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Show WiiWM'"" -- vjm - r- stroyed, including six hydraulic, twelve cold presses, and much valuable machine. ; two acres of Juwctio by tt Atlantic ry.-Special to th OflD d1 1'wiAc T!egrvh Company. ground,' and also an acre occupied by the Jiew York Oil Company for the roan oil, The Stone! ufactnring of cotton and wall's loss "amounts to 135,000 ; the N. ' Y. Oil Company, $150,000 Dover, N. II., 2. S. Stevens' sandpaper and glue Mr. I factory was burned last ':night. ' Loss ' $80,000. r New York, 2." In the Walworth case District Attorney Phelps concluded bis argument for the prosecution. Mr. (VConor, for the Cali- - def'once, then made several requests to the judge to charge the jury, including one that he charge that if the facts as do not show deliberate purpose proven ' to murder, and that if the accused be AMERICAN. lieved the deceased to be desperate it Baltimore, 1. mitigates against the theory of murder ltV the breaking of the couplings, five in the first degree, and if the act was the )iu.ienger coaches of the through train result of terror it was not murder in from Washington to New York, last the second decree; that as four shots evening, were thrown from thu track in were fired, while the prisoner was only this city, badly wrecking the coaches conscionsof firing three, and as no proof and truck, and seriously injuring a num- is given which caused death, if the fourth ber of passengers. was fatal ' the jury most acquit; that he Now Orleans, 1. was in a state of epileptic insanity, A pmato dispatch from Day of St. he not being responsible, and if he was I.ou'n, states that a duel was fought neur in a Mate of terror which overcame him, Montgomery station, this morning, be- then the jury was to acquit. Without Win. li. Coaley aud K. tween delivering the ' charge the" court took a I'. 1'hett, jun., of the 1'icoyune, in which recess. ' Cooler wag killed at the second ehot. After recess, JVlge Dav:a delivered The difficulty grew out of an article pub-- i his charge to the jury, and call'ng atlUIied 'n the I'icaynnt, beaded,' "Huw-kin- s tention to the new law, under which the T8. JScaiumc," and a reply from trial had taken place, which makes it Judge Cooley, published in the Timet of necessary ' that deliberate purpose the -- 7th. t'ol. Hheit was r ot touched. and premeditation should exist before a It i understood ' that Khett was the verdict of murder in the first degree challenging party. They fought with could be given. ., ; , shot guns, loaded with Judge Davis said if the jury were sat. bail, at a distance of forty paces. The isfied from the evidence that young 'fimn lias a special from Montgomery Walworth came to New York with the Mation, Miss., tin. B:iy St.' Louis, July intent to murder his father, then the 1st., which snys ia the crime was murder in tho first degree ; duel Judge Cooley was killed at the sec-- but if tho crime was committed in a oni fire. Tho parties arrived at this manner and on the instant, then it. ' place on the same train at 10 o'clock this would be murder in the second degree. Khett was accompanied by He said the di fense interposed was two morning. Charles Roman and ' Dr. Burns, and fold, viz: First that the prisoner was Judge t'ooley was attended by Col. Geo. insnne at the lime of the act, and secW Carter and Mj. Mcllao Selph. The ondly, that the act was done in weapons were double barrelled shot guns, The second he proceeded to conone barrel loaded with a single ball. The sider first, and warned tho iurv that distance was forty yards. The ground ,here were no such crimes known to law was promptly r selected,' the UiHtanco as paracide or matricide or fratricide, meured, and the parties placed in po- however well the names might be used sition. At tho firsf fire Uhetl'a shot in common conversation ; nor was the ringed high, and Cooley's to the right. eonrt to take into consideration the laws Cooley delivered bis fire first. At the of or lto'me,' or China, peeon l fire both fired simultaneously, where special laws were enacted for the had Cooley fell mortally wounded by n punishment of th6so who killed their id aud passing Hhi)i enteriug the left f ' parents. ' In apparently through the heart. He exthe ejes of the law this crime wns pired in six minutos without apparcfit no greater than lilfing'a stranger. The fciitTeriog, and only speaking tho words same rules wer'fo hh a'dopted as in a to Dr. Holliday, "i aiu aligt through tho trial for a peron other than his killing breast. "w .. ,. , ....,..:.,. is entitled to the father, and the The gentlemen engaged in the atTnir consideration inprisoner td'tLo regard question arraugotl the, usual civilities after the of justification. "His llbnor charged, - h?cout fire and vepmated with expres-f'ii- .i However, that 'he jury should not reof mutual lehpect and considera-tiut- t. d gard the fesirs 'which the prisoner .... i '.v for the life of his thither, as they .: Hartford, Ct., 1. could not. hi regarded as' any justificaThe llouso passed a resolution tion of his crime. They' could only redeclaring the immense pay of Congress-- , gard those fears which Were personal. iiK'n to unnecessary, and requehling The hiw did not make justifiable when' Senator uud lleprestjutatives to labor the killing w;as done' through fear that fur the repeal of the Uw. .The v his mother Was in danger. ' 'They could; salary provision wu especially con- however, consider TVHetrier '(he' far that demned, and the Senators aud Represen- his mother's life WaS irt,'danger, did not tatives from this State were commended to the' fear which' be'ente'r-taine- d give point f'r opposing the measure. for 'his own Rfe'bn' mcefirig his Stockton, 1. on the morning of this 3d of June. father A serious and probably fatal accident Judge Davis "Concluded dis charge at occurred at Tulare, oa the Yisalia divis half-put four' o'clock having Occupied ion of the C 1. It. 11., this morning; a little over three hours iti Its delivery, I'raiik Iteed, fireman, while whije assist-i- n wherHiipon the jury 'retired.1 The'pris a brakeman in making up the train, oner was' thenYemored into an adjoining was thrown from the top of a box car. room,' where his friends' surrounded him Tiie cirs passed over him, sevvring one and waited the verdict. At 8.25 the jury arm from his body near the shoulder, returned to the aiild ' Judge Davis aui crushing one login a terrible man- was sent for. Oncourt, "' hid' arrlvhl the roll ner, ilia recovery, is doub fut. was Called,'1 and the jury Were asked if New York, 2. they' had agreed on" a verdict'. The Jewell, of Connecticut, foreman answered, '"We 'haVo; we find new liiuistcr to St. Peter.sburg, arrived the prisoner guilty 'of murdor in the last evening at the 5th Avenue Hotel, necOnd " ''"".'' degree." ' 'id ws joined by his wife and daugh' "' ter, who had preceded hiw. He was ' August Nadlen arid' 1iward Bucnler accompanied by,, his stiff auil .a few cf ' Newark," "wvrt 'seen drinking freely triends. A private dinner wa" given to wcre both yestcrdny, and in the him ut the Hoffman House. He sails found' in the "Wavfeidyevenihg fkir gfohnds infor lairope to day.' sensible with a laudanum bottle'beside The body of an unknown man, which them.1 NadlVh''is'dead! ' ",,! wastotind on tHg beach ofStaten island ' Frank (Ullen wild a few d.tys since, has been identified as 'murder in the second pleaded 'guilty to degree' for killing Cil.'Wm. O'Connor, an KngliaW gentle-- " his1 wife a few w eks Avas sentenced ago, mm), who had been stopping for , some to prison for life at hard labor. ' ia ttiis city. His friouds 4arc of ''. Salero the 'at the opinion Tie wns neither murdered, tne Naval at hm Academy, Annapo'is nur committed suicide but fell from the found it his Impossible .to 'keep 'uJ'V'wit dock. li was a man of in' ciass. ' It' is 'expected Japan Will eud prcjrty California and Knglahd. .v.f. - ' another1 student to take his phvee.' '' v .'tijn;.:, H,Tl,len, U, S. A. iiie-- l Inst Last night a nian'hitraed La'ssinaT, re- evenhig in. this city after a 'lingering siciinr n AMotia, l,o;Og Istahd'oppbsite his t itv, enipfoyed e 'traveling agent Thi evidence in the Walworth case ia' for a, New York' iewelW firin'.'vWHs nslcod ' tml. 4 uirlu O.t?onnor jiixieeded to f to al6 walk by .'M kvifcY frW who'ni uni up tor t!i pnsjner,', It is thought 1 ' ' qhenc-ofner ntten'fifcns to' tt 'young -- I Vc '? V aK ' hoar,,oK' 'MMthaa hnHecn living rCy vl V ' " a.ley, Uv leu foundVuilty.' ' with her father tine .,...,5 all .he, ead.ng htai8tf thtd h.ird h diybrcc from' liaas- bg :if"'. iwiwr).. jobbery couitpiafnon and man.'but failed WIKn thVv'wcnt .rs J.nvQ,, signed an Hgreeeut to walk she invited lim' ' to slV besideout to her J,Uocs',rom ,he nder a clump of'trert. ''She 'then ' IT1" her! arms 'arkn.r his neck ,TI,e S,ot,J; Lxchangw wllH ntl phicci a hankeidiof ov'cr his 'eve ; VLo felt 'i,;ll"tKiyii., ' , a",n.r'V-a sharp iustmmcnt rnwn fiuiclclv across V a .tp u nir on fcu:i'ly njght a tire , thvo'ut. H pitt''liiiiHid'a' ' t ar-iout in' ihe',' Stonewall oinM- - rest pH Weired wound i v ...... n a nr it ut I . i.Anv; ici.tit.r-- . "?. bul on j he j Wtmn heYnf f,,n,t ... . . nnner,"TUe T 7iY TELEGRAPH. -- Great Tire in Brooklyn Large Factory Destroyed in New Hampshire " - Tatal Duel in Louisiana! R. II; Accident in fornia! ; , '. ex-Jud- ge , . , dvublo-barrclle- d Ilhett-Coole- y ; etid-de- n self-defens- e. - ancieut-Greece- ,' ' : -- . , enter-taine- . .! to-da- y b-- , rttro-ao-ti- . t Ms wife was arrested. The affair ereat-e- d V' intense excitement. Washington,).. . AttonieV General Williams, has just . Bciilers in been informed than Hon. J. 0, Wilson member of Congress from Oregon, died he had to day at Marietta Ohio, whither ft " before an address gone to deliver of institution learning. prominent Boston, 3. Imported Furniture of all Kinds MAIN STREET, OGDEN. The report current that the condition Wilson's health was without causing renewed anxiety, is" a to enjoy continues He fonndation. season of quiet and rest in the country. Cincinnati, 3. ST Ten deaths from cholera are reported to the board of health. I1E1WXE Inw Washington, 2. The injunction granted by Associate Justice Hunt, of the United States Supreme Court; against the Union Pacific It restrains ltailroad, is printed the officers of the company from making any use of its resources, receipts or credits, which shall disable them from navintr the interest as it shall mature and other Goods in proportion. upon all classes of its securities; it also restrains them from the payment of Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. dl 3 principal or interest on any securities distributed to, through, or by the Credit Mobilicr of Amrica. U. F. Terry, one of the counsel for Government in the Credit Mobilier suit, arrived here this morning, on his way to Cincinnati. He had a long conference with Attorney General Williams in relation to the suit, which ho reports as proceeding very favorably. A telegram has been received at the Attorney General's office, announcing that the interest on the first mortgage bonds of the Union Pacific company, which are held in trust, could not be paid on the 1st of July on account of the suit against the company; but if it is not paid it will be the fault of the company, and not on account of any interference by the Government. It may become necessary, if thcie is a wilful COAL ! neglect or refusal by the company to at the Ia 011 Market, hamt. way pay this interest, to take steps to have a receiver appointed to take charge of the road. Cairo; Ills., 3. ALL OF Four men of the Mississippi Central Railroad in Kentucky, six miles below J'roia a Jswsliarp to a Church Orgaa, as Cheap, or here, died last night from cholera. Several others are reported dangerously ill with the same disease. It is thought it else Utah. Clieapcr is caused by drinking impure water. St. Louis, 3. Several of the most prominent this city, deny that there is any SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. cholera .here, and that there has beea! any this summer. They eay the cases One door South s2M Ogden House. cholera-mor- reported, were malignant ' ' " ?' bus. . , ' ' FOREIGN'.' ' ' '" ' Madrid, 1. of minister the Colonies has sent ine m a cable dispatch to the Captain General of Cuba and Porto' Rico. After salut ing the inhabitants of these islands, without distinction of color, he declares that the Government is determined to maintain its tentorial integrity, and appeals to tho Cuban; insurgents to desist from I '.in ! Xeedle neetls their inglorious war. ' needs 110 .' '. t London, 5. ':The steamer "Wisconsin" takes 750 Makes no noise, f Mormon emigrants fur America. ' A worJt Seven persons were 'killed in Ken'sine-- 1 Vo ton this morning by the fall of the wall? eogs,, no springs. of a huilding which was on fire. atlatbiiifnts. of Vice President CHAIRS, TABLES. I.OUXGES, WASH lMi BWltKAl'S, Spring aud Hair Mattraxsos. Cupboards and llooltcasrs lluilo to Ordor Cabinet Work and ItrnalrinV n Wood Turning in all lis Branches. to-d-ay -- to-da- JUST RECEIVED, 100 DOZ. ClIMix mio Coal & Lime Office MUSIC STORE, Main Street, . . THE CHEAPEST KINDS Ogden. AND LIME lITMIiI! MUSICAL than anywhere and other Violin Strings , physi-cians'- of in Fittings, of ( " ' . ! he "Victor" Sewing j idline! ! -- 0-- no setting. Shuttle lacing t ili., is,. iti 4 ' A- " it.'.' ehild ean . s i'ses all Takes the First Prize at crery Fair. ' i An Ohio Cassab:anoa h aunounc ed in the person of a village report er s little son, who, having discovered THE a break in the railroad track, sat for live hours on a neighboring fence, in order to sec the train run off, and secure the earliest particulars for Lis father's paper. LADIES A little i , he i -- -' . EVEll BUY ANY OTIIEIl ; " 1 ! . ; . SEEING AFTK11 Vs ctor! llefcrcnce in Osdcn, Mrs. M. Bowring, Dressmaker. thoughtfnlncss saves a A youug man on not step into the is when it vet aud bls.isr gra58 are black, 'lie says he doesn't mind the blacking, but h'13 mother is getting old and lame, and can't work a ' brush as 'she used to. deal of trouble. Nelson street will -- 0- , CMAS. IF. STAYXEll, General Agent, - Salt Lake City. No. 5 32 a in Street, d36 . s'S9-a- : lt , ' ' 6th Importation . ' -O- KENTUCKY ti-ii- Japanese-mfdshipmn- n . f .' rK '?'j6und "" '; 'TBe-hOns'tan- t m FOR. 1 ac:iiXES."',::-V- 1, Hy ". . Terms,' tho AND july . FAYOEAH? AMR. ,SKLLtXO'02f ericbrott4 finger'-- Sewinf:j EE&Giaizie " CHOICE BULLS 15 t Frow. 1 Year to 2 Years CI j. AT' THE' CENTRAL DEPOT, ' And 1 Ikvst Xot , Straws of Tlwrbugiiiireds! J4C& ' thin-- Xini' Tlioi &vgtihrcd.iStock, BRANCH. ');. Iji LOO AN' i " (Criisw on and'jrpni' ihat to. Jct!My. 1.; - H .1... Fi.rchars STORES'-':- ' ' i nnd -- . H at our I in ilie XorH" ca: no bavo GGBE: ) I NS T U Ud T 1 0 S I- W SloU tire'-wPapb- - 00- - 1 A not her alnrm waa i given, af 4 . tn. t :11s inoriiiiitf and before ihe hrc w.,!i ex- . ,p 1.. " ' ...L.J " WK: t,V, .... ..' :.;.'.') IIAVU THE AGENCY : Tliorouglibred Bulls frW' t, Sewins MacH ines. F- ' ..ill. ' ; ,. fi man At,. i his thi n.w n,,,t ,v., " ,u" . 4ouse, wtieie he gnye information, hnd V h.M. 'k ;. ;. i.-- 'I and' CUle show f,r Jh.mlrci. J'rice ninn.ib!c uu miiiiiK Uou guiirutitocd. We will be in OOnKN" UNTIL JULY 1CTIT 50-t- t j f FDlllHevor sulieJsi-6- - Cotfoa, :SilkJ Xeedlen 1 nd it Attachiuents c H. B. CLAWSON,SuperiBtenJe. . ' j. |