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Show ?hc ruWitilwd ' Iy I0 f mien wry WEDNESDAY nn, VQDtH PATURDAY t'UUUSHINi UOMPAHT. Ploche Hems. Ocettii Circulation. uttdfow, the The culation of the waters of the sea principles involved in cir- Seibert has received the ap& pointment of agent for Well, turgo J. M. well Express in Pioche. He is devolvduties bate been ingeniously demonstrated qualified for the important Outdone. before the British Geographical So- ing upon him. having had large experience in the business. From the Nodaway Democrat. ciety by a simple experiment. A Last night auotuer large and fashionDIJ Nick crdio up to the earlh oue day, with plate-glas- s sides, about able attendance greeted Miss Carrie trough Ami into Wufiliingtou wemied hii way, six feet long and one foot deep, but Carter and the Company. The excellent Ho tlicnu lit he would visit our natinuul hulls not more than one inch wide, was comedy of the "Serious Family" was Un arrlvitig there lio crusted the sill filled with water. At one end a piece well played, and was followed by the At didcutsiun wuf liot un the Salary bill. oi "uur uai, wiuuu gave ctcij of ice was wedged in between the larce nm AM VlrV ti.unWU satisfaction. We are glad to notice the IJiM power to change both himself and clothw sides, to represent the polar cold, engagement of Mr. John Maguire with po, wpying a cnaur'i vacant ctiatr, I'rCNtn. cliiinira! anil ha m thr.i !! while the tropic heat was represent- the Bella Bird Company. I5eig an old And he Mid, m hit eyei o'er tha wseftilily ran he is a deed at the other end by a bar of metal favorite with our -ouiunt 1 make a pletilid UuDgreiiainaii! the to sirable already stroDg acquisition laid across the surface of the water, The bill waa read, and the devil sat there "Ten Nights in combination. Tilted back.ii hla ervny chair, and the projecting end of which was " lor the will be a With no particular iutcrext in it lied co- first time in Piocbe. presented heated with a spirit-lamTill there eamt) a pauxe of about a minute, And in It VftifA tmt full lA .lr.r1 matter was then put in Yesterday afternoon, at the County The clause of the bill was read. loring "blue and at the at warm the end, Hospital, Dr. Deal, assisted by Drs. Old Kirk imf un villi IntAMtt n aw cold To iH what Dim linniiriililo IhiiIv irnnM An end, so that the currents could Bergstein, I'hilson and James, amputatthe "i'ur f urcly," wild ho, "they haven't sunk so be traced. The blue water, chilled ed the leg of Everet Felt, just above knee joint. The unfortunate man has low, That they ran pre that bill cliar through by eontact with the ice, immediately been an iumate of the hospital several iiKiinti; ruuKtiie ome linleoun joke, fell down to the bottom. creDt slowlv months, and owing to serious injuries to Or uiy imp have overdone their work," along, and gradually rose toward the his legit was found impossible to restore The Mil wm rna.l and the ayo were called, And the devil at there liko one appalled; he that member, and amputation was resortsurface to its starting point. Kfr tiie luuinKt iMllff whirli Iia nvur m ed to to save his life. Mr. Felt is about Wm thin wholenale theft under fcuina of law red water crept first alonz the sur- - 158 years of age, and has before him, "lonxm anyiunner there is nouee, face to the polar end, then fell to the For of all meau thine thin beats the deuce notwithstanding his misfortunes and bottom, just as the blue had done, sufferings, hopes of a comparatively "Fer thousand! of year Lave I wandered and formed another stratum, creep speedy recovery. He was placed under rouuu Trying .to kco if there could not be fouud ot anesthetics, and so the ingw back arain alonrr the bottom. the influence In the liniviire a Uwcr level operation was performed without causTitan that which la occupied by the devil! and coming again to the surface. My curch wa fniitloxs by eti and land ing any great pain. Till 1 met an American Congressman. A gentleman of this city made a narrow escape on Sunday. Learning that 'If men like thene are to Congrem sent The Season of Show. We his family consisting of a wife auJ two I'il run my chances for President." (fid Xirk lft fnwn that vam iliiv upon a new era that small children 'would arrive on Sunlut Lb wa heard to mutter as lie passed have entered of huge watch-chainGo where day's stage from S It Lake, Mr. Ilors , aay: "I'll let that alone, of the .New York Restaurant, hired a x'ur if I don't they'll steal my thronnl" you will those immense golden or and of horses and went out carriage iided structures nitter at us in on the road pair Rose Valley to meet beyond The Lucca JHvorec. inked masses lonj drawn out, with them. Mr. Ilorst received his family, and showy, dangling and with them in the carriage, started ockets, large Uu June zd, in the bupreme for I'ioche, but coming down the grade button-hole- . Court. Pauline Lucca was divorced rem the overstrained into the valley, it then being dark, his from Baron Von lihade, to whom she We refer to this as one of the straws vehicle ran off an embankment aud was was married in 1SG5. Testimony that indicate how the social wind upset. Fortunatelyf the team was etot)- i is typical of the man (or was produced to show that the Baron blows; dress peJ before any great damage was done. and that these cumbersome, JNeitiier or the occupants or the vehicle was a resident of Berlin, and that woman), if and ridic received anv particular iniurv. It was. heavy, jrold, expensive, Jcgal means had been takeu to sever watch-guards are worn, however, a narrow escape, and we conhita with duo notice of the action. ulous if gilt, gratulate Mr. Ilorst upon the fortunate The cue was. submitted to Richard is evidence of a lavishness to fashion, turn of the affair. Mrs. Ilorst and chil a love of display, of flashy notoriety. dren have just arrived from Chicaeo. Beamish, Esq., as referee, and the is anything but pleasant to con- and having joined the husband and that evidence was reported to the court with the referee's decision that the template. It may seem a small father here, will reside permanently in thins to write about, and so it is in riocae. charges were fully proved. The plaintiff's complaint set forth one sense, but it is one of the thousand but little effective items that that she was A Zhi Ci The Detil play-goer- To-nig- ht Bar-room- Ogden City TLuj Wholesale Department. Co.'b , EL 2.000 PIECES SPRING PRINTS! Empress Cloths, Hcriiios, Domestics, etc. Cassiincrcs, Cottonarics, Jeans, Etc., Etc. clxxoL lcnims, Gents' " I mu . "ecds Soys' p, "back-action- re Wool Welaints, ttiiigliami, Ticking READY-MAD- E CLOTHING ats and Caps. BOOTS AIB SHOES! Of ' Every Variety, OF EASTEIIX and CALIFORNIA MAXUFACTUSE. A General Assortment of INCLUDING s. 'Forty-secon- Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. A LARGE STOCK OF lows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks TfrTi HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. A Full Line of CHOICE I G-ROCEIRI- Of All Descriptions. married to Adolph Von Chicago merchant advertises for All orders addressed to D. II. 1'EEHY, Ogden City, V. T.t Rliade in Berlin oa November 25th. show a prosperous nation's tendency. "steady girls to help on pantaloons." wdl recive . prompt attention. inn a ( (.1. 1805; that the defendant subsenuant- ieiiow wno can t hold on his own n Why are reorjle like a s8"tf H. 11. CLAWSON, SuperiotendeDt ly lived a profligate life, and squan- knife that won't cut? Bcauae they are pantaloons, ought to be ashamed to dered the plaintiff's earnings in riot- blunt. want girls to do it. ous living; that he was an habitual pimbler; and that the plaintiff verily believed that he had lived adulfer-ousl- y with two women of Berlin. SIMMONS ORGAN S'he prayed for divorce on them IMPROVED grounds, that the custody of her child, Maria Helena, born Novem ber loth, lb0, should bt awarded AND IN CHARGE OF to her. who A witness, had been exnress ly brought from Berlin, testified that i;c was engaged as a dctect.ve to watch the Baron Adolph Von Rhade Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usuiily kept iaOn several occasions he followed him Stftfk. ilifliwllno to the house of a n actress Engines, and saw him enter. The witness, in Saw Mills, one instance, remained on the watch Saivs, until the house was closed and the BoHins: C'lotli, wereNext extinguished. EciRl Wafer Wheels, he carried a letter to morning early or Cheese n .1 mo nouse lor the actress. lie stood on the first landing while the ser Machines, vant was delivering the letter. The servant knocked at the door of the actress' room, and he knew from its location that it was the same apartSorghum Mills, ment in which he had seen the Baand ron the actress together the &r., Vf . evening before. He also heard the Or any article from anv State. tW. mnv V, Baron's voice in the room. Witness Meehanical population. had also seen the Baron purchase Send in vour orders and we will da tTiA Vnef frt fill Afamfnptnr- and convey to the actress a $50 rs prices with freight added, or on a '- -i slght percentage The intimacy of the Baron T JSrfSi and the actress was well known in We are expecting an immediate and n shipment iU Berlin circles. They were the town's talk, aud it was' reported that they were to be married. FTTTT'TJ WITir Tin.' vriin. This was the entire testimony. No SCRIKNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, I he J? actory having just got fairly running since the counsel appeared for the defendant. An invention having a most important Judge Ingraham granted an absobearing on the future reputation of Reed bv lnouns of wLwIi tlnm lute divorce, with permission to Pau"J v 4 'uucoi tone is verv mrgeiy in and quality o . tone rendered line. Lucca to marry again. To her WS02T, TO THAT OF custody he also awarded the child. I5EST plain-spoke- 1 & CL0UGII Z. O. M. I. CO.'S CABINET ORGANS GOIBION DEPARTIiIEMT, H. W. NAISBITT. - well-know- Circular - Factory Threshing Jlaciiiiic Extras, Force or other Pumps, Belting, Evaporators, Ac, bo-qu- et. -- Grand Combination well-know- Organs, SCHUTTLER WAGrON," 1 li'Aii OBGAJTS Sun. Ar. Y. Our celebrated -- Vox TIIE Celeste." "Louis Patent." "Vox Humana." Patent the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" 'Wilcox Stop, and FOURTH 0FJULY, 1873. All (he Late Improvements gFECIAL A J"t Received, COMPLKTti STOK OF fire "Works, FLAGS, torpedoes, ' balloons : . ktCm etc., etc. H. WALLACE V Fjret Souta bt., Salt Lake City. Thirtu-fli- v Superintendent. OF TIIE SAME CA1UCITY. Octave Coupler," NOTICE TO TUB COUNTRY TRADE, U. B. CLA PIPE Can bo Obtained " Only! in these Different Styles, For the Parlor and the Church, The Best Material aud Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled I Tt I C JE1 S , GOto oOO To11n FACTORY AND WAREROOMS. CORGth & CONOKESS STS DETRrtif MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. GET YOTJ3RL JOB PRINTING! BONE AT THE -- ESTABLISHED IN 1830. , 893-l- y Address, Simmons & Clougu Oivoan Co., DraWit, Miciiioxfi, Ogden Junction" MAIN STREET, OGDEN. QSLcCf |