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Show ' PUBLISHED WEDXESDA IKU l'EAK. 3B- - SEMI-YfEEKL- and Y ( $1.00 ii:n qk. Y, SA TURD A Y.) OGttEX, UTAH. WEDXESDAY. JUXE 21, 1871. 0. 2r TELEGRAPH. DIRECTORY. OCDEN ed linguist, has been connected with sev eral educational institutions as protessor of languages, and some years ago went into the business ot training, buying and selling dogs, and his ability in controlling them was marvellous. He wrote a book entitled "Doz Training." He had no fear of hydrophobia, and often expressed the opinion it was simply a nervous ai leetion, ana tnai me one oi a uog wouia not produce the disease unless fear sup erveaed and occasioned it. Offlcc: ocdcn Fost CLOSING OF VOL. V. Romantic Adoption and A Cairo, he was assassinated by a Tri poline gentleman. Soon after he left Cairo, he was seized by Murad Rey Unwilling Discovery II. and guillotined. Passiug over the desert Suez of a mountain of burniHg Gibbs and wife of Brooklyn adopted double daily, , .50 a.m. Salt Lake City, t sand was raised by a whirlas their own, a little girl, then but Through Mail dally v wind, that buried him and his army S1X months old, who was reared and a hundred 6.30 8.40 a.m. p.m. futlinms iLvw Just. -. donhle daily of pUtLnke City, Mail p.m. daily educated by them as their own chill, foro hc reacheu Suez, he aud al his t. TlMoupl. a.m. 8.40 lst Through Mail daily Dog and until within a year or two so re- - troopa WnM bv famine. At Suez. CLOSING. a.m. Kant ' the and , UU arded herself, and with very few tua arIllv waa Dttckfil hv th 6.fK p.m. 4lt Ukf and the West v Wyom-0- , was so regarded by all to and Bonaparte was exceptions FOREIGN. a.i.ty,mailHtovift Kvan.ton, Explosion. the vic- i i .1 i the latter place for- Rich- County, "i tims. Ata gL Jcan anion'' 18. were Known. rni tne 2 whom London, mis p.m. parties KL..Uvi and Saturdays, at ...... he was d'Acre, 1. . J Tl taken The missing Earl Yarboroug wa9 dis cnnu x... ,lo...nJ ,. I'll was tne x uter u. uausrnter oi Tl.i a Vhe County, Tuesnays, Turkish detach by prisoucr ' covered yesterday in the Island of Jer Simrr.ons and Cordelia undav Daily who l f. Wednesdays i ii.rr Potter, . fired who linn off from nm the NVtll Ug'K'Il 2.00 p.m sey, He left ihere to day for London, at the time of tne child's birth and rneut, $25,000. ami SituruHyis ila mouth iti an of tho the f a and cannon. . . Satur. itlin.a and v j t , , uv nnlipa All Outbid; VI 11 ivimui Waking his Huntnvilta, Wednesdays 7.30 a.m HC,C "V,,,S Bcl'Ilcl from St The steamship "Atrato" which sailed Jean escape d'Acre, he and and Slatersville, Ivnn.- Plain City from London to Xew Zealand, when near a mere civil contract ot marriage all his 3.30 p.m. The w ere drowned in the lied army Honda v and Thursdays 3.00 p.m. the Cape of Good Hope, put back on ae- - but who subsequently were married Sea. Ou his return to Wednesday and Saturdayi Egypt, the army count of an accidsnt, but tailing again Krville Mid Mma,- Wednesdays 11.30 a.m. 18G4 the a clergyman. In by and oft cut mutinied, Saturday and Uonaparte'.i ; from Plymouth has arrived at Ataga. A mother of l'eter J. died, leaving in head, 6.45 p.m. it to Turkish Pacha as a.m. number of passengers had the sending i risliwrv. large AMERICAN ue gundav, 5 p.m. t 6.30 p.m. measles, thirty-twhaving died during trust to an executor for Peter and a peace offering, to allow them to re18. RKiilSTRY DEPARTMENT Washington, brother named William L., her only turn to Prance. As a matter of fact the protracted voyage. 3 p.m. Oiwu from 9 main points of the are The following 18. DEPARTMKMT. liome, MONEY OFFICE children, property valued at cl-- -, never needlessly or rashly 3 ihe Bankrupt bill as agreed upon by (he The American pilgrims have scattered 000. Since then the brother Peter Napoleon Open from 9 a.m. to p.m. 8 to 6 a.m. p.m. himsulf to personal danger; Committee and passed in both from Home for rest and recreation." Some Outside Door open from Conference exposed JOSEPH HALL, "ostuuuter, and the executor of the trust but Houses: have gone to Venice and others to the died, perpetual rumors of his death . .,. in fund to make a final ac- - were started 1. That forty days' default in the coming Itttiv. of nn, (he Trains by his enemies, with - 7. 4U a.m. payment 01 commercial paper uic i At the reception of Cardinals by the counting before the Surrogate, learnwhom wish was father to the the C. P. train arrives 5.40 p.m. quired, instead of fourteen, as under the Pope on Tuesday, His Holiness men- - ed that this was living, " C. P. girl young In times our wo have ana thought. 6.'20 p.m. exidtma law received i tioued that " leaves d to f f , Qt p. rcsr,on. logous illustrations of the same .... i had been .. proposals i R HO a m. tne ot 2. entire That iookpopu " i i i from exalted political personages, iw U.P. " " of the " v" of creditors and a.m. number 7.60 ' to tnus lar between" reconciliation to a arrives Papacy ing propensity conveniently 0. C. train 6.45 p.m. amount of debts must join in the petition and the Italian governmeut. Iledeclar- - a party to tne uuai heniemeni oi ins dispatch conquering trcnerals. Kvcrv n and 8.40 a.m. for involving bankruptcy u ed, however, that he would yield nothing trust, leaves Searching out where sUc Dotly remenibers the amusin stoi icn ' . . 3. That the new law shall apply to an. I tllQt linv r.nnfPSinn nn his Matt luriil Via V,iA li . . 6.30 p.m. anrt-oof tlin linnu and 10 bU tUrrcnt ,n that instituted ,USCa in "iOii.J, V cases A o and V the Church bankruptcy, pending ndcr the namo 0f , ybC ,1JUneUS dopcd to , ljer Dec. 1st, when the debts secured Mimore anj n v ..i nr .Miin in rn irii ' mi Sundav.ln the Tabernacle, at 11 a.m., and fc niiui the when or .fit been jmve jt ghajj paij eiicct mat uranr,, ftnerman or eonio . , Paris, 18. J T '., , .nTht LcondVard ScUoolhou. F.rl' .School - Uibts. of creditors ask for a distiuu- astonisnment tne young nthpP ijn;,in Hion nfTir-nin In municipthe the l..il -- v majority Assembly ara Third bonne and ance. and i p.. al organization bill giving the largest tax- - lady showed the letter to her sup- - killed iu battle or had died on the Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. a.m. and 7 p.m. 4. That a voluntary bankrupt shall the right of membership m th. poscd father, and asked him what it march. Th'e VatW papcrg duril,r glStettoeturw (Child's Hall), at 750 p.m, be discharged upon the payment of 30 payers councils, was rejected 325 to meant. Anxious not to break the municipal A A ,1F r,.v,,.t afl fiM .1 i,.i i:.... indebtedness of his cent, i iih a ni- u urn in r.i!LtiK n.i per rpym 873. fHv Vew Tiibrary nau eurrounueu bo w which cnariu shall ml RismaroV 5 Opan Thfi That a nm I'mmt voluntary lb,, ln bankrupt long Depot. , . ICOIUHU mq!q, nniWM it o W. Turnern' n .1 1.1 uui.v.ra. ..u.b.. me Deen 10 exceuud. me have be shall relations oi be when the to Sunday Drobablv and young way fatal will Crown Prinoe reiection Pntioa Drove FriWw.l: ery day, discharged I A .. . . fP- p i i r ' ' anaa preiernng ana wue ot the vote mniBeu The ' annonucement proveu mnoceni. i any iruu. Charles sick or sliiri in buttle while Jbill. i crcated considerable sensation. M. Four- - rather to sacrafice 6. That the fees ana expenses any money thereA nj, ror. v.,iti. shall be reduced ,. win:.tpp fif lh. iBterior. expressed : .t,10Jat ?ue. iin,A li(t proceedings a. Ttr. bankruptcy iJ i..- - : F. S. RICHARDS, u nau ueKU Dim out laiu out in Ins Court . . . . until . the n temnorarillv Mmnrsmiu Supreme only ,;n;noB. .Pnt to lhe Umitalion of the government's right amounted to nothing, that he would coffia and even carried back to Ger new a LAW establish shall looking system AT ATTORNEY And apermanent reduction and simplification - to app0int mayors of cities for three attend to it. Finding the exceutor many for interment. It is regarded as certain that the 1 resieftrg The Committee of Thirty npprov- and his counsel, he told them he KOTARY, PUBLIC, bill. the will t.h rpnnrt in fnvnr of an American dent wanted none of the Simmons' estate; sign Utah, Ogden City, Chicago, 18. The Assembly will that rather than have the eighteen DnKi nnpntion. F .. . .... . . . . . m. C.......r.,,l ui finv in nfioM .In. nrnhnh v r&tnv me .1 . , . i i "Pried tongue," was the inswer iunu- rennri wimoui f..,L lueouurcuitvuuu, iiiiiifiv., for en n.s auoptoa decided is application Centre The J, against.the day N. TANNER Jr., , Right y? which a minister, just goiug out to lue iruB.,. i Vione who nk. l.nei"ni ?PwrVwa :7 xchaer tmve tome -T anw .nwa iviuuu i ATTORNEY AT LAW me vnieago , , , . .. 0f lne efi Centre in the hope oi lorming n was iwuuu, uowever, tuav tins likux niiaw nv nil ill mis mi'u lm .il.l ni.l ation of the new railway law, from the iinnn nrfurrnminn himp.d WUIU l.nn itjifh Mr1 in Offlc with County Recorder, II IV II V U5 1 moinwilw 'J UIUU W VII V W D.ILI . "I : nn lln .1 . UiajUll 1 1MI ..1 wuWfri.g. contained which seven ser- State Courts to that Court and bag and intcregU of the trustee) Ogden City, . . ... . , , , , , , mons. ru iuV 10th, proviumg lor tue conuru.uuuu , therefore, be tried in the State Courts in ProsiJent McMahon 8 Powers: the organ- which they were originally instituted. ization of a second Chamber; conferring commenced to determine the young The civil authorities m.'SaltXake io. v., loiedo, the right upon President McMahon to lady's interest in the estate. Ac- AND JEWELER. WATCHMAKER surrendered a soldier, guilty of wheel City The explosion of a boiler in the , dissolve ootn orancnes anu ine appuiui- coruingiy a suity was commencea in IV Dealer ia Watdiea, Cloclrn, Jewelry, Silver aud & Co., Cold Stevens assault of upon a civil oincer to uen. o barrow factory TlaHKt Ware, MAIN STKEKT. uuuikn. i . mi oi nis successor oy a joim vuuvcunienl i u ii n j t.:ii.v. in in ii iiit'iiir ijtjiiiii r n n . it t tK ttvn nhamhera. . Morrow who marched a detachmeut Repatriiig uctljr don and all work warranted. i 'i. - - , The nesotiaWater, Michigan, killed the lather oi tne . . iin i O nAU1 n r. l tavUVB f v" old. t5ons w.m uc'"'c M. a and sixteen abortive. years boy 'to release him soldiers to the jail of proprietor probabl, pr0ve . I no V.. . ... .a . .nam. . . i ii (to vuti Kriint. gni n- mrv . .i " kci live omerpersouB tjoss'meres and M. uunant intena, wnen " "r j j 5 be Wl . e y i rin,;nnati inonH.' vouknow, JIow would Gen. , i .lwrr"cr.e8"PJfr..u!; mm warn me 1:111 s 10 VT . oi .me.6. who Illrillrot.- (lllillirlt- lm oroiiicr v. pate, iigui, uistincuy luiuer, ving t4V . . . MiiHii a i mnr. !.! v il ll.HWn, . i i .. " r, BBSDiciuM lunii T?iu. ' . . j jr. lonii on "or " nrpnarpii 10 uen :liii l i I P. ii. . line ii.. . I II ' . i..: I II 11HI i;i 'K I .IVUU TF T0U WANT A TII0MS0NIAN DOCTOR DR " , dered the Bradly family is strengthened . .u - Uch an outrago Upon thO tlty au- i' d. , ,ion of (he Assembly. M. Thomtonion Medicine, 1 ,itr u) '.u'fJ,u.u a" ",B thoritir-- of Oniaha?; Home Rule, the discovery on his shirt and pants Paul de Casgagnac 5s cited to appear be- CALL ON DR. MURPHY, . w uuu mo . ..III mere to wnicn cou.. oi on Monday next of blood, :n.l nr. spatters aiij uw, . , mihu, . i.,..! JO H lUlUlM"! r , UV , .1 IUI1V IIUWVU, , POST OFFICE, MAIN ST., f o now m mi mmi-wimui io answer tue cnartre oi incuiuir ciiiituo i a niumu uctuiu biiciuuv CKJDEN. Democratic tide of the CosflCLiMiox Fei. tl.OO. heir. One of the witnesses on tho haired against each other. San Francisco, 18. Omaha J i.: '' t, The Taclfic Jockey Club, of this city, stand, yesterday, testified positively i i ha determined to offer a prize of U5.000 who- has to a marriage by itev. iur. jonnsona Pholns. TiirtT?0,T Mwion A few evenings ' Bjro h cfilorpd The werld ll full of fnr a in.,.,.-.-- .. t , ... i.i.. runnine race of four miles and re xua.e oi GUildren eryin for at F.Ue. jrooaiyn, naviDg world, the been filling a Methodist pulpit preacher and doctor in Memphis, I peat, open to all horses in theMrnck . HeLAlX'H is leature iot- he ease, also, near Rpiiltnnii, Mo.,i for some months noticeable come off at the; new . to Tenn., was approached by a darkey race ii--Candied Castor Central mv.. iwiriiiuwiice remaiaauie to November on next; 7th, ftLen to ilM of the commoner sort. Ihe lellow Park, Kentucky past Oil. ccr to noi the the Dears, young rev. oniy doctor to go with him aud eftectiY The murder. laay for be gent, l tried . It dericious, i asked the i .i ,wu. n ;a n , could harmloM. The re-- second $ o,wu, me tmru aiso. moiner her hut own, Clav of saoptca dnorudo l ie tA JO U Vli get u trunk full' of monfy. , t " IinUive tasta and tmell the fourth, $3,000. j i r ii a AhCii ,io ., -in rrin Three year-old- s m perts en a it ana The doctor went, and ' near the Or- cf theCaatorOil about year fm,r; 104: five. 110: six County, Kentucky, m,,.,!;, . i,owerre v . IM. iV r,. Hi l X. IM W. .11 Imroaa a. iti.ij . han Asylum his guide halted and represeuui ..w.u l nr,rt ' he and a man named i Joseph .1 - xi huuuo. an wviovs fpflln . a tarrBMinu . I.' ,1 I' , lum i rt tinwAn h .. ninr. w.v., ill I. f " " - arc anil to be al- Stivers killed a peddler named Tay- - tne interests oi ina.exccuw., r.uwin CJ .plained that the revprcod gentle Mountains notim .aired. Price 25 centi. of the Rocky punt w 1r JJlCLain'S liOnoons lowe4 $i,000 each, and all horses Irom . for h s'money. Phelps N. Stoughton those of Mr.' Simmons, man was to take off his boots and ermUg0 Are ele gawt and effective, ' They wW. Cream Europe f 1.500 each. e Pullerton and Jona- stockings find go barefooted to th ; and children Bonbon km.t in onfortion.r.' ft t w,fe. and 6even ,l 31 those of the young arshal went to Missouri with a young than point named, while his new lound ' .V ). friend carried the boots around to the Aai all other drucnieta. evening. The "Vancouver" left Hong woman, who acted cs the pastors lady. ; Kong May loth, and loKonama way wjfe place by a circuitous ; route. ,Thc J!on;i parte. v. , v. 10 iuavuuu.,, T p lbt, doctor has given up the search for tho .consigneu .a. n nrniiv vnnii" I iViJi !,r .aril ns i.ne leici mi 'In.an tx ii w i . livw t 'n n" iniidii i; i -utriii.i aiii , and Journal the From Navy Army LN JoQ.L.n.i.M.RBii Janan May 80lh with - vill named Pauline Leazinskvnoted J trunk and as looking for his boots. ' ... an r in i .i o over uie i. na oia ToU.'i i -..i n.L. .v,:,.t, V,l .i recently . xun lium w Turning OUt Calling, lor lne Deauiy 01 uci nail w iiiv;u nau A Nevada City (Cal.) school boy e time about the Chi forty-fivreached thc unusual length of 5 feet, of newspapers, dating RUDD brings nine hundred and immortalized himself by the Jul the to has Nile, a few mghtSagowa3 awakened about of Napoleon', expedition 7. .k;mu It retailing Brings nuiiyuiw.-ninnrninfr cxperienc- by. mo ireuueucy lowing vum wiuuu wi The latest China papers state that the 2 o clock in is small but thin Ant" h ew, Rumor with Iauie which, with all on ing a sensation as if some one was . ;;;ou vessel lost in the China-seaskunk lan vatfitclher -starved Jq , death .that awful ANO board, was the steamer Scotland," and combin- - her hair, iwhich vas loose drowned or A ant who so persistently biggest Newfoundhu Dorg. from thi pert, about not the her 6ll0Ulders. 'As she awoke great soldier, ARRIVAL ANB MAILS, Tho New Bankruptcy 5.45 p.m. 7.40 a.m. 5.40 p.m. Bill. a Horrible Death -- Fancier. Learned -- J early twenty years ago Mr. E. red-ho- 1.- m rila. Fatal Boiler ili Grand Running: Race . 5- - c P-- 1 for ... w Pope and the Italian Government. - o a.m-t- o I c- one-fourt- - ...... h iii one-thir- d -- i 11' . . ra 1 1 i i . I to-da- h,, r cnooi-nou- .j - n.in T.-- li . I -- w ".. 11.1 i...i .1 . - 1 Plons iitnim "I" , 11 U ral. , 1.1-- -- 1 ' I 13 J.S.LEWIS, s 1 I ... . rhfo., REMOVED. i. '. 1 . ... il.l .1 . ll -" 1 1 " " 1 - "J. . I I1 1 1 . I " v- - ri r f 1 i- flitf-lriTl- t . 11 1 . Office-OPPO- SITE ..:,. I ..-- v 1.1" - w- 1 1 il-3r-a la-aid.- i a ti tii !"!rwT'": i ,11 n -- .i i 1 I I -- i I i , m I a. - I nil -- Ex-Judg- i aT-l- y , . . - UTlUiU '",' ii'r - k -- I r?"ffii r"iODl ttcy goods: s bark.-Sootlan- d," ir-r::At hii place of Residence, SEVEXTIT St.? OGDEX. TkoH midinc in hU latcraat t rfve WiBC ttinii. tiwt will find t. bin "a call bR ditft-i-i- r par 1 f".., trzvrz iTrcS.. , slrs drum round him much, if residences Brooklyn, yesterday, enterin- - smelt chloroform, and found Consul occurred almost d.ily. At in koek you stmk ant kan make you " five mortal A game ot iydrophobiaIIe was biuen at his th daUKhter'8 hair had been the lied Sea,' he received h 1 T to. fcurronder waltz like a dutchman. Sum fu4ks store in ibis city six weeks ago by a wounds f f while .mall Spit, dog, ffi endeavoring to ? .1,' adding like stink anis, but I donte. Tbwis M r?? some meaicine. O J mate it taae cutier i " vu, i .v . . . the Nile bcperJsKd of thirst. , M n,lve of En8l!" an McomjlHih cubed. ' at. rOIfiiO - ,..fi.. his S S oW |