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Show C.n Pape Two AMERICAN If- - Nrwpipr, By tb t Published . Ameru-.- er ruLU-'fu- Fnd.v Taeid, to. il H1 t fnUT MrerL Iocza I Iwh I. C. AI.IFS Jr., dn..r WM T. IM.I.AM. Mwivagrr J. H. ENGLAND, Mnhanlinl biqerlnlrncbi.l .1 - h i fnl irrond-rlmutter November 2, 1931, at I hr (itfln at begun. I'Lah, under tue Art of M.rih I, la'll. BabarrtpUofi Bale by carrier or mall one year - -Advertising rate made known dihib application. 41 y A larLrc mmilur of prominent industrialists, aloit s ith an army of public officials ami economists, are of the opinion that .stimulated residential construction offers the best chance of accelerating the pace of re- covery. Construction is a local industry. The money that is spent jpuS first to local people to workers, contractors, luilliii supply houses. Every business in the is benefited, from the comer grocery to the community electric utility, livery pockethook feels the fattening effect of construction dollars. The pycat drive to hoom construction is yrctliii underway now. Private capital that has been tied up in channels is Roin to work. A vast need for housing exists, in both urban and rural localities there has never been so preat a potential demand for better and more modern homes. So far as the individual citizen is concerned, he i offered an unprecedented opportunity to now' beiii build on extremely favorable terms. Almost all the costs involved from paint to interest charges are well under previous levels. It is the part of wisdom to make the fullest possible use of that opportunity. non-product- ic Did You Ever Sihools were established In Hawaii lone before they were In California, so tho children wore sent to the Islands. The old whaling masters came L. P. Thurston. publisher of down from the Artie Ocean to Advertho Honolulu Hawaii water, caulk and relax. 150 sail tiser, says: Iuk ships at one time was not nn "Hark III '49 ami 5tt, they unusual sight. lispd lo send their Inumlty to There is Prl'Kh soil Hawaii by sailing ships as tlnr hv Amerhnn soil were no laundries on the toast. tain Conks, famous I!riti-nav-- l ig.atnr has a statue erected in his memory on the Big Hawaii. I.and on which it Is Is officially tho property of the Hrltish Government. ' Ameriean money and the English language are used In Hawaii. an American dollar Is worth Is the time to have your and the same as In the continental old Felt Hat renovated United States. The first regular over water by an expert hatter. wireless service In history was established in Hawaii for inter island communication. In Hawaii are Ihe highest Island mountain in the world, snow In rapped even 1 4.000 feet). People in Hawaii run lo and not away from their volcanoes when in eruption. Our friends from Los Angelos boast that while they have no volcano, they have a fire department big enough to put ours out. There are more college graduates living in Hawaii in comparison to ihe total white popul than in any other city in Stop to Think h NCW laortta entered Lola' living room CHAPTER V and said Hugo was on tho 'phono. BAIL Full THE UARQUS taxicab I,ofa brigntened. "Oh, ilugol tloo Twenty minutes Istcr, B tire probably free", She burned to the deposited Lola at ths dsr ofheard 'plume. villa in Beverly Hills. Hie poor darling. Wbrr voices and singing in the living room are"Hello, you Como up hero right. and turaed her steps in that direr Mi you! stopped speaking in sms wisest Ann. voiee as a torrent of anted Italian and Ihe beard she babe, Say, re of tho insurnnee salesman uav, "we English sputtered out of tho "But you're til wrong, want eeiver. ought to get going. We dont Hugo. I told you It wai that Hpaeo to g- -t caught hero" Han Hugo, don't talk like that. , "Oh, nuts to her,' said the voiro common of Miss Mac, a little thicker than Oh, ao you think I'm" a But her usual. "She wont get bark for cheap litlle peasant.. to voiee turned again pleading: hours. If she doesn't like it, she Hugo, you've got to behevo "Wel'l" said Loin, stopping in "But, would I lied oo Brogan send met the doorway. Miss Mae got up, startled, and the money... Why, you can't talk her anger earns teetering towards her. "Home that way to met" Again of my friends i'isl dropped in for n was overwhelmed in Allteaderneas. right, if "Hugo, dear, listen.. little drink. Lola dismissed the matter, che that 'a the way you feel about it, you had other things on her mind. big Neapolitan tomatol" Lola slammed up the 'phone, ber "Where is Topst" "lie hasn't been here all eve eyes blazing with anger.of "Seem to-to be getting rid of a lot people ing." she entered "Whats the matter! Did this day " she muttered aa thresh-holon Hhe Bourbon! the the hall. all drink the stopped up gang Mias Mae drew herself up brid Standing there very humblv, ling. "Just because I'm in your twisting Ins bat in hand, was Epac llanlon. He touched her arm humbly. employ I just came to aay good bye. You Lola broke in impatiently. "Ive got to find Pope and get bold of win. Gillette fired me." Is there that much in the A3, 000. "Oh, I guest you can get another checking account!" alt right," said Lola, suffering job "Since I'm not trusted with your a twinge of conscience. "A lot of Unsocial affairs, I don't know." teem to think you nr people "Okay, but I notice you're taking eleverl " of care wardrobe." my pretty good "No, Lola. Once you 're fired With that thrust, Loin went from Mooarch, it sort of put a tab bedroom dialed and to her on you in this business. But that's quickly a number on the telephone and all right." voice answered when Jim Brogan He followed Lola mournfully back fell to cajoling him. "Oh, Jim, into the room. but what "But can you let me have !3,0u0 to- are you going to do!" she asked, night! I can't find Pops anywhere. feeling guiltier and guiltier. I'll ace he pays it back tomorrow... W-dont know. I've been wantwhat for!... Well, I... I wouldn't call on anybody but yon, ing to pet away for n long time anyJim, but Brothers in trouble down way. China maybe Hens.then AuI gues in Tia Juana and I've got to send it stralia and the South down to him tonight... Hure, a it won't take very long to... to forWill you shake hands, Lola checkll do... No, Jim, dear, dont get. bother to tiring it over.,. 141 aend before I go?" Hhe elapi'cd sway Loretta up in a call... No, Jim, and hand. I'll explain when I are you. All right, What are jou talking about, Spiro Il.inlonl If you're chvtr enough to thanks... I'm in a burry." ealUd Loretta and instructed think up all those things about me, her to take a cab and get Brogan' youve got more sense than to do a cheek. Then she sat down and wrote thing like that " a note to H. K. Gillette, president of "It'e funny just before Gillette called me in I decided I'd gone too Monarch Pictures: Contract far with you, and I was going to "Dear Mr. Gillette: or no contract, I wont work another change the type of etuff. r -j r. 1 D fV',, w s: "Hawaii is the only land owned by the United States which became a part of the U.S. by annexation and through mutual consent and not by conquest, force or purchase. r'A1 THE GREATEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN SPRING-FILLEMATTRESSES We can modernize your old mattress into a guarMattress for $7.50 to $12.00 anteed Spring-Fille- d according to the quality of the cover. D Everton Mattress Factory Phone 175 out of hero and mily. He ESS A reorganization of the Lundberg Cleaners is being perfected and it call for a new name. Dry AnNames must be in Saturday, Sept. 15 nouncement of the one selected will be made Monday, Sept. 17. Sept. 13 I y ti (d-e- fr th.s !l J state hHliway immediately north wholesale plant. of the Texaco i: di" -- . "Sure. I got the first interview outside now. Thought you could give her a couple of hours as long a9 youre not working today. Its the Womans Home Companion "Why, that sounds nice, Space!" "Strictly womens etuff. Photostory about you in graphs, too your own home, just your natural and simple self." "You mean with me cooking and, ,.. and my favorite recipes... "Sure and walking in your garden, your favorite books, and advice to young girls. I just brought her over as my last official act." "Last official act!" said Lola, derisively, dragging him over to the telephone. "We'll see about that!" "Hey, Lola. No! What are you going to dot" She dialed a number. "Mr. Gillette should have discussed this with me first. We all lose our temper some time... Hello... Lola Burns talking. I want Mr Gillette." want you to do that, "I dont You re a big star. Lola. It will make you look foolish. Hello. Irene! do what I This is Lola Burns. Is Mr. Gil Well, when he comes back tell him not to pay any attention to that letter I sent him this morning. It was just a joke. Gosh, Lola," said Space. "I... I cant say anything just now. Ill go out and send in Mrs. Titcomb." 'Gee, Space. I. . I dont mind about Hugo. Y'ou were right about him I found out what he was "You did! What happened!" "I'd rather not talk about it. But it was having to call up that sweet lamb. Jim Brogau, in the middle of the night and -- I.o-g.- -- Who Will Be Rodeo Queen? Come cast your vote for your favorite. . . where they hare completed their work. 1000 votes with each ticket sold . . . Rodeo Must Sign Your Name A can ha on pnsolitu t year tax, lubricating oil Kitpplied more missive ha not been signed exSitih than To per lent of the federal cept by "An observer." innernmetit' Income from spec-ia- l art fries will not be published In till paper tinier the name of the motor tax source. writer Is given. The name does liaxe lo he pubNearly 20.000 member were not lidded to the Girl Scout In 1933, lished hut the paper mil- -t have to the name of the writer In all bringing the total member-hi- p l.a-- ami over 3 Queen will be crowned at 11:30 by one of the Fair Officials. patron of the Cache Ameriwritten a romtnunlentlmi In tonnociion with the Cache county hi hoot controversy. The Saturday. Sept. 15 Baptism naiello and Blarkfoot Stakes One complete Riding Habit will be given to the winning girl by Dansante Management. Music by Johnny Rosell and his Entertaining Orchestra 25c and 10c Regular Prices Cache County Fair Sept 1112-1- 3 such cases. la.niMl hr Ui U THE CULLEN HOTEL Went 12 j Second South Salt Lake Cfly Central, Convenient, Comfortable fs lKadquarlrrs fur Farming, Mining, and livestock Intorrxlx AUTOMATIC The Salt Lake Home for Cache Valley People Try the Twenty Five Cent Plate Lunch at the Soda Fountain W. D. (WILL) ROBERTS, Cache County Fair When Iron Fireman made coal an automatic fuel it revolutionized heating methods. What this modern machine has done in fuel aavings and improved beating for thousands of home owners and business men it can do for you. Get the facts. Ask for free fuel cost survey. The figures may surprise you. "Ill "Brogan!" "Whats that this!" scowled Space. Turk got to do with Sept. 11-12-- 13 Mgr. Sept. 11-12-- 13 Expert Furnace Work Vaacuum Cleaning Service . . . Smoky Furnaces . . . Poor Heating Systems Repaired and Re-sand made to Work Efficiently . . . We Can Make a Modern Pipe System Out of Your Old Pipeless Furnace. et Re-vamp- 85 JAPANESE HAND LAUNDRY 68 Phone 495 West First North ed te Jackson & Fry Col West Center Phone 130 Sept. 13 h M. & L. Coal Co. We Call and Deliver Cache County Fair GsSav 78 i OLDEST COUNTYS CACHE Sept. . RELIABL- E- 13 ILogaim West 1st South IS NEVER UNDERSOLD THESE PRICES TO . Cache County Fair Contest Closes Saturday Night Sept. 6th at 11 oclock at the n. Why Be Bothered With Washing at Home When You Can Have It Done So Cheaply at Well, he sent over bail three thousand dollars! Jim Brogan did that? Yeah, I "But how am I going to get it can iaiagine hed like to put you back when things like this happen! under a three grand obligation to s It eosts us exactly seven thousand him." dollars in overhead to cancel that Lola began to get mad. "He did location this morning. Now go aud that out of pure friendship!" He 's about as pure as a prize square yourself with Burns and lets bull!" put au end to this nonsense." made for the door. "Watch Lola flared up at that. Hpace me tend to that dame. Shes puttv "Y'ou get out of here, and keep in my hands." He saluted Mr. Gil- out of my personal affairs, Space lette with a cocky gesture. Hanlon!" He beat a hasty retreat. Be Continued) iTq - - Cache County Fair blicity!" "Okay, H.E. " Special in Ladies Silk and fancy Garments Glazing of Furs Endow- 1'ti i V first ! Cleaning - Dyeing Cache County Fair ag-i- Cat he Valley and Il ls III ell t .1 o H.gun-ilo handle Iho distribution and 1, to be III .tree of Ilia bulk plant wliith has been limit oq the In PBMUHHlfSWB.maHtBBI hep out tried stopped speaking as Space Hanlon breezed in with a "Morning, H. E.," displaying headlines in the paperti under his arm. Honest, H. E., ever see anything so beautiful! The A. P. sent out ten thousand words, with more to come." Gillette handed him Lola's letter. "But that is not so pretty. I know its the sort of stuff youve been building her up on, but Ive kept telling you she's a bombshell, and the minute you start meddling in her personal affairs, shell go off." "Binelli's no more her personal affair than one of those sheep dogs. Hell bite the hand that feeds him one of these days and die of distemper. That's the swell item about Burns. Shes great copy because she doesn 't know what she wants. She wants a different something every week, and that means a story " "Yes, and some day itll mean a walk out and you know what that costs. Weve invested over a million dollars to put her where she is. W'lll you let us get a little of it back Given For New Name Dry the has the t prod'l g Here from Coast A. H. PALMER and SONS of my personal affairs, Space Hanlon" Lola. nan-ion- . "Y'ou mean give me nice puday until you discharge Space Tail gtl "Its Submit one and get your Cleaning done Free. - Win-ber- con. puny of California, ujof n y V. Lola Burns. Pops delivered the letter in person the next morning, and stood belligerently by the desk while Mr. Gilevelheaded llette, business man, read it. 6o this is why Lola hasnt appeared on location! "Exactly, Sir. And shell stay right at borne until the man responsible for this outrageous occurrence is removed. I wont tolerate "Just a minute, please." Mr. Gillette spoke into the Ediphonc. "Get Mr. Hanlon in here right away. Call production and have them bring the Burns company off location. See it Leonard can use the extras on the back lot." Peps did not relax his belligerdisgraceful, Gillette. ency. Hugo comes from a fine noble fa- MATTRESS SPECIAL $00 seat do- and n Up-to-Da- ' ' America. Logan, Utah of mail Ual.-o- Mrs. Elmer Anderson of Los Angeles, who was formerly Ml- Ethel Andreasoii, (s smiting nt n irr'.u-and sealing i,.. Mr. from Burley Third the home of her parent. Kn Site Kails Stake; Shelley and Mrs. .'lone Andrea-owod to remn In here about a expect Stake Lid. t month to attend the Andreasoii W dm day. Sept. 1 2 Endow family reunion. n . .r- rii.irriav-- , seating. day and night n sioha at .. Twin Kali. Shelley Stukes Painting Interior ai.d 'Jhornion ward. Charles and Milton Lttndqit;. Tt 'day, S pt. expert painter and deeorators, no it- - ti.arri.ice and sealings. are working the overtime lo Stiiithfiebl three wards Sntlthfleld Junior Itlch pet Kv, school repainted for the opening of sihool on September 10. They are The making an excellent job. plaee look a neat as a pin 11 V JOHNS SPRING-FILLE- . "I l North Main Next to Budge Clinic j i'.tul b I e on the bate taken immediately rnuih r.rrvi e Of Ihe l.ugall file hull. wliblli Will lie i lied the fny till rum-- s nt.i'loll will handle piny Th tin prod in la of the Standard Grant lm-1- -J Nul-u- ii I Practical Way to Create Employment 9 i mint call nt tho office t ui lie Aiuerit an. I. f s 111 ii-ji- d Monday, tig fur tbu dead, - all ho are pro. Kxi uretuno i i with tin. uti'uii Ward and Ljiuun - u Hat Shop ill n w . work. i CsIrnA Uwi.ton'vui-Sept. Li land Van tint. n, rural lGtlii i.trrli." for Li sniuii, whs n t.o- s the utility on for o). ton Wedne-- iy lie made a 10. O Take Lease on Station LOCAL NEWS Logan Temple Reopens Monday CACHE AMERICAN fiMiJ-Week- Friday, Srpttnilicr 7. 1034. LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH DEALERS Everyone STARTS ON SPLIT SECOND Per gal. Aberdeen AtCode Prices See S T Worlds NONE BETTER Per Gal. Save Money On Oils, Greases, Accessories, Tires, Batteries and every other Car Need Save at GaSav County Fair Sept. Prompt Deliveries K L STOKOL To See Means to Own One On Display at 167 South Main St. - Phone 98 High Test ... GA8AT asaot A 11-12-- HLS SAVING- - -- S11 .atrthf Cent,erL Street Service Station, 589 SerVed promPt,Jr 6nd with aSmileenter OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO OHHKi Cachfc - The Greatest Stoker . . . CUT YOUR COAL BILLS IN TWO THIS WINTER with a Golden Eagle (6 BEST MacLean and 17' Wasatch Red UTAHS COALS Cache County Fair 9 p Phone 74 M. DAILY Sept7Tu 1 213 |