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Show September 4. 1934. TtK-sdav-. CACHE AMERICAN mLHi T'iniTf LIVESTOCK WANTED Ilighrt Wlr FuR NEtOY ii J; CACHE com rti for paid trrhy LOGANCACHE COUNTY, UTAH I WOOL QUILT BATTS ni.ike lluni inia Noe a et. ,Vv huo tniil, ni t n i it i in i: .l S.tte your old wind iloilinig amt ranuri U hi ill drad tju.lt thill. ut: 1 i til in. only ami n n (r Everton Mattress Factory I'liolie Paradise Fish Hatchery tarimr--v rrrgwawtaMfcjaBaaaa VOTING KEEN logon, (lull F 0R CACHE 17.1 rrr lr.-rrvnlk- I.- d -- l. ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS ' i : ' ?! I re-ii- n-- la-e- Com-naz- ls 1 pre-erve- d. . . J : db-jm- any i'iilendrb rn-nl- -h (i Athletic Show At The County Fair Grounds Civil Service Examinations . 1 f I . ! I. ii ! be-ca- m full-tim- e- -- Mr. and Mr. H. 0. W.nn of d, p.m a i,r l Ogdcli I tah and son James s H'u be. w e, 'and pie.imt.t visit to in.) t'.itors at Iks horn I I !, a on n.l Weston of Mr. ami Mr. J. I,. W,.!:s. re,cnt;. h r. e e I etr -. h.nu ben, Haura ltig son of Hog o s it , ti A Mr. Voting of St. Pei . use of the rtruly wl'h two two ('buries, Idaho Is vnlt.ng e! th, and daubteis ' -p tills s. no 31. the J.ird d.t of In, l"e p..ri tor pie is II, tig ble f, In town Vomliy m wing a.-V. Irxin. e i quainiamc, lie-- I I ,,,1 O horn ef uni, Wjinrd l.ogan visiting . k r brother, llvrutn j ne.lj was a butdne. v.idtor he e crly ( atii.ly at tin i h IMen tills week. Sou'll ran, k- All I ! i ,1 . . . l.nletow ,!iv Tii Dii ii l,. , N.-l- even- ing Mr. In Hrun of tho State He.! Sail l.ake nienl ftervire was here inking a he k on tlty record of the lo-the office nd Incidentally explaining the new stuflsiha! program to be In the department of labor office setup lie report the Im record in splendid condition ami d with the showing well plea-cmade In It it D Countv With him Mr. Harre't, were on the tnp ! YOULL BE i d manager and the female force of the I'm he Cotin'y office, Ifvrum SebekiT a called to I.og.m la- -t Friday due to the ness of hi daughter, Mr. E. Ill- n 1. AT HOW MUCH YOU CAM SEE IN $0 SHORT A TIME AND AT $0 LITTLE COST - Peterson. Francl C. Williamson spent the week end visiting In Salt I.ake City. Miss (,'race ltnhiiison left Sunday for Salt !.nke flty on a brief visit prior to accepting a position of teacher In the Goshen high school. Mr. Effle I.nmhorn and ott over were Ogden visitor Elli the week end. Kills wra taken for medical advice. Mr. Howell W. Kearl returned recently from an extended visit In Salt I.ake City. Harbara and The V Blanche Weston were week end visitor In T.ogan with Mr. John N. Hamborn and other. made a A number of people week trip to Brigham Oily lnt for fruit. Among them were: Mr. and Mr. J. Hnrren Taylor and son T.awrenep and James. Mr, j F. J. Price. Hay Hnllev I.nm horn Ralph and Sidney Irvin and Mis! Ethel Henderson. Mr. Percy D. Moffat has gone Mr. and Mr RAILROAD kit GOING WORLDS FAIR le s " Of i a i? r. C r-- T Sac j LOWEST FARES in HISTORY Chicago's brilliant Century of Progress is nearing the close of its second season. Take advantage now of Union Paciiic's low fares and last, comfortable service to make the "trip of a lifetime to the World's Fair. Low fares also to other points, east and west. observation and dining cars on many Union Pacific trains. record-breakin- g nrcempanled her. Mr. E J. Sntibw!(k and sops of Sait T.nke City Is paying a brief visit to her sister, Mr. Sidney J. Nebeker. Mr. and Mr. Nerval Solomon and son Craig, of Salt Hake City paid the Irwins a brief vlRit on Sunday. We were visited by a gracious rain Tuesday night whleh we were thnnkful to receive; It freshened things up a bit and revived ua although there was plenty electric with It. Miss Margarel Egbert of Lo- gan, Utah assistant For full particulars see your local agent UNION PACIFIC instructor rrw TT. ATTA. TT TT W TH UT . 7 TT A A A 17 W IT VT A. A - ... W 7 TT T,T 1 7 TT Has Been Chosen as Distributors for Standard Ethyl Gasoline S tana vo Aviation Products The finest premium gasoline ever offered to Utah motorists next time try Standard Ethyl. Stanavo Aviation Gasoline and Engine Oil first choice of the great majority of air transport companies serving the West. Standard Gasoline More Western motorists use it than any other youll be thankful with a tankful. Oronite Products For Home and Farm Zerolene Motor Oil Whatever needs from Oronite Cleaning Fluid to Oronite Poultry House Spray youll find many useful helps in the popular family of Oronite Products for House and Farm. Finest of Western Oil enjoy a new economy in motor operation. Mobiloil Worlds largest selling motor oil Now 100 I i This Automobile . . . In Logan and Vicinity Grades X , 1L City Oil Company STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS of Logan I w r Heres Good News ' ,M,-- LAKETOWN n.i . 3 Julil.ils between He IsleHliT .'..III and Ihifl.ne Nelson of he III' i .in. p K.d Muwi-will e 1. jet t to a deduelmn of not to ex- arc now fotetaf,ung that Hitler la'eral oeij 4 per, el, I during die whlilt tentenced him year ending June 30, 1933. us a plannunr to restore llip monarchy to prison. of Doutre Hogan William Following die Monday night yr, Wilhelm II will not sit unusiite of economy, and also to!-- but The huthnul goirmiiM'iit can do dam l do- - Jiu, ant... to'v.uw food super-- , a tied Manager on In seam lie 3 the throne in of Ut lion , percent Hunt.-"nothing as yet. Hut high officials A. J. I.bndahl made a count of lw,r and Mri. HuelU hoi-- , 1918. if Hitler' a retirement tcjtom annuity. do. t for are UiMiiark on a watih , arp keeping end die crrialuly 1, ii.' uperviMir. nniesiattis correct, u to make himself ,ld Full Information muy be ob- aie l,nlcrnig lf tlmilr R'lu-- : In Ihe ta, ho o.mry fair rodeo part toward aitfltitin ing tht-iKing Adolph I. If lie sure reds. ,fl' n a from tained Albert m O, Anderson. i"'''! obtaining .'l IP,,-.li: rise will have but one htatort-- 1 Secretary of the I'nlted Slates cal counterpart that of Napole- iu,.j.iy ,.f fond for winter. Civil Hoard of Service Examiners, on. who rose from a poor CorM- - Thr railroads filtered depression over on Monday In ran army lieutenant to become em-- j long before Industry as a whole, j holding their votes for the last ami vege-lali- at (be post office In this. city. lOuit ai.ii of fruit o , In, li w.n tomorrow largely due to the increase In l night peror of all France. w e canned. Un Tuva da . lit at the l),n-,- , me. All vote. o bus mr truck and ctmpeu-waterway, were MO can i pv.., In uwiin. oicr Kw vilt of bad time among ill be count, d following the Dn Wednesday nZ f It't itlM - dance tomorrow tilth! and the can were filled and I"1-''ov-- r Anvirian nrnhJn Th.1 navi nntich the bltrads was much unemploytremendous drop in pur-- 1 contestant having the greate-- t 1 lie above supervisor ae.'ilnl r,'a-sUIx,rr- - hravy docrr'"' 1,1 number of xoi.- - win be d..l,.r..l work. were in barge of the lt tlonofDollfuss failed wcurttlra. the Queen of the Itodeo and ,!l aI.ue ,of rallrcad lender have (an d firing uad They .tie Kioperaling with the be a ward. d the complete riding regard ." ,rf(ra In the various but the rebels have not admitted II, I, i t ss-ti10 one mam habit to tw worn during the rodeo Preparations for over- -' indm trie which must be the renters where the cunning U be- Happening That Affect the Din- defeat rehabllt- j t the county fair, S. piemb.r ner rails. Dividend Check and throwing the present antl-naof Upward ing lime, I on. Tax Dills of Every Individual are again; titled . before normal limes can j j j 1 3. Austrian government twenty r. lief families are being turn, h of the voles thus The National and International Prob-- 1 underway, and the revolutionaries ,,ar cared fur every day by the lems Insrparable From Now the railroad Loral, have money, lenders and men. It propose rrvi- - 'far east are as follows: will be a fight to a finish with shm cf the national freight Welfare rate , Hlsro be l!ree. Ih 4t6.tdil I The government . supplying no quarter given. Today the schedule. A sclvedule will bo I.uhiha Hyde park 394.000 the ut. in which the food Is , tenaIte.-eto hold Austrian continues is 1 to Interstate government the u. onu treating presented Enrope Henson Hornets are The school A snd their families very much mcrce commission for approval, Hull lie Carlson. I.opan 6 5,h0'i ciously to the news spotlight. their building aa a few weeks ago the Oerman ex- as the German fovemment treats Maximum lncrea.scs, with few 13S060 pessie Hrown, llyrum central place to have the work ecutions constituted the greatest It Is confiscating ceptlons, are about ten per cent: Hae Zollinger. Providence 331 onu done. The relief people who have headline feature of rerent months their property and sending classes of rates are upped k tewis'on Inuo of Chancellor senters to concentration camps less than that. their fruit and vegetables canned, The It Is forecast Mildred l.ower." Trenton 11 m) are permitted to take It home Dollfuss followed, and all eves for long terms. Hatred Is tlieithat the sclirdiile would net the jun(. j,,nM.n S ono with them after tho day1 work were focused on Vienna. Now the prat emotion of the hour and it roods about 1180,000,000 a year'Ann Spenre.' fib hmond Skd.ou much more blood will additional. Is don. death of President Illndenburg has Is Tins U but 50 per j ylinn, ot,.ron. Henson 8 4.0('0 All the towns In the county again centered the world's Interest flow In the streets of Vienna be- - j cent of the Increased expenses the Afton Peterson ll.ooo railroads must pay,, due to higher Narene have had visits by the super- on Berlin, and has further com- fore the Issue Is settled. 18.000 Cummings Centchaotic cost of the plicated already mill rolls, relief families supplies, pay the higher visor The Central European powder Thelma HadfleM, Smith- - 57.000 have all been given an opportun- ral European situation. keg is still open; the fuse Is still etc. Aflon Iteese, Henson . 16.000 comThe and fruit Interstate Commerce vegeity to get their I.eah Wood. Mendon It is a known fact that von laid. Behind the scenes diplomats 42.000 will mission tables canned. probably permit the Norma Bankhead, Illndenburg was simply a figure- werk furiously, seeking secret enParadise The government has already head In Germany for the past year tentes snd agreements In case of rate Increase; under the law Its 69.000 Is allow to the carriers a Ethleen l.loyd, duty cans to this cr two. Grown old and tired, It war. supplied 16.000 5 of return about fair annual Wellsvlllo 70.000 county and a requisition for 10.-- Is reported he could be easily Up In North Dakota the govi. u more runs bus been made handled by his advisors It Is ernor was recently convicted of per cent. The lines have not earn-15 Vyrle Balls. Amalgit 15.000 as ed much In last as the that he a Aflon Smith, Amalpa ... 44,000 and they will be forth coming raid that in recent months sentenced to Lrav- - years. and felony, would sign anything put before Pnworth. at cm e. votors of D, o him without reading It. As long kota then renominated Nor(h him for Xo Horn Xivilnl as he lived, however, the world his office maa tremendous by knew that the Oerman governAn Englishman on a visit to ment was officially headed by a jority. West derided to go horseback man of and: BehindK that fact Is a situation the ns. ability proven The hostler who was to wos'whifh raiding much worry in; rid. Von Hindenbtirg strcrcth. North Dakota farm-- ! attend Mm asked: 'Do you l rock of C'braltar o' Tl.- - IT.f. ., States Civil Peri lee bd If one stte fer an Kngll-- h saddle or a We-t- some believed, cr arp m'ld Central Eurooe' (mini1 - mi lias announced opmijDmt he was all that stood between cels mnd. the ret of the amu- -, ern7 In order to Even th'Pcs tip i ,i'i',i-i!i:- i Miminations aa fol- - Germanv and economic and po- - cultural slates will pet pnd toj' 'What's the difference?" Ik ground the ronres-ion- s Willi;, :n or Inter. sooner Is a.sk,.d. Agriculture lows; lit leal insanity. f has who that Wallop charge still largely In the dumps. Many Philos game manageIniti "The Western saddle has a department of tho Cache Countv Chancellor Hitler moved fast farmers have little use for law ha n ment ncent. $2,300 to $2,900, when the to free fair, give arranged died. He at and order: they dislike and mis- horn," replied the attendant. and deputy United States game once seized president the office of old Field trust courts. Thousands have lost "I don't think I'll need the athletic show. He will give one match two boxing management agent, $1,440 to Marshal and held and thus their homes and their crops; those horn," said the Englishman. "I wrestlingThis showand will be given $1,800 a year. Bureau of Bioloboth President and Chancelwho still own their own farms are don't Intend to ride In heavy bout. the firm night of the fair. On the gical Survey, Department of lor. His power over Germany is liable fo find that cost of opera- traffic." A requirement for enprogram will be a 45 minute ahsolute In theory as well as In tion. plus taxes and mortgage e Is trance bout, one fall to win, wrestling experience of fact; there Is no check whatsoever payments, exceed revenue. of The Oonaumptlon legal whisky a kind and duration specified in on him. He Is more powerful than result Is that Jack Christensen and are In a harsh was 70,000,000 gallons annually between they the printed announcement. Clos- was the Kaiser In the palmiest frame of mind, and their renom- before local fireman. while for the Rill Coleman, prohibition, ing date, September 21, 1934. ination of the convicted gover- - first year after repeal It will be Theae boys promise to give a days of the Hohenzollems. The salaries named are sub- A number of Qualified observers nor was a direct real show. slap at the fed- - onlv around 30.000.000 gallon. In the hexing line there will l i Page Seven your Calol Lubricating Oils New Pennsylvania. and Greases Zerolene Lubricants - Business conditions put a man Universal Ring Gear, Pinnion out of business and I bot his en- and Axles for Chev. Dodge, Buick and others. tire stock of inner tubes, per This equipment must be sold cent puncture proof. I bot his wheels, -- Chevrolet, Star, Fords, Pontiac, in fact I can fit any car. -- and will be sold at prices less than the wholesale cost. Also have a complete line of have anything you need to repair your automobile and keep automobile springs. it running. See There is a Calol Lubricant for every need of industry or farm all doing their part to make greater profits for Western Special products for every purpose from fan to rear axle. Every one made to do its particular job particularly well. 95 I ED 3, The Used Auto Parts Dealer Standard oil company of California iy 174 Logan, Utah South Main Cache County Fair Sept. 11-12-- 13 |