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Show She (Dgdcn gmtctimv' Published every WEDNKSDAY and SATURDAY, l.y the Oudks Fiuusmxa Compa.mt. W. Penrose, Editor. Charles ami Uumuem Manager. OGDEX. UTAH. We would like to know how the looked, and the atrocities committed Salt Lake want ring felt, but do not France when during the dark days to hear the language they used, when are of was un ler the sway madmen, thevread tho following caustic re ... passed by. marks of the Jlescve, on the abomin The President has now recomable course put sued by Federal offi mended the remission of the sencials in upholding and assisting ti ie tence of those Communists whose worst agencies for crime and ruin conduct during their servitude entiever introduced among a tled them to the clemeDcy of a genand temperate people : They erous, liberal Government. The prowling jackals who hang at tht have suffered for their sins, and the skirts of political parasites and prostiwish of MacMahon that they be re- - tutes of Washington, and are too corstored to liberty is as magnanimous rupt to be foisted into Federal offices in as it is indicative of the policy of hu- older communities, frequently succeed in gaining territorial positions where manity and peace he has determined suits and land claims and indi- JULY. 6, 1873. SATURDAY, Slanderers, Take Xoticc. Outrage on Utah. turn to their native land, even the crime of the Communists are over- Summer Consolation. , law-abidi- At this season of the year the the leaumonde of our metropolitan cities are seeking refuse from tho close and densely populated communities in which they have their regal mansions. Fashion is tyrannical ; its votaries must submit to a code which is imperative in de- to inaugurate. manding obedience from all who acknowledge its supremacy. It would The Bay Slate le against the etiquette and conven- cria n of society tionalism of a jwrcenu aristocracy to remain in the city, or to be at home , It would in Turmoil. be as easy to understand the gyrations of the witches who hand. at are when the summer days promised Macbeth the throne of for blamed be cannot Of course they Duncan, as to unravel the mysteries their as so long "While peeking enjoyment, of Massachusetts politics. to them will permit plethoric purses tho conservatives are as yet inactive, llccreation in diversions., iudulge owing to their impotence in the is necessary to all. Some "foolish, State that may be denominated the and unreasonable" people will betake cradle of radicalism, the adherents of themselves to a cozy cottage, around the Administration are divided into which the vines creep, and where innumerable factions. th roses make the air redolent with The party in power is sorely puztheir fragrauce,where the caral of thjj zled as to the action it should take birds awaken them in the early in the nomination for the gubernahours of morn, and Nature speaks in torial chair. , Uutler, the most indepleasant tones through many won- fatigable and unscrupulous politician drous forms. ' ' Others find a tempo- in the nation, is urging his claims of haunts the rary asylum among with characteristic persistency. He and social where standing dissipation, failed in receiving the ' nomination moral worth are guaged by the, mea- last year, and relactantly yielded his sure of bank accounts, , . .. . pretensions to the present incumbent, The more romantic class of tour- with the determination of patiently ists find a greater delight in visiting awaiting tho opportunity when he the picturesque scenery of the Cats-kiil- could gratify his ambition. It is or sporting in the waters of the asserted that the President and his Adirondack.. An exclusive circle and stipendiarmy of a last the of have for century aries will give him their support. quarter made tho White Mountains their re- - An contrairc the Vice President is , Krt, to avoid tho heat and dust of bitterly, opposed to Uutler, and his the large cities.' To them it will be influence will be exercised to the ut some comfort to know that at this most to prevent a nomination that time there is adrift of snow on the would be disgraceful to the Common' nio'untaius ten feet deep. Surely they wealth. w ill not have reusou to comlpaiu for The Temperance party is a powwant of the bracing air which they erful organization, and resolved to 'fo much! desire.' . make an issue that may decide the of Notwithstanding-thvagaries long mooted question of the consti' who elite the the popular tutional right of a State to prohibit frequent and of their improvi- the sale of spirituous liquors. Wenresort, places dence there is one great benefit they dell Phillips, a brilliant orator, but a bestow. , They assist in the circula-tio- u restless agitator,who can live only in of the currency, which for uine an atmosphere of commotion is the months in the year is hoarded by standing candidate of this party. He ' confined to a of or is also strongly sustained by another clique capitalists, operators on 'Change. They give organization which advocates wo employment to many thousands pf man's rights, and the emancipation needy and iudigeut - laborers. , .The of the gentle sex from political bonmilliner, tailor and shoemaker, the dage. liackman as well as the tradesman, Then, the laboring classes who are nil derive some advantage from the firmly united and their strength extravagance, an d many reap an and influence cannot bo despised- .abundant harvest during the summer proclaim their purpose of making an carnival. appeal to the ballot box, for the redress of their grievances. ' The Labor Union Societies of Massachu Clemency. setts declare they will insist upon the now the course of President eight hours' law and have a candi, t , Vati MacMahon has met with universal date to represent their interests and approval, lie has shown a discretion vindicate their rights. in the administration of tho affairs of General ' Butler ha3 now the adthe llcpublie, entirely unexpected vantage, "vile is an astute politician', from one who has spent a lifetimo in and notwithstanding his questionable the camp.. No act of his has yet morality, his influence is great. With f hbvni a deposition to pi ay t the part a smooth tongue, and an utter disre' of a' C:v?ar. .. On the contrary he Jias gard of political virtue, he can withI thrown open the portals of the eouu-tr- y out compunction or remorse of conwhich he governs, to those who science affiliate with all classes that were proscribed undcrthe arbitrary may assist him in hia aspirations. aud almost imperial rule of his pre- The caldron of Massaohusetts politics decessor." ""Whore leniincy could be is boiling over, and as that State prudently exercised ho has extended prides itself on originating , ideas for the hand of forgiveness Legitimists, the welfare and progress of the counOilcan ista and Bonapavtist? uow try, no little interest is taken in; the f : meet on a common ground in a spir- contest whitih is now being carried it of true fraternity. Exiles are on vigorously and with unusual acrithe banished invited to re- - mony in the laud of steady habits. (. s, office-holde- ' rs : I ., . te J ' 1 . re-pall- 'I In commenting on a communica tion from Mr. Paul to the Mining and Scientific Press, recently copied into the Junction,, the Idaho World makes the following remarks : We know 'there are bad people among the Mormons as there are among all other denominations; but the nnmber of bad men fa not greater, mid may be less, amony tle Mormons of Utah, than in otiber frontiier ctmmunitiesfor the reason tint they atfe wore temperate, more industri , than others. The vnld ous, stories ef Mormon atrocities thse who write- books and print neirspap crB to sell to people us blind as they arer we have always feelieved lo bo mre more-frugal- - Cj circuited withmalicius Industry arxl sobriety are not characteristics of de&nicheci and dismiming honest people ; of il industry of tho vidual rights are supposed to be decided a vosness and Mormons Utah be wnl inevitably in fator of the party which a monument forever. But wjr are per- supplies the largest bribe. with a sonally acquainted gjeat may of the offal of political rottenA pack ness has been delegated to Utah to administer justice and uproot that dreadful polygamy, which is so shocking to the delicate sensibilities of our prosti tutes, drunkards, gamblers, back-pa- y To stealers and political corruptionists. uproot polygamy is the rallying cry. To enrich themselves is the real aim of the cormorants. The prostitute, gambler and saloon keeper, an inseparable trio at an times, desire an untrammeieu license to carry their pollutions into Utah, whence, under Mormon rule, they have been excluded. The trio are willing to pay, in every contest they wage with the municipal authorities and the peo pie, of course the Judge rules in favor of the brothel ring. Ike bribe is large, the trade is safe, for if cilled to account, the Judge can plead that' he is destroy ing polygamy, and that stops the ears of the Christian sentiment of Drunkenness, brothelry, gambling, and Sabbath desecration, which Christian sentiment tolerates everywhere, are mild evils, for do we not elect the foun tain head of drunkenness to the highest omce in the State, and do we not declare a citizen ineligible to any office or posi tion who is not in close communion with one or all of these vices? Are not virtuous, moral, sober citizens like John B Carrington, Geo. W. Simonton, of Solona, or John K. Smith, of Sonoma, or Nathan Porter of Alameda, utterly ruled out of the possibility of a nomination be cause the saloon and the brothel won't, endorse them r But adulterate a sober, peaceful, industrious, virtuous, God fearing, people like the Mormons with an occasional case of polygamy, and wha', a ghastly spectacle is presented. What a monster is that man who humbly believes in God and the Ten Commandments and the Gospel and Sunday, but has two wives and a superstition about Jo. Smith What a glorious mission to raise that degraded heathen up to the moral etan dard of his persecuting Judges. What a triumph of reformatory zeal to see him (half) clothed and his right mind, play ing poker in a gambling drunkery on Sunday evening with Judge Strickland, and the two retiriug together in peace to the brothel favored' with the United States judicial patronage. So Judge McKean of Salt Lake, and Judge Emerson of Provo, representing the judicial authority of the United States, both declare the people of Utah have no rights which the liquor seller and prostitute are required to respect, and that these interests cannot be taxed or restricted like those of every other class. It is threatened, we understand, bv the Mor mons, to destroy the saloons by force if tney attempt to continue their murderous work in defiance of the people. We trust ana hope they may use ill the force necesary to drive Judjre McKean and Judge Emerson and the whole tribe of the whole associated horde of harlots, judges and gamblers forever from Utah. The summary process treo- eral applied to horse thieves, we con sider severe in the case of mere horse stealing, but in the case of an association bound together to utterly curse and destroy and drive to the worst barbar ism and beastliness the whole topula tion of a large Territory, wrenching the law of the United Statee t force vice and nistnmess upon a people unani mously opposed to the common vices of our civilization, we deem the scoundrels fortunate if they meet no worse than the horse thiefs punishment. Sacramento to-d- ay Bible-readin- bribe-taker- g intent. Mormon faun les, having lived in a com of the munity, when a boy, we of and Mormons were which people had no better or kinder neighbors, and have known no more honest and generone-fourt- h Further than this: When Bonney's pamphlet was published, in 18ol. we believe it was, exposing a band af horse thieves extending over the entire west and southwest, several of our ous people. Gentile neighbors got disgusted with the country and departed after sunset. The Mormons, not apprehending anything unusual, remained and kept quietly at work. As to the indecent language ascribed to Mormon preiithers, we never heard any of it; and, we believe Brig-haVouDg to be the best ruler and most comprehensive statesman living. Polygamy is a practice whict, we think, all right minded people will condemn ; but how much worse is a man who hns a half dozen wives, than he who keeps n two or three mistresses, as is the offmost of of our high practice icials and wealthy men? yet we hear nothing said about their immorality. m wril-know- Salt Lake Itkms. morning says The Herald of litis that ..inn,u'please ,,.",s,e. St u ItmcHhe tlpplucon tat are a the raiwe root Wlnv leg-ba- il Persons out toward the "wee sma hours" should be prepared for attacks. An elementary lesson taught with cold lead is an approved remedy for villians who are subject to garroting fits. A couple of men who keep some sort of swindling shop in this city, were ar rested yesterday, and taken before the Police Court charged with gambling. At the examination it appears that a gentleman had gone into their shop, and from their explanation of the game saw a chance to win even $200 by risking the loss of $50. He risked the 50 and won the $200, but lost both sums, as the keeper of the game refused to let the man have either. It was on the affidavit of the loser that these mea were arrested and afterward tried. The court held the defendants in bonds to appear this a decision will be ren morning, when ' dered. ' The gas mains have been laid through the principal streets of the city, and many private houses and stores have pipes laid in them and are ready and waiting for the gas to be turned on. The gas works are finished, and we un derstand it is the intention ol tho cast- pany to start the manufacture of the new light during the present week. Look out for the illumination about the Fourth of July. rrtcr n.aMj CaiLmh ami Alwholtasilmiiiautfc TIotJSi the Great liloo.ft I'uriifrr mid a rrindpU- - a IVrfecf Renovators,.!! ,,,,1 ator oil thcSyswin; carrrluirotr all msomnl Dilute; aud returiii llw tloi to a he tit condrtaMa. enriching tt. rerrcshimr niia i , 1c:aiisLnrUth mind aiid body. They esa-yadministration, prompt In their , tion, certain fu their resullc, nufo and ret '" able in all forms of ilisciwe. free rnMii all 5 No I'ertion ruu latco tlieso I) j Iciiii or nil-te- rn according to directions, ami remiiu lonjr unw.ell, provided tlieir bun.. are ii,,f destroyed by mineral poiiii'oroilierineaiH and the vital orjjaui wasted bevouil th point of repair. gnrtiffestion, I'uiu in the Shoulder, tonirhs r.'li ness of the Chest, Dizzimn-- Sour Fnieial . tin U tUe SlwinurU, I'.a.I Taste id Hillon tUvks, Palpitation of litttHininaliur the l.nnjr. the region of the Kuljicyn. and i other painful F.vniptMttis, nre the Piiiu tt immlred outy-in"- . of Dyspepsia. In llu-scomplaint it ha no ci4al, an4 one oftle will prove a hettor jruarnntee of in merit thau a lutigthv n. vertiNHticut. c Fr iciHnie Coia:pI:iint, or olci married or Kindle, at liie dawn tic of life, lliese Tiiuic woimauhvwd, or Bitten; display so derided nn ii'.fliieuwiliat a nwrked improvement is tsoon iienvililo. 1 mid Chronic lufliiiiiiuulory uu.il tioiit. Dyspepsia ur IlKctnruilitiik luilltftsliutt, ltiliKUv HeiNitlelit' uinl Fcvot s, I Ureases of Hie l!loii. Liver. Ki'tiivv ami UliHbler, these Bitter have Much Disease been lilONt MlererfiiL In ywti the-tur- llitir-mllte- nt by VltiatcarjMt,wl:ie is generally prntneeri by deiynvment vl the Orpans. I'or Skin Divcum, tter, ISalt Klieiitn, llloiehes, .Sure Eyes. Digi-su- Erupt fori Tepots, I'imph-. Boils. Carbuncles, Scald-Kea- at garroting, on Sunday night, about twelve o'elock, is reported. Two men made an attack upon a passer by, opposite the Great Western Hotel, and after a short scaffle, one of them struck the victim a severe blow witb brass knuckles. This failing to disable and disappeared him, both took An attempt Uiii'-worm- Kfyslpi-Us- , IkIu bcurU. Discoloral urns of the hkiu. Uiiiiums. of tuuSkin, of wliatever 'i.iiiw and or naiare, are lilerally dHj; up ami earried. out of tUo system a short time by the tht"Bitter. Ono bollie in such e;H-s- . will cmiviiu-- ilwiuiwt lucrvlulous f thiir curative etlVcts. uso-o- - CletinMe never ywi Had llio Vi(i;i(oil i:iood wheInn siin tliiMiili s il riuiMit s ki the skli it) I'iniiA-s- , KnipUofis, r Korw; mi l cleanse it wlieu wu llnd it olistnu-W-KlugWi In the veiais ; eleanso It wttt'U it Is-; your feoliujjs will tell yon when. t..-1 Keep the blond pure, and the ystem wiH follow. mid ot!:or Worm,, I'lit, 'V:i lurking ii ihu Kyvteni of so many thousands are eileeitially destroyed und Saysadlsiiiuislieil physiologist: There is tcarcvly at) individual on the faee uf t e earth whose hotly is exempt from the presence of wonux. Ii is not upon Hie Wealthy eleintntsof tlie that worms fxt.lut apon thedtfasitl auinors ami slimy iU mit that breed these Uviti? uionslersof iUease. Ko pvstein t medicine; no vermifiwi's, i: anthelniiuities. will free the system fruw worms like these miters. d l tty Jtlecliauicul i)iMjaiei.-rensnisen-rnf- Cd va lit lV.iut.-- aud JiimtaN, and Vluuibers, Typesetters, ibjei t Miuere, n.tthey advanei in fcfe, tn to panilvshvof the towels. To trnard it.iiiists tills, take a dose . or V alkeu'o VinkuuBit-ikmtwiee avc-ki nud Inlrr Ilili)iN, ICnuiflrnt whieli are so prevaiei.. milteut tcvers, or our rivers iu the valt-sturoutfli-ou- . t great nitett Stales, espccinllytluwerf Mississippi. Ohio, AILssouri, Cumberland. Arkansas, Ited, CuloraKi. Brazos, UiuCrande, lVarl, Alabaiua,MoiiUe. iiiaii) Kavauuali, Boanoke. James, ,andtUnm!:"-oothers, with their vast triiHitarii-soor entire country dnriiii? the ianune. and Autiinm, and remarkably so diirhisr seasons ofunnsttal licat and dryness. ar nccotnpauled h? of tho stomach and Uvec,atM other ubdominal Tisceni. in their a pHnfulivo, exerting a powenul essenupon these various organs. Is wr tially necessary, furro i no cathartic tlie purpose ctpuil to Dtt. J. Walk mi fcAK KlTTKKS, they will ppeoriity Iell,1Jlr d viscid niatter wltit utta the the bowelH are load.id, at the fr.no , or t!io h'f-1,fuucuoiw generally resiorins: tho healthy ' the digestive organs. .'...,.. jL 8 rofitl:t, or Klntr' IMU uuk. dwelled RryHlpelas, Swellings, l ' Goitre, Scrofulous ImlamntaHtmp. Innammtitious, Mercurial Atflr.twHW. f. w' n Borvss Eruptions of tho Skin, hot " ctc etc. in these. n In all other cm" tional Diseases, Walkkk's Visbu"- P1'''". TEiis havo shown their great rural"ere lu tlie uiost obstinate aud iatw-'-,the I nt dark-colore- No Bodies Found. The hot weather of the last few days has melted the snow which came down with the tern ble avalanche at Superior Gulch, Little Cottonwood, last winter, but no more bodies of the unfortunate victims who lost their lives at that time have been found. It is though that they have been washed down the stream. If such is the caso sme of them will probably be iouna ere long. tf. Herald. . . i. OGDEN HOUSE. - - , -- J. J. Maiion, ( li". "lVal!ier, Culiforiila par Hitter act on aH ihwo similar nmuuer. By purilying t'lC,"' remove the muse, and by w 'Vthe they away tho eilVct.s of Hie tiitlanmiaton l'n ; the affected !'" ,lt. tubercular ccivo liealth, and a permanent du effected. Wsa'-X- Hotel Arrivals. uescue. 1 and "ToniBs.it rstulesy : s, Homs Again. Last evening Cadet Willard Young, son of Prcst.'B. Young, who has been for some time at West Point, returned to spend the summer vacation, .is He was accompanied by Mr. Spencer Clawson, Miss babble Young. Miss Edna Clawson, Miis Birdie Ciaw. son and Mrs. George Alder. The ladies had been on a visit to friends in the States. The party were met at the depot by Treat. B. Young and a number of relatives who came up from Salt Lake for this purpose. Cadet Youag has honored hia position at the military 'school, and has always been mentioned with the highest respect, aud the folks at home are proud of him. iwRnr jsiuors are not a fuo p.,., Kefuso Liquors, ,i,u, Splritnud Bweeti-m-- The Proprietor. Julyl. Chas Swan, San Francisco; Martin Schultz. New York; Madam Anna Bishop, do: Miss Phelan, do; A Wilkie, England: Frank Gilder, Philadelphia; L 0 Gottschalk, New Ycrk; Chas W. Smith, Salt Lake City; G W Sanders, do; 0 G Snow, Brigharo City; J, G Locas, San Francisco; Mrs Vanderlip and maid, England; J F Trice and wife, St Louis, Mo; C E Towers and wife, Denver, Col. , TULAWSKI HOTEL. Proprietor. J. B. Cza'che.ut, lr nn-- 'mlHl ? ..i ii.i vv l i v knM IN'F.tiA v...nn..i;,...'pcrlpiit; hi cases o. tr .; TEi3 arc the best tionsand nuiligua nt fevers, 'llieirlia.n' Lti healing, and .soothing propfTties protj r fauces. Their humors of the -- t,. tn th.-- nervous s.su.n. etoinach aud iHivvcis.ciiiicritoi" tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Eli rcc Iojiju T akc of W -going to bed at idsluironi alialftooiitn ; Eat gtssl iiouruJ one-hUclx asbeef-fltcak- . ntutton footl,sue.h son, roast beer, and vegetabks,cot ;nJ It out-dofxerciw. They are imd ,wuui., purely vegetable ingredients, no spirit. It. IT. ITT cDOXAI.D & CO"r,- Pnigglsts .t Oen. Agts., San Francisco, a- & cor. Wasiiiiigion nud Churllou M, SOLD BY ALL JTf'C'.SW A BVLiJsale-guar- d i lf wiue-gla-ssiu- l. P- 34-S; . ,;4 H It Unks, Ogden; R A Wells,July H R; Dewey, Mo: II Tucker and wife, Mo; II S Allen, G W McCormick. C P K It; C Star, Echo; Wm Sadlier, Iowa; F ClmnfCof Kwtoiv E Neal. Evanstom'T PIiaqmo n ij t?. Judge J. GROTKR, Wcterial Agent fiw Utah of the II Logan, Evanston; Jus McGregor, B.W A magnificent work. Uok .out Ogden; Wm Ford, do. dlOO CPU t t Good for a , Jrf,nv Wu,i |