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Show Florida. stY TELEGRAPH. 'Boss" Tweed in Court Again. Execution in Arkrnsos. Interesting News from Cuba. men, is marching ngainstCanta Tiega, Man s Rights In the Carlist headquarters in Aragon. Berlin, 19. The following is a literal copy of The. Cathedral Chapter of l'osen has rendered by a Florida refused to obey Government orders to judgment just au county judge, in a case between elect a vicar general. old black man and his wife: "Be it Home, 19. The American pilgrims who went to known throughout all Christendom Venice have left there for Havana. that the husband U the head of the London, 10. wife, and whatever is his'n is his'n, In the House of Conunons, is hers is his'n, and Uournc, under secretary of the Foreign and whatever tho Department, in answer to a request for come weal or woe, peace or war, the iu willof all property is vested information, said Government was ing to mediate between lirazil and the husband, sad the wife must not take Argentine Confederation, but its friendanything away. The ox belongs to ly services in the matter had not yet Uncle- Be-nand he must keep it and been invited. and the other things, and if the old London, 20. died lant woman quits, she must go empty-handereader, nigh'. Gen. that Tlie Daily AVk reports Know all that this is so, Garibaldi is very ill. by order of the judge of probate." Rome, 19. The Pope's address to the cardinals en Tuesday last is published. The Pope A colored candidate for the South reviews the protests against the usurpaCaroliwa legislature, who can neither tion of the Papal States, the abolition of read nor of other acts write, maintains it as a proreligious corporations, ani the Italian government, so that the ene- position that no one that can write mies of the Church may not be able to ought to be allowed in the legislaplead justification of undisputed customs, ture. lie aldo was moved to allude to these subjects again because he had recently 'Hi, Swipsey, l ave yer hadeny of received overtures lor reconciliation, that crstrawbully shirt cake at Mr. and had in his possession a respect f;il God of the Mc(julligons'a yet''" shouted a boot letter urging that as Vicar of Peaeo he would pardon his enemies and black to a newsboy. The youngster withdraw the excommunications pro- shook his head and said: "But, I'm nounced against them: but lie declares to myself that he canaot make peace with the ene- goin' ol what rooster gave on au a he mies of the Church. quarter In conclusion exhorts tho cardinals to i.i.itat o the uie for holdin' his boss while he went conduct of foreign bishops, especially into Jake's. Strawberries ain't noththose of Germany uud Brazil. ing to kislems, they ain't. to-da- ri-h- Tho Pope's Address to the Cardinals. tij We Will Supply the Above , AMERICAN. nomiuated II. The President of New .Jersey, fur Consul t l'mgiu", U. I'ottw, of Oluo, for Governor of Montana Territory; !S. A. Windsor, Jur reenter of liie land ollice at Cheyy 'uiier, enne. confirmed Tlie Senate has Ab.sulom lJuird :ia FIRST CLASS Ik-He- Washington, 19. Mayor usistutit inspector mineral of the niny. The l'reiilent lian approved the net 'temlinj the uiue for tiling additional hnutity olaim.-- ; also the uci admitting duly free articles intended for th Centennial; mil the net authorizing the bale mi" the military reservation at r'ort Colorado, and the Government huildiiigi thereon Tim fienato, appropriation coramittee reported the following important amendment to tlie miscellaneous appropriation liill: S1.300.UU0 to pay the interest on ihu funded debt of the District of Coluru hia, and the omployeet) of the District j; jverumeut, th reoi to be devoted to its t in rent expenses. The coKiuiitlee also i M.ort half a million for the relief of the overflowed nt Louisiana. They also Mi ike out the section abolishing the Civil Service Commission, and insert ihereftx an appropriation for contiuu-aucof the game. It is probable that the Canadian reciprocity trcuty will be postponed till next Acssiou. New York, 19. The American brig "S. Owens," Capt. Martin, has arrived from Cienfugos w ith seventeen refugees from the draft in Cuba. They tell a fearful tale of the rendition of atlairs in the Island, and the outrages committed under the conscription. Cupt. Martin report that tie inhabitants are in great terror, owing to tho relentless manner in which the conscription is tarried out. Tersous o! all ages and conditions are forced the army, and those too feeble to .shoulder u musket are placed in the w old men tiiaiu gang, lie frequently and boys in tho sireet, a Spanish oflicor funding o?;r them, whip in liaad, ready to apply the lash unmercifully ltlpon the lean dereliction of duty. Kven the 'panihli j esidenis of the city bad been disgusted villi i he inhumauity of their own race, and were disposiug of their pioperty as. fast Aa. possible to escape from the Inland. A Havana letter reports, on y information through iusurgeut Ho'irces, Hie arrival of an expedition un-lAijuiliera, on the n6rtlr coast, with lour thousand ar3, sis pieces of mountain artillery, and a large quantity of ummunitipn. All of the material was Mdieiy landed and communication estab-li- s id with the forces of Maximo Gomcx Th's' is said to be the mon important gt'ttru up by tlifl insurgents Mute the first year of the war. The American, Frederick Dockery, is confined at Cared Nairol jn Puerto l'i lucipe. Me was ten days iu close but now has clean and comfortable quarters, and Is in good health and spirits. One of the clerks of the U. .Y Consulate General at Havana, has arrived in Puerto I'rincipe to assist Dock s, ltey-nold- e Ml) BRO S clam-chowd- to-nig- 1 COllXFAl WALL an d FIFTH St. , OGDj;x Warranted at the Lowest Hates for Cash. ' Case's Threshing Machine, and other Agricultural Ininleninls of the Latest Designs. Williams & Co, J. SKI. TMOMSAS, Coal & Lime Office AND Paris, 19. nn 'amend In the Assembly ment to the municipal organizitiou bill I--I. was adopted which completes the defeat Successor t Stium-- & Co., efof the measure. The amendment in fect maintains the existing systtm of SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, municipal election, striking out the clauses which provide for minority repMain St., Salt Lake City. The resentation, by cumulative voting. withdrawal of the bill was announced. All KtNI9 Of The Uight, deeply discouraged by the GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, recent vote in the Assembly, feels that Native oi)J Foreign. its power is gone, and that the majority it has heretofore commanded, is broken up. The Left Centre is detei mined to make a chango in the domestic policy Orders by Mail filled at the shortest of government 829-3notice. Jules Janin, the author, died aged 70. "VVX.OOlXrs At our Depot to-da- MUSIC STORE, SMITH, i Main Street, Cut in Twain. PAINTER, GRA1NER, GLAZIER, (From the St. Louis Globe.) TAPER HANGER, Etc., Ogden. ! Iu the Market, always on hand. KINDS ALL MUM MTRIJII OF ! From a Jeweharp to a Church Organ, as Cheap, or w in-i- .i . THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME to-da- JOHN 1JENCH, . Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah. Violin Strings and other Fittings. SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. j s27-l- j door Sonth of Ogden House. Timothy Sullivan, a railroad enCnclio Lojjxiii, Wedhis death last gineer, came to A ircimen of his work he refers to nesday night under rather peculiar Z. C. M. I., LOGAN. circumstances. About 4 o'clock u (tuna under his inorning his body, cut in two Tlis painting of whirh tiirectiou. at' the lower part of the abdomen, Main St., Ogden, and 3Iaiu was found near Vine street, Caronde-Ict- , Logan, Cache Co. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Iron Mountain railroad eu the AGENT FOR THE track. ' Sullivan went to work as HAPPY ItELIKK FOIl TOVVO MEN FttOM tli ellttrbi of Crrorn mii Abuses in usual on switch engine No. 42, at 6 Muulinud early life. RoHtoreJ. to Marriage ! Kew method of trmtmeut. New mid o'clock on "Wedncsdiy evening, but remedies. !orki nod Circulars lent he left aain in the early part of the froe, in roulml envelopes. Addrox, llOWAHL) No. 2 South Ninth St, Phiadel-pliinight and placed his fireman in ASSOCIATION. Pa, nu lnctitulion hnrioK a hich reputation 11:30 At o'clock, Bart fur honorable conduct and proftnaional skill. charge. THIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL Moran rnn engine 43 from the throughout and is warranted. f ' yard, and it is thought that Sullivan ' " Also Dealer ia. V,; ; was run over and killed at that time, as ho had been afflicted with asthma, Iiight Spring: Wagons, Sweepstakes' Threshing and is supposed to have seated him- SCIENTIFIC AND BOX ANTIC. Macliines, Buckeye blowers Reapers, self on the ' track, to obtain relief, Kakes, Corn Slicllers, Feed Cutters, 1 Mills Kmery after leaving his own engine. lie Stubble Tudjjo Shovel Flows, wai a married man, forty-twOF Plows, years of nge, and the father of two children, AND ALL KINDS OF FARM- MACHINERY. the family living at Stein, between i GENT FOR TIIK FOLLOWING POPULAR, interedtiMgand reliable buck., eoik:iU, pubThird and Fourth streets. Some ad- lic patruaai;e: as interpreter. ditional facts in regard to the sad A maKnitirent A Complete Assortment of pictorial Polyglot Family Bible Vjiere was considerable excitement in accident will be learned at the bent for the price. probably I'm Court House this morning by the F. Oi.tmberlain't Commercial Law and Form the Coroner's investigation which is Hook, adapted to tho wautt td'aH. anpearauce f Wm. M. Tweed, subpuj-tiae- d WAGON MATERIAL, DABDWOOD 1B0X AXD STEEL, ETC. Dr. Ueorfre H. Naphey'f Laws of Lifo and Hoalth, as a witness. He was brought in- -l to tako place this morning. lor males and female. One County. yus-fVd- M. D. ay St., Irust-worib- s er a, " to-da- bill ati a State detective force, refused to pass it over eutlihing livuae the; the veto.,.. .. y, , , ... ,, Tittsburg, 19. . Tiie trial of Ernest Ortweni for the murder of the Hamtiict family, euded to day. After a deliberation of 15 minutes the jury returned with a verdict of guilty of murder in the tirtst degree. The court fully endorsed the verdict, The prisoner liiitrfe.ttid ju ' emotion. , ' '. Louisville, 19. " v' TtiewidcW of the celebrated natural-ii- t. 'John J. Aududon.died at Shciby-v,i(ly., yesterday, nged 83. , e. . EELIGIOUS, J. Grovcr, o ; , - Dio Lewis on dilution, a Scientific work. , Pilgrim' Progress, lllintra.H by John Itnnyon. Agent for Diebold & Kienzio's Safes. The Lifo aud Adventures of ltobinson Crusoe. Terms Liberl. Look mi Kainplf. Yesterday, while section men at work on the, Union Pacific two hundred and seventy-fiv- e miles west of CARDON Omaha were coming by train into Bay Island for dinner, Michael Coyle, a sect iou foreman, who was sitting Six doors west of Meeting Hall. ou a keg of nails, fell forward and the train passed over him. He received WATCHES, CLOCKS, fatal injuries. He was a single man AIM) JEWELRY, .nd came from Tauia, Ohio. Mnuufactured and RrpaireiL A section man working from . Albums, Picture Frames aud ' Moti I rtln art. Schuyler' to Shell Creek, whose name accuratv-lor Thotographs, Ambrotypes we couM tiot learn, was badly hurt taken. on tho same d.iy. He lost his cap Pictures Copied. and stepped off in an opposite direction to got it!,1 when the car struck him in, the back! It was at first feared' that his back was broken, ut FOIi SALE CHEAP. it is now believed that he will re- BROS., r firceMsnn. y ;'.;, - "'' . i d. Ueu 1'aUotai, with 10,000 .. LOGAN, ' protii Grinders, Cultivators, lint ah. Itiih. il llaltrouil Accidents. and Sulky annlug Utile Hock, IX I Miittelerock,. of llock Creek, ' .,.? VA ACRKS PLOW LAND, 15 ACRES ORAM niut lerer, was hanged to day in the pre-n- e cover.1 I U land, a good orchard, houo and of 2.000 people, mostly colored. on the County ro.d near the border! of tlie A man who was counting ties on witl trade tho place fr city mo tin muocenc to tue nt. the road ono milo east of Columbus, city s.irthward. property, or for stock, or grain, or P1" Tithinir 'il- ; i nUtl . .' ii.1. i.; The whole or a part ' f yesterday, ami who prctcmled to be orders. property offered . search of work, was taken up by the in FOREIGN. t iU..v cow catcher Of a train . and given a ON REASONABLE TERMS. v Madrid, IP, . i "CWclia is continually teceiviug reia free Hdo'. Uc was 'somewhat aston-isbe., Schuttler Wagon alOl-bi- fit j court attended by two deputy sheriffs. He whs dressed as in old times, in a dark Miit with a white neck tie. lit it nit ch thinner thnn formerly, and his face bears the evident trace of mental huxiety. He has aged, too, perceptibly, but appears iu good health and tolerable spirits, lie was attended, as ever, by . hii ou, Win. Tweed, juu, ' ' ' Boston, 1 9. Lieut. Gov. Talbot, vetoed the HAMMbM,c -- OmtiJfa llcrdU, .tf . . ! . Fit UIT AXD SUATUf 1!BES Of all tlie best Tarieties in cultivation, Grai-Yine- Currairfs, Ooosberries, s, JHackbenies, Raspberries, ltososot Tarious shatfes, Ornamental Shrubs, Etc., Anywhere on the line of tho railroads, about; Tlie v 'J ' 5 November, 1874, lgth ofat pracEs that , WILL SATISFY EVERYREASONABLE PERSON. " ' TIIE1' ARE ALL Vi'l'iRiTjKI . 4 ZPyotxx tlio Nursery' Rivoraip CASSTOWN, OHIO. agent, for .webep, count v, : II AROtD riEyiK0KR- - |