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Show ft f 4 THE EXCELKIOIl MILLS. enterprise cf vast benefit to the community, and at the same time a source of pecuniary profit to themselves. My fitting up the premises with many needed improvements, and buying in a stock of wool sufficient to last fill another gleaning, by paying the hands money or its real equivalent for labor performed, by close economy in the management of its affairs, the Excelsior Mills could be made a profitable investment to all patties concerned and an honor and a permanent benefit to the whole community. ; A party of bHsiness gentleim-i- i of this city went to the Excelsior Mills this morning to inspect the facilities ( f this County for the manufacture cf cloth. Mr. Kundill, one of the rroprietois, and the manager of the thcut orer the nterprtso, It substantially built rock structure of three stories, 153 by i'5 ft. The upper story is used forptoring The second story conMali rial. tains two carding machines, a condenser, a picker and a spinning The mule with ;GJ jpindkg. nar- JUSTICE TO THE "JUSiwer story contains eight row looms, two broad looms, a fulling TICE." box. the At mill, aud a scouring In another column we publish letfouth cHd is the dyeing room, and at ters from the Prosecuting Attorney the north a finishing room containof Uinta County and the Justice of ing a shearing machine, and the the Puace of Evanston Precinct, W. office. T. We believe in giving every acThe f'acto-- y is now in operation, cused person a chance for with skilled mechanics and women Mr. Ciibanati's letter is mero- worker from tho factories of the Old ly an effort to exonerate Mr. White, Wurld, and U turning out a m st exand needs no comments of oura. Mr. cellent quality of jeans, linsoys, fhn-- 1 White's communication calls for one and colored blanket, 1 Id, white two remarks. batting, etc. We can, of course, find no fault All that this valuable piece of prowith the Justice for being too deaf perty, needs to make it a financial to hear profane and abusive language Kat cess and a gifat boon tu the peo-- j uttered in his small court room by an 1c of Wtbcr County is plenty ol intoxicated officer. Like the horse wool and a little more machinery sold uder a warraut of being withT obtain these capital is required. out fault, and afterwards discovered One would naturally suppose that to be blind of one eye, it was "not in there, could be uo lack his fault", but his "misfortune." I 'tah but that every factory would And wc would add the niihfortune of i There i abundantly supplied. the precinct afflicted with a deaf Jusplenty of wool, and yet lack of matice. The principal fault we found terial is the principal drawback of with Mr. White, was for putting the our wooleu mills. And this will never iuto the hands be remedied until the mill owners prisoner, Williamson, of sheriff who was utterly incaLave more cash or'" the people have of taking charge of him. From more recard (for the good of the pable own admission that ofand will be governed by the Justice's ficer had interrupted the prosecuting "J u little common scute " ' three times in court, and this Hundreds of thousands of pounds attorny occurred while Mr. rf wool is sent out of the Territory interruption was showing the court how the tfjry year, p imply because buyers sheriff permitted the 'prisoner while l'.r txportatiou pay cash for it, while in his custody to go at large unatthe factory men generally pay cloth. tended. Yet Mr. White gave the If the mill owners had more capital prisoner into the charge, of this tJ invest they could get all th wool intoxicated, abusive officer who had they want to keep their machinery cboffn his unfitness to hold him, and rtuning during the entire year. And whd demonstrated it still further by continuous working is essential to letting the prisoner escape on the their financial Success. If the Vool first ' opportunity. folraisers could only understand the 'We arc not aware What ' is the ly of scuding away for foreign manuiu Wyoming, but we do facture what is absolutely needed for practiceknow that generally a constable is borne consumption, aud would care the officer of a Justice's court, and tuongh about the tmblie welfare- to that warrants are issued to, that Mudy geueral before iudividu il Sheriff is a county there would be uo trouble officer, whilea officer.: f )Ir, Uurns had acted in nUuit lack of' waol. 'Uut 'human the case of this prisoner as special, natur," as Sain Slick pays, "is human and if no regular constable was itat ur th worll over.' Aud ''cash for wool" will easily draw the fleeces present the Justice had full power to one as ho had himself ruled when Hloth iu exchange Jiiiiy liuwl deputise previously. itself hoarse iu viu. Our information was obtained from The bad policy of Miipping ovlr Sheriff f Weber Co., raw material, while fckdfuL worket WVlirown, and M. ttrown, Marshal of Ogdcn have to seek cniployuient iii unfanii-h.i- r City, U. T., and we have witnesses ikVt'uncs. is uudcrttood or. admit-u'nir.L-nr U'UHrr tn v w "nfTidivif tn "a by DtOst people. But Admitting conduct of the Sheriff while in the the folly of an act aud repenting of Mr. White's court. - Want of space mid avoiding it are very different forbid further remarks y exo we find shfep-raisething. wo think that a it little singu- who in theory pustaiu the arguments cept lar that the Evanston Age quietly favoring home utnuufjcturif, in pro-tias it a attic the subject. ' jgnoriug, theoinnd wh?, vwlu!y iguores outragous for notice and comments thfy endorse in words ,thoi policy of and too near home ? at tnited effort for mutual advantage, by alt and detd show tbKt slshfeess nod individual edvanUge override all 'Young gentlemen, don't get into JVon derations si the habit of betting," said a profesether to liia class.- - "No kind of bet is sor We would like to see the foundacxcusabU in fact, every, bet is a .wu tion, laid 'in' th EiceUfOf' Mills, as well as; a mark of vulgarity. Have f uilt uron in a thoronhL4r!d 'ub-ftanti- nothing to do, young geutlemen, with a bet of any kind."; ;'B'Tbat I d inunrmf. Men who Cau' sujv dear olol a email amount of surplus pose, put a finisher m; wr frieud.'tKc li'haclwmeJ.Cine with utptkl U'uld, by j of the students. The .Professor tm-- d on lair the preMu: owutrs bfandlupSnHhe eqciu:blf tirujs, male the r uildinp. is a 1 bus-iruih- S self-defens- e. j rtoi-kiug-yar- .tit'-wo- . Gar-bana- ti . - ; pros-jcrit- y, , d I i n I to j to-da- rs j e . . j al OM-luan- , I w manufacturing artificial flowers equal to that you will give the foregoin- T ' in your columns, and 8onJ pUe kind. the of imported e . Ul nam. any of th imhm. w ... . out his . From Monday's Vaihj of June 25. aruclB of iUr 19ln A rampageous soldier carried inst. I remain juur yours, to Helt.) by privileges, (according Very respectfully Kh tWT. AMKK1CAN SARDINE CO's the 20ih Ward. tHnn Sardine, are niH'h ltfr, and breaking into houses in j half the coat of imported Sardinia. Evanston, June 20ih, 1874'.' ;VH!lE' Officer Philips got hold of him and gave him (thc privilege of going straight to Editor Ogoen Junction: Sr. Dat. The Masons of this camp'or to jail. He went to camp. Sn:-- A your article city have made preparations for a grand b Williamson Case," etc, does From Sunday's Herald: celebration en tlie 24th in?t. See proMr. White, our ftf , That coke from San Fete has been his I desire to gramme of ceremonies in another column. request Gerof the correct pronounced by the manager as the facts within my J . 0wtt to anyWorks, mania Smelting equal are concerned. "ieiJge ision of Mr. White Squally. The clouds yesterday and thing of the kind imported. ?. ,0 tU y have threatened a big downfall, The Ninth Infantry has been ordered jurisdiction was simply as to the Slierir but more wind than water has been the to Arizona, and the Eighth Infantry to return on the warrant. But the decision did not discharge the prisoner but 1 result. A few sharp but short showers California. the contrary left him ia of tk charge hav severed to partially lay the dust, The Coleman Sisters have arrived and Sheriff, who could amend his return accordance with the fact. So as to but gusts and blasts nnd blowing and will appear nt the Theatre $100 bond, there was at the mme bluster seemed to Uave scared away the tin, This is how some fellows have to be a warrant extunt on a of charge larcenr rain. in which case no plea was taken warned: which was of sufficient Editors Herald: authority to'hdJ the defendant until next day, For The West. Mr. J. A. Heme, the followB If J e,ea y does'nt slop celebrated churacter actor will leave this ing married women to the church and though a boud had been given and for feited. evening by C. P. train for the West. It going to see them when their husbands As to the abusive langunge ed, I did will have a is probable be will proceed, after a short are uway from home, he . not pp.t the full mpfininu mvcol v.A. A. G. to bill doctor's pay. his where to Australia act on the the of the bein-bcoast, u'.terer speaking, stay hind me. So that I can readily befiev eminent histrionic abilities will doubt"Hue, imiu ia imru ui nearinT that less be appreciated as they deserve. We CORRESPONDENCE. he supposed 1 merely called liistten. wish Mr. Heme success on his profes., ,1 1,. ,i;..(,.i,n..., iitiuer nun iv iut II1H11 tut uiciiuyuinc, 1874. June sional tour. The people of Ogden will which disturbance 20, words, he Evanston, immediate-lchecked. Your insertion of thU u;m long remember the excellent perform- Editor Oodkn Junction' : ances presented here under Lis superDear Sir : I notice in your paper of oblige 1 ours Bespeclfully, the 19th inst. an article upon 'Official vision. II. Garbanati, which article in Wyoming," Integrity Pros. for Uinta Co, W. T. Att'y G. It. Belknap does me June 21, 1871. Itt NAWAY. On Saturday evening last made a great Injustice. Evanston, before me, charging complaint W. Garner's team ran away from the v- Chas. Williamson and John Jone with icinity of the Iron Works, and galloped the larceny of two horses in the Terriof Utah, and that the defendants away with railroad speed towards tory were then in the Territory of Wyoming. In this city, on the 18th inst, Sarah the main part of town. Near Mr. G. J. Warrants were issued the same day. diE. Cuaddertoa, daughter of Jonathan Wright's house the box flew off. On rected to the Sheriff or any Constable of and Hannah Chaddcrlou, of coavulaion enreaching Main street thty got on the Uinta county, and were returned, and whooping cough, aged 1 year snJ dorsed as William, served, by arresting east sideway, knocked over a box in and him the before son, court, JO months. Funeral services at the rt- bringing front of Tidcock'a slere, and badly dam- signed S. W. Smith, Depu'y Sheriff. sidenee Ibis evening, June the 10th. aged two mowing machines belonging to Defendant's attorney denied that there-tur- n Friends are respectfully invited to aof the ofheer gave the court jurisThe wagon was Johnson & Douglass. diction, in that it did not show that the ttend. badly demolished, and several children arrest wa3 mado by any officer to whom Suddenly on tho l"th inst., at were in danger of being knocked over, the writ was directed; that it did not Cache County, of isflammation of show whether ke was a Deputy of Uinta but fortunately no one was hurt. the lungs, IUbert Deakiug, aged 37 couuty, or of some odier Territory or Slate; nor that the C. Williamson was years, il months and 16 days. Be Decent. Complaints ara being the Charles Williamson songht. The On the 21st, of June, of whooping court then adjourned for supper, and made about men and boys bathing and took the matter under advisement. In cough and canker, the infant daughter indecently exposing themselves in the the meantime, Moroui Brown made a of Winslow and Emily Jane Farr, aged vicinity of the Utah Central Railroad new complaint before ine against the four months and seventeen days. Funerfor an assault and battery, a bridge. As a caution to persons upon defendantwas al m. at 5, p. issued and delivered to the warrant whom appeals to decency would hare no prosecuting attorney. The court de- influence, we quote the following from M'laea tnat tue return aid not eive tne Section 3 cf city Ordinance, in relation to tteast jurisdiction, as it did 0ol rhow whose deputy S. W. Smith was, or that AT Wa EMPLOYMENT ciimes and punishments; he was an officer of this county. The nTTTPTTQ Iiouipk or traveling. The work shall in in cungpniH), honomblc, ui "If ony person any court directed the sheriff to make a proappear nys tin best ot unvthiug ver public place in a state of nudity, or shall per return. The Sheriff ceuld not be make au indecent exposure of his or her found at the IHlt XIIIjXJi ploXkllit COH))Bt( OUtfiM time, and on my own mofreo: Ahdeess at oiicit, G20, B. person or procure any person to do the tion, I appointed John Burnes special & HODGE 735 State St., Chicago. Co., 7S3 aud he shall be liable to a fine constable tame to serve warrant No 2. War1041aw. in any 'sum not exceiding one hundred rant was served, and defendant brought dollars, or to imprisonment for any term into court. The defendant's counsel atnot exceeding six months or to both tacked to a my power appoint special suou fine and imprisonment at the dis- constable. Motion overruled aud decretion of the court." fendant held. Defendant then filed the AX Now let tboe who wish to bath go to following affidavit for i change of veeomejiluce away from the Ticinity of a nue: "Charles L. Williamson being duly public thoroughfare, and nut expose At LOGAN, OC.DN or SALT sworn, upon oath says, that he is the dethemselves to the public gaze Lor lay fendant LAKE CITY. herein, and that he, said dethemselves liable to fine and imprison- fendant, cannot obtain justice before tOTe macliinH Tc have a full nurply of th said Justice of the Peace, 0. M. White, and will cloie tUeru out ! the following priren: ' ment. That's our advice. as affiant verily believes. Chas. L. Wiluamsox." "Signed. TVOOD'S Improved Iron Mewers, The of venue was strenously changn A Hiur ex the Cheai. Two young $100.00. by theProseut. attorney and the men were brought . before Alderman opposed Self Rake Reaper with Mowing Acourt held that the statute did not bro with this $200.00. ttachment, vide for a change of venue in a prelimmorning charged Thompson Motion U. into denied a car belonging to the and inary examination, breaking I. set for June 19lh, at 3 V. IU It. Mr. Kuril appeared, to prose-- , examination ' W. siG-lII. HOOFER, Supt. o'clock, p. m., and defendant kld in cute. It appeared lroiu the evidence one hundred dollars (the charge assault that the oar had not been opened since and battery). .But previous to this, I it. left' Oai vha, till entered, by the de- had issued a third warront, on complaint fendants. The latter; claimed that they of Moroni Brown, for larceny, and delivered it to the prosecuting attorney, intended no felony but merely wanted to John Burnes TO th having performed the duty get a ride "on the cheap.".:. They were of his appointment, and the court having and each allowed to work three days en the no power to appoint a special when there was a general officer present, and called ' streets to settle the affair. Hiding in the sheriff" and the defendant in' his gave curt is. all Yer1 well providiDj the pas- charge with instruction to commit him if he did not give bond, at same time the sengers have tickets. This should be a caution to boys and prosecuting attorney gave the sheriff warrant No. 3. Tlie leading Bookudler of older folks from getting into freight As to the charge that the court could cars containing merchandise under any take action, on the application of Govpreteucc, without authority. It was ernor Woods for a requisiiien, is simply oirly because of the youth of these twe p.eposterous. In regard to the jheriff cal'ing the offenders, aud the fact of this being prosecuting S'JMDAY SCHOOL LI33AIES, d liar attorney a g d d their first offence, that they were let off in open court, was news to me, the sheriff Further in- sat iu a remote comer of the room, and i so light a" penalty. did the prosecuting CHARTS, GLOBES atiorney MAPS, fringements of the taw in this particu- threeiuterrupt times. the; court interfering ettCh lar Will be dealt with severely. AaJ time, and the last time instructing the constable to keep, order, but I did. not EDUCATieXAL WORKS. hear the sheriff use any such language, 1.' .. a v. r...v CoKr.)tN$ATl6xSi I- From Saturday's nor could I hear a word he said at that distance.. Yesterday, I, heard for ihe Jiittv you come to Conference fiiv has been first time, that such language was used John Scottj by the sheriff, and I called upon the DISCOUNT fined $.0 for keeping a gambling house, prosecuting attorney, asking him ' why A n aid $2a'foramnng himself';,..; " To j he did not call my attention lo h! lie that could he not replied had understand soldier, J. Hirer, 1h dieeharged (all that was said, but heard the word "liar.',' roll, of My to pay $25 fac trying to steal ' hearing is so defective that I can ' tis.ctioi r"wa4- - ' -And,' perfect. hear ordinary conversation with' 'difficulgreenbacks. a i th " i VIty. . The earthnaice reached He Wanship, . .... mM 'S!' . . ..,, !. un,., The .uj u Iruthful foregoing . :as rte statement Summit Co.. , iJ v a so 8trn of the whole matter, and I T r...M.... . ,.. , out of bed. 'that my action. itf the tna.Ucr will, he sustained KjeVe'ry Krtiircer.''Bio;tn3 AVaUy in the lUU wafdnaf . LOCAL rTEMS. BONK-LES- S W. blV-l- ini, '?,,,' hlV'' kni" Juti: to-da- 1 J - y - IRel. We"i-vill- to-da- e, y vUlllllj Wood's Mowers ' SELF RAME REAPERS TERMS CASH! Z. M. C, NOTICE reople of Ogden Northern Utah. JAM KS DWYEK, . SALT LAKE CITY, , . - saltsou-kecpe- r, LIBERAL , .!.' .i : : - a . loua4o'l4r'!ea tra f1 , . |