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Show CACHE AMERICAN Friday. September 7, 19.11. ILLS MAKE that you have received wonderful vaiistactiott Iroiu ecu a small of blead whcU ealeu lu this way. ho with the truil. and tegeiatmo, iuu I saaliow the. a gu.i k,y, s.lopi) bemuse lliccl Juc-- t makes it ill las.e, librw some mure aud lale ugaui. '1 ib Furniture or Pianos Moved a. the, From or to any point In t'tah, ale local moving and hauling. We Carry Cargo Insurance lie set return poured out by iUu 1 1 In . ur a LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH ivm ku.k lloseHiwr Outboard huh or a VI tHi, It baa Imu year. Huns (tsl a new nor. lerma to responsible part), tall U- -el I College Ward Mutuals Are GOOD FLOUR I j by Kenneth program Floyd OImq Olsen. The I Reorganized 11 Everton Mattrei D'-tr- MEIi R. Johnson Cab & Transfer TRENTON d 1 HOME HEALTH CLUB d. LEGAL NOTICES s 1 - L. E. Nelson, Attorney. YRUM Mill i ln-a- r UQ Mr and Mr, ficer entertained the children fallowing and parenta at the annual Home wn rendered by the Coming on Thursday at the home girlhong by the rlub girl. of Mr. Olive Hughe. A program The (ti Spinning Wheel."; talk and game formed the entertainf1 v Itet Johnson; piano duet by ment after whhh lee cream and i K he! Nelson and Dorothea llan- - cookie were served to seventy Nelson; guests. ' M u iial Ce lege work by Kl- r,',,"rl f " t u, p .1 ,11 w Vesta Mrs. Maughan and a demonstration on nora tetiiguuized on Sunday evening itice Olnen; Wilma family returned to their home at Nelson and fitting. in (onnection with the M I A Buhl, Idaho on evening Kay OIen. A demonstration of after an extended Friday Mr Coiinl visit with reConjoint meeting hot Alblnton pud by Kathryn lative here. Mr. and Mr, llyrum Raymond and Allan oleen of the and Mildred Zollinger. Olsen, Misa Florence Olsen and Logan Slake Hoard were In at Farmer own their Ileuzil Mr. growing Egan of I.elxton Brigham Olsen accompanied them tilid.'itlie Mix Violet (linen Wa l h.i i tie aitvniilage In the I11 Tuesday and Wednesday home for a short vialt. sustained a president of t h f their home uring of Mr. Aim Olsen. winter flour, 'he Ladle with Elixabeth Mr, and Mr. Guy Olsen of they are not assessed the process- Young Shepherd and Chloe Anderson a1 Mr. Howard Rogera and Idaho were visitor hrn Rigby, ing tax at the Farmer of 8t. George are visiting Inlon and Been Jacknoti the during past week. Mill at Smilhfleld when 'h Rome of her parent. Mr. making e an exchange of wheat for flour. retary. The outgoing officer were, n Mr- llyrum Olnen. Verna Sp.th. foist year 41.000 more person Grist exchange I gradually be- Mr. Ixah Olsen. Mr. and Mr. John II. Schenk. left this Hilda and Irene Humphrey country than cam In. coming a large part of the buxl-n- e Schenk. Ilarvev Olwn wa sun- - Joseph II. Olsen nd Mr. Erm carried on by the miller talned a president of the Voting Zollinger motored to Provo on at ihl popular mill. Men sod Saturday to attend the democra- with licrael Harmon and tic convention. Everythin; in Radio, Farmer take their wheat to Serge Olsen as xs!tnt the mill and take home with Leon Zollinger aa secretary. The A welcome Radio & Re Certified wa home party them a load of flour, as fine outgoing offlcera who have fill- given on Friday evening in honor flour for bread making a can ed these position for the past of Brigham Olsen who recently frigesation Service Sales. be secured any where. Electric & Refrigeration White three year are: Andrew Nelson. returned home from the European Rose label I a symbol for qual- - Milford Jenson. Douglas Olsen mission field. Milford Jonson 430 Phones 184, 462-Ity flour and those who have and Melvin Ward. The musical had charge of the program folused It claim It ha wondciful program for the meeting Includenwhich waa lowing dancing & Day Night F. joyed. bread making qualttlc. ed a piano solo by Ielia The College west primary of In making the exchange, the Hansen, tong by the OIn girl l.vn farmer are given SO pound of 'and a clarinet selection by of flour for one buxhel of sound don Lealham and company wheat and are given 100 pounds Wellsville. A number of people from here of flour for 200 pound of wheat. WelU-vllt- e In addition to supplying the flour attended the celebration at on Monday. need of their patrons the Smith-fiel- d Atr. and Mr. Wiyman Hlllyard Millers also prepare feeds for alt purpose. Livestock and of Smilhfleld were the gueet of poultrymen are able to get their Mr. nd Mrs. Ionard Sorenson on Sunday. requirements at the Iota! Mr. Peter Johnson wa the social given guest of honor at Tuesday at the Relief society. Phone 710-78 West 1st South In and friend with Ing Ogden The time was spent In visiting relatives after which Mrs. Johnson wa Mr. and Mr. Rolls Woodward presented with a little token to of Logan and Miss Hattie Wad- - send to her husband who Is la-- j were Mondaouea of boring in the North eastern stale a Courteous Service on Car of Mr. Henry mission. day visitor Wheeler. Need Given Promptly Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Hansen Mrs. L. R. Shot ha returned returned home Tuesday evening from the world's fair and have from a two week motor trip to moved to Pocatello. Thev also vls'ted California. National Park Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Deindt Bryre and Zion and the Misses Mary Wheeler In Southern Utah ar.d the Bouland Helen Ilerndt were In locgan der Dam in Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson. transacting business on Tuesday. Orville Nelson and Merrill Hansen arrived home on Friday from Uie gtauils ibuiigi I'lioiie 173 taste vt uttib rtully and not only the tlavur of wlial )ou improves C. eat, but ml u. illy prepares it for proper and cay digesiton. You are but likely tu overeat of anyFlavo Fluur, manufactured by thing alien eating properly aud Iho llynim 1'niou Mill. I becom-I- n thoroughly chewing every morsel. a bouai lioltl commodity in the l.et your teeth guard your lu-- I Fhone Jit. Logan math and do tbe woik they were uulh uni of (hi county, the Treuton Mr. Mabel Tayh-made to do. and you need have district served by thl Institution. no (ear of any ailment from the and daughter, Donnie Lou. of John M. Bain, manager of the ' wa The delicious fresh fruits aud vege Washluglou, Mr. Muse Andrea-o- n not accustomed. llyrum Union Mill, ha the con- be and daughter. Gladys of Loppl wa Juicy and ea I sl-lowr- table. fidence of hi patron. Judging In chunk without proper gan. Mra. I,cvl Andreason and from t ho amount of business he CLUB NOTES Mr. and they made the man two son of l,ogan and doe. lie took the management chewing uk. 1 b apple were not in tbe Lewis Gardener and two son of of the mill about three year ago. least Doctor: to the man. If Dear Tremontoh were Tburday visiSlnre that time' he ha recondi- be bad blame, but I have great roufideuee In the tor of Mr. Aaron Andreason. dared, would hare rut tioned the niili and i turning out dowtf a 1 Home Health Club method Mr. aud Mr. Aaron Andrea-ao- n one of the leading family flour them. the apple tree that grew have found them valuable. Howand son. Glen were visitor In the county. You bare suffered be- ever, I aaw In your lecture In of Smltbfleld, Wednesday. . Flaro Flour Hacked In a cause atmay aome time you ate cu- diarrhea that bulled or scorched Mr. Elizabeth Robson, Mr. I the specially dealgned aark, made ex- cumber, but I can assure you milk I good for tbe same. and Mrs. Ralph Robson and Doll I found better. clusively for the llyrum manuhave water not was and it fault your facturer. Farmer find It a con that I the rlee In water until It be- children also Mr. Dcrtha Engthe fault of the cucumber. land and daughter, Noreene and venlence to be able to take their know who prescribes comes thick and slimy like, then to the llyrum mill and them andphysician grlat when properly eaten 1 drink a cupful at hot a It can Miss Shirley Hensllp. all of Dain get their winter' flour In ex- have never known them to cause tie taken. It the diarrhea should City were guests of Mr. and Mr. change for the wheat grown on the least Inconvenience. The per- be very severe two or three cup- J. E. Robson on Friday. one their farm. Mrs. Art hie Cottle is the proud ron who makes practice of fuls can be taken, but not at mother of a nice baby boy. chewing every particle of food time. One hour at Ifast should You Mrs. 8am Gordon ia visiting and grinding it thoroughly before elapse between ech cupful. If ever will find the diarrhea will stop in Smlthfield with Mr. Gordon' seldom swallowing I be can given parent. troubled with any kind of sto- very qulek(yj Thla mach or bowel disorder and sel- to a little child, but of course Misa I.aVerda Walton left C.J.L. Mrs. dom requires the service of a not o much of it. Friday on return trip to her home It pleased me to know that you in Moreland. Idaho after visitphysician, lie will in time require the services of an undertaker, are one of those who not only ing with Mr. and Mra. Dert but It will be after many year take an Interest In my lecture, and family. of peaceful, contented, useful, but ulso want to help others and Humphreys Miss Ifcdora Andreason Is visand happy living with beloved that you have followed aome o( her with in Kmlthfleld iting REEDER II. Edited by DR. DAVID ones and the obituaries will not mv Instructions with good re- uncle and Mr. and Mrs. aunt, Kansa City, Missouri aay 'had been a greut sufferer sults. Itlee water la very good for hold ' Some of the diarrhea and I hnve mentioned it for many years." Mr. and Mrs. Nathan HumphFRUITS AND VEGETABLES: most Important questions which In my lectures, although proThe Importance of fruit and people ought truthfully to answer bably not Jut recently. If one reys, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winn and I.ee Monasmlth motored to Clifvegetables from the standpoint of when they write to me about would take the time to commit ton and later to 1reston on Wedtheir ailments are "what do you to memory all o fthese altnple health cannot bo be nesday evening. How eagerly we look forward to eat, how much and how often rule of health, which can Mrs. Carmon Rasmussen and the first ripening of the various do you eat. and how do you eat,,' 'prepared in any home, one could fruits and what prldo we take in and what do you drink?" Some) In the majority of cases prevent two children are visiting with the first new potatoes, pea, or people do not tell the truth when sickness easily ami economically. Mrs. Vley Winn. but The majority of people do not do even cucumber. It's true that answering these question. Mr. and Mra. Edwin Pitcher these first fruit and vegetable they are cheating themselves and this, however, until they are In and daughter Ranee of I,o Anand are sickness ashamed me when they the throes of the sometimes bring on attacks of not geles and Mr. and Mr. Morwin colic, diarrhea, cholera morbus to tell the truth. Now, Just try then the pain and sickness causes Thompson and daughter, LaRene. t with be a honest few except to such it them and other troubles, but times, forget everything of Plain City were visiting friends are the fault of the user yourself, and first prove what to send for a physician who in and relative In Trenton, Sunday food will means or to rhew not of alt it the fruit prescribe and Monday. and ahuser, your probabilities vegetable Itself. The thing eaten thoroughly. Take a hard piece of many different kinds of drugs, Miss Marjorie Robson Notice to Creditors should never be blamed for the dry breud, rhew it for ten min- when a simple home remedy visiting with her parents. Mr. if you can find any- would have answered the pur- and Mrs. J. E. trouble we bring on our wires. A utes, that Sunday Robson, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESpiece of wood was lying In the thing for your teeth to chew af pose. and Monday. TATE OF AGNES KFRR, ALSO All readers of this publication path, one end projecting over ter the first two minutes. Doe Mrs. Mr. Robertson John and AGNES KERR A man stepped It not get sweet and good after are at liberty to write for inforKNOWN AS another stick. Beach, and of Long daughter DEPARKINSON MCBRIDE, upon the short projection and the a few moments? Many new and mation pertaining to the subject Hobbs Mr. Mrs. and and CEASED. other end flew up and hit him a unexpected powers of the tasl- of health at any time. Address Calif., Utah of Nephl, daughter will Creditors sharp blow In the face. The stick bulb concealed in your month all communications to the Home and present claims waa In no way to blame, but the have been able to perform their Health Club, or Dr. Ihivid II. were Sunday and Monday visitors with vouchers to the undersigned J. Mrs. Mr. of Charles and man became furiously angry, duties and you make the discov- Reeder, 314 Wirthman Building, at his residence in Wellsville, chopped the stick in small pieces ery that a piece of stale dry crust 31st & Troost, Kansas City, Neteher. Utah, on or before the 15th day are Mrs. Sam Gordon Mr. and and burned them. Another man is not only good, but very nour- Missouri, with name and address of October, A. D, 1934. Smilhfleld. ate greedily of early rlpo apple, ishing. Even If you felt quite In full and at least six cents in moving ' to David Kerr Parkinson, Miss Ardith Robson Is Visit- good wholesome food, to which hungry at the start you find postage. Administrator. valuator) Pace Three ! I Mc-re- n W of Logan, Inc.. W We Carry Gasoline, Oil & Grease We also Carry Gordon Creek NOT A BONE IN A CARLOAD Carbon County Coal from Gordon Creek Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Monson. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Peterson of llvrum were guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hansen on Tuesday. The College east primary held their home coming on Thursday In the meeting house. The work of each group was displayed and rendered. a nice program waa The parents were Invited guest. club achievement exThe ercises were held Thursday af- A Clean Burning Coal Very Little Ash and Very Little Soot. You Get Your Full Weight Pounds to the Ton Members Participate in the earnings of the on purchases made at your station. Company 2000 ternoon under the direction of the leaders. Misa Hilda Schenk and Chloe Anderson. The articles of clothing made by the girls during the rummer was judged Rose White Leads . . . The Brands of Mill Products Bearing the name of White Rose are made at the o Whole Wheat Also d Located in Center of Wheat Growing Miller Who Understands how to Make Quality Flour. Section-Experience- o o e Flavo Flour Made From Selected Cache Valley Wheat WE SPECIALIZE IN GRIST EXCHANGE TO THE FARMER . . . Modern Chopping & Grinding Equipment. For Good Food Value in Flour ask for Flavo, Nature Flavored . . . Wheat Cleaned and Treated. YRUM UNION HYRUM, UTAH FvmiL Flour Golden Loaf T- T-, mlthSaeld, Utah Same Location Since 1889 Bring in your grists and get your needs on grist exchange basis. Processing tax not assessed to Farmers exchanging their own grown wheat for flour. flour for 1 bu. wheat lbs. flour for 200 lbs. wheat 30 lbs. 100 All our products are manufactured in a clean sanitary plant with modern grinding and milling machinery. We Specialize in Feeds Mill Stuff LAYING MASH GROWING MASH FATTENING MASH Three-in'On- e Let your next purchase be selected from our products. Youll be satisfied. and Dairy Feeds HOME Patronage Creates Community Strength M Where Hotiie People Buy Honie Made Products |