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Show YES!!!0 Kojal Gossip. of Wales, says the of the .New correspond lent The Prince r,n,lm it. owes cieuis liOCK HPUING .I me i 10 COAL! borne of these ..mount ,t,f $300,000. i piinn i """-- ir i nr " lorv. Jebts have wt" . the civuitor.i are somewhat time, and i now for their nmuey. impatient that the priuce got so did it i';1PIu'n) Who c;iii tell! into his iaijoritv to UT ll lV.nl the of duchy of 0.rn--al- l tie revenues iiiai. Lul for were saved up source this .,,r Ms income from J'ij,,yi... ifc was inn. bo uiuuu his shrewd lather stopped before iMio in its administration. ,..ii v i i i,"the sum saved must nave Then there is his au from parliament and uu'il allowsuey il allowance to his wife, and the annu toW11 he "" ronfc ur p;lV-vfhile he house, Marlborough rrijYiav. small income from a rmlnbiv :'''ti Sandhis tenants i las country estate, .. 1. Ill" uil tins, his late ri ' liaai. iu;her is known to have left la'-e amount of money, j very it is pmbuble tlut his iii,.thcr keeps ckso guard over this. .') urn; can tell anything about it, ';,r if the prince consort left a will iiis M'idoK" has never tent it to be recorded. ut, on the whole, one Buuld beineuned to say that a gen- of at Lilian with an income nIjO.OUO a year ought to keep out of debt, even if he had a large family of small ehildruu aud entertained i . . i 1 Bl04-3m- fellow-eountrvma- lN-hi- The plea the affair. of the proposition will be that the debts have been incurred in the performance of state duties which Live been imposed upon him- by the Ihc truth U, I believe that queen. the prince, who is a very shrewd fellow in his money matters, has always borrowed the funds which have been expended on these occasious. refusing to irse his own money for such purposes, and saying that in the end either parliament or his mother must 11 a pay the debts thus contracted. raimn. The simple justice of the the case would seem, to demand that the queen should pay the money. She receives from the state a very ample revenue for the discharge of certain duties; it would seem only right that if she deputes her son te perform these duties for her she should pay the expense attending tlicm. Mauy disputes are said to have taken place between the queen and the prince on this subject; but her majesty docs not like to spend her money any more than the prince does, and as the creditors aro growing clamorous, parliament is to be asked to vote the money. It is an piece of business; but I suppose the request will not be refused. The oueen has cone off to Balmoral. leaving her imperial guest,- the Emperor of Russia, in London. On the face of it this is a piece of gross rudeness that a less important personage wan tne t'zar might justly resent nth anger. The court party here eu3e it by saying that the health ' me queen has greatly suffered in consequence of the unusual exertions she has made and tha W'h she has been subjected, first the arrival of her new daughter-in-- , and then by the advent of the and that her doctors have her off to Scotland in order that out of ed - AL-- nnA The truth is, I believe, that er majesty is suffering from one of periodical attacks of what Mr. wsraeli calls "mental disability." and B - "at it has "he been caused mainly by ehagrin which she experienced by "S compelled to yield to the Czar " e matter of the concession to "J. ?aughter of the rights of rank he claimed for her. I have e.n Rreatly amused tn nWrv the JjUith. which the English. people r. 'ly quarrel,. au4 insist i thaf. the Unless has been "honored" the 'royal famM'F intrQduced i11 ffll,y,'and should be quite satisfied takmg any back seat that was r? rded her. TkoCr and hi- a ' .1 H v :t A. inter-viewe- n l; favor immorlifitii mmtm mmirM wtim 5 to-da- y, had any row, and if the republicans real influence they eould make some - linn .-h. r jr". n! ! company. . The prince of Wales has not kept He owes, as I have said. eut of debt. ?300,OOO, and the government are about to ask parliameut to pay his The proposition will cause a debts. VI- ' "a CYCLOPEDIA 1 much iet. OneMillioninuse!! wrili-en- , jli ia Mors ihan L00KJIERE. 1 capital fZ:2S-iJfij- JU-a- l- n ... , I Ue.-id- cs daughter did not see the matter in that the mother believed every word O YKS!! this light, and as he iusisUd had believed he as said, just upon they having his way, the Court Journal the unworthy father cf the twins. has been compelled to announce that She trusted them and gave up her hereafter the young lady shall be children, and the genteel mau and styled "Her royal and imperial high- woman drove away with the twins in COALVILLE ness the grand duchess of Russia," the carnage. Rock Spring, $ 9.0O. 9 oO and that "she shall tuke IMiveroJ, left the mother In an hour or two precedence 7.00. iVO.ville, immediately after the princess of the hospital walls, and wended her 7. 50. W ales " This concession has been way to the hotel where she supposed Kepji Warm br Getting Oood Clean Coal. gall aud wormwood to the queen aud her d irliogs would be with their fosto her daughters, and the mortificater parents. The affable clerk told YARD AT U. P. FREIGHT DEPOT. tion arising therefrom is the real ht r : t Markrt will U rOrdov) left nt PougluvT cause of the present illness of her "No such n?.me here. ' jiromptiv flilri. . ' JOHN riSCOCK. The mother described the mau and majesty aud of her untimely Sight to Scotland. Ionian. The queen with all her virtues, 'No such genteel people here" takes queer freaks noiv and then She falteriugly mentioned her chiland cts iu a manner that gives rise dren. to unfavorable remarks. "No twius on the register." She has APPLETQN'S AMERICAN neve- - been very foud of her youngThat poor, deceived, abused mothest son lYincc Leopold and she er has feelings. She could not truce Gy WopsTMlin . has lately displayed a curious indif- the carriage. She is again alone in XEW KKVISED EDITION, ference concerning him. For some the world. in thn bust Entirely Ite weeks he has been dangerously ill An American Picture so ill, that at times his life was be. IJuyer. lieved to be in danger. The queen i Will l'f isnc l utlilv, bfiiimiii; July, 1872. did not visit him, nor did she send An American artist tells this story Coniiiiutu iu IU u1h., oi bUU luua e.v.li. for him to come to her. The youug who d of a ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. man saw nothing of the fdes at him in one of tho Italian SQID Windsor and London in honor of the A clmiire fur the milium to tmr a omplptp library without ffcliii); the rot. A MiviiiK ul ten Czar and his daughter, and now his galleries. a ilny buy the comjili'te net. .Nw is the "American oh, I am so glad. mother is gone off to. Scotland, leav- Let time to subscribe. me ask you some questions. I ing him in a condition of suffering have been buying pictures. Can you For all Information, AdJmt, and of danger. Still, Victoria is tell me whether or not I have been ltOBT. II. VAN RENSSELAER, "The model and exemplar of all do- cheated ? about larire" so Ogdcn, They are mestic virtues." Afiit fur Nortlicrii Vluh. his hands iu different holding aud The Czar's visit ends to indicate the various sizes, unless the people who were going to positions "and cost so much" naming the T. E. DHOWS, M. D. s'loot h'ha, perform that little operaof each think 1 have "Io price you tion this morning they will be too too much!" t LUMXVS OF CSlVKItSITY OF VIJVilXtA; late. There was some ground for the paid The unwilling to dis- 2 V (ir.ul'ia(e of lticbuioiid Muiiiciil Collide, belief that an attempt would be made turb hisartist, being Kfsi.lenl I'hynciHU miJ Surgauu Iu Column equanimity, replied that it Follow o. Va. Medical Society; Surou of On Sunday on the life of the Czar. a good deal on circumstanc- Salt Luke L'ItUi.w O 1'. R. K., etc. depended night a dispatch was received at the es, but he thought it mos likely he 5rviro upon tnp li test and uioct Improved uttilluKU of Allopathic Treatment. Scotland Yard from the chief of police had not more than was right. paid , OUlce mid at Paris, which was taken at once to "One more qucstiou. Mister, he the to and read Buckingham palace OGDEX, anxiously, as the artist Ma IN St. i Czar. It is stated that a certain ex- exclaimed, was about to resume his work. Tw Doors South of Post Office. iled Polander, whose name and des" Certainly, sir." diti cription were given, would attempt "Do you think," (leaning over him to assassinate the Czar on his way to and speaking in a lower tone), " do Guildhall on Monday morning; but think, Mister, that these Eyt r took ex- you the people at Scotlaud tullians put yood ,, material in their traordinary precautions, and probab- pictures ly no man was ever so well watched as was the Czar during the whale of X that day. Three thousand policemen in uniform, the whole ot the detective force in plain clothes, and four t thousand soldiers guarded him, and the expected assassin made no sign. EXCELSIOR MILLS, However, the exiled roles have TMULR OGDEX CITY. gained something. The papers y contained a note from Stevaa Poles, for - Manufacture of Is one of the representative men of the Cloth, Illanli- Polish exiles, stating that emperor s minister, Count Schovaloff, has promcts, .Yarn, ised all of them that they may return Etc.; Etc. to Poland without fear. Only three 11 of the exiles, who have" committed murder under the guise of politics, on Yonr Vool at Once are free from the benefits of this am Brins CilEI'IiATED - Cloth, for Wool' NEW BUILDING Or 17 II1UUU1UUU tUl N. East Corner Fifth &. Locust St., mr S.T1860-- PL1I1I . to-da- t- Superior Batting, , km &&&& 1 nesty. Genteel m Child-Stealin- ii AXD RECEIVE m From the St. Louis Republican. A remarkably trusting woman ha3 turned ud in Kansas City. Her im in man and woman plicit . confidence . . ... TO Our Goods iu Hclurn at Advantageous Hates. g. 8G2-8- has given her at least two- singular experiences. She trusted a man who told her that he loved her, and that man disappeared and left her very much alone in the world. Finally Xotiee to she was obliged to go into a hospital, and in due time twins came, and then she was not so much alone in the PLEASE GIVE IN YOUR ORDERS world. When the twins were a month or MILLER, two old, the hospital managers told Intends opening his her. she would have to go out, get a place, and work for her living, The V. ON institution could not afford to keep her. She did not know where to go, i or what to do, and in this dilemma ... THIS.. ., AT. ., .. .... ,. , Bhe was one day visited by a genteel man and woman, who drovtf up to EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY, tho institution in a carriage, They said they were strangers in the city, ii r has' pntcHAsra but' they i staying at'ohe of the hotels', THREE OF THE FINEST intended to buy a house and reside and no. children, fry there. a They had Making Machines, wanted, to adopt the twins. .. lhey wished to take the twins with, thorn to the hotel, and the mother could PATENT PRESS; MACHINE come around in a little while, and feed them, and keep coming hen ever she thought it was babes' meal' Ylcn got into their house, time. which would be very 6oon, the moth er could come and live with them FIEIi TO SIXTY' TROmXD , and a aort and be their Ve'm4I'BWiu':; all would i and the to mother of twins, be happy with her 'and thcni.-Th- e childless man and woman were so IA11 Qraei s Promptly Filled.: genteel looking, !and? talked i$ The5 Singer 605 Manufac'g N.Tc-it- h Co Street, AXO A, RANDALL, SON & CO. m 0 SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. St, Louis, APPETIZER, - BRICK! BRICK! ys rrr.rLY v wrll-know- HER BS !).! F R U I T S , jTopcrt whif'a pc-'.- .1 :; XutrH'our. c: I'.i tV-J- tul Ouc wit T': Tv!e in i'i . oilicj athartii .Iterative vn tiat'ir t, LV.-.p- ;:-- aK-Sr- a vxcrrAELi: rr.n)'AAHON R O OTS, 1 cocipoHtd Bim;!y d Builders. Mo- rr k 1 ' 1 a nul3 of rp'r't froj.i ('.:? Kl'O.Mi tin, t.V""n t'i ':"; t'.j'.n m av. tU.at-- , whki. t -.- v.i'.'i-j C. J. IMfMM 1 BRICK "r0.0 .. . Ogdcn, Bench, j i 3c of , Ihnrt !. oclvto rt v.onii. br. nscil s a tu attl ilwaystc- a Tkc aro the uliecSotii lior i t the foUo and debiliUt d. Tc-- si-- upon ('.ineawd liv. Mid limula to iuch a degree thut a h altUy action ieB 9 at out brcuf- -t uboat" As a ftmcj i is V0111rn averfei'i'.y t t otT MUD HA8 OATXED A FAR-Fliijrln mshhh mil than to y tli; Cookloft tu Mowed apou ia tt Lfin, who iin it ever ivriUM-wi-e .o4 reeouimeorti it tit her tiMirtilors an4 tatriMto. and reliability ia slHtt fir ecouy, THE K to dTccions. eonV.:-.'- ' Brick --'"- can Itn iiiaii' iririie Tciiipcnuice-iBil'.c- j hous-ckeeper- wt in tu mmi ubiAs a Ltt. ' j MOSITOR Mo fl.kt eli.litc 81H MONITORS now J'n ur ing nnil Summer Tonic they havenoeqnal. a well m Tbey are mild and KiWrur.'iTi every st m J'pi Tt,..r nnvifr i'Ur. Hood. They a" ft udld AppeUer. 7h(yn:ethc wec.Etrcntf. cur Lcs- and ir.vi;'or&t. They pnri'y ' . lilli iacL.,: They ct J v., fw Aiwf- -s whiqL of ell viriff a. in do Undermine th bodCy swt- - -- d tr iu animal npJrft- -. . . .. r . Tnnir. L i.. s T-r- tSE,. iUO, IBS CURAT WWiih tor y ha rch fculj -- ! M !, . . . ( a Tiuiini) thruOKh the s .. 1 and ficallftte, ca-i- id , Trritrj, L SBryaiatii. U-.;- ;. & p7wri?WwiKcwT(f. All nr fcy Z. Also tid for f4TM r nil lt Ur ark) 1. H. I. andltp Vy ad the raft. "; 0prativ Storst ia --m - |