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Show CACHE AMERICAN Si Iajrf Farm Accounting Project Reveals Interesting Data . Dunii 'Jx nr tHI. r of Ciii i, t . l- HOUSING j ACT EXPLAINED Ufn.. Friday, September 7. 19-- M BYE c J 1 T. SANFORD STATE DIRECTOR firm-ff- -J LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. k : guui.i. rf Tir r fv.ii b rt.!i t! to,pfj!k'i ' I culti1 1 nd o! tie At in ('.r'' - n cco.-n- t ''. r l Hrrura nt ,k1 arvilrv-t- l by I! if The I At. --j5..rU t ork of Uua jinti.wry t- ire.. of (Ann profit otyoin ii l (v faXur uf luiit (Ukd to Or? 1 zx ivt iwt maiuwninl Uut tunra are I with I amt proliu. in rx- Itaveon Thouuti. a.w.tad W. Hate tenrtiti rTfmottU.it. (Vi Chanrv of Ute jutrvry. La uvxtrir t Utf rlUi-- Ul tu w h.-r- e Mms f 't1 aftr the a t week trip to California ha visited with hla aUl.-r- , lrean llmdshnw at Holly-- trail Ir and Mr Parley Peterson t piytnrnt to and four rbtldrro of Provo for tua ytar thit firm Friday evening here with thir work a Uixrra- anJ ituufr on parent. Mr. and Mra. Walter Ins larm. U U cwJrulwnd by Jons on their way Lome after firm vUtitix relative In Idaho. pubcrasir. I from lie loltUincludlucorif. a' (Hrm mrtwtv Mra. Thoa. Nix and children to Uif yto'K' J fl l.itrtt a, Thomas and lltty l.ou t.w and farm frxarpt B(J Mlw A)Ua upm,.,-of Toorl ItUcre.t o. Uut ;taJ invested licii( Suiul.iy and Monday here, In add', t.on Im-- t!f libnr tnnitra. the xiient of Mr. and Mr. Hofarm s prlvilegm. ward Join tin larturr and Tuesday the wltlofi ua'I'Mlr a ho.rn to live In xuest of Mr. Andra Turner. and farm unidtor for family livMr. and Mra. Herbert Adaming Furiuamtom. Use familytn lia. Uir son of Park City railed on Mr. Hus tntrTt. on llvtr equity Hreurhley on farm, arid Uu n due of Uv unjxud and Mra. Tliotna home Thursday on their way family Uoxr. Tltr avvwtp libr Income of from vialiinx Mr. II. A. Adam-ao- n at lllrhmond. Ihe 139 fwttuxn rlmr farm ac xt tavtfci wore winmma-Com Mrv Wni. It. Poppleton, Mr, r raU-anuul a Iuir-aeMra. Nell fl93. Tin.. , for a year libnr and man (ieoryeMr Ij.rn.il, Ora Smith and John were Hi Uare rawer. am no' nl l.araen ient Sunday evening and aome Ivtivei vlio Monday at Oxden with their brothird Ui Onr better tliari swiw The day was ther Thu. lilKh-luid tlie who f Ur famaett fruit and phkle fanning spent M3 iiionmi avir.oTl U!tr for Mr. luiraen whoe wife I an a i? for tlir Ulxr and ill. oie-UilUir Hut marufirmflt ! had ' lo.A labor tnconu i Charles. Wilford nnd Sidney aflacked SVl I of havtmr anything In Wyatt rame home Wednesday thn-a to ter llytand day trip and labir their for managereturn Iark. ment. Mra Myron nremhley nnd her N't tmly d.J the most profitable pronp o? fsrms hair hltilier crop little daughter rnmo home from yields, ted they had more cw.h the hospital oil Thursday and are and doing fine. crops such as sugar beets, Mr. Arnold I.indley and baby tomato,. Ttu average crop sales from Uv prifiUble farms boy i iime home from the hoxpitul was I13JJ eotnpared to $476 from on Sunday and Is reported as doing alrlvhl. the FAC. profitable farma. Mr. and Mr. Wni. Fosgren of AroUaf difference tn the Preston were week end guest p rou its of Cvrms was the efficiency with ahich labor wwa uad rf their mother, Mrs. Violet ParTl:-oivtulors of the most proflt-rhl- e kinson. Make farm.', aorked 271 man work The Hvrum primary du-er 771 'I Itours durt.i; the association entertained the ward year Hie .gierators of tlie least officers and teachers at the Old profitable firms worked 245 man Mill nt Millville on Thursday with With Prea. Irene work days or 2450 hours. Hutton. Virginia labor mi'awr up a con.sld''r,ibie Nielsen and Mnv Christensen in part of Uv farm exiieivca, and with tU tvnut expensive rela'iie of farm ptoltict. it to tlv pr.-tlul pax re of fxrn irofiU labor UtfNt l u.-- Uu api-n- om-raJ-- oUl d-- , d -- et rd e r4, to s Han-fot- it yur lb Mium.in.-'- .veiling Alien T. biale Htreitor for the ltd. limning program, nt d II. K, Hemingway, Ihe repre-- , of the of the batik Hate, met at the Imran Ch a inter 'or Coniiiierce with the officer of the thatnlter. a number of the mayor of the county and dealer In tnaterlala. Mr. Sanford made ll plain that the National Housing Art wa uot a diatresa or emergency pro e gram hut It wa a plan to the building industry. He staled that no rroup hud been hit harder by the depression than worker In the building Indua-try- . New ronalruitlon ha dropfrom ped nerly 90 per cent what II wa In 1926-9- . About one third of the worker whose fam-lli.now are on relief roll are normally employed In the building Industry. I'niil these workno er are largely community can enjoy full him-sur- e of prosperity. Mr. Sanford urged that and Cache County get organlxed and conduct a Metier Housing program. The hank of and Cat he County have all agreed to act a the agents for the government and supply the credit, j There are certain qualification , 7 iicsiijy Agri- - i atlni-ulat- -s program presented by and game and lunch enjoyed. Those attending from Wellsvllle were Mesdame Anna Parkinson. Pearl Mary Hendry, l.lbhy Wyatt, Mabel Illgg. Gladys Manghan, Myrtb Poppleton. Sarah Glttens charge. A Ihe ward w.-r- nnd Celia Murray. Mr. Millie Matter attended a trousseau tea Saturday afternoon In honor of nt Smlihfield. giv.-Ml-- s Illanch Winn. Mrs. Howard Jones entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening complimenting Mr. and Mr. Charles P. Maughati and four children of Vernal. Clair, here who are visiting relative and In Idaho during the week P. and Mr. and Mr. Alton Manghan, who have been touring Oregon. California, through Washington, Canada. Montana. Idaho and Ctah. Snapdragon centered the table where cover wore laid for twenty two. Other guest beside the honored gneste Mr. and a borrower must meet before h I eligible for a loan. 1 t.e lib a balk of the w holu program - to get men of moderate mean, as well aa men with larger neius to build and modernise tbetr In and all outbuilding. laian up to the extent of $,0tm no inn be made and may be paid b.i k within a three or five year period. In monthly Installment It I the cheapet money there1 la for thee kind of loan. The Interest rate plus the serve e charge la 9.73 per rent. Th re are no fees with the Inun such a with other loan of these kind la- Porock of the llmi,ing fiepartment of the Agrb iil'urol a College reported there great need for more up to d tie were too There apartment. being ofmany shark In fered 10 atudent. The people, would have to offer belter accommodation If we expect to take ear of th increase of atudent at the college. The campaign committee no tlou'd will make a apodal effort among homo owner, especially eat of Main Street, to provide more and bettpr atudent acconimod.it ion n The organization for the will he effected In a few urn-pnlg- day. were Mr. Andra Turner and hoys nd Mr. Mra. Jane Parkinson and Mrs. Jones and familv Music and nlnglng were enjoyed Mr. and Mra. George I.ur-o- n and family attended a birthday dinner given Sunday In honor of, the birthday anniversary of Adel-- j bert I)uce at Hyde Park. Flower dav will be hold Sun-- , tiny at the Wellsvllle ward Pnn-- i di-day bcI ool where a beaut. f ul Aj n. play of flower will he special program will be given. Supt. Grover llaslam will be In charge. The Wellsvllle ward tholr took their annual trip on Thursday and This time it wa at a large crowd enjoyed the diy Choister I.amont M. Allan wa In cliargo of arrangements nndj It. - Itradshaw was in charge of It wa planned transportation. that the choir would work to make It possible for them to take a trip to Yelowstone Park next vear. MILLS Richmond, Utah Where GILT EDG FLOUR Got Its Name In business Since 1867 Management for 13 Years I- HDalffy Feeds We Specialize v Is very un,Tortant Uiat it be u.u'd cfncientty. Tlie sne of those two groups of farms. wheJmr measured m terms of crop a.'' or capital Invested, was not grotitly different. Thl most profiTilge fanna liad tin av crave of I IS aava of whcJi 72 acres awe cropped. The total farm invartrimt; was $11,676. The least profitable farms had an av crago of 104 acres, of which 6' wore crop Ted. TTie totnJ farm f'tr this group of farms was $12,115. Wth Bie imees of farm products the lowest tSvy have been for 37 years It u a signal accomplish merit for a group of farmers to Uielr go organuie and manage Harms that they made $941 for their effort.; Tlu-- s Is particularly true becaii.v the thuigs that the farmer tnaut buy are relatively lilglv and moreover, a considerable $art of hu expenses are fixed, such as taxes. interest, depreciation of budding and marturery, and insuruioe. Only by the application of the nvxA efficient farm practices and farm manage merit meUvods wtrs it passible for any farmer to make a profit. To each farmer oooperator was returned a summary and analyst of his farm business, together with meaHines of his efficiency. This was accompanied by oompar-Lxrrof all with the averages farms, the most profitable and the farms. least profitable It Is hoped that from this analysis each farmer can, find the weaknesses of his farm business and can thus strive to improve it, says Mr. Thomas. -- vi f WELLS VILLeT Wells ville Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw announce the engagement of their daughter Evelyp to Leo Elwood, son of MV. and Mrs. Herbert Elwood of Hyde Park. The marriage to take place. Sept. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Baldwin were pleasantly surprised at their home on Tuesday evening, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Baldwin. A delicious pot luck supper was served and bunco played during the evening. Those enjoying the evening were Messrs and Leroy Lefshman, Ernest ttay Leishman. Leroy Thorpe. Preston Brenchley, Archie Majighan, Cyril Maughan, Archibald and Allan. Melvin Leishman. Carl Bradshaw capie home dur- Or-ri- Mes-dame- a, Auto Painting car Get your tVe experts. repainted by do the work right at (he right price. We have run shop in Logan 34 years. Ail work guaranteed. Miller & Son 428 Photoe 899 North 1st East W Logan Sujpjplaeo Poultry in Grist for the Farmers Exchange Home Made Products for Home People FLOUR and FEEDS Gilt Edge Products: Fflouur The Housewife knows that a good bread and pastry can only be made from good Flour. That is the reason so many insist upon our flour. Germade CENTRA MIUJN6(J5 LOGrAWCIMij' Our Leading Brands of Flour ' Golden West Electric Light Calla Lilly The U.S.A.C. Formula is Used in Preparing Feeds for Cattle and other animals TRA MILLING CO. Logan, Utah Whole Wheat Growing Mash Graham R CMek Foods Laying Mash Clfaoippiftg PBasst IS KEPT BUSY TO SUPPLY Dairy Foods For Stockmen Our Products Have Stood The Test When you want Quality in Food Stuff, Accept Nothing but GILT EDGE FLOUR Only Best Selected Grain Used in Our Plant Located in the Heart of Cache Valley on Road Between Richmond-Lewisto- n Cache County Fair Sept. i- - |