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Show She '(Dgilro-function.- THE ' mJKLESUUE. every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, the Oopss Pitbubhins Compx.xt. by ru!.liilil CliurleM IV. Penrose, awl liiijuimss Malinger. 21. 1874. MOIMiL-OFFICIALS- In another column full particulars arc given of the escape of a fugitive from justice, through the incapacity or collusion of the Sheriff of L'iutah County,. Wyoming Territory, and the Justice of the Peace for We do not acEvanston precinct. cuse these offices of conniving at thu escape of the prisoner, William-buifor a valuable consideration, but leave the public to form their own the motives that conclusions as prompted the Justice and Sheriff in AVe ask the courso they adopted. the people of Kvanston and Uinta County generally, whether these pcr- huns properly represent their ideas of oJuial capacity and integrity? Jiere is a Sheriff, sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties, letting a prisoner placed in his custody to walk walk about the streets unguarded live to go or come where he pleases; appearing iu court in a state of his prisoner in a similar con- con-du- i, tr iutox-icatio- . In the "old couutrics" whatever deficiences the clergy way exhibit they are not wanting in dignity. A certain degree of respect is always accorded the established miuisters of the various denominations, for the general decorum of the cloth is one In of their chief characteristics. America a notable absence of this dignified and respectable demeanor is This remark, painfully apparent. however, is not of universal applicaThere are many gentleman tion. enjrared in the ministry, whose and manners are irreproachable. But as a sample of the style of the other class to which we allude, we will refer to the sermons announced by a Congregational preacher, at Editor. Utah. x;ii:. wednesday. junk CASTLE AND WHITE. GOSPEL OF "Guzzle and dive;" "Paul's And Shoo Fly" and "Cremation." his last announcements, extending into July, aro as follows: June 7 Republican Locusts. Jane 14 Empty Churches and how to came fill them. Main Street. June 21 June 28 JhIj 5 12 18 20 rharaoh's Leaa Kine. wire-workin- flaw-pickin- . s , ,; , bias-pheoi- y, u " same county over the left. In the chess game played on the Williamson board, White Castled on the Browns For full explanation of the above read the particulars of the escape of a fugitive from justice, given in last night's Junction. Earthquake Salt ju Salt Lakb rumored that if the Poland Bill does not pass, this session, his Honor Chief Justice J. B. McKcan, This is the best thing will resign. he can do. Not resign his situation, we would not advise that for a what would the "ring" do without McKcan? but resign himThis is what self to the situation. he should have doue long ago when he learned that the obstinate Supremo Court, Washington District, would not support his wonderful of the civil and crimiual law. llesign, Judge, by all means. is nio-me- x THE WILLIAMSON CASE. IN INTEGRITY OFFICIAL WYOMING. Editob Junctjov: Nothing to write about is h calamity with which a correspond'0;;1 be afflicted, and for several day" tm i by a sudden and persistent "duHnes?" Not a street brawl, or drunkart or - burglary, insecuting attorney, but are highly CasE. C. censed at the course of Sheriff tle and Justice C. M. White. Our officials have rendered good assistance to the officers of Uinta County, Wyoming, in assisting to capture and turn over offenders against the laws of that Territory, and think this a very poor return for their services. However, this will not deter them from their duty in the future, but they will return good for evil. The officers of the TJ. P. Railroad rendered every assistance that could be desired to our officers in going aud re- turning. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington, 19. leading Republican member of Congress, who is a frequent visitor to the White House, stated this morning as a broad guess, that Gov. Shepherd and Frederick A. Sawyer, late Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, would be two of the persons whom the President would appoint as commissioners to govern the District of Columbia, ad interim. The President, it is said, within a day or two, has expressed intense admiration for Shepherd, who had grown in his estimaOn the tion during the investigation. other hand, the friends of the Governor says he will not accept the place on a commission which would only be a temporary appointment at least a big drop which he had lrom the dictatorship established over the Distriot. Sawyer, since being turned out of the Treasury Department, has spent the most of his time on the floor of the Senate. The salary of the commissioners will be $5,000 each. The investigation by the Joint Select Committee of the Harrington bogus safe burglary, is still in progress. The developments thus far are sufficient to damn the whole detective system, especi-nllof the Secret Service Bureau of the There is no Treasury Department. to reason doubt that the conany longer spiracy to ruin the character of Columbus Alexander, oue of the leading memorialists before the late District investigation, was put up by Col. Whitley, Chief of the Secret Service Bureau, and that he was induced to enter upon the infamous job by some persons connected with the ring. The District Ring made a final effort in theSenate last evening and died hard. All day Shepherd, John C. Evans, Hal-le- t, Kilbourne, Magrudder, Secy. Gor-haand Delegate Chipman lobbied energetically, having their headquarters fc) Gorham's office. Sargent was selected to present an amendment providing that one of the commissioners to be appointed by the President under the new bill should beJMesignated governor. This was intended as a quasi vindication of Shepherd. They failed in this as in every other effort to fix things for their profit and pleasure. Another plan was to have the interest on the funded debt bonds increased to four per cent, currency. Herein lies their bigjob. They had formed a pool and got the option of about $4,000,000 of auditor's certificates at from 60 to CO cents on the dollar. " Chipman took one side of the Senate and Gerham the other, and they spent the whole day in appealing to Senators. Sargent's first amendment to take tha auditing ot the District accounts from the Comptroller and place it in the hands of a commission by the Secretary of the Treasury, got only three votes himself, Conover i.nd Clayton. His amendment to strike out the authorization of the Comptroller to employ assistance in his work, received only his his awn vate. They then abandoned the ship and the bill passed as it came from the Committee, without a ddissent-in- g vote. A y . m ? office-Me- " iv cuting Attorney without rebuke. a G d d n liar, 8AML.U SMITH. Brtth CUy, Jan J. 6th, W. WALK BR !;, tuxil dog-figh- or any t, otW amusing incident wherewith to away the dreary hour; even the strati ?fcg. ing "mun of war" had his company t wh the amiable saloon keeper even the placid Alderman Clin ton had failed to find a case against for embellishing a soldier cerebellum with cuts, and saturatine hi! glossy ringlets with a brave man's gore in short, nature and civilization seemed to be awaiting some dread catastrophe to burst with sudden and perplexing ser erity upon the sleeping city. That dire event happened. Last evening, just after Murphy had enthralled a large aad appreciative by his enchanting in "Maura Cre," and as personations tho evenic2 pleasure seekers were retiring to their rest, and while the teeming thousands of peaceful inhabitants were buried in slumber, a loiv rumbling sound as of the uouoie duss tones ot me big organ suddenly broke upon the stillness nf midnight hour. The shaking of windows me luuuug ui mrunure ana crockery accompanied by the tremor of tha owi! in a motion from North-Wes- t to South- Last aroused the more wakeful and hustled them lrom their beds, clad in nocturnal attire, while those who were enwrapped in "slumber's deep embrace," did not thoroughly realize the siin'.. tion, but probably had a faint idea that me roianu uui baa passed, or Bonie other national calamity had befallen the country. Salt Lake had simply been the owner of an earthquake about two minutes, and the spasm was over. Whether this is a premonitory of future developments in subterrr.. nen sensations, or whether the crent engulpher of cities has passed on te other regions never more to return, your correspondent knoweth not. bar-tend- The citizens of OgJen have been expecting for two or three days that Charley Williamson, the ruffian and would be brought back to Buffer the just penalty of his various crimes. But he is not here yet, and we are not able to say when the escaped felon will be seen again in this city. Last, week, G. R. Belknap went to On llilliard to work with his team. his arrival he learned that Williamson was in the vicinity, and was suspected of having in his possession some horses stolen from Weber County. He immediately went to Evanstoa and made a complaint before Justice White, who issued a warrant for Williamson's apprehension. Deputy Sheriff Smith went with tie complainant to arrest the man, who was found at llilliard, and on seeing Belknap, attempted to draw his pistol, but Gil. was too quick for him, and partly drawing his weapon made Williamson hand over his revolver and give himself up. He was taken to Evanston and appeared before Justice White last Marshal Moroni Brown of Tuesday. this city arrived on the spot while the examination was progressing. Williamson was acquitted, the court deciding that he had no jurisdiction of the case. Marshal Brown then swore out a complaint, which was given to the Evanston Marshal, our old friend, Jack Burns, as the Sheriff was too drunk to attend to business, and .permitted the prisoner while under his charge to go round without guard just as he pleased. Williamson was found in his lawyer's ssrs. and for Corey Mcllvaney acting him. He had a pistol in his possession, which he handed to one of his followers when He was brought before White Justice agaiu at 8, p. m., on Wednesday, and the Prosecuting Attorney !I. Garbanati exerted himself to the utmost to! keep "ih'e case along uatil SheriffBrown, who had been telegraphed to, could arrive with a requisition The train was delayed in consequence of the C, rf being behind time, but at 10:30 p." m., Sheriff Brown arrived on the freight train, and went into court with a requisition from Governor Woods. This was enough to hold the' prisoner until the proper requisition could be obtained from the Governor of Wyoming. Justice White bound the prisoner over in bonds of $100, to appear before him ea Saturday and turned Mm over to DISSOLUTION NOTICE' tha drunken Sheriff who allowed the NOTICI IS KERKUY GIVEN THAT THE prisoner, to go where he pleased, and iiMolv4 of Smith Walker hw thia day be by enni.Dt. Tbt but dm wiU who had three times in court, when Mr. hereafter U mtul coBituct1 by lb Brigham City demand! apainM tba lata Garbantti called the attention of the Ami, thonldInat.ba All prawntd to J. W. Walkar to whom all indbtduaa aboald b paid ininadiata. Justice to his conduct, called tha Prosejail-breake- r, Lake. Citt was on the way with a requisition. Our officers speak in the highest terms of the efforts of Mr. Garbanati, the pro- KESIGX. It 'CORRESPONDENCE DEATH OF THE GOVERNMENT. The Mad Prophet. "Who's Your llaiiei?" "Popping the Question." A Tragedy in Four Acts. July dition; insulting the prosecuting atJuly torney, and using profane oaths in July the and These startling and sensational anally allowiug open court; prisoner to escape without an effort subjects are designed to draw big him. Model Sheriff. crowds and catch numerous contritf And here is a Justice under oath butions. They may serve to fill the for a while, and to V administer justice impartially, meeting-hous- e fact that proper swell the funds of the society, but who is aware of the in an they add nothing to the diguity of taken were being proceedings adjoining Territory for the capture the preacher, and serve to bring of a fugitive from, justice accused ot more ridicule than rcspoct for the Iteuious crimes, and allows the principles of religion. culprit to go free on a simple technicality ; who permits the ProseSI.XGI L All ESCAPE. cuting Attorney for his county t bo openly insulted by another ofYou cannet legally hang an unna ficer in his court; who tita calmly turalized German; therefore German by while the abusive officer utters his aliens who intend to do murder, had profane oaths inspired by intoxka-tion- ; better not becom.5 citizens of this and who releases a sober, trusty great and glorious llcpublic. tdicer from the custody of the prisonCharles' Kgglcr aged 17, a Gcrmau, him inebriatto and turns an over a short time since was about to sufer, ed, abusive, swearing Sheriff, whoso fer the'extreme penalty of the law at conduct in permitting the prifonor to Auburuj N. Y., for squeezing out ro'uu about at liberty had Itccn call- ti c life of Kttie Conkling, an AmeriModel Justice! can girl of 14 years. f His counsel ed to his attention. Will the people of Uinta county, used all the usual and elect to these men to save him, and "Wyoming, again legal office?-If so, they deserve the con- even tried tho pardoning process, sequences, a sample of which is be- but all in vain. But taking a new fore them in the escape of William-so- u utove the lawyer brought up the under the disgraceful cirenm-stance- provision of the International law bewo have described. tween the United States and GerAnd now, the question arises who many that German subjects convicted gc the ranche owned by William- - in this country raay be taken back to eon, about faftcen miles from llilliard; Faderland for punishment. Kgglcr, If his counsel,' who worksj hard to iustead of being choked to death in a liberate him, get their portion, no one can complain r they have a right foreign country was shipped across to their fees, But the disposition of tho salt, salt seas to his native land. thoi other portions will perhaps throw And what then? Why, life if not K.mie light upon 'the motives that tho liberty, for young murderer, for prompted the, parties to his escape. under German law capital punishPeople of Kvaustou, keep your eyee be inflicted ment on a minor. cannot open and find out what it costs a ' This is a little1 kink in legal matciiiainal to ; obtain hU liberty sin : ' Uinta county! V ters not generally known to the pubD1DXT J ILUl iUGIIlV lic, and perhaps it will not do them a vast amount of good how it is exSenator Freliaghuysen tried to geh plained. r But it is an item of news, the Utah Bill before tho Senate yes- aud as such the Junction gives it Id terday, and failed. F. has tried, to that portion of the great world that distinguish himself in meddling with lies within its little sphere. the religious and domestic affiiw of this Territory before, and achieved s r; nothing but an unenviable notoriety. f THAT PESKY KILL, 1 ".! M l' The Poland Bill is unlikely to pass " tho Poland Another and day past this session, notwithstanding the confident predictions of the party of dis- Iniquity has not come up in tha Sencord at Salt Lake. That 'Froling-liuyao- n ate. As the hours wear a'ong and cat" didn't jump according still tha shameful thing rises not from to order, so the Tribune rises from its its place on the calendar, its chances native filth to the altitude of and the "ring" visit their grow smaller by degreet and beautiusual 'laaloon apoatrophizins'MIcIcn fully less. And yet the "ring" howlDiazes. ers are not happy. . 1 of Uinta Counry, W. T in a horn. For real purity without stain, look at the Whtia of Kvanston precinct, ct At his Little Hock, Arkansas. as pastor of the church, his subject was announced as "Never Skedaddle." This was followed by After which "Kcligious Bugs." n, Official honesty and integrity and tfcese virtues which should shine in a Sheriff, are enthroned in the Caatk went to the Our Sheriff and Marshal for office to telegraph to Gov. Campbell the to the requisition, and on returning out court room learned that on coming turned on one of the room Sheriff Castle the side and Williamson to the other, in tho darkness prisoner bolting away was without pursuit. Finding that there their no hope for assistance to capture and Marshal man, the disgusted Sheriff Justice their the returned, after telling course in taking the opinion as to his hands of the Evanston prisoner from the Marshal, who would have detained him, and committing him to the custody of the intoxicated Sheriff who actually resent by Sheriff pressed a telegram Drown, to apprise the Marshal that he i er eym-to- m C. W. 8. Richmond, Onslow Co., N. C, June 9th, 1874. Editor Junction : Dear Sir Sitting not long since under the sound of a Methodist preachers voice and in a Methodist Church; ia reproving sin, he stated thut they must cry aloud and spare not, that John the Baptist reproved Herod King of Judea on his throne and lost his head by it. That was that Herod had married his brother Philips' wife. This was so, and King Herod ought to have been reproved, because he had pointedly and positively violated the Levitical law, which says "thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife, for it is thy brother's nakedness." He had gone into the teeth of the law as fully as King David (the most Bublime writer in the Bible) did when ha. committed adultery with Uriah the Hittites wife Bathsheba. m But did that preacher show to his congregation that King Herod had it that time eight live wives of whom John the baptist said nothing? Josephus gives the names of his. King Herod's wives, nine in all. Now, ns the forerunner and entering wedge of Jesus Christ, if he had re proved King Herod of a plurality of wives, and told him not only to set aside Herodias his brother. Philips wife, hut alibis wives except the first one he married, then we would have grounds to believe that the matter was set aside, but John, like all the Patriarchs and Prophets up to him, was silent, or approved and sanctioned polygamy. The wisest men who ever lived were the of" ' ' fsprings of polygamy. EVSR GtADl. P. S I do hope that the Congress ef the United States will not commit such suicidal legislation as to oppress the one hundred and tkirty thousand people in Utah. , The wisest provision of our United Slates Constitution Is freedoa ia American religious liberty. ' E. 0 PUMPS!PUMPSJ 'D. n. STUART CHAF KXErS FORSALK TUB BK8T AND FOKt'E mnd g riMI'K tent Point U" lor deep or ihallow welU. Alw, for Drire Well um. witk inxipipiaij. Pumpi repaired and rtttwluponrwjjoo-bl- Offdott. . , , STORE. PRODUCE , II f a Tithing HUT Workshop, , O. W. TUBXEB. h! olrf tand on FIFTH for the purchase aad wtlm ot 8TRIS. : ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Garden and Grass Seeds. At his BOOK STORE adjoining ho keep all the Periodicals and Newspapers ol tha day, alio a full stock of Stationery, Wall Paper, Pictuiti, Frames, eU. 8-6ni 0. W. TUWEi. |