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Show lOCALJJEma' Farr's July. OF Focbth Grove. See advertisement. daj Grand . JunS 20. Fridays Daily of Fr0n Danger. 1'eaixi- ami Tho Mower. - th"' the kaife iu in murkot. Carri Sold by ;uutuftirlVi p. HAMMOND, ami Logan, Cache Co. Main Street, Ogden, fr,1f?f FoR iiiB Hon. Frank Fuller C train this morning East. on the U. 'Lnt mi n" s pleasant mi wish the gentle- - We E3t. trip. th Tul(!'1o"Comniercia'., i r7TnO.. 0!TU 1,1..., f liMKiii'iiHil July IS, fetw 1S73. miles eust 11th. Mr. John Jackson w. be-J- " rciniiiK niaohine, when tho horses Mr. Jackson, Hilitcm-- and bwm to run. t,;" ,' ' to hold tlicin, wii thn.wu of) in f" t'ieViitU-- r har, with tho blade in motion, f (r0,ut " cut to J.ieces; one arm being- cut lite'-all. ono nash piercing to the heart, ,,;U-",!', wveriu" the lo.tv in two. A cofliu liad to of bill awarded to Garner. Notice of appeal was giveu, but Garner was offered $10 to let the thing go. He refused, maintaining thai the bill was his. A mutual improvement society has been organized by the young men of Bountiful. From this morning's Herald: J. Hanson, a young man, living at Coalville, was wresding a few days ago, and falling on his back, received such injuries that he died nest morning. Mulloy and Brown, the livery stable keepers, offer a reward of $u0 for i team and buggy hired to one C. A Wallace on the 10th inst , and $f0 for the capture of the man, who is accused of stealing the outfit. About eight o'clock last evening Frank Hart, who has been working for the Showtll Bros., was riding along the Utah Central track, when the horse fel into a ditch and Hart was thrown to the ground, his neck breaking in the fall He died instantly. Good coke is being shipped from San it l'1"""1 it, fftan"lt'"'l"",V ' from the Held to the house. " Mr. Jack.uii, was a his "rear life, co., Uhio, lest a io"u" unlortuniik' 11! lll I'rom cue Ul l.i.m l,v which the ?Mlin f jt uaclime. jjACK,"Mack," the gentlemanly and of II. B. Graham 0vial representative in town unlBro., St. Louis, was successful visit to Sau He lias ralJ a call at all the principal will Fran., and way home to Chicago's towns on his r.Til. Success to "Mack" all the time. to-da- y. To Farmers. to wear out I) HOIMONU'S yard, Main fetrcet, Oden, reapers and mowers are liable lie sure when yon purchase that you musing, on tut of firm mat keens plenty of repairs bill. Fifteen hundred dollar worth iu stock at M wd Logan, Cache Co. Steam ,(1:34-- A Engine. twenty-fou- 1 w horse r engine arrived at the depot yesterJav for Mr. Gibson, who is about to power mill near the site of the The engine was built by Ironworks. C sad G. Cooper & Co., Mount Vernon, Ohio. Mr. G., with the help of several the machine from the men, unloaded jtartaplanin car this morning. Specimens op Iron Orb. Mr. G. F. called this morning, bringing speciments of Iron Ore which were taken from the ''Orphan Boy' iron mine, in Cold Water Canyon, a branch These pieces of ore of Ogden Canyon. were taken out from the bottom of the feet deep, and ihaft, which is twenty-twMr. Seagers thinks the ore in the mine will auerace about 75 per cent iron. As far as we are able to judge of the speci mens we would not gainsay his opinion. The "Orphan Boy" mine is very easy of access, as wagons can be driven along side the shaft Seager Bros, own the mine and flutter themselves that they have an excellent piece of property. We hope that their anticipations will be realized when the Iron Works commence practical eperations. fieagers several o ( Cosdkssatioss. Xewi: . From last evenine's ,C . E. W. Thelps, of Morgan county, gives the following recipe for grubs in sheep, If applied on the 1st of March and 1st ef August there will be' no the disease: One nint. nf trouble from Rimsian tar. nint of im si. ,;n nixed, and add 'one of black Pepper, ereund fine. Fasten some tow on a stick, dip into the niix'tu're and in- rt the tow into he nostrils of the ihecp, moviag it up and down. "The best position for the operation is for the perator to have the animal between his 3, with the head up, one William " On Tuesday last, the 10th inst., to Mrs: Maria T. Tribe, wife of Mr. Henry Tribe, of this city, a daughter. All well. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. em- - OGDEN BRANCH. Just , Tli Clioleost Htylo, y ! 1 J DRY 1 GOODS! i. - Judge Teacock reports two thousand cent chafecter and appearance, is of the1 feminine persuasion, and announced its advent by vocal musio of a cheering and forcible kind. The Tribe is welcome, and more are hoped for and expected on some future occasion. See Birth Notice, and join with us in congratulating the parties principally concerned, Estray Notice. acres of crops mostly destroyed by cut ne resioi tue crunu m ou T HAVE IN MY TOSSKSSION TIIK FdLI.OW. worms, INQ describe! nlmiJi, which, if out claimed Pete look well. The people are healthy nd Ukeu away, wll Je euld to the liiglient rt)u. ll.lo hidilur at the Ditrict Stray Pound. Lilian and many of them have joined the Unit CacUe County, Saturday, June 20 U74, at 1' A rCLL STOCK OF o'clock p. m. ed Order. One red yearliug iteer, upper orcp In right, A travelling advertiser promenades cron off left nr. Ou rtd yearling iteer, rrop and ilit in right, sandwiched .between tinner Lake Salt City, aloue in left ear: "K. H." en lea hip. Oue red and white yearling heifer, do marki ur two beards and mounted with a long ' ' ' brands. r nld eow and calf) white !. raA hrM conical hat with a tuft of hair on the on tuy and Uanki, ut in right, crop tu luft an, j Hardware, Staple Drugs, Notions. ' t Cmber Yard Mr. Levi Wheeler's top. One rei yearling itwr, brand on left hip llleg. Paper Hangings, tjUCen single harness which was stolen tuie. iumber y'ard ia doing good business, and i That 1 i..n.t Una VinAM aIm n a A Wt"11 Glass-warOne red heifer calf, no marki or brand." Saddles, HarALV1N CKOCliKTT, gnjng Djg hiUs, One of the reasons of Irom "U,B ai"uou s Herald: tkl8 arid HarnesH From ness Uiitrict Puundkee per morning the success of his enterprise, although Her Lopin, Juae, 10th, 1871. named J. soldier A ' ' discharged Cordage and he is located away from the main part to rob a comrade at his of the citv., is because he advertises zog attempted in the act, re in the JUNCTION. The vir lodgings, but was caught rronnnentlv i shoulder-strikand was M. PetttBgill & Co., 10 State are not full v under ceived a heavy 37 Fark Rew. New York, Boston, . Strtet, in 0,kn. But thev UhtPiQlliecityjftiUa8tni8ht701 Chestnut Street,- Philadelphia, r, and who has , ... A new rinz" , r,i tf mm u nun nuua. w v twin tin onnrr iu. for AeerU our are procuring advertise oc an ma- - cadged his way from the East by of ouantilies building .mall Jcmctiox for Boston in the Oobm ments eloan of four bits, is expected to and Philadeldhia, aid authorised to con casional Wheeler's Mr. at them obtain terial can AflEJTS FOR tract for advertising at cur lowest rates, run the "merchine." It needs help.' lumber yard, on the bench, where his tf Mr. Oscar Young reports the Cariboo oa on agent, Mr. 0. II. Eggleston, will mines as turning out gold in paying hand to attend to their orders. quantities, and furnishing a goed marNATIONAL WATCH COMPiv ket for Bear Lake produce. The the at last of appearand Murphy's Fmi asd Montb. When the news The Coleman Sisters on AX'D TUB destruction by fire of the Railroad atre next. railthe Monday Hotel at Toano reached here, read boys, with their usual generosity, : Certificate of Cure. took up a subscription for the burnt out proprietors, many citizens of Ogden not Mill Ckeek Ward, connected with the railroad participa June 10th, 1874. to wife was at different ting. Mr. and Mrs. Shively. desire I certify that my their the Ju.nctiok,' through express times under the medical treatment of the- kind- of and appreciation gratitude four physicians in this neigborhood, "WATCHES'. ness of their friends at Ogden. They without the least relief, fox epileptio fits, SIX STYLES NOW IN MARKET. lost all they, ha J in the conflagration, but after one month's professional at Our stw WAGON and JiACHI-- 1 O. M. Wheeler, with the exception of a little bedding. tendance by Dr. E. L. 1'lant, she was B. "W. JtayTnond, Laflin. to Hat. their them, misfortune Z. II. Culver, NERY DEPARTMENT will ebort- It was a great cured, and has not had any return of II. IT. Taylor, T. J. Byersoo. is It losses reaehing at least $3,000., be opened is tie " her malady for the last twelve ntonths. y th the tefore fublie, Hot recently fUei ... i supposed the accident occurred through I wish thif known for the benefit of SUPERIORITY CK THESK WATcIIti IN VV, off Chinamen, all let wcur.i COSSXBUCTION luu eady by some AS D ION f OW Tithing Office Yard. the general public. and t he lV.. for thorn a Natlonml in the San FranMA vy tor them bniao Ilapidly IncreanH Jai. D. MuarHT. ; An article .appeared d229tf ' h b' eoia! tid to itmke lr(t cisco Chronicle; day or two ago, etating IF. J7. addiUoni to their tfuree imployee an.l M.ehin Supt., of the TraJn erv in ordertomn-- thqnirfienti that the Railroad Hotel at Toano was a ftb'-ravrnrett ud Itailrond men, the resort of th monte men, who are and reliable Watrh, arlnviWd to eianiine the H. AH orders addreeied to D. II. oi nr W liarmoad Muvewfai". TUB POSSESSION the line MY e,f on IN the TUAVB conrln. fui ttwr fleecing greenhorns animal, which. If not claimed BjiilrdCoMaii c.thnrKniy recme proa,i'V peerJ.. ld to th bighott C. P. This is a mistake, or a wilful h ' away. . Dietrict MdtheTaVabwonM'dbytlmUtb.elne.! at the Pound, at Stray bidder . ,' l misrepresentation. These men hare not Ogden a1KK " 0,, i City, fciwd andfnlljMaaltoaoinitoftheineetlajpuned congregated at Mr. Shi vely's place, p.uv old, laddie WtoheMorerlTV-T'-ren Ob brown roaa oeny mara. No Movemeato relaiied hy the (VwnpMiY. neither havo the railroad hands assisted clah and crwwr roarka, no brand viaibla. on ytrnr Jewel.i nd aek U, . thuu. on CU horeeoolt, Old, lorrell year tfcta eheennt the monte men, but on the contrary ttar In forenMM), brand vjaiWe. Bu!nest Office and S:troomi, hare done all in their power to warn the Groceries! I e, trim-xning- s, d28-14- l- Tin-war- - B..nt e. fiS. e, - oreaa-erinde- i,m J . , Sowing i Macliines, ht. i - , CELEBRATED PRINCE ORGANS! , ELGIN "WATCHES! Blackhurst, aged 17, at the Destret Xews office, was pending a' pleasant time "with the 7th Ward Sunday School, on Hill's farm, About eight o'clock, he yesterday. tathed in the farm lake, and afterwards took a swing, going to the full extent of 'M ropes. His grtsp suddenly relaxed was taken down immediately and al moat instantly expired. It is supposed 'oe bathing and swinging produced con gestiaa of the brain I jDecoasedv was a fge muscular youth and weighed 1(0 pounds. He was an orphan, honest, naustnous and religiously inclined. J. Garner, of Ogden, while paying for Vu dinner at a restaurant, dropped hill.lvkWa was" claimed tno keeper of the house. The cane trU4 in th V police 'oourt, and tk publio against their trickery. Ployed Military Lawlessness. Gen. Morrow, commanding at Camp Douglass in Utah, seems disposed to discount the Poland bill before it becomes a law, apparently That earthquake. That earthquake assumes that the municipal authoridid visit Ogden after all. We have the ties of Salt Lake city, bein; Mortestimony of several trustworthy ladies mons, have no risrht to maintain or and gentlemen that mother earth did der in their streets. A soldier tremble and quake about two minutes belonging to his command wa3 arpast midnight on Wednesday night or rested by them for being drunk and whichever you disorderly within tho city limits, Thursday morning, outside the cir- and very properly locked up. Gen. not was Ogden please. cle of vibration. Ogden has had its eral Morrow, indignant at the rebellious spirit thus manifested, at earthquake with the rest of 'em. . once demanded that the offender Arriving! From Australia. By the courtesy of should be released and delivered Mr. Joseph Tarry, we have been favored over to be tried by militrry process; SPUING GOODS, with the perusal of a letter from Elder and this demand being unheeded, he OUll into the of a sent cavalry company William Geddes, who is now ou a misCONSISTING Or sion to Australia. Elder Geddes enjoys city, battered down tho prison door, ,s and meeting with no resistance, carthe climate pretty good health, though ried off the prisoner in triumph. does not suit him altogether, he travels If Gen. Morrow committed this and preaches extensively, though the ou his own responsibility he distances between towns are very great. outrage And Patterns of tried before a court marbe should There are but very few real Latter-datial and punished; but if, as is assertSaints in the mission, but some converts fete csunty. ed, he acted under instructions from Prints, 1'ereales, TheProvo Woolen Mills have a tailor are being made. Elder Geddes would tho Secretary of War, that official La hum, antecedents of the to some like obtain to fuc the his ins establishment attached should be made to unders'.uud that Gingham, of the notorious C. W. Wandell, who is action is illegal. The Territory of tory, and furnish good suits, to measure false Australia now in reports, Utah is under a regular form of spreading for 20. Organdies. and who has obtained unlawful posses- government, duly authorized aud rePiques, and sion of the church records. United the States; cognized by AND A From Saturday's Daily of Jane 20. it is the province and the duty of the To Baisu Home the Sick. On Thurs- local officers to deal with drunken GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP G. Child, of ruffians who commit outrages within This has been tho hottest day day evening, Mr. Warren Thew the C. P. train for the their precincts, whether they are. of tho season. Good time for linen dust- - this city, left by VI complains now aoout wnai, West. He has quite a journey before soldiers or civilians. crs. JMooouy him by rail and stage. He has gone to Ever since Grant has been in a cold summer we are having. Old Sol to bring heme Mr. E. C. power a disposition has been mani Bernardino San is making up for lost time. Richardson, of Plain City, with whom lesfeed on the part of a certain class he is connected by marriage, and who of army officers to conduct them had his ancle badly broken by selves as it they were superior beCalled. Last evening we had a call recently an accident in the mines, as related in ings, not amenable to the laws; and from Mr. Paul Vander Vort, chief clerk Clothing iu Groat Variety. the Junction a few days ago. We hope the sooner all concerned, lrom the 01 me man service irom vinaua to ug- and! .Secretary of War President successful a have will Child Mr. that learn that the military arc den, and Mr. 1). J. Smith, also a head and bring back the wounded man down, trip U. were botn answerable to the civil authorities P. line, lhey clerk on the without accident or difficulty. He could for violations of law committed as much pleased with Ogden and its sur. not be in tetter hands, and this is un will be for them roundings, and surprised at the pleasant derstood by the family of Mr. .Richard citizens, the easier it from recede to, in pretentions which can dwellings and many improvements son, at whose earnest request Mr. Child not be tollerated. I his country is not HATS, CAPS, HOOTS our city. Call again, gentlemea. has undertaken this long and expensive a existence for of the yet prepared journey. privileged military class. iv. .Ladies', Misses' and Chiklwn'a Coxdbxsatiohs. From last evening' Another Tribe. A new Tribe has Trimmed hats and Fancy Goods. arrived in Utah. It is of the most inno- Xews: BY All r mirth: adoj . ELGIIT , rs 0 thatth-Cwntn- U001E2!, EstraNotice. e 1 twwty-dftlla- Y oido . 1 A ' a 1 ' Diitrict Feandkavyer. ....... |