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Show ; y TEL E GRAPH the Relief of Settlers on R. R Lands. Butler in the House. Din for Fatal Railroad Accid't. Sinking of a Turkish Steamer. nviatn in the French Assembly AMERICAN. Washington, 20. toThe II eu.se bill passed the Senate on of railroad settlers relief day for the lands is the lien which recently received much attention from the California press. Th danirer apprehended from its pass mro has been averted by the adoption of offered by Hager and two amendments supported by Sargent, providing that neither mineral lands Dor lands preserved on any hwd grant made for railroad in lieu of purposes shall be taken The bill also lands relinquished. coutuius provisions that its privileges fek&ll "0( 'u auy Iljanner be construed to land grant. enlarge any railroad The House bill subjecting all railroad lands to local taxation has beea report-t- l J by the House from the Senate Committee in an amendment in the nature of a substitute declaring that all Union and Central Pacific portions of the Kailroads and their branches upon which trains had been run dnring the lust year are hereby accepted as complete within the meaning of the 3d station of the act of July 1st, 1802, and directing that patents shall issue for all lands pronted in aid thereof as rapidly as the C. S. surveys are extended, which survey shall be made at the cost of Government, the requirement of the act of July 21, 18G4, that grantees shall pay the cost of surveys, being hereby repealed. A course of proceedings will shortly be adopted against the Union Pacific under the act recently passod, requiring a collection of five per cent, on It is said, after the the net earnings. txpiration of thirty days from the demand made by the Secretary of the Treasury, Ehould the money not be paid, the department will sue for adjudication in bankrupt. The debate in the House last night was an unparalleled performance. It was certaiuly uncalled for by any exigen cj to the public service; its only excuse ' was that Sutler should defend himself nnd the Jane and Sanborn people. It was quite apparent that he made not one friend,, and' while he gained some applause for his ready wit, the end of it was that the disgust and contempt held by a majority of the House, for him, was only intensified. The cause of Jane and Sauboru was not helped, while the of the outrages on the people, functioned by the moieties Sauborn law, find the deicabje characters of the and spies, were only shown up in a B'ronger light than ever before, fully justifying the wisdom of the repeal of the laws by Congress. San Francisco, 20. the steamer "Moutana" Arrivel from Panama. She brought 357 passengers, $47,000 in Mexican treasure,, and 1,100 tons of freight.. set-er- s' litt.il-rou- Kail-roa- d, es er y ned wilh her machinery disabled NOTICE. rnO NAT SMALL AND CE01WE DVMOCK. London, 20. ifi X their ierKnnl or leptl representatives and election in the ail other whom it may concern: nor h of ,ar,1!lI"cntary Durham resulted in the return You are hereby noli tied that we hare performed to the House of Commons of Charles M. tV lulior itrd mailu the improvement)! on tlic Jenalmer, liberal, one of the former mrm- - nie l.ed(!e Mine, in Lucin Mining DiMi'ict, llox Eh er of I'tiili. required by law, Jers, and George Elliott, conservative. buinjt comity. Territory thereof with you, and your proelection of Elliott is a portion, there now due on account thereof, from gain for the each of vou, mid Nat Small, f ll7.X5. aud from you, conservatives. said George Dymock, $12S.TS, for labor The rail Mull Gazelle fHiil Jennie Ledjje Miue. says the success 'lherefore you are further notified that if at the f international con&ress law, of one hundred and eiphty day from called to meet at Brussels, is doubtful. expiration date ol this notice, you fail or refuse to eon trilhe Governments of England, Frauce the bute your said proportion, yojr several interests and Austria raise Mini mine will l ecome our property, pursuant objections to the in scheme, and Switierland extends to it to Sec. 5 f thu Act of Conprew, approved May loth, 1S72, entitled, an act to promote the development but feeble support. of the mining resources of the I'nited States JOHN KNOX, Consent inoplc, 20. GEO. W. UTILES. The Turkish steamer Lucin Mininp District. Kans," with 340 persons ubonvd, was run into in the Tated at Ogdeu City, Juno 3d, 1874. 8ea of Marmora yesterday, by an Egyptian vessel, and suuk in a few minutes. 320 of her people were lost. Brennan, 20. The Senate of Brennan, gave a banquet in honor of the agricultural exhibiJOHN CA11DON, tors. The Crown Prince, Frederick William, of Germany, in reply to a toast to the Emperor William, expressed the 3I0UN1) FORT, NcarOgdcn. hope that foreign exhibitors would, on their return to their homes, convey the bis Machine with new Tards, and assurance to their countrymen that no- Has is now prepared to where was the wish for the peaceful continuance of the labor of civilization CARD WOOL ON SHARES stronger than in the rehabited German empire. (Every Sixth Pound) The Hague, 20. The Dutch ministry chamber have re or at the rate of nine cents a pound. nib 2t jected the government bill lowering the lrancnise, and tke ministers have in consequence tendered their resignations to the King. WOOL Log an B r aiicli, a. o. m. i, c i WHOLESALE improve-u.eiit'O- CARDING Caoods, Iry iroferies, Hardware, HooIm and Shoes, II 11(1 and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, Aolions, At., MACHINE! The latest Spanish advices state that the frontier town of Togueras is closely invented by the Carlist chieftain Se-ball- Herr Hatzfie'd, who was sent from Germany to Spain wilh an offer of a loan to be guaranteed by a mortgage upon thn Phillipine Islands has fniled in his mission, and will return to Berlin. Telegraphic communication between Frauce and Spain is severed. nJJ KXCLEMOR WOOLEN MILLS OGDEX, Gents9 and Drugs VUlcdiciuc Boy's Beady Made Cloth In r, IN GREAT VARIETY. CELEBRATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, Bain, and Whitewater Wagons, ALSO, Wiiiehcstcr and Democrat Light Spring Wagons, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Farming The llagic Three Cards. Implements. Biifgles to Order on Short Notice. Are now in running order and turning out CXOTI5, FIKST-CL.AS- S ct-e..- " Stoves acid Timvare, WANTED. Taris, 20. RETAIL AND WHICH WILL BE California and Concord Harness and Harness .Trimmings. V Lcnther nnd Shoo Flmlin ;h. A healthy and profitable trade was EXCHANGED FOR WOOL carried ou the C. B. and Q. train that at reasonable rates. All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Toint on the Shortest Notice. arrived here Sunday. It was boarded by a picked'erewd of nionte men All Orders Sent to M. THATCHER, Lo,jant uill Receive and the first intimation that the train Wool Wanted Immediately. Prompt Attention. men had of their pretence was when A. RANDALL. a victimized Swede rushed up to the W. IT. conductor and desired to regain possession t f his 50. He failed to pet it. All remained quiet until the train reached Osceola, when a fresh E, THE UN DKR SIG N ED, II A V E TUT 8 DAY excitement broke out, occasioned by by Htutual onent, dicsolved partnership. the advent of new nionte recruits and lAKNts Min n, Logau City, Utah. fresh victims. Without going fur April 8th, 18T4. HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN k OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON ther into detail the general result of WE and MACHINE losses was as follows: A decidedly DEPARTMENT, so that the.peopl of the Northern THIS DATT.OUGHT THE BUSINESS Counties cun without coming to Salt Lake Citj. purchase smart appearing commercial man, out IHAYE formerly kuewu as Fame k and will receive moneys and pay all lia$200; one bystander, .pocket picked, Smith, bilities of said firm, from Nov. Tth 1ST J, to April WE GUARANTEE & MACHINERY M. U. FAUN Eli, $2G; another man, from near Council 8th, 1874. Lognn April 8th,lS"4 Supplied t tlime pint aalmlng tlia b(!t, aOor much ftadyiqd cxperlwu e.and know tlmt PutcWt Bluffs, who understood all about the cau rily on tUil Tecummendutiou. game, lost a watch and chains value 150. The train was stopped aud the visitors promptly put off in tin ORGAN. woods during a heavy thunder and rain storm. Omaha Herald. 41-- tf IWGPEll, SuverintendenU NOTICE. z. ;c. M. i. w WAGONS Cit-y- . aiUJ-H- it ESTEY i WAGONS, THE BEST MADE AND PLHIEST-TONE- MANUFACTURED. CHAMPION, lVOObs, ILXCI'I SIOU and 1VOKLI The Boston "Post" objects to the Heir MOWEHS, Droppei's Agent for Northern Utah, to introduce ladies as railJ. J. Marks, harbor commis- proposition - OGDEN. TlIIti:SIII sioner and bis son Thes. Marks, were road conductors in view of the fact JOHN FOWLER. MACIIIi:S nnd SULKY IMK11S. that " their trains are always beconvicted in the.municipal court Terms Eaty, Rates Reasonable. of conspiracy to defraud the State of hind." ... Tfc. Cl.brat.d THOMAS KMOOT1II lIAKItAW, warrants ta,mU . bmt Pod large sums of money.. Counsel for the Orders by letter promptly attended to. Bed and to b the cultiaUtt for grani, grain, coru or jotatu, iuvn.uO, Uur lxt ... iaiuir will move . yi prisoners for a new trial. caa hurt a Harrow Ml trial i u.J id li.'f . W. C. Ralston's stables, at Belmont, aluo will Thwe Intirmntlon and receive ordnri for Department TCIU1INE WHEELS SML'T Instructions' giteo by tha quarter. gie were burned last night; all the horses MAClllNKS.URlBTandBAWMlLIwotberartkle.Botn.uallrk.luahH.a. f end carriages were saved. Loss $30,-00HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW. MOSES THATCH Ell, AOF.XT, LOGAN. INQ described animnl. which, if not claiiniHt ' I and taken away, will be ld to lie hiphwt BARNARD WHITE, A0EMT, OODIW. Pa., 20. Pittsburg, liiililcr on Wodnewlay, July lit, 1674, at Last night a freight train was thrown Ogden City Stray Pound, at 2 p. m. 80tf w. H. hooper sp.riBienint. ' ;.! . down a 4 or 5 year old, red On the cot, pal embankment,steep killing crop dB Itft oar, crop and flit in right, branded . mginm and fireman. MKfconibiued, with circle oter it, wn left hip, il- or Kalters. ex-Sta- to-da- y. , . Ix-s- t Estray Notice. 0. . 13-t- I J. F. REED. : - bald-lace- ; d C33R , rOUEIGN.' . Parif, 20..' :""'.',: legible brand en left aidp. in left ear, One red 3 year old oaw, two J J on led hip, illegible brand on each aide of back. Y. Wm.N.FIFK. ' The Chamber 'of the Assembly was crowded to day with and the deputies, felleries were well filled. ' The munici-Y- i orgauuniioa . was again. before the CONFECTIONER : : June 23d, Ogden City, Iiiutrict Poundkeper. 1S74. STRAYED OR STOLEN It appears that though it was NEAR RICHMOND, OXE nttounced yesterday that the bill bad fROM THE RANQK four year old red sorrel noire, Agent for Patent Aluminous building Paper. frequently took. up the bill and aled the adoption by. a vote of ; 679 se- 34, of tin amendment niaintuin-'"- g the present system ef municipal factions, thus overturowing the three leases of the bill which for rep. sertation by cumulative voting. These lues having been stricken. from the u came up in the Assembly again TdlJ Its modified fnrntf t'fcurtori. Jrtm&Ur of the interior,1 announced that '"ernmeat had. accepted, the aroend-whic- h extends 'for twyenrs, the Peratipn ef ,the. present law providing lut the nomination of mayors shall be The amendment '.ej.GoyameaU w " ' "'lien adopted. ' ThB;cemtnu.tee ,of the Assembly Jias "Winionsly resolved to unseat Kane, fM. no brand, no white. I will pay lirv with for the recovery of taid ware or informa e "' ; 1 "'CllUSf. rf it.,. M. la 6J the Tiiintary tribunal for ' Richmond, Cache Co., Utah. Opposite Pardon Broi., Watcbnmkeri, - A verv rapid "safe and cany way to make money. Ik r voyage tot LOUAtf, 'CACHE COlLTY. 12-t- tliv vn ip . niurcra ine rropr i jnra ;XcUlKI11.N c rtnntni t Co.. ""a f WiOtoi .c f : POINTS OFSUPERQRITY: Simplicity and Perfection I of Mechanism, ' DINWOODEY'S silii5h:imii:i:i. WILL TAKE STOCK TO HERD DURING the Summer, on UlackenilHi'a Fork RaDf"!, at the following thU: .i T 1 Horses per Head $3.00 Horned Stock 2.50 ' : ;7;"5o Sheep numheri."Firi Reduced k rate for lare ilrie rwn4 irire June Otb.ft.m i'mw.i'i. BISHOl' WKSTS ,JrOHR'Ai. dUDES May ftii Ml'. C F.-- A. HAMMOND. BKST An IIOXEStTiACIIIM: ami not Niibjeet to FITS. : Durability will last a . LJfititne. Work without ' Range of Ininieiiso Stock niu retl IN THE WORI.n;-rrBKE(- TKI the TnTtntur ot tbe Ewinc Jlacliiiu.. 1.UA8 HOWE, Juu. THE . at (49-- 1 - CALL AND EXAMINE r. riSItKK, to iirot-urterritory too introduce the latet useful invention that ie wonted every day, here. who iiaa a family, a tiy every one, every full aiiivd Sewing machine wilh Table and Treadle work u a Machine for only . 10 that down - the name . t. : J a.... nnnt mnrin, yon WOUla pay jsi torj. rajnu, tlwi will tear ilnth before mum ho etranc make a, w uttachuienU the atitcbn rip apart, Kit(ht fcrall wrk and Ike improved KhUoh Hole Worker used by u only. Agent only nefd nhnw them in every hn(e they enter. $:io in operation wnd unwarde rlearad daily by umart acent. No irtich machine waa ever iffer(w at any such price. r iev.l'.O'Pil'ea nn mem. 35,01 sold laxt Demand Increasing every da) where they become known. StiMtotera. Jiuljee, Uwei, EUitor. Ma- rfiiilint, Tailor ie. maiufnonJ them an pt.rfe.t. If there it RiftHtii r iea. free to nrtt epplicanta. I uo aaencv i jour place, write for it or tor a Ma- datm. for your Ifasuily or relatin, thore ia none SO" cheapi fllacauaea aen t all paru nl partkif ! Price Read a!ver. th CMiBtrr itn ;Ftieinent rRinitin"$t raved in everv f amily" in bene "UCunrfa.jrjfirst ' : - Hides, Furs and Felts Bought. tion that .wiil lead to It Immwlmtely. " ; LAKE CTTT, , fc4.(1 g&iost pro-vid- TlSmNO EAtT COLLI) K0T DO IJETTEIt body. i"en withdrawn, the minority'committee HOWE PEOPLE FROM TIIJ3 NoitXII SEWING jaciiine: a I'arallcL i 1'erfection of Stitch and - --o. Tension FURNITURE Ease of Operation and ! Management Self Adjusting Ta&e-vjA djustablc Head , K ; WALL TAPER and FLATHEKS. RemoTcd half-bloc- k .Street U froia-jMal- .wi Call and Examta our PtyV and I'tit e at ' ' T. HVJOXES', Tall.ir", ' ! from t.c. M. I., otnu. ,C-o- p. Clc;k. 75, 77 and TdTuwt Soulk1 Street. - r i. iuV eifJ tot h;: nlH IMftri MIIIFR ' HfM Igcnt. 1 il" ttt 'Alio, fiorititi-ki t Z.! Sales C Hooms. a frw ! , I.; Salt LaU' |