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Show THE DAILY She 0j)rtcn function, anl Tublishf l every WEDNESDAY GEORGE W TURNER, (LateC. B. McGregor k SATUKDAt - - Fifth Street. Ogden Junction. by the Oqdek I'onUsmsa Compact. Co.), Ogdcn. Books, Periodicals, Hilling Gate. GROCERIES, HARDWARE Mag- TOBACCO. CIGARS AX $8 per Annum, $& Six Months, $2 Three Months. He who is vain ov his virtews (if lie iz urr lie huz got them,) haz the hot and only excuse there iz for vanity. I suppose if tharc want a solitary huuiah being on the face ov the earth, the sun would still rise in the east and set in the west, tho volkanonts would okashionally vomit fire, and Niagara would keeD4 on roarin?. but tharc s lots ov pholks who don't it will be az dittifcult one hundred years from now to find an honest man tilling a place ov trust az it will be to Lnd an anarel traveling around loose, out ov a job. lifTUVIMi I3'a CURE FOB If tirr THE TOWNS Tlie Oil lfomedv v j?siiii That instantly the must excruciating paim, ftnft ia Btopi Y..U t! and vnrcs n un;tHlioiiisT jiimtiuin&uuiiB whether of the Luns, Stomach, Hoel, or otiier glandi or organs, by ona appliration, in fioni one iweiny m in uies, iin matter now yioidiu or ex- - al!n... nimn or till IMlin NORTHERN UTAH! WIXES, MQUORS, .ALE and FOUTEIt READY RELIEF XcflamniatioD of the Kidneys. Inflammation ot the Itlauder, Inflammation of the Buweli. Conof the gestion Lungs. Sore Throat, Difficult I!ratliitiK. Palpitation of the Heart. Ilyoteris, Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza, lleadache, Toothache. Cold Neuralgia, Kheuiuatism. Reached by a Daily Mail. Tin Id A Thare ia 2 kinds of prominent ptioois in the world, thozo who kno i ha are phools and thoze who don't kn it. The former are often ohrcWd iTiufl'to niako their pholly pay well I am allwuss dredphully fraid ov tnoze men who travel on their virtews; I have diskovered that about Jiall ov them are idiots and the other hall' are raskalls. a few mmilAlltft Kihibiui linnp Pnmni .... cura -' I iiiur UVIII S..n t H'b, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysen n me ana ina in all tery, tone, Internal juowels, Pains. Traveler should rarrv a hntiu nf Din. WA i "S READY KK1.1 KK with tl,m i f.., : .7. .unu,wFi on water win prevent sicknes or pains from ihange of water. It is letter thun Frtnuh Brandy cr flitters as a stimulant. Bespoke Root and Shoe Repartnent; Leather, Findings, Beltings, fa,; " ilnri AT THE FEVER AM At; FT. mre,l PRODUCE, BOB MACHINERY Health! Beauty! RADWAY'S SarsaDarillian Kesolvonr lias made the most astonishing enres, OF ALL KI5DS, 'tai ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, SLEDS; &C. Purchasers and Visitors TO SALT LAKE CITT , Wm find L. the Largest Assortment of Merchandise the several Departments t. M. I.,. M .bove, tLat can be seen in the inWest, aad all at so quick, to the tofluenee of this truly wonderful MedlciM.that imi AH I.(JKEASM IN LESli AMD ' VRinilT H gut'. ivn 1 IN Wholesale Stronpand Pure Rich Blood Iycrease of Flesh ana neigni Clear SKin aua .beautiful Complexion secured to all. JOB WORK Dr. GRAIN, R UTTER, EGGS, Ac.; fr flff There is not a remedial acent in this world that will cur Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious. Scarlet. Tvnhoiil Ynllnir ..it,.. i (aided by Kadways Pills) so quick as RADWAY'S ivi,t,ir.r. riuy cenia per bottle. Bold by Druggists. Junction Office, Sl"tf W. II. HOOPER, inn ef SuperintenclGnt. THE GltKAT ItLOOIk PVKIFIER. 01 iue Is Morality iz the bread ov a literary but brains Style, mixt with rtputashuu, morality iz ' the bread and butter ov ;, ' it. PAKOAt'AKILLIAN RESOLr.rry arqp VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, w ntiina .nil uiiua ma ui ...u.i. the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the a...-..ibody with new and sound muiwiai c philia, Consumption, GUndnlar Ulcerin the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodea in the Glands auuuuiw paruim me system, Uora Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of8kin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, ScahJ Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, ysipelas Acne uiu in me i mm, s in riiu, the Womb, and all weakening 'rumors, and paiorul discharges, Night Sweats, Loss or Sperm, and all wastes of the lite principle, are within tlis eumtire range of this wonder of Modorn Chemistry, and a L few davs' use will Drove tn ,either of tUese forms f diseatie its potent pewer to wi v vnoiu. . IftUfi natint. H.ilv K iMMlni. . ,1 . . wastes and decomposition that is continually pro- ... wasws. and repairs the same with new materia! made from uiooa ami tms the SAKsAPARILLIAN mm mm wiw secure. Not onlv does the PHrtiri!! ex- cl ail known remedial ageaU in the cure ofirni Cliro. uic, ocruiuitHM, voBniuuiiHual and Skin ditvasfM tilt it M fllA niilv rtAifitiv fx. l.'lnvtr BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and Womb diseases, GravH, Diabetes. Dropsy, Stoppawi 0f ater, Incontinence or Urine, Blight's Disease --........... , auu lu Bu tug, wnere there are opoeiia, or me water 1 thick, cloudy a m jkrlkttK . f JstlAVM W LI1 HimiBliraessj Itua ir threads fike white eilk, or there ia a morbid Executed in tho Best f at SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S difa, REASONABLE PRICES. Can-wr- IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS ii AND 1 Cards, 0...e, mny Kills, 'LOW RESERVOIR iivj I'-- Posters, tarr i.az m Singers' Sewing Macliincs, in Variety; irliA IMiilla The application uf the READY RELIEF to th part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists win auuru ewe aim tomiori. m 5 . n The wust tyrant in the universe iz too wile ov a lieupekt husband. The man who cipects to git jhed here below by pulling .others bak, ain't going to git a grate ways from wharc he started. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medley ill utfiirH iimrunt Mua V SUoes, 1 ttlA K)iMUmutw RADWAY'S ' Wall Paper, Bordering:, Bccorations; VMS. EVKKY wuu thfl NOTIONS BOTS and any one WITH 1J1V BADWAT'8 UEADY RKI.1KK rieing to pleazo everyboddy u like tricing to appoloiizo to a lot of hornets for running against their nest. andFAN0Y HOUR NOTthin ONE advertitiemoiit need after reading STOTES; CXOTHIG, HATS, Infirm. Crinnled. Neryoiia. Keuralific. or urtutratad with dineaxe may suffer At the present rate of proceeding, & CARPETS, OIX CXOTIIS, UFIIOLSTJEIiY GOODS, READY RELIEF! RADWAY'S HtKS THE HOKST 1A1K In from One to 'Iwoiify Minutes. IIIMILtill(7 We arc all ov us too apt to judge ov the cloth, m a man s coat bi the fashiou it iz kut in. DRY GOODS, STAPLE abeerfptions taken for all the Paperi of tlie day n52ui Local, KasteJ-- and Wnstern. CIRCULATES IN ALL IMPLEMENTS TOOLS, Wall Papers of the Beet Patterns. Liunk so. Thozo who never had ennything at home, when they do travel, seem to ao u ou purpose to Hud lault. & CROCKERY; azines, Pictures, Albums, Stationery, &c. Most pooplo repeat ov their sins bi thanking God that they arc not so wicked aa other pholks are. I am in favor ov tho utmoefe possible liberty, both for the soul and body, but I never cxpekt to see human natur well broke enuff to drive without enojits. Programmes, ' I Bill Heads, Letter Heads, iwBii. lulu wnpn inarA in & rtriritmrvbi hn;.. ut. on when dmhihit tp nH ei the bark nd aluo the .oils. Price; fl 00 ' anown aua air lteiuedr " T- -i mr n urmi win wdij . v;a.iuti Statements, iie hales Stiifed lo all irST AND FA1IOU3 FOB BEDiG - Order Books, Ball Invitations, U321 ;v- , CHEAPEST TO BUT!! EASIEST TO SELL 1 1 ! TO , ZTit&i BETTER COQKlNfi Theatre Checks, Xote Forms, till. Ueu ' 1 . van -- or Turn I vim I ' Shipping Tags, Ac mm TflH YitT III lieariMlir . choose. - tl iirira V . ' J ORDERS -. iir., U Derangemeau of the Iuternal Viscera. Warranted tO effect a . nm fhit'.lw WAa..ki---- tMuifiv. r "vvi., con no mercury, aii nereis er deleterious taming drags "" Observe the following symptoms resulting frem Disorders of the Digestive Organs Cons Uoa- UOD. Inwatvi Pilaa TnllnsM lit k - 1C Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn. Disgust of Feed, Fullnes or Weight in the Stom-aeSour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of t Via. firniMfJ, ftwItnminiF rf L. II . Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Phnk - lnvn ra -9iifinlil p .liailaalln. UL wh.1i IB 17, .MTV FILLED. V W CM X aDQ h, EXCELSIOR MANUF'Q COMPANY. St. Louig, Mo., ' - A 4 l.H' I- - " AV . :.. C. Ogdcn, Ctalu ; X m Address, C. W. PENROSE, Bui. ncBg Manager, BOX ,3TnQQDJEX CITT. ' Combination FITTED WITH Webs before the Bight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness) of the Skin and Pain ia the Side, Chest, Linrbe. ad sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning ia the JKleeh! A few fitt&K rJ V.loaa1. tiil. will frU ,k. tent from ail the d sordors. d 2 f"OU per fco. Sold tT Druggiirt m av a Biae ,rna one lev . er Maiden Laux i.r .uuitf) k Kadway hew : taJWisMtsus) vtii thueads wut t or,' son entywi." wf r. 5fl-- I, ' Organs, :. , of . . - . Rd to c .T,11 OBQA Our celebrated "Voi Celct " XIIE T t ' TK BEST VIVE SAM CAPACITY F ., . or ana "Uanonet" Stops, ""ur Ail uio Late Improvements cali bo Obtained Only in Thirty.flve 'Ditrer&nt Styles, l the Y Brsi Mater Church, Vnl and Worlmnnship, ' : these . Wtotttit and Volume of tone Unequauee ty, aheve-tuune- Tnuvrwr,, - Dioniacn, uver, itowsis, moneys, U,tder Nervous Ihswes, Hea.lai he, ConstipaUon, Costive-' in.iimoauon, Dyspepsia, niiiousnflss, Bilk.u. - ' p. SCRIBNLR'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, Perfect! f iatnla a,lanIv """- -i un swee Km, f srge, repilate, purify, cleanse and strengthy i ymtor the cure of all disorders ?'u RIJ PROMPTLY : PILLS --- ALL Grand l HANNAH P. KNAPK .,...v sPrcuiiy Adapted i . fcU it if yoa litel p IHpw. 'r... PERFECT PURGATIVE -- 'Mx?i' . ..3.' HlVtKlT Miuu . , Jnl 1 u, iouy. DR. KAPWAT; I hkva iH rtvrin ovaries and bowels. All he doctors said "thi- was no help tor it." I tried everything that was ttvDvmicuueu; uui vetoing ecipeo me, l taw your . . Resolvent and thought I vnnll trir -" J It. v.. I ti iuau DO Ulth in it. beCMIIiiD I limi llfTnrJt f,.r iiis iHjiuw oi me jteeoivem, aua one box of ruis.ana two Dottles ol your Ready ReiwunBj lief! and there i. nnt alirn i.r humip A v.. I and leel better, smarter, and happier than I Jelt, have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in the left side of tke bowels, over the arm a. 1 write Deeds, rAioiiroaGivi.v9 lnn' Growth Cared wf 12 DR. RADWAY'S Bcceip.s, Nvflnrry' Tuutor -- 1 ntA- - WcSmtS!!??. , ,0 anted C0MGHBS9 SIS., MIBCT. IK EVERY COUNIi.' |