAH y Into every imnn to rie and U the bo of Mr. bunker hiil. and (lie b valley today. . Ho a he I. ha the It, that, them and (bote 1'etit trade on (.'ll Edg to be Oho of the rri-.il- . f i,a;n and tor bed Ilnur the Hve.to. k hi the Co km- - nut he ili and (irodunr have ,i pnu'try rum t '.ire lo ruing of A i ml n irlui u i ii.pi i ii inn f.iumf m i, y ir n prpi .pii ladtu. Silt l.ah" and Hrirham . TON PRAISE IN: f Junior Arrow Racing Auto will be given away W.n LOG AN. CACHE COUNTY. Me answer jour queries about fall alioo news with our complete selection of advance stjles in quulitj leathers. Regular Size, Spring Filled, Tufted School Days S 41 OS Sale Price A Real Bargain! to Sj.98 49 c yard SMART ' NEW Vi I j A the new T Ifc Saw Economical A Size for Every Home Easy to regulate . . . Large Feed Doors . . . Properly Located Moisture Pan . . . Roomy Ash Pit . . . Heats by Circulation - Radiation Convection Crystal Bottling & Furniture Co. W. 1st N. hone 444 Logan, Utah 0 up-to-t- MIRRORS 4 -- Piece Suite Bed Room S' Jacobean Oak A Real Buy! Triple Vanity mirrors with wheel cutting on 5,1 wings .75 Gold Boudoir Mirrors $ 3.95 THE newest hat styles, as Crystal 7C Stetson presents them for spring, are here on display, awaiting your selection. A fall range of shapes and colors. Perfect fit. Lasting beauty. And the We Issue and Redeem the First Fall Item in Your smartest styles of the Wardrobe Should be season. Special School Days Showing of Odd Dressers, Chests, Beds and Equipment. . . . We m ay have just what you need in Used Furniture! . . . Call in Our Big Store on First North Before You Buy! Light-Housekeepi- ng srawAiL Ami! PHONE 444 72-8- 0 ?e W. (So 1ST NORTH Shoes Come in today and see these truly extraordinary Stetson values. Thatcher Clothing Co. Cache County Fair Sept. he 98 c to A SIZE AND SHAPE FOR EVERY HEAD Circulator Powerful . . . . Every number Minute Priced STETSONS wwsft Great Western Heat Spray 72-8- Fall Millinery Black leads as a color classic but we have all the best Fall Showings. c Fidelity a Discount Stamps Your Savings Me Give Me Give & Redeem Redeem Red Discount Stamps & Service Quality Main at 1st North Red Discount Stamps Satisfaction Logan lo |