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Show -III - Iff I TFTT it k - j tit Jurors. iij '!,?,J-,"p- i'i ; receive official corruptio-whic- en- couragement hre, and which is eating away the heart of society in all ( .'hrit-tialandi .VcHterlay four persons convicted in the Justice's Court, rf lascivious cohabitation, were fined to'the city jail , for . fifteen dap.1' This' Is a gentle beginning to grapplcpvith. a greatj evil. -- But it if jbostjfo move elowly, ; ot first. The Suit Lake City authorities have fcud-tyi- Several jurors begged to be excused, but the Judge refused to recognize any, excuse except old age, military service or sickness. Some who were summoned to appear claim-ed'tbif they served as jurors their employers would discharge them. To this objection the Judge replied that the Court could not dispense with their attendance. They were .com pelled to serve,and if those by whom they were employed," discharged them fur performing public duty the for violatCourt would punish-theing their obligations as citizens,., Term. at , The 31ccUns at Iiosan. following .niinvtcs of .last Saturday' meetings were mailed at Logan cord to Irotk usundcr- -f laot Saturday nighty or early enough on a three-fol- d for transmission by liquor soiling, gamrjnngauu prosiitu-tto- Sunday, r&ornipg U JN. R. H. They came to hand on They must stand firm to their Wednesday e?eni'sg. We should like an position and move firmly and surely, explanation of ; the ;delay, and intend to if olyand;they will. 'receive the inquire int this matter! for the old ' h method of postal service is MrppJrubfl liJnorutlft pepple of . creed. . . infinitely preferable to the present systiu'ry Justice tem of protracted delays. , 4.Vare! pleased io'im 10 yrf "j CU'utoif tnom no distinction of 'ex God indulge Lgm Choir sang, ""Great ' ' in metyig out peuultie's to lewd Jaw- iny humble claim." Prayer by Elder Wm. Hyde. breakers.'" The policy which prevails llyrum Choir sang, Awuke.ye Saints of ; Jodt awake." iu niioaVpIaccS, pf. punishing thpjlefUSST. JOSEPH YOCNC b.iuohed. woman and letting the do-- , Expressed his gratitude to' Almighty buueher go freej'is a mockery of jus- God for the abundance of good things tice and a shame to the country. If with which the people are blessed; and contrasted tbcic present position wiih the houses where; sin hides the circnum unci's that surrounded them are to be demolibhed and a few years ago. Ho spoke of the w ork retired of the Saints, whet were called the females that haunt .V them to glory and to firtue. They wero remale , visitors te live in peace, love and charity, the let ; quired imprisoned, f( ; to. the gospel to all nations, and preach v,)iJ are the 'thief sinners he toad in justice and fairness io all their IiripriMODcd also, and letj neighbors. " He alluded to the spirit of which had obtained a place in ' their names' be held up to public infidelity the hearts of a few ef the rising generafhamo is . well, jas the najncB of the tion, lie attributed this to the unwise remarks sometimes made by parents. poor degraded women who have been He cautioned all not to prejudge any Ititrayed and, reduced to their pollu matter and to put a guard upon that unted.'Hato by heartless and cursed j ruly member, the Ungue. He spoke on the blessing of having a prophet in male prostitutes. our reidt; aud yet that prophet would a stumbling block to some, just as prove We hope the police will continue it was with Jesus; iu this connection he their work and that the three great quoted the scripture which says, "Behold I 'lay "in' Zion a stumbling stone t vllj above mentioned,' all closely and rock of offence and blessed are they iiihnected, will each, receive prompt who are not offended in me.' He ali.ud proper attention,' the law being luded to the allurements of Satan, through which the Evil One obtained enforced firmly but not rashly, that power over the heart,' sowing the seeds if tlu'se social vices cannot be, .eradi- of unbelief, and. creatine division and discord. If the lived under the, cated they 'may at least be kept uirecuon oi uie fpeopleoi me i.ora tney pint Vv ithin bounds, and not permitted to oould be one in all things, in all their laborv, uniting as a fpread forth their destroying influ-tuec- a family, by which they could increase in till Salt Lake City becomes as worldly wealth and have tho spirit 'aud of God in their midst. He, confoul as the great cities of the Gen power cluded by exhorting the young to draw '" " '" near to the Lord, to attend the meetings, tiles. avoid the vanities and frivolities of the world and servo the L ud, in which they weuld have happiness. A Jlonth-PUburwements. Wcllsville undying choir sung, "Behold the mountain vf the Lord." , TUa u. ,., , ( slow-coac- , 8-- 1 , ; i ; . it-F'- lf 1 i 'con-duii6eda- , ; H The payments this month to be made in behalf of corporations by the banks of New York, to say nothing of the disbursements of the gen- - M.DER C. C. RICH Spoke upon the necessity of keeping before our minds continually the object we have in view ms Latter Day Saints, ' viz , to obtain salvation iu this world and that which is to come; to become perfectly r i 'i awa n4 nu!wNti. AVArtn willing to obey'the will of the Lgrd in t the eum ot cignty milium dollars. all things. He touched on the subject TH) ammint tin ay tn AaA if nrtf n of tithing, and considered, in view of the Lord's being the proprietor of the land, 'exhibit of extraordinary prosperity, that all mankind, whether in the Church 'nevertheless phowg the immense or not, should pay their tithing. He concluded by showing that to obtaiu a full power," of our home capital in its salvation all the laws pertaining to salinfluence and in the general augmen- vation must be obeyed. '.jf-- 1 ' V , tation. of values. The figures tell of jfowth everywhere ; of an increase in population ; of towns start-ed- , and cities enlarged j of lands en. hanced in value, property improving and railroad companies becoming rich from the gradual development cf the resources of the country and 'natural causes, and of manufacturing enterprises that have been successful. XVDKIt WUFORD WOODBUT Made some remarks upon the great changes that had passed and were now passing over the world. Referred to the destruction of ancient cities in fulfillment of tho words of the prophets, and showed that In all the chang a taking place the designs of Providence were being worked out, and that the blessings pronounced upon the tribes of Israel remained upon them, and they continued on earth, although some of them were low and degraded, awhile other nations had been entirely destroyed. Every word of the prophets concerning them had been "or would be fulfilled. He the corrupt (Condition of the world, and considered it was about ripe in iniquity, but that Zion was not ready for her part in the preat events t o Iran spire, connected with the destruction ef the wicke t. He had no fears as to any of these thing, all was in the hand o'f the Lcr l, hat the Sairts were required to live under the counsel of. God rind wofk with liicn, be willing rweive to the tia- ctittutim'ttiit, carry the de-piet- ed A n i v cb art. Tc morrow ie the glorious day. ( There Vill be a Nation-i-t i grand celebration at Farr'a Crv. For purticularB nee postern nj programme. It will be a fci-clufair in tbrtho-Ho- i ttyii,'an' wQowrl kill will wind it Up.' L'k vai' fir to m - 'iiie'Grote. tiriji ,, ; . f Pic-ni- , - ct .I 1 viIhIak ,1. .1 1 Inrititti -- ; i In the United States District The Salt Lake police hare commented the work ol liJcPthfcy' gave Court, held in XeW York,June 2Gth, due notice 'some 'time ago. It has Judge Benedict Opened the Criminal been' customary since the introduction of the great vice of civilization, to inflict a, .fine on keepers, oAhouses dovoted 'to its .practice. , Buttliishaa proved inadequate to meet the evil. Ftcrnfir measures rauf?t now be reported to, aud determined' means adopted to check the spread of the for the where Josepn onua ouumc " J , i mi ; ft . circumstances outward from knew and t that be really obtained them, and rela- To the people, of Salt Lake Kelton, Terrace, Buel, Tofno !? ' ted some of the false and scurrilous reBJCHAKPS, ELDKR bam City , circulated were whieh concerning ports a "rhere's other neighbonng (0w'ns ani,cgitaf old the piwus song, Alluding to the Joseph ond the Saints by considered he The General Committee 'of a ! of &c," time the neighborhood, usually Christians coming, good inents, applied byUhe cities of j that the good time had actually come. started by the priests ot various He referred to the blessings tuueto make preparations for The present meeting was a good time. celebs : The privileges we, eujoyed through the bestowed upon the people of Cache hug the approaching annivcr comswift the American Independence, take this feih f blessings of Providence in county, where once wheat would ireeze of travel od of extending an .invitation to of mode .now present and and munication before it could be harvested, the time. this on make good to to the live nnd the citizens of L'lHt finer pie was a times, helped not there place is the earth cnniinent: and predicted that if the generally, to join With Vl8 iu ibefe8itl Quoting the teit, f The Lord's, Ac," he. remarked tbat ull sects Saints would hearken to counsel and ties of the glad occasion, Coring would acknowledge this with their Hps, continue their labors, tne blessings ot extend a hearty wfcU0)e to .all, and W but it was another thing to do this by the earth and of heaven would be in- hospitality shall only be bounded hv hor their acts. Those trbo considered tith- creased upon them ; but if they deparl-p,- 1 capacity to make equal to the good would from the oriesthood and their du'.ics, will of her citizeus. ing as a matter of no moment, Come one, come find themselves and their families drift- the trees would liegiuio cease yielding ing into darkness. It was a standing Ou t. the increase cf tuejr siock wouiu and help us in doing honor to the Day cf law of the Lord to His people in every stop, and barrenness and sterility would Days the Easter and Pasuver of Lib age, and its observance was H acknowl return as it would crime Upon this na-- , r,y the Committee; edgemcnt of Ilia ownership of the soil j tion unless the people , repeuted.ef. the of the it was a gateway to the obtaining course they were now taking. Salt. Lakb:, the blessings of the Lord's house, and a reIn relation to tithing: God who "was cord oftheir faithfulness in thislawwould the framer of every part of the human young fellow who assaulted Mr. John secure a right to these blessings for their system, asked for the tenth part of ,the Snedaker, the dairyman cf Mill, Creek, posterity. products of the mental. and physical pow- was, yesterday sent to jail.ja default of ers of that being, for building temples, Hyrum Choir sang an Anthem. $50 and.cot8.;j Good enough for him. Prayer by Elder C. W. Penrose. sustaining missions, feeding the poor, It is said that one hundred tons of ore if this tenth'was 2 p.m". '"; paid honestly &c.;and to all be sufficient would accomplish, it froji theEmma mine, sampled yestenhv Wcllsville Choir sangi "The time is of the Church. works the general gave &00 ounces of silver to the ton. nigh, that happy time." He concluded by showing that the Smith. is looking up. F, Jos. Elder Prayer ty of the principles revealed in this Anthem. work was to exalt mankind, and that a Logan Choir sang an Boys are cautioned not to let off firELDER JOHN TAYLOR departure from them led to; degradation ecrackers on the glorious Fourth, as the and by exhorting the Delivered a discourse upon tho extent, and imbecility; virtue-for them. police will.be on the;look-ou- t , to faith, unity industry, people is called what of and objects scope Richard a Ute, Komus, Indian, and righteousness. ,bors "Mormonism;" embracing everything llyrum choir sung,1 "0, my Father." ' at Springville, Utah County, and who in time and eternity, and concerning has heen two years 'a student in Linman in the past,' the present and the fuPrayer by Prest. B. Young, Jr.' coln Univei sity, P'ennSylvania, his eture; his relationship to God and his of God, fell6w man', and the xpenses being paid by Hon.' W. E. DoJg man, angels, the living aud the dead for of Nevy York, Is now at Salt Lake on the salvation and redemption ofmau-kinLOCAL his way to the Colorado as Indian Inteand of the earth upon which tbey five; the power of the Hoy Priesthood, " rpreter for Major 'PowelV He is quite From nurtdais Daily of July 2i.J tho inspiration of the Holy Ghost and proficient in tho common branches' cf the knowledge of eternal principles. He showed that our religion the work of Fon the Fourth. Look out for the education, and will return to complete God is a matter of .fad, a stern reality, new brass cannon at day- his studies ; an actual that the priesthood Judge Emerson arrived' ntProvo, with i reached into eternity and endured for- break, his family last Tuesday. He was sereever. He touched upon the duty of the U. P. Return tickets will be issued naded by the Provo band, and made a Saints toward the Lamnuites, in endeafrom them fallen to redeem their voring tomorrow on the Union Pacific. train to neat little speech expressive ef his good state; upon the principles embodied in Kvanston and be valid until the fifth will to' the community. "the order of Enoch ;" upon the neces Another body was discovered in Little sity of living and working for the King- inst." Fare lor the rouud trip $6.tO. oh Tuesday, making tin Cottonwood dom of God and the benefit of mankind, instead of laboring for sixth victim of the snow slidej name cn- upon tho importance of temporal ' nown. C. Visitors to Salt Lake or from U. as well as spiritual duties, and the right Mr. Ezeliel Yesterday, Henry, son of of the presidency of the Church to dic- that place to Ogdcn, will be accommotate in all things, financial or otherwise, dated te morrow by the issuing of return Price, of Draperville, aged 6evcn years, for the happiness and increase of the tickets-aa single fare. Many will went into a pool, with his brother, people and the accomplishment of God's doubtless avail themselves of. this oppor- four years old, to bathe, got out of his purposes; upon the building of lemrles for the salvation of the living and the tunity to go to Salt Lake, and a great depth, and was drowned. An orgaq grinder lias commenced redemption of the dead. He coucluded number are expe:ted here to celebrate by invoking the blessings of God upon the Fourth. .' business at.Godbc's corner, and stLks to all who desired to keep His commandhis post. ments, and His wrttth and indigBaiion Salt Lake will celebrate theFouVthby upon the wicked who desired only to do Jones' Grove is to be a evil. '',,-', a grand musical jubilee in the Taberna-cie- , scene of gaiety and amusement on the PKESIDEST BRIGHAM. YOUNG a procession tythe Fireman's BrigFourth never" seen before in Ogdcn The conWished the brethren to take into ade, a number,of bulla in various parts sideration the benefits tiat would arise proprietors have spared no pains or' of the city, and a splendid display of from the building of the Utah Northern to make this beautiful spot attrao-tivHe wished Kailroad. them to take hold fireworks, under the direction of the for the anniversary of bur national of the work of building a road through Mayor., j , Bear River Kanyon, grading the d independence. Swings, croquet, trapeze The are collate from , the as fast as possible,' but making a and other are provided a Id jiboje eporU of this morning. good road for general travel to Soda M fer, and the dancing hall is the finest in Springs ond Bear Lake, Valley. He urged the necessity of completing the town. Jones' Grove will be alive to Succebsfdl Opsration. C. H. Lind-berrailroad as far as the iron on hand morrow with beauty, grace, fua and jolof Logau, writes that a child of world reach this would take it a few Who's going! .Or, rather, who his, ten months old, has been suecessfully lity. miles beyond Franklin. He also wished by the Dooperated upon, for hair-lip- , the people to build a meeting house in isn't going? ctors Ormshy. Tbe child has completely Logau, large enough to do away with recovercuVfrom the effects of the opera-tiothe necessity of meeting in a bowery. and course its appearance is woHe argued that every improvement addwd One Mors Victim. A man of good, had nderfully Improved. "Mr. Lundberg to the comfort aud wealth of all who was fieeced two other children surgically treated at though plain appearance, build in the vicinity. He endorsed the same cause, but remarks of Elder Taylor, and showed out of one thousand dollars, yesterday. Salt Lake City, for the the effects of the that it is by our works that faith is He had just drawn his balance from a both of them died fromKeu 2J wwi. Kvt. ion. s, at r Dt. manifested, aud by .them we shall be bank in Salt Lake City, when he made opt judged and saved or condemned. Re. the sudden m acquaintance of an individual he said thoso who fering to MiNiso Accidknt. A bank caved, m who became were Opposed to it were opposed to God, extremely familiar on short the & Lambmining claims of Tompkins catchand they who opposed that which .would notice. The fritnds came together to on last Saturday, above unite the minds and acts of the people, Ogden, and were met by two men at the ing Sid town, and two others at work Kingman ing were opposed to truth and all that would in the claim, injuring all three of them We cannot be the Depot upon the arrival of the train. benefit mankind. but not dangerously. Sid i Lord's disciples, unless we are one. He Mutual introductions were given, and an severely, around with 8''n& an arm in limping wanted to' see the building far the Co- invitation to take a cigar aud refreshand, though bruised up considerably,01 Kone operative store loom up a little faster, ments at a certain place of resort, whs will be all right in few days. bad house built, the railroad acj informed, as are the we three, A game of cards was proposcomph ted and a general progress and accepted. bones broken. Idaho World. improvement, for when people retrogra- ed, and the owner of the purse containded they were departing from God and ing .. one thousand dollars, yielded to heavenly things. The spirit of advance- the and Died, temptations offered, while ment aud iucrcase in knowledge and ins!this In the under influence of the liquor that City, yesterday, the lit was of God. The improvement bone nd sinew was the capital of the had almost overthrown his reason. In a at 15m. of inflammation of the brft". T. n laboring man; this was the sourco few moments ihe last dollar he had in James Kbpiii, son of William J month Almira C. Baker; sged eight of all the, wealth ou earth. He wished world the was lost in a of monte. game six days. them to improve in education, in a knowledge of languages, sciences, and all His little fortane, his all, which he had things that would elevate mankind, He earned after yearB of toil, disappeared, : referred to fallen Juduh, tnd raid that and he is now left destitute and friendoil over the earth they were '",: ' ogdeFhouse. - :! . less inwas It his among strangers. - - Tueir land had become a desert, J. J.Mahok, June 30. and this was because of the' apostaey of tention to go East when he left Salt Lake ., Nb; those who'held the oracles of God, and City, and we understand that a ticket Omna, Wm Frsnce, Chas Adlen E C uu" Latter-dalet the Saints cease their ex- has been Dr F Brown San Francisco; given to him by those who are ertions and activity in their duties and Chicago; Fred Smith ington,' now enjoying the spoils of their unwary also would the lose of the gos-pthey Mrs F Long and servant, New JtorJc. light and the power of the priesthood. It victim. i s wait by the little union we hav that HOTEL. K what had been done in these vallies was J.BCB,Acni, r 30. , Mow , June accomplished. Prest. Youg described Buckeye Hen pern ' ' ' ' ' '' Geo .. :.. j i, the couditioh of home old "Mormons" ' ' Echo! .Cr8.a. V Keswell, Chas Slarr, who lived in the days" of Jotph, and apKKjnne halt proved thU to be th beet td Omaha; K Anderson. It r inw durable muctilna iu mnrket. Ku cog gbaf parently died, when be died, making no xigt m lh u w,w Mt wUto work-iUi improvements but, dwolUng n)y en the gi.aind. Duylicaw par lor rfUairi Schneider, St. Iuii-- ; C on haml. Kvrymiu-Wmemory f the Bast. Prest. .Yoiinr ld alwuyt rKsying, Missouri;' J P Turner,, t he Tivod tu i. 1. ,. U,.IUMMp$n. Arnt. f itt neighborhood of the place tlons and prepare themsehes coming of the Lord. : Logan choir'sung, ''The c. jJ j , ,Ugui . , : " aeuom-innfinn- s. . : above-name- J' j ; alL-fra- " : ; Lisas.--Leona- rd, i , na-tur- Em-m- a e . '' fr ITEMS. d Ja-'to- r ' , t . ( ex-pen- e rail-roa- out-do- or : , . , , g, n, - Hotel Arrirals. ? s. . , y wi.w' el . and fl s i n tftl. ' ...?Wr- - |