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Show uBBSssessjss nltiTTliMii mi mi jr.y.'fa-.y;- ! R. R. At night w retted GjMnqina "By the'lfo! SihBirli:ick, the red- abou Gvs, a skins of the Indians, aroused by the unusunl have got ns this time." dUtef READY disjce. ntjnil.4ftei- ipVling A' been' Far bfetter for commotion among the, horses, sprang up. hard all 'have would The snow had "It Hotwr day. already AOVENTCRK IS THE WU.HS TwiMify MtiMle, fallen to a depth often inches, and waS us,"' I replied,' "if we had beea com- Isradv was on the back, or his horse in In from One i : HOUR wir ONE NOT f Ave turned our hoi-- b pletely frosen before they h&d discover-- ! stantly, and yelling dikea savage; and stilj OR ARIZONA, litre falling i after reading thts aitwtwmnii imy . '!. n. be dashed a !,!;-as tho knife ed US." '.is l loose, that they might find something spur, using SL'FPKR WITH I'AIN. ' folwhich to subsist, and scraping RADWAY'g KBAIIY BBI.IKK 4 A CUKE Fuf "Away with such' Btuff," be cried. away, myself and most of the herd with upon the KVl'.llY I'AIX. .Notwithslanding the, taJditvkind ef talk for one who lowing at a break-necthe not "That's cookwe speed. kindled euow, a away fire, 1 It ws tUc Britain! U The Indian? fired after us, but we lay uhicL tlio public press eeiies upon every ed our supper, and spreading has been so long accustomed to the life . "f incident of the ki.hd, thre have been in blankets oti Uiesnew, cmwKsd between of a frontiersman , flat down upon ourhorseB, and the bul That Jtoj th most cxcrni iutinR paiu, whistled harmlessly by. Of course allays tpmuittv lets she and ud cr iBfluminations were sewn lost to the gloomy Oongctioii.. them, to "While the kmpholilut burn, ' South western leiTHories, during me prospects which surrounded us. Upon we knew pursuit would be instituted at whether of the Luug4, Ptomah, 5wiN, ornthwr The sinter viiest uinyrttum." orsans, by uiift appllraflon, in fiom im i.,t ten years. numbers of ca?cs of ex- awaking the following morning, we. were once, but. thanks to the forethought of glnmlBor to twenty miliutdf", un mntter how rluUnt es. we and will eacred poet, Says your trmiie mi Seringa Vtolliiig adveutsjs, wet witt perspiration and the pain, the Rheumatle, my friend the most of the horses had weighed been stampeded, and it would be som Itiflrm, Criiijilatf, Nurvous, Xoundgic, or pritritteU and even,Kiurif t&e.iiiost duWlicul d"0n witfc eight inches'of snow, which cape those dogs yet." witu UntuHM) mav HiiliBr' "Do be cautious. There may be some time before ' been nude had eliarauKif,' whkh ,lMf fdlett during the night upon our of they could get regularly our of RADW&Y'S READY RELIEF understand who 'fhero are enough thet iuany blrtk-etknown ta ilie'pblw. the snow still falling radidly, started, by which time ro would gaiu Will atlord inxUittt to know of what we are ift niy own experience, which, language i IlifUmmntion of tho Kidmtv. Inrtiumniifion tt Those who never had such experience quite an advantage. chapter inwould be read with ,, the BlaJiler, lnflMum&ttou of.ths MoweU. replied. I have nc do U, Our all depended upon reaching the may try to imagine our feelings as we of'the lainc. Sore 'l'hrisit, DiSicu'.t "Not a bit of it,'.' be responded ; "but we were for without terest by those wlV. like to read of the Contemplated the '"situation the enow Moqui villages, Itreatliinfc. liitpitarin ofttie llenrt. H.vtn. mean mischief, and we must bo on they .xui undent's througlwwh eh the pioarms, blankets, provisions or matches. Croup, tJipthcria. Ctarrb,lntlu!iRA. Hata-lii'almost two feet deep, aud still falling, Col J Toithoh. Npnmlgin, Hhaumutuin. We urged our horses as much as we neers niu.st.puM Hvlnle Mfcveloping and no feed for our animals, less than two the alert." Chilli. ChilU. then indicated Acne band the of The chief of resources to lip'1 tte, could, and get along finely until near Tbe appllnttion of th READY RELIEF to the bringing weeks provisions for ourselves, with eveur vast Te rit dries, and as none of them ery hope of retreat now cut off by the to us that our conversation must stop, daylight, when we come to ft doep gully pun or parts 'when the pain or uinuuuy have never been given to the public, 1 accumulation of snow in the itwuntains, and at the same time one of the warriors which we could not cross. This unfor- will anurti e.we aim couuart. came and bound Brady's hands. I Twntydrop in half a tuinl'lnrof water will inwill give the following for Che benefit of our advance tunate occurrence threw us off our a few barred the same moincat cur Cramps, SpHm, Sour Simnnearly by me , too considered with sontuch powerless course several degrees, and wc had to ch, lliNirthurn, they the thousands who raa-lsick lhmliiiho, iJiarrUem Dyxcii- and the trail entirely obliterated. to cause, escape, and therefore left me un- travel three or four miles up the gully lary, Colic, U ud ill tha liuwelf, aua all Internal interest aud instruction, our old friend, To remain was certain death, and the ' ' Pain. bound. , before we could cross. ;; ike Timet: ' ;" of oliciuli) at way carry a hottlo of RA1- to find was only possibility escape had I How that was a? it escaped . the 'Id day of December," 18G5, a some 8 the A few dr..)" YVAVS READY KKI.1KK with m. we Abo a. came of in Jt would eight a that trcrve shelter rs place well as my comrade, and how we had smoke of the on watnr will prevotit sickncM or imuuw trom we little more than a year ajter the found- until the storm passed which village?, judged iluuitro of watttr. It in liottor tUan trwucli Hruu.lv away. The little been discovered by the Indians was more to be distant about fifteen miles,. ing by Governor Goodwin of the town of Colorado river we knew to be about cr IlitrorK (in a stimulant. Brafind to able out. we ever were than About 10 o'clock a. m. we discovered I're.coit, and the locating of the capital twenty miles distant at the nearest point i'KVl.H AMI AUtE curc4 for fifty was of being drag-gea small party of our enemies not more Thoi-- in nut rumoiliai aueutnilin this worht that of Athena thereat, and while the Indians where we could reach it, and we. were dy's first knowledge otlmr Malariou, cure t'evar antl Agim, ami in the snow, before were still harassing and: murdering tho not than one and a half miles to our lelt.using will in stitisfying ourselves that our aud along before the fire. ' lie daylight, YfllowanJ othr Soven JIiIiouh, TvphiHu, long was placed settlers and miners throughout the only bore lay in reaching the river, and effort to cut us off. They had di. (Hldnl by IU.Iwuv'n Pillf) au quiok an KADWA V frozen except hia feel and hands slight- every per bottle. SKi Fifty vined our intention, and, knowing the READY RELIEF. length and breadth of the .territory, subsisting upon the rlesh of our animals ' ' " by Dnigglnu, ly, while my lower limbs to ray knees, William Urady and tue writer started until the snow cleared we tho avoided trouble well, in the and w ere country away nose ears and arms, hands, my lVonif reseotjt Oity across the country Spring, when we could reach 'the settlehad encountered at the gully, and were But my limbs had now us tast to Santi Fe, New Mexico, a dis- ments. We knew, too, that upon the severely near the villages as we were. ftronpiuid Pure IUch Dlixul Increasi ot been placed in enow, and I was recovertance of live bundled miles, where we river we were liable to fall into the Four miles more and we should be and Weight Clear Skiu ami ilpliuttful Comsore safe within tho tecured to all. plexion which expected to take the stage for the East. hands of hostile Indians. But there ing very well, though exceedingly principal village and in much pain. We were equipped with plenty of arms, could now be plainly seen, situated as was hope, and after getting some coffee, Brady had considerable knowledge of it is upon a high piece of ground. aud two good horses,' a we set ammunition, out for our haven without any refer the Navajo language, and I felt satisfied It was indeed a race for life. Our pleaty of blankets, aud harsaparilltau Itesolvent ence to trail, simply taking a course and he bad learned something regarding horses were in a lather of sweat, and al Ha mndu tho unwt atoiiiihing cures, no qni 'k. o for fifteen days, by which lime we as as it could. The near following rapid art tho changen the body nndorRc, uieler their intentions toward ii so I made we expected to reach tho settlements on tii.it ready beginning to fag. Should one of the 'hifluiuic ut'Uii truly wonderful snow was beginning to drift, and the several efforts to the day during get them stumble and fall, its rider would be hVERt DAY AN INCKEASE IN FLKfU AMI tlie Kio Grande. wind whistled through the stunted pines would he uot but from AND FELT. WEHiUT IS hEEN him, something such and "cedars with a The weather was delightful at the mercy of the savages. On, on low, melancholy answer a question. ri.ooh ;ki;at W we two weather as is only seen upon the pla- sound as we now were within e" Urn 8AKHAPARILLIAN KF.MM.. sped. Every drop of struggled on, sometimes They gave us roast meat, and although miles, aye, less than that, of the village, VENT comluuiiivateii tin) Mood, Kweal, teaus bordering tin the Great, Cordilleras. into a gully filled and hidden they were Very cruel, their. treatment and the Indians not more than half a I'riuo and.othor duhls and juice of thi ryutt iu We expected no snow for at least one tumbling the for of Ufa, tha It repair the wantf of tin by drifting snow, again coming out was much better than I expected. mile from us. If we only had arms mouth, and it was with few regrets, and where it was w ilk new mid niud niatcriul. Ncrofula, body few a inches was tied only When night came,! Brady deep, but we had none. Couminiptiou, tiluti'luUr1 disiMne, U Ice id in consequently light hearts, that we rode only to plunge into another drift. arms and and and hand Node tlio in the Ulmids foot, my legs Mouth, Tumori, The horses seemed to understand aud Thruit, uloug that wormug,..leaviug perhaps forwas impossible to ride, on account were tied; but I was not confined It other parts ol the MyUfin, Sore Eycx, ritrum-ouany of what was going on, ever, the country ,yheret for wore than of the Dimharne from Ihe Ear, and the wort form plunging of the horse ; besides it fnrther, so I rested pretty well duriug something of Skin Disea, Eruption, Fevur rioroa, fr nM two years, wo had struggled in oui was now and bent to work their every energy becoming intensely cold, and it the night. Ring Worm, ivtilt lUieum. Eryipela, A efforts to develop the rich resources of was Each of us now began to swing an arm Hood, UIikU Spot, worm hr the Ftuli, Tumor, fine to walk in order to keep this us for one necessary In week, they way kept the region, and, with the four or five ourselves from to attract the attention of tbe villagers. cer In lb Womb, and all weakeiilns and painful freezing. After traveling making us da menial service during the When within of perm, i nu SwiMitH,'LoK suffered untold pr- in this hundred . T half a mile of safety our diwhartre,theNi(;ht . ' L . manner, for about three miles, uay, auu lumuiug us uurmg tue nigm, enemies were almost lite principtu, ar withiu the rurativi.-nuigwiiteot r in ivationsat UmeaC'oluiost dyiug of distance shooting we came out of the timber iuto an open, and all this time, I could wonder of MiKlern Chemistry, unit k get nothing of us. We began to shout, still making few of thii and thirst, constantly harassed by will prove to any peiMon it Rir ue day' the to Ho not from where, talk would mv comrade. "country, undulating' though either of thoue loiuis f Uucaue iu poUiul power t hostile Indians, with little prospects of drifts our In few a ino , gestures. pantomimic were worse, we were better ena- me at all. I knew he had a reason for cure, them. miecor from Government. Although our bled to avoid redunad by th If lh and made more rad-i- d it, and felt contented, eo far as he was ments the housetops were covered with tieiit, daily Ixxomin them, and when we were within a hun wiiHies and dvcoinpo.' titrn tlmt is coutinuaKy pi journey lay through a country infested people, in .while than timber. I the riot could from but. progress concerned, kcop dred yards of the nearest house o num- grein, iicc.ed in arresting tluwe wuntes,fi'imil by hostile tribe fur 'over l2U(J iiiflM, we noon the snow had ceased to fall, chafing under my savage yoke,' tlw umie with new luiiteriui in.uia ni had become so useduto thai dangers ot andliy of braves rushed out, armed, to our repair ber ' thi tho SAIHAFARlt-Llwhen night came we were within i n the Uealtny blooil-u- id of the day, evening eighth ' assistance. Our pursuers were not ' will arid d(ieeeure. savage warfare, that the f j.ct scarcely five or six miles of the river, and could Brady, by the use of the deaf and dumb hundred Not only, due Ihe Rut lvent UR. but when they from gnvc us ah uneasy thought. We looked plainly see the line of timber yards all known retndiul j;!itj in the euro of Cluv-marking alphabet,communicatcd to me the follow- saw the beyond the danger, beyond the great its course. Moquis coming to our assistance, C'oMitituUoiiul nnd f km w, male wtr iriM ing: tstape but it. i tins aulv ponitive eurj lor klDNEVnuii jduius, into pleasant homes, from which they stopped and fired at us. Tired and hungry as we were, we had Don' I sleep! Joyw.'V and W oinU out effect. Tbey then turned and rode BLADDER COMPLAIN IS, ive had been absent for years, and visno alternative but to push forward; we The Moqui villages lay about forty-fiv- e .( tirnvel,' IHaleliw, Dropy, .Stoppnge in ions of happy t.gjKetings which- we exoff direction. an easterly out bf "which to build a fire, miles north of where we then were, and Wat;r, Ineoutinenie of L'ritm, Lright' latl nothing me .The Moquig took ns in and used us A Ijiiiii n ii fin. and in nil iii.h whore pected to receivdlwithhi the,Ojopth took 4nd to shortif the timber was cer- tbe inhabitants have always beu friend-ly.t.- like we brickdust deposit, or tin wmnr, I thick, ctoudv the place, for the time, of vall other tain to stop brothers, furnishing be followed by freezing, and permixed with HilirtniK'n like tlm whllu of an the whites, i They4'4 to a certain (;, thoughts. death. It was now almost impos- extent, an agricultural people, and claim needed. Wo remalnlS with ; tbein until or threail lik white oilk, of there i u inorli.U, haps and whila.liwiie-diie- i Nvlbiug of,leoial( finUret occurred sible to "urge bur horSes forward, and, to be descendants of. the old Aztec razeB, Spring, when we made our way to Tort dai k, biboui ppiniu'Hiico, uuitil!ilie second day o6t posit, mand when ttioro i a prlckiiij;,' tmriiiug wheiwq met after going a shortf distance,, our pack" w ho inhabited Mexico wheu ' Oortez in. Wingate, New Mexico. hen pausing water, and pain in the uin!l certaineulhat?on'6f the of the Lack h sinall paVtxof soLdii;s,'; whbwdthe animal Brady and nlonjr tie- loiiift. Price, tl.u) and could be driven no Taded that ftou'ijtry'. If wc coujd reach stopped, be-WuRMS.-i-Tlf ie Tinted states express, had the day "understood some English, only known and mre Remedy and we were compelled to leave these Moquia we would be safe. But the Navajoes further, W for orijul'in, T.ijie, elc i t was ha refused reason which to (he ire been attacked, the expressman kill- him talk, the bleak prairie, snow was deep and in many places Titmoi of 14 Vi'Ar standing upon routh Cttr4 from conversaand also he . learned their ed, and two otherstlitj partly wounded. where '. I3 'IIikIuii.v'n IC"oU-iithe was undoubtedly in a few min- .drifted, and the country gtraugo to ns, UKV..r, Atuw., July 18. IN'.'', , lJicouragitig as this itttellinoe , woull utes destroyed by wolves, for they had ..while it is well known to our captors, tion that they intended starting for their, .... I)n. Radwit: I have luui Uari;tn Tuiuor iu ihe own villages the morning after Jlj.e night teem to be, we determined to press for been annoying us with their dismal who had been lying there for more thnn "tlo'iv nvaruii find IkjwH. AH the ilortor on which we made our own escape.whero ward as rapidly us possible, "so as to a no. help fur if." I tried everything tlnt since sunset, sometime:; ap- a week, ever since the storm, unwilling bowlings , 'iftW-dirwoniuiendoil-but tiiothing helpeii ino. I raw jmir intended to take us", for what purrja'fih by tJlMf iifghUiill th e to attempt to get back to thoir owa vil- they proaching to within a few yards of us. would try iu Vt hwt no we could not tell, but we Opposed Umhaiit and fhvititj pose viding line between the Apaches and the fifI hud mifleie.d Jsiitli to within in been which have near midnightwhen lages, the route It must it, ' fjr t'lVelvoyeuir lay torture. for of the whom latter of btittltonn loi took li.'huhetil.iUid U lluabpis, the professed we reached the timber? and the inclinateen miles of tho Moqui villages. But w two e One which on lior?cs bottle if your Ready l!e. to be friendly to the whites. made We were of the I'ltN.aud l'.ady tion to lie down and sleep; toward the my only thoughts were of escape, and I there inot a hl&i of tumor v be evu "r and livf; and yet a distance of twenty miles from the last waa. so great that it was with the ut- felt willing to trust to my friend's judg- the race for life died from han and I bn tltr, myu ter, mid fcdt, the other one was worthless afterwards have lor tdvi' The worxt tumor point, and it was then 1 most it, on we could our case. in ment this keep difljculty 1 in ii as long as we retrained with tho Moquis. the l"tt uide of the iKiwel,1 over tho p.jn. Several times during feet." Several times Brady called out : t twenty-fVuil vim tin lieuvtit Uit and lor the horses, u( otiiei., iu pu!. Night came on, our,a'ttt:ncki was "attracted to, "It is no use. I am bo tired lean go no HANVAIt T. K.VAJ P. IMt it if y n cJioo. our in number, were brought up and whit iineQf itynol rising at different further, and I am dying for sleep." lied near the camp. We were bound as 15 A O K Y points in answer to each other, the lanHut I knew only too well w hat the re- usual, but there were no more communiPERfECT PURGATIVE PILLS, wViclt we of understood to porguage and urgei him on. ' At cations of any kind between Brady and sult would IVelmtly !nl!''ti, ol":mtly minted wit ti roei be, iena evil to us perhaps tue most horn-hi- e last we reached the sum, l'ura, ivnlntu, purity, i.leMUce nod treiij.'tli-eu- . timber, and he' sank my?elf. My anxiety was such as I nevPili. lor the enie of nil Uiordei Railway'of deaths. down at "once, unable to do more. Ltvwr, Unwelf. Kidbi'v, D.'adiiei, er felt before. It seemed to me that tbe MAIN STREET, 0 GjU K.N i f tH !toiiiii4lii At 4 p. m. we reached thp-- ace where Nervoun DiPiii-e- , (V.tiv... Th next thing'wns to kindle a fire. Indians would never retire, and, when tlu attack had the clay before been made. new.; linlitioii. Iiykpepitia; IUIiuiihk , ililion Eft A'iwiIO! XDI 1IOM was at least fifteen inches snow The DEC A few broken arrows and .a they did lay down, tbey were a long PURE or lentr, lnlUiriiuittioii of the llowel. I'Hv, r.nd itli . portion of and from under that snow I had time getting quiet. But as soon ns I WurrK'ite.l Derar'inctif nfthe Intertiyt the charred remains of the ' unfortunate deep, C'AIiliS IMi:K, to ettitct a pwitivu nue. I'ltr.uly setiibK, coti. BEAI, After considerable was sure to hunt my wood. I all were asleep, began nnd PANTRY of i;Tr I)wttipllon ta.iiing iio mercury, miueiaUr deh terioiiii di u they expressman were the5 ' rfeiiaining1 I procured a few cot tton wood ' tt ItdlowinjC yniptm reeiiltiut working to free myself. My hands were of.tfre tloody'Uead. We did not effort, sheath-knife- , atntult'anTud GROCERIES OwigtS. frmin iior4er f lha iiiKli and, my Oitau limbs, feet bound tHtipa-tion- , taking and behind tied back, my my ; .will ' the reader S2tf J. U. RllNtllCR.P.rlftor. larry long here, for; InwarJ I'ile. Kullnu! of the Jilnod in llm to make some shaving. My close together. My wristB and arms , tempted lleurt' nru, Head, Acidity of thn Stomach. Naux-.ireadily understand that the sight of hands were so cold that I, could scarcely were much swollen from the effects yet I UiHgnxtof Fnod.i'uihvMt of Wcialit inth fftom; these evidences of the brutality of .those A I.l'A Itf.K IX VtXT 5. V A 5. hand tell whether I had my knife in my ach.'fMiiir .Km nation, Rinkhi) or Flirrformc. nt of the frost, and, by exertiag every efwho were then ""dogging 'Cur footsteps ;. thp I'rterf th h, .Kutiiuuiinc of ti 'Itemi. a. match, fort and suffering intensely, AN ENTIRELY NEW or not. i At length ,1 ptvuek succeeded ' Harried and weio sufficient io Very materially in and Rreftibinic, fluttciltip at the to light hand my ill ! whittling. attempted enn.llun wlo-- it through the He.irt, Vhimnr: er PiiflO' atm drawing my right crease our desire to reach a Ling foluw.-- UiniiO of 'Virion, lH,t it The match flickered and went put. I thor.g, lacerating my hand and tearing ' HOMESTIO USE! FOB r as 3 sp'efidily Wet. tet'or t!i? Ui?:a, Fevc r nnd Dull rain iu tue safety ,' tried a second and a.tliird with the same 'passible, away portions of the flesh as I fdid so Just as the sun sank beneath Yellawin i f Head. DetMf ncy". result. As I watched the last of the Having loosed my hands, bul a XUr hkia and Eyta, i'niu in the tide, Ctivet, Limit, passed into, the Jiualipi three go out, I was sitting in the snow, small matter to u,aUe ,' "4 hsrijpn MidniiMeu Flurhe of tiat, RnrntnKln fbo Hii. my feet:,! As soon cotiatf yi iiftd V,in,ftreaVied, freely. V and I f It as if I tiid not rati-n- t 1 tUv Ituffon IIoI ' AfW dot of Roty' IMU will !ee lie Willi whethef I raised this was fare as done, to, myself ? ReachWg teni from all (he tiiiTder. i'r.i-; ! Worker. i'sniM'plabo we- camped' had a fireor not A strange though not One of the 'Indian' moved th cent per tmx, HoM by Drtiirii,' for the nigitt. Tuew next morning the unpleasant feeling was coming over me. HfcAD et.d one l uneasily. , I, sank dot n fend j pldqfcdj liy win! was blowing !t gale," 'which to ltdwjv i. Co.. No. '?, Mirk-rer lain , atatnp I had not the pewtr t rouse myself; was feet and bands in the proper position alTUe. Mont Durable and Jkenomie lion, New Vcmk. Ui.'irtuitiitn woitU lUiiitNUiue will ur.- pnr free'-ifocon' stirCvmlirrfd ilindiieffrpffrTuo'Jy Indian The in Sirctujth pain, most; inst.Vitly. iJ-lof' got tip, . l'i. j yu. ' gresse'o m'ucli that it was ""night" "when nntpd. even hanpv. not verv different red the and ll'Jiuty, fire, and again lay .down, .Great .r? .'"? ' '' E IN" ALL ITS l'AIITS, V?VJ. TK being pi iced' drops of sweat stood upon my forehead, ' TM oril i fuil v Vbit onVieels ttGMl'l.E'f EI'ointoJ Ncdlf, vin? run t ra.Tjrsco ajountafits, eighty- - under the innuencc tyhen coiovohh-ui.oi i death Aftec J-''.halt but Uy a$,btiJl 3aa, t f r miles fro si the oily ef Prescott. ilirar.t fcyrigtit p"iti inotloiB yitou,!l'-(Vcould not realize the horrors of my situ- kn'Vour.l Aga.K "ade ,t be ittpupt, Bra: and loUi RuUlor. ,Opt'r(jM,byhtfol pndw During the day lowering clouds had ation. shut and to aiHiartn n.Me!4 Iik seemed Candiod n' at't'. ,out i.W.t rttiitiiag, Something dy ly perfectly quiet. My'lituation wag (v!l stretched from horizon to horizon, and machine. . Ha potent cl;i.k could such good hiKh I but was, to mo there It for became what that necessary litileiight t there was every evidence of an approachtlio wjbwt Iviuf, turned ilia wrougway. U) A still hear sounds as of music in the dis- step' over one of the warriors to get 0 tftt!ie fhrc;vl linct ( oin the poL"' TtakiwttlS A. an himnliT. Thereing storm, a circumstance which appal's M it h IMM. fainter tod and Y,hmC I nn fainter so aw I f ftronpwt did and tbe '1t'rl(fluit him,' cautiously the bravest heart. AtMjrw intb tnmin tance, becoming dii Will .and cloa durJjU', MpnL, ufivn;l linn, ' ,. kiilftt pojeojng no more. tle all t..inWof workt'fiJUi. ml saiufiilom CaralM-qndlf tams, without protection,'! something" ifown and drew I was surrounded by a scabbard. I I awoke reacned When to heavy tloth or Lt;Mthcr, and ucc alt ar me of which cannot be hilly de puWtr N oes a forth without disturbing hinr.' In a i of throrid." co rcftf. n d i.a n.'aj-f- i or I'li'eC'j orht. i I.Ut'l(Klll'wl and ttwchrtnleal in. America a?fietnlM sua I was ot my friend's side, and had ,Lfv .fife was burnihgnrfcr Cfie, ahd the Uiu 4votc4 to Mi'mvinR and simplify f cords which .puiul Kiin! lie Jn out i'iinrfilisJ.nrinhihiR wily that hu h i Are cut ike brightly. ws stTujng thiusE bi6 h I e da er ai fc o t. r et) a re d . Jei,'i't)Jtiad etTcctfie. They reeBile (Wl "Arid we npproabl;l tbe horses as prni"it)lfti and ilipperiilng wi'h all couip'Ujrt-i and arose, blaniet, Itonlam wufltIrttler, fllop. CLilifrer upon 1 upon'a "lien morning came, the snow hud alwaslying t vi 4irroriudin pfiioniHy found in other iiiaj hi' es. lyve tlutinkipt Ft Sue i'i iu. them far 'Select what1 we Wgf mi cry that discovered my .o;'1lelJy.ttsdsbe.'.,, to iniife 8pcct.d t'srioB and extra ready began to fall, and our better judg- attempting to move,, fcwo arwo bo the He. vhn aiil nnd feini;l aieento. pwifiot, thought to ment irotnnt d U3 to return W Present.!.' limbs were stiff and sure. , A)wl ftll othtrdrat'(,'iil. o isitildifli agmicilM thrfiiith Hie country and kw-the. livlih Hhoh t h ejr v head minranged few. in a i'.ll tUCrS IS ft fcplilin- nf nr;,la in llio i.wns bewildered, but mid exhibition on hine iniu our Tiw County tl. iit frne,.' igtititV Ireoiit of every pioneer, which forbids utes the events of the 'previous. nigM U!f i.SU'elvcjn'v nd motwited mine as rfhtt p'iVea t4 milart ; he stoo(i ',lirfdyVje,for'tnqunting, ,tnav wlthnut any extrn clmrae, nuttlt , ai rirlKP vSli'eii fln'c.ft caw Tr my mihd. an.vJirstt.hwghts, ioned for;my.inij!j wlircfi ,1 threw, in tsumple of tiewinK.' !'crij)fivi! circnLir ci'iitaln-inlft5reirek ut tree. ':whit. tPtimiMiialii, aupaVing, '., tennis, a wants to i m;w wdpervorNG ' iirito - Add rem. V dangers soever may interfere with his raised mv head and glanced around, the.sWw.at his'fpet. day? ofV the horses (Viwctvifipthrevliiltonx o.. l!t KCH. ROCEKT advance, go we again j mounted our 'when.' to my relief. I saw Brady sitfing machine Appiv to in" loosing eiiceeeded' j' hati ViJ 'He No. ' loose, rn Broadway, iw Yk. horses and conuaued our near me, ilia first expression was, journey. M - n ins fin: ? w- ut . $ i - k Tlr Only lulii llemoily out-ou- r ? ' ' n. , , talk-iag,- . ; . n (n-cwitio- , , . unt-ed- l sup-pos- o : ' ! i thi-m- d nt . t frost-bitte- Health! Beauty! n. , puck-mul- Fh-al- e, pro-vUo- t Dr. RADWAYrS ns i ' ii iufii.k. the J , vir ! s J . .1 - .1 1 ' un-- ! 1 - , hun-'ge- .N ' ex-e- n din-xiia- . but-with- . fl.sf-jiso- , i - DiM-ae- i o ''" . , - . ! . . . j - 1 . l' I over-bea- t, 1 (mpi-o-- r 1 above-name- d . DR. RADWAY'S It H X LOX I t COXFECTIONEIIY, I ! n, E-- ltet.-iil- . , VU-vra- . . cvi-deajj- es ip Apd-"!- j , - . , -- DUiii-nl- t SEWING MACHINE ac'f omjt im: -- the-wes- s p : . jiOLUt ns. .rw IVrHpil-ation- abovn-r.iime- i , , - Mt'Tr." . ? - . eiit - y i - ! 3f.-6- , 7 d H pri'-ci- l i$, prel-Hit- tin-lHrj- icribTIi mo-nic- nt - ,nge ! d ht , iti if iiidin-enient- ! y - i eorn-plet- 4 g ttiJUvbjd9 cow mm sao:, . Bnons.fr.wix i!- Crt-ejf- . |