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Show EVERTONS BRASS TACKS NEW GOODS AND OLD (JchK tilld In the Hilary the r luiquora are While tin- mx I IfUII-llt- . ii rul. tll8 tllltlK IU f IK h lav tackle and hunting ei art jut a to i ho old (jhtiloiKd ban bcea auld A limb in Parked Oulalilo on the steamlu (be purser Yigi-luhl- Topeka woman wag having uml Juki a A i boat GLAZING pansengi-- r compluliR-bis t lnt hi- was rrmoviag tin.-- that the wuiip were lout. an Kpll d p'.ile. the Top. ,t Won. What did you do with them? tool: to In- - another! what 1 r., i and lii.olii a hurried grab, put them 111 a little close! r .tinar.-i.ien- t To tor It. she. with a round glass door. found berie'f eljtihlng the thumb of ti. w.iitriH., blight Cruel, Cruel Klioik A Tin- - t'oiiti-rM- girl of this day may no' j Wh.il w, j faint at bearing a risque story 1'iilili.at Sp .Her: tned la a work. me majority au.l or ut the sight of a mouse, but then we n-- i kon the sight of a sink A Voice: lietter reverse it. full of disin-- to be washed would mister. What we really need la make her keel over in tin a majority working. good old fashioned style. ;i- - We Have the Glass We Have the Tools We Know How lii-l- uttil in-o- III'' 1 ix-- Wrong , Cache American Supplement j hard-war- lhal - IU ver aline the liaidw aro morn ilay of (Jennie WaahlnKton. We anil like to k II bolt and natli and rope and m rewa, liiiaeed oil and turpentine, inti hooka uud race polioi. window plusa and We are getting In the putty. now thlugii j nnt bh fast ai thejr pro to to In- - worthy of a plai e ia Our atoi k. hut we are atill hanging on to the old lliingn which have not ImIH replaced by anything belli r and we ar still sticking to that old fashioned LET US DO YOUR GLAZING WE MAKE THE RIGHT PRICE PROMPT SERVICE s AYE HERE MONEY These Prices These and See Goods Call You Will Find Real Bargains Here Study habit among hardware dealers of demanding high quulity merchandise. You'll still find that It pays to buy your hardware at a hardware store, especially If It's Kvertons Hardware store. OUR RENT LAUNDRY A ONE DAY SPECIAL Polishes GOODS SUPPLIES Dark Gray For Furniture and Floors l.ast week company came to call on one of otir good customers. He did not have enough beds in the house to make th.-He did the all comfortable. sensible thing. For a few cents lie lime to our store and rented When the n lied and spring. emergency Is over these will be return "d to our store. Ho may not need them uguin for years mid would not care to purchase them to hate them stand around in the way, vet he appreciates them the privilege of renting when he does need them. We have hundreds of Items In our store that are Just like this bed mid spring. You can rent them for an emergency and when you are through they can he reThe cost is so little turned. that you cannot afford to own retilings which you do not use rent Our department gularly. Is one of the big parts of our business now, and it is not getting smaller because people appreciate this department. SHIPMENT OF KFF.D WARE (Continued e. lU-p- usually for charge ltKDS. MATTRESSES SEEK FASTER Large Size No. 2 medium No. 1 small ... inspect our stock before mak- ing the purchase. We feel sure that we can save you money. Successful Hint. Are you still bothered by those relatives of yours who come down from town to eat a big Sunday dinner and never invite asked Mrs return? you in Smith. said the unfortunate No. they finally took the victim, hint. What did you say to them? asked Mrs. Smith eagerly. Nothing was said, explained! the other, but we served sponge cake every time they came. Odd But True "Have you noticed a very odd Free-na- n ihing about blunt people? asked his friend. Cant say that I have, said he latter. "They are certainly ather embarrassing at times. Freeman nooded pensively. Yes, but hasnt it ever struck rou that they are the ones who to the point irenerally come lirst? he said. 13' 10 Ofi 23' QUART SIZE 98c 88c Cents Each These Pans on Sale Sat. Sept. 8th 78 STEEL RULE 8 Galvanized, small with drop handles Medium with drop handles Large No. 9 rigid handles No. 8 with rigid handles Clothes Lines Twisted Wire 100 ft. long Twisted Wire 75 ft. long ........ Twisted Wire 50 ft. long Braided Cotton 50 ft. long Braided Cotton, 50 ft. long Lash Cord Quality Heavy Solid Wire 10c any length, lb Clothes Pins Best Grade Spring, doz Ball Bluing pkg Liquid Bluing bottle polishing. 1 Old English qt. Sel 1 bottle Wax. Polishing Golden Star 1 Dairy Supplies We Try to Carry the Kind That Will Please the Dairyman Strainer Pads -. - Quarts, each Pints, each 1- -2 -- Bright Tin, Smooth Soldered Seams 12 quart, med. CAc weight quart, Swiss pattern 16 14 qt, Hooded $41 Brand Qcj Package Dairy Pails weight 14 quart, med. Johnson and Johnson c pints, each Get Our Quantity Discounts EC B.K. Disinfectant. lb. size ... 100 QT1 OI pads Fly Spray Wax. pints (Powder) 75c 49 49 Jar gal. size, asst. "7Q colors, good finish " w 1 Felt Base Rugs 15x27 inch. Asst. 4 Ci patterns, each 18x36 in. green and tans, each 28x54 inches pfl Ekonomy Brand. It kills the Flies. Pleasant ordor. attractive patterns No injury to cows. Suit Cases 1 $4 4 gallon I I bring can Plain Shape well made .. g 1.13 Wyandotte Cleaner Rounded Cor- - $4 16 in., lock .Cleans easier, Nearly all ners, 18 inch Temple $4 good dairymen use it. 5 pound gft workers, special ' bag 27 in. steel clad $4 very durable .... Bottle Caps 1 Pound QCc pkg Also Sold in 5c, 10c and Shoe 20c packages Polish 9' 15 .... Cookie - bottle ...... Bluing It waxes floors without Self Polishing pattern G pint size Paste Wax 49' 39' 29 Golden Star AQc Polish Mop A Real Bargain Johnsons Glocoat EQc A Mechanics Tool that Every one can use and appreciate each Milk Bottles with wood handle Star Furniture polish both for Washers Funnel Shape small Feet Long Hook on end for connvenience in measuring. Pushes in or pulls out of steel case instantly 6 OC Cop-$- p per bottom No. Star large ... This is the polish we recommend and guarantee. Free Samples. ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER Quantity Limited Boilers from Page One) to people, when they come in we buy soap, are reminded that have these things in stock and when they are quoted the price, thev decide that this is the place have Several people (o buy. bought recently who said they had shopped all over town and that our values were best. If you intend to buy a mattress, a bed spring or a bed, either new or used, we invite you to Dish Pans 3 . Golden Polish, Golden Polish, Tubs Tin Sides, from Page One) which will draw the atthe tention of the public toEnam-elwarstore which carries tin and Galvanized boilers were included in this note shipment also and you will part by the prices, in another able of this paper, that we are to sell boilers for less than (Continued Crystal White Soap, bar A. B. Naptha Giant Bar, 3 for White King large pkg Crystal White Powder, pkg. HAS ARRIVED special merchants them. Soaps pfl pQ CC Shinola Qc Jetoil Shoe Polish 12' |