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Show ITEMS. LOCAL Tits mm Concert. The concert to be emacle will shortly be built on the pubMonthly. Dexter Swith't l'aptr "ii a Madame Anna llfshop this lic by is road narrow The guage square. popular monthly containing much en- 11$ of July ht. evening is anxiously waited for. The to be promptly extended north as far as ertaining literature and twelve pages of Canine flesh i cheap. reputation of this lady, whose name is a Franklin, and Logan will be brought sheet music. Its price is but $l.o0 per Days. lo0 FLAGS! killed last tiight. Ii household word in this country, has into quick communication with the annum and can be obtained of all bookThree dogs. were been an avant courier to her arrival. The northern FOHWARDKD TO ANY PART resettlements, and will be the sellers or of Dexter Smith, Publisher, would be a blessing if tk city were OF THE UNITKD STATES, is well ' programme selected including base of supplies for Montana aud the Boston. lieved of more. BY (omeofthe finest gems of music, and freighting trade in that Territory and many sweet melodies. She will receive Idaho. Mineral prospects in its imme. Asimtles. Mr. Ben. Hampton re 29 East Temple St., Still tuktt Cox. Chinese are com- a cordial welcome in Ogden. The troupe diate vicinity are excellent, only capital turned here with 82 head of iu numbers, by great the city ing into accompanying Madame Eishop have re- and skill are needed for the development mules, the finest ever brought into the are foot. East, going on Many JV. aud of All Nations rail, ceived the greatest praise wherever they of valuable claims; coal is said to be erritory. He purchased fifteen in bound are for the Made to part Otthr but the greater Sharp. have given entertainments. The people abundant in Millville Kanyon, and iron Kansas City, and the rest of different Mi mines. of this city are premised a feast, which and galena ore are waiting to be brought farmers in Missouri. The mules are will be sure to appreciate. they out of the mountains to enrich the peo- from 15J to 17 hands high, and weigh of eighteen cars jEJ.A tea trair this ple of Cache. The prospects of Logan as from 1,150 to l.SGO bounds each. Mr. niornin?. The the West . fiST Sec has a contract for ore from a commercial, mineral, Iampton Pro manufacturing, y Gen. Eosecranz bono made to was publico. Advertisement, principally consignment the Chicago mine and went East to pur in an interview last Saturday with gen- and agricultural center, are Chicago. tlemen who accompanied him, said that It is a beautiful city, and contains an in- chase these mules for hauling. He is Mr. P. llollin Saxe work on the railroads now in progress telligent and industrious population, well satisfied with the outfit. He ought Ui.oohei) Stock. to be. is in town, and on Wednesday evening in Mexico, could be obtained by men in fully worthy of all the good things to any capacity. Labor is in great demand come. his new importation of thorough-bre- d The Concert. Last night a large and to be said the best ever engineers and surveyors are wanted, bulls will arrive, From Wednesday's Daily of July 2d. audience assembled in the Theatre select brought to Utah. Stock men, go for and in the offices clerks can find abun to hear Madame Anna Bishop and her dant employment. Good accountants are Missionary theui. Appointments. troupe. The celebrated songstress apparticularly called for. We regret that Elders named re are The to . following peared great advantage and sang, N'ew Judge Toohy, proprie-to- r we have not Jearned the names of the to fill the appointments as here quested charmingly.a number of fine operative se- of the Corinne Reporter, intends to' agents in San Francisco and New York, in indicated 6th. for lectiens and sweet ballads. She is reSunday, July sell out his paper at the "Burg on the to whom application may be made. But Ed markably well preserved and no one Thomson and Tabernacle Walter Jjear" and start the Salt Lake Daily all seeking employment can receive an mund Ellsworth. would imagine that she is so far advancTime. The new daily will make iis ap- early answer by writing to Gen. Rose- Huntsvllle F.. D. Richards, D. II. ed on the shady side of the hill of life. cranz, himself, who will remain in San Peery, and P. Richards. pearance in a short time. Moroni Mr. Gottschalk the baritone, Mr. Wilkie Plain Lorin Farr, City Francisco, at the Occidental Hotel, sev is to Attention directed the and Farr. Brown, Joseph Organs. the tenor, and Mr. Gilder ajhe pianist, eral weeks. Hooperville D. M. Sjuart and Edwin are artists of a advertisement of Prince & Co., the celehigh order, and the whole Stratford. brated Organ manufacturers. The Prince We was concert loudly applauded. North Ogden C. .W. Penrose and Jos Vfaa first known In A morion , ' Death from Tumor. Yesterday eph Stanford. is acknowledged to be the best toned inwould willingly travel a longdistance Its merita are well known tnrouicli-the habitable world. It luti strument for the price ever put upon the morning Mrs. Sarah Heath, wife of Mr. Lynn F. S. Richards and Joseph to hear again the duet "Sunset" by out the oldest and best record of any West. died Charles at Plain In the world. From thtt Heath, Liniment City, aged market. It is becoming very popular Madame Bishop and Mr. Wilkie, which Easton Thomas Wallace and Winslow millions millions of bottles upon two for 29 years. She had been afflicted in Utah, and its sales throughout the old no complaint has fvrrresch--d was the gem of the evening. Farr. u as and us, lieulliig uud United States are enormous. years with an abdominal tumor, which, On the 'fourth inst,, this company as Slaterville Richard Ballantyne and from close connection with vital organs, Austin C. Brown. sisted by a number of Salt Lake niusl PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT could to not removed. be is Dr. inOct. say, Singular putand vocal Ormsby Spreading cians, wil give a grand IT HAS 20 EQUAL. she was thus affiicted, she dreamArriveu. Mr. Saxc's pure blooded strumental concert in the Salt Lake ting up a fine frame building in the main before 1 reeomtnended with unbounded essur. It Now who Tabernacle ; this will be a musical feast sure iu ill Cfttici of C'uU.liniiwm.bum. dprains, business part of Logan city, which he ed of having the tumor and making ap- Durham bulls arrived liheuinitism, Hard 8wllini!i. llito, t b.!. will use for a drug store, surgery and plication to Dr. P. L. Anderson for as wants to get ons? Hurry up, first comer Next Monday evening this talented bltttii.BtlflnoKBolthc Joluts, irozeu IVet, Lan, ke c smonn all persons, and for Sprains, could first dwelling house combined. He has had sistance, and his decision that he pick. company will appear again at the Ogden Founders. Klnglioue. 8orstctae,V'tnd. . bpavlus, Springhalt, Sad.tHe.CoL the assistance of his father in his exten- not relieve her. She also dreamed that Theatre with an entire change of pro Galls, lnr sod Harness Gulls; Uo diaoaoos of tbe tya Tobacco. Mr. C. J. Schmidt is in . sive practice for some time, and both she died from its effects, and that after gramme. The house should be filled to and hut la firm of town Beck tu the the and Dr. death the saw she removing representing its utmost capacity, as this will be their enjoy aa excellent professional reputatmor. When she actually visited Dr. An- Worth tobacco merchants, Chicago. Mr last ion throughout the country. appearance. derson, received advice from him to get Schmidt is an affable gentleman, wit surgical assistance at Salt Lake, and whom it is a pleasure to do business Salt Lake Items. From the Herald from the surgeons there that her and the the house he travels for stands are authorities The learned Lofty Pole. city of this morning we condense the lollow erecting a new liberty pole on the case was past their aid, she requested in the front rank in the trade. ing: grounds adjoining the new City Hall. It Dr. P. L. Anderson to perform a post Mr. John Snedaker, a dairyman, was decease whenever mortem her fine a and ii operation Personal. Among the arrivals flagstaff, seventy feet high, to Mill Creek yesterday in a will be ready for the stars and stripes should take place. the Union Depot Hotel, this morning are proceeding loaded with milk cans. Marshal Fife, Accordingly the Dr. went to Flain Jacob Wirth and wife, Cincinnati, John light wagon by the Glorious Fourth. Leonard wanted to ride, and on John who lias the work iu hand, intends to City yesterday and removed the tumor, Lang and wife, Watki is, N. Y.f J. " WILL ALSO threw out several of th devate the pole on Wednesday evening which weighed twenty and a half Maddox; Omaha, Mayor Wheeler, Salt being refused, Curo Nimrnlpla, rihmimntUm, flout, Lama cans, and on being remonstrated with hack, halt KUt um, l oisonons Jlltcs, J 'sternal pounds. With the exception of this af Lake, John West, Omaha, Neb., Jacob threw a rock at Mr. Snedaker, inflicting lions aud Muscle Afluetions, Soro Nipples, &c.t and may be Justly turned the pauacca for all fliction, and a slight enlargement of the Huntz, Rock Island, Mrs. S. E. Roe, a dangerous wound in the head, and Herold. Htxt & Co's. Lager. The liver, the Dr. says Mrs. Heath was per- Connecticut, Jas. W. Brown, Montana. EXTERNAL WOUNDS. then struck hiin, cutting a gash in his the fectly healthy. We sympathize with her printers desire to acknowledge this Liniment did cheek. The young rough was arrested not Ilrmrmlier, in a tiny or a year, pro. favors of Ilerold, Hunt and Co. in the friends in their bereavement. up sprlntf Gross Insult. We learned last even- and turned over to the police. dudn?TBE MOST A1)C1(D AKD TNKATtBALCUBES f CLAIMED shape of a keg containing lager of a AKp SILHHIMIOM l.Dfh A pair of frail female songsters had a MESTi. lint WO lisv the exjierteure of over Tragedt on the U. P. A terrible ing of an outrageous insult perpetrated most superior quality.' It is ''excellent mot tub yenrs of trial, w tU tragedy occurred on the 23rd ult., at on a young lady y a fellow driving a regular set-tyesterday, exhibiting oon fthirty to the taste and comforting to' the in taiitialrfcuulU.audly cmulMudu oiVUucssej, Bronson Station, twelve miles from Sid buggy just North of the Ogden siderable grit and skill in If the LluUntntis not ao rcct tti ward man and is wholesome as well as the should of The relatives Railroad Pacific the Union on girl the the conolusion At bridge. victorious ney iDc exhilirating. The Jones' Grove brewers 1 bo DoRimick 0 Donnell, section master, follow the scoundrel up and teach him female tried to crow, but it was "a sick will supply families and saloons with a ' old Ladies or manners. better was at work on the road, when two men, young, old crow." ; Similar article. Try them. Do Bet b Imposed upon by Mln(T any oUipp one a discharged brakesman and the should ' be cautious abont riding in carA brace of cullud persons and a dirty Liniment claiming tlesame properties or reother a colored man who had been working riages with strangers. squaw and white male person were up mit. Tbey are a cheat aud a fraud, Do sum at the Railroad Hotel, in Sidney, enbefore Justice Clinton yestorday for andgetnotuuigbut Restai easts. Mr. Wm. Ilewett has tered the station house, where his wife Fisn Culture. From the Dctcret la8C. cohab. Each person was fined $50 opened a restaurant near the Utah had a large Evening Xews we learn that Hon. A. P. and costs, and sent to jail for fifteen was all alone. O'Donnel! Northern depot, at Logan, and supplies erf Bold vx all Pbcgqisis avo Cocxtby amount of money concaled in his pri- Rockwood received from the U. S. Com- days. travellers with refreshments. Lager vate room, and the men perceiving that missioner of Fisheries last Monday bebeer and summer drinks are ready for 50c. and $1 per Bottle. BrucLABY. About midnight last night she was unprotected proceeded to the tween 5,000 and 7,000 shad, which were the thirsty, and good eds for the 2i0XK'8 6i?e vt Bottle, Style, ic. A trunk was broken placed ia the Jordan the came evening. the house of Mr. Edward Dolman, chimwork of robbery. weary. 5th Ward, was entered by a CO. LYON robThe little fish were so small as to be ney sweep, Mr. David Neilson has commenced the open. Mrs. O'Donnell resisted the burglar, who carried off two silver bers, and gave an alarm but assistance scarcely visible to the naked eye. Full watches, one silver and one gold chain, saloon business near the new One of the ruffians instructions were forwarded with the the latter worth $20 ; also a pair of new was too far off. Store, Logj.n, keeping English ales, por blankets and ten dollars in legal tenand shot her in the neck shad. drew a pistol ' ter, lager, lemonade, 6oda water, etc., ders. and house out of the ran She arms. and Mr. Dolman's house faces tor all people ia the neighborhood who Lake Siik. Yesterday a party num- and, as the usual custom eastward, met the section hands coming on a hand during the are troubled with dry throats. 150 visited about Lake window the north warm bering wag le: t persons, reached when house the season, 'they car, but C.T J (n y- the when on side a excursion retired, Salt from Through open family pleasure the thieves had disappeared. y this window the burglar must have A messenger was sent to other stations Lake City. D. II. Peery, Esq., and famiarticles the entered, picked up Taste fob Machinery. At Logan for aid, which was at once rendered. ly, of this city, joined the party, being named, and then silently stolen away. last Monday morning Mr. Robert DavidThis is quite a loss to Mr. Dolman, he The wretches, who had gone by a cir- met at the U. C. line by L. S. Hills.Esq., son was making a poor man. The $10 he had been to conducted and the scene of festivthe to being use a cuitous route to Sidney; they were cappreparations to add to it till he should have saving, reaping machine when he found that a tured, and in endeavoring to escape ities. A very pleasant day was 6pent in sufficient to enable him to send to Engportion of it was missing. He made en- were fired various amusements, and the party re- land for a g approper upen. The colored man was .. ,, quiries around, and suspeciiug certain turned with the Mr. morpleased highly paratus. his trip. and companion instantly killed, On Sunday night a man was observed parties, he went In a hurry to the Utah wounded. Mrs. O'Donnell at last II. C. Haight has a very fine grove at tally around the premises, and it is sneaking Northern depot, where he found two AI ac.ounts was not expected to survive.' Lake side and has fitted up.aa excellent supposed that he either actually comyoung men well, but not favorably, dancing floor at.d places for refreshment. mitted' the burglary or was an accomIT'S ."'KZ&&tJ. TOJ known in the No who did. A of the arrest the Co. in for in Lake the Cache capital plice Logan, splendid place party Logan, possession community, bathing mm of his piece of iron, is close by, where both sexes can dis- has as yet been made. Dceret Evening just ready to start of Cache, is growing rapidly. The Netrs, ltt int. off with it by the Utah Northern R. R. of the Utah Northern Railroad has port themselves in the ' saline element. He procured their 'ai A FE'W A1TU0ATI0X3 MAEE A rest, they were tak- created business and awakened new life Lnkeideis a really pleasant spot for TEX DOLLARS KK WARD. en before the cotis a Handsome excursions. but It lilile 15 Justice distance fined and in this beautiful city. city Pure Blooming, Complexion. each and costs. At the latest advices OST FROM MY PLACE NEAR Utah on from of the the line the meet and every villas Central, and eye tages It is Purely VeffHable, and Its oporation la they were in the hands of the officer.not street. New stores are being erected, wagons can be obtained cn application to lJ Logan Depot, one buckskin-colore- d cccn ud Ml at once. It dun away with tba with H branded Mare, blind in one k lushed Appearanco caused by Heat, ration' having satisfied judgment. It appeared and old ones rejuvenated. The public Mr. If.'C. Hnight, Farmington, aiso Spanish brand on eye, left thigh, and one and Kxcltcweut. Healsaud removes all Hlofchea that the prisoners were and UPsUjhtiy itaiples. dispelling dark running a simi- square is enclosed with a neat fence, ice cream, lemonade and other refresh-meatbay Mare. W'hite face, branded D G on and 'lan, l'reckl? and Suin away rpots. prives lar machine to Mr. unburn, and by lt rentle but puwWW Inflnenca Davidson's, and the not quite completed, and the park is a Swings, croquet ground and left shoulder. Restoration to the r will be rewarded as abate. maiUethldedcUeekwit2 Part like that which dersigned are ready for us. Lakethey stole was handsome pleasure ground, beautifully gymnastic poles TV. HEWETT, TOUTIIFUIi BLOOS AD BEAUTY, . lacking. They will have to pay dearly situated. The new Z. C. M. I. building side will doubtless be a popular place of Logan Restaurant, Logan, Cache Co. Told by all Pni(?glsts snd Fscy Ctorea. Dft. for that piece of '" rusty iron. ia looming up grandly, and a large tab- - rccrcatioa ilarlng lh summer months. s57-pot. 63'1'ark i'Uvcc, 'cw Yot'i t sjiyen Tut? ' " - NATIONAL , JAMESPIIILLIPS, Salt Lalco City, U. X, to-d- ay B.Flaij 222-3- w ar-fm- m Whitehead's 2-l- first-clae- s. Years ilgo MEXICA1 Pai-kh- lUSTAM LI mm . to-da- y. . Poll-Evi- l. Hoof-ale- IIorscs,Mulcs or Caltlc. urn LmiHBrT HTNlW-liom- o head-punc- h Money wil Hcfuiidcd. H:r!::a M::l::,j L::b:t, : - , 25c, " , I Co-o- p HAGAN'S . ':M Kv - qui-etl- chimney-sweepin- ai-ve- nt : . agnonaxiaim , s. ' 3 . r ,) V tit |