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Show LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH CACHE AM ERICAN Friday. September 7. 1934. I (or tii Mens Dress Oxfords lo ,k .1 V. K . ia. k h No.v Is li c t!n- - t.y buy Extracted Honey . . . Bring ot:r cviHrirrrs for bulk honey . . , Cake of Comb Honey with each 5 gallon can, KU.ot a (oniiun to lor ! k ut.un. -- jibi-m- i.i.at t on. Happy Birthday Needham's Ring and Mr-- , Willis Jolitixon of Nibh y r 2 1 hi siih commoiMor.itini: on Thursbirthday minitt-nmrjmi Loy-ivisiting day. Him hor m roll Is, Mr and Mrs, Kviui AH Leather Footwear Plain Toe or Wing Tip h-- offers iteiiing r Mary A, Owen of IVii t bool n eM-- t Hi 163 S. Main or 40 E. 2nd So. Phone 1298-- Hie la I Jl I , ll , is . Logan, Utah Hyrum, Utah Southfield, Utah WelUvilif, Utah Preston, Idaho Specials for Sat. Sept. 8 S from a First ward his pleasant visit with her daughter Vhlati who resides at llutte. Montana. The orraston of the visit was the arrival of a new grand child. I R Vatuum ! for just one dollar, its consider lid IWU the lwl dollar value on the American market today IVn bold twice the Ink of orli dinary pens, smooth uff. flue, writing polut! Visits m Butte Mr. Jr a t c b. V Swallow Amos. V. Tive. HONEY FOP. SALE Back from Vacation )nt It lf irii, M.i o, l'.re :! 11 Eastmans Latest til III' Blue Pine Solid Pack Entertain Employees Squire Cleaners entertained the employee of the Institution and their partner at the George W. Squire ramp in Logan canyon Wedneadajr night. The new open air fire (dace tl used for the first time. and 95 $2 Mens Dress Shirts S.E. Needham l!3 meeting will bo held Sunday. Speaker will be Emil Albrecht and Preston Allen. Special musical number have been arranged for the We urge all German Saint to attend. German at 1L45 Jeweler I Thieves Loot Store BABY BROWNIE $1.00 German Meetin- g- Plain or Fancy Broadcloth to Other Peu Made bv Bbeaffer to 10.00 I "The Watch. Ring ami Pen hi ore. 123 North Main The Community Grocery, 68 East Ninth North street, was broken Into Wednesday night and $4 In pennies, groceries and tobacco taken, police reports show. St. George Visitors acAlfred Glauser, proprietor, stated Grant Alien of St. George the thieve entered by removing companied by hi wife and childa front window. ren who are on their way to Cove for a visit, stopped In Logan last Wins Music Prize nigh t for a short time. Alma Huppmnn, son of Valan-tln- e hone 999-Huppman, Center street shoe repair ninn. has advised hlg 33 Federal Ave. father here that he was successful In winning the first prize of W. f.VOO in an accordlan contest nt the Slate Theatre In Sait Ijike Radio Service Engineer this week. The lad was given a contract to play four nights at the theatre for his exiellcnt work. Mens Dress Sox Fancy Patterns Come in and ee the new arrival Baby Brownie. It smartly designed, easy to use, fits in the palm of your hand. Takes eight 1 8 x 2 snapshots on a roll of vest pocket film. Costs but 51 just the camera for your vacation snapshots. 5-- TESSENS J SHOE STORE D ick lost his The Collegian hasehall dull, second half winners of the o league, entered the state tourney today In Salt Lake. The opening game was called for y a. m. Beaver will be opponents to the Iaigan entry. Around Again According to the Tribune scribe, Andrew Nyman, veteran em- Logan Is not taken serious for winning the state championship. ployee of Anderson and Sons, who recently submitted to an operation, is reported to be Gasoline Starts Fire around again and feeling very A fire started with gasoline much himself. Thursday morning caused a run of the Logan fire department lo the home of George Datwyer, Runs for Commissioner Moroni Lowe of Grace, Idaho, 123 East Second South street. son of T. G. Lowe of Logan, Is Small damage was done and the fire was extinguished by Mr. running for county commissioner Dat wyler before the firemen arIn his county, being the nominee This rived. Chief C. W. Rapp said of the Republican parly. Mrs. Datwyler was starting the information was brought to Lo- fire with gasoline. gan Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. Heber n. Lowe who were visitors here. They Just returned from a visit to Grace. Utah-Idah- ri" w LOCAL NEWS s wj- -s m. SPECIALS FOR Sat. Sept. 8 PWD. SUGAR lb. pkg SOAP, Palmolive 2 Q - bars SALAD FISH, ... B.P. Size l-- POSTS 2s TOAST- - IES, lg. pkg SOAP, C.W. 6 bars TOILET PAPER Hummer, 4 rolls . TUMBLERS 6 for SYRUP, K.K. Scandinavian meeting tonight. Sept. 7 in the Stake HouseHol-g-at 7:30 oclock. Mr. and Mrs. M. Larsen, just returned from Denmark where Mr. Larsen presided over the Danish mission for over five years. Elder Larson and Mrs. Larson will he the speakers. Duet by Mrs. N. J. Nielsen. Larsen and Walter Everybody welcome. ar g New Buildings Urged lb BOILING "BEEF, lb FELIX CASH MARKET Phone 165 At a meeting of representative citizens of the Cache county school district held Wednesday urwas school board the night, the ged to take advantage of opportunity and build the necesin the sary school Tiuildings county and repair the other buildings where needed. It is said that the board has the opportunity of securing $213,000 for this purpose from the PWA Fund. ARKETI Howard McKinney, Prop. Phone 300 23 West 1st North Choice Baby Steer, Bear Lakes Best ROUND STEAK Ib. Choice Baby Steer, Bear Lakes Best LOIN STEAK PORK ROASTS PORK CHOPS LAMB CHOPS, yearling . 15c lb. lac lb. 17c 25c , lbs. 25c Ib. 2 Ar-le- n. all-wo- all-wo- Sweaters, Skirts, Blouses, Tams, Purses, Silk and Rayon Undies, Costume Jewelry Try Our Strutwear Hosiery Its Ring Free Matrons Long Sleeve, High Neck, House-dress- . . . THATCHER IliilUi Edwards Millinery Co. Logan SPRING LAMB Ib. 19c LAMB STEW lb. 5c LARD, Home rendered . . lb. 18c HAMBURGER 2 lbs. 15c SAUSAGE, 100 Pork . . Ib. 18c r iwfjiji.'aiaauaMHHiiawiegwewwEH.8 Willards Market In the Piggly Wiggly Store Choice U. S. Inspected Baby Beef, Very Special Fresh Dressed Fat Hens Spring Lamb Those New Delicious Chicken Legs, Try Them Fresh Ground Beef Made from Beef Good to Eat 2 to 3 Pound Iiwcs BACON SQUARES . . .. lb. 122 c Tender Heifer Reef Logan, j Utah INDEPENDENT Phone 164, 51-5- IV tall can 6c 11c MILK, Insure Again Cake and Pastry Baking Failure 1 c Softasilk Cake Flour lg- - pkg Sperry Pancake & Waffle Flour 28 oz. pkg White Star .... TUNA FISH, size can 15c Ib. 32c COFFEE, Hills HONEY 10 Ib. pai! 73c VINEGAR, 50 grain gal. 35c SUGAR, pwd. or brown, . pkg. Sc .... lb. 10c Sirloin. Round and Swiss lb. 13c Rib and Breast LAMB STEW Ib. Gc OUR DELIVERY SERVICE res PHONE 10 72 & 73 tS3E35 bars each Nice Size 2 doz. . . H. G. HAYBALL, Prop. 5 West Center, Free Delivery S(vl- - STEAK Cut 3 lbs. GRAPEFRUIT GROCERY CO. lb. Sc and lie LAMB CHOPS, yearling 2 lbs. 34c PORK SAUSAGE . . BUTTER POT ROAST Country Chili 5 lbs. Clothing Co. A small thing lo look for; a big thing to find! SHRIMPS, dry pack 2 15 oz. pkgs. 15c RAISINS CORN FLAKES . . . . lg. pkg. 10c es in Fall Colors, Sizes 36 to 50 A Few Steps off Main Street A Few Dollars Saved West 1st North all-wo- ol The Most Delicious, Light, Fluffy Pancakes or Waffles are made with O DE1QN Member NR A suit made of of cheap substitutes for The dye came off on his shirts and ruined them. The markets are flooded with such clothes Look out! Get clothes that you know are The Hart Schaffner & Marx Trumpeter label guarantees it. Find it here. COATS - DRESSES - HATS 29 aCjF 120,-000.0- Demanding Many New Clothes for the Family Save Money! Buy now at our School Sale. New Fall and Winter Clothes at a big discount. We have the latest in SHIRTS! bought a Fabric Cheat HE cloth composed largely What will the magnificent cities of the East do when the farmers of America go on strike? For the farmers of the nation, controlling the destiny of re- people are going to prod-i dairy fuse to ship again, nets, live stock and fruit to the cities of the nation! The possibilities of such a farm strike are magnificently portrayed by Charles R. Rogers for in his latest production Golden Harvest. Paramount, at the Gem Theatre today. In the cast which worked up In the wheat coutry of Pendleton. Oregon, for weeks are Richard Chester Morris, Genevieve Tobin, Rosco Ates and Julie Haydon. School Days Are Here Scandinavian Meeting Amber, 5 lb. pail BEEF POT ROAST best cut, lb STEAK, short cut 4 I c SSI N. 1st E. nine-thirt- Lloyd Golden Harvest At Gem Theatre Enter State Meet -2 Cardon Jewelry Company W A. 1- p large size per doz. . . 4 |