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Show ,d..ciBS C flX c?n; ll.cF.imli;.;' LiO gan toward Dctroit.stoppc. .le8 from the city and V BrancH, 1 I.lil :.M!..-ifH- -- I. i OF .OUR WAfiON 1ITE II AVE OPENED IN LOG AN k OGDIvN, BRANIIES ' of tbe Xoribtrn i ' V thut' so the DEPARTMENT, and MACHINE jeojU drove on, was scb teiiO" , C Ite . vmiRo I"1--- tur appcarcdatthe The farmer was the dodge, and at WHOLESALE tliat th0, jjttle tllft road about . : DryGSobds, highly "ddliug child before iSfcrrtte took the the wagon and rode after with it , ho found he came up the family had.givenawayag.r He Iboutayearand a halt old. and made them take the boy back, he ttireaicueu u.u that arrct the fellow coolly replied want-and children j he had too many he I ot them. some to "et rid of a teamster who encountered firmer und asked was coming to Detroit, the on Hm to keep an eye : " ,'' !: .. .j- WIUTEWATER, .h A I K and.STVKBAKKR . WAGONS, " - : Gcids? ,1' and Boy's Ready Hade Clothing, IN GREAT VARIETY. i f.(';,- "'ir, v m trial.- Tlu f AGENT, LOGAN. - AGENT, 00 SEX. H. B. CLAWSON, 'SaperinienJeuJ." Mif Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, ' Bain, Whitewater and Studebalvcr Wagons, and there dropped the children here most on" the road, and probably th5 iU find their way into Deof them troit, to be sent to the County Howe. Detroit Free JVess,lhJune ; nth. .' I " i 7 ' ' .;; also,--" ; r f i AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF vm i n g ! ( GROCERIES, HARDWARE I m p 1 em e ni.s ' , Baegics to Order on Short Notice.' , ; : : IL,catlier una Slioo lTinliiif ; & STOVES; GOODS, CJLOTKOG, HATS, HOOTS ami SHOES; ITriSOI-STEIt- Y 1 ; ( ' the During the earlier visits of Prince royal family to Balmoral, IT. Albert, dressed in a very simple the of oue was crossing manner, Scotch Lakes in a etearaer, and was furious to note cvervthins relating and uj the management of the vessel, among other (things, the cooking. Approaching the ''galley," where a IN THE brawny Highlander was attending THE BRST tli Inventor of tle Sowing Machine, atwas he to the culinary matters, ,,. EI.IAh UOWK, Jub. tracted by the savory odors of a comas An HONEST MACHINE and pound known by the Scotchmen B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. IVall Taper, Bordering, Decorations; Drills, hemieal, Patent Jlcilleines ' HOWE uiUOHS, AI.E and POItTEK; WIXES, SEWING 1IACHINE. Singers' Scwiu? Machines, in Yariety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Departiieni; h not subject to FITS. Leather, findings, .Beltings, &c; ' tKODtJCE, ORAIX, BUTTER, 'What is that?" asked the Prince, POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: who was not known to the cook. SinrnlinilH and Perfection ...-- x the v was Sir." i v 'IW i. " oj JUvCHumsni, ' x o ECUJS, . r i)lv. ' t . , ' .. iAirabilitywill last a I "How. is it made ?" was the next MACHINERY Range of Work without J . and' "Yes. I see: but what is intil't?" The man looked at him, andBeeing that the Prince was serious, replied, '"f j"" his bi - -- 0 . M. D. what's .intil t ? . . 1 ttoa for economy, cieanuueM ' ' J.. .It rauwiuij " - I ! BRANCHES, SASTA CLUS COOKING STOVE, Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments Z. 0. M. I., as above, that can be ecn In the West, and all at fair prices. For Conl and "IVoodl, ... , el-t- H. f , B. CLAWSON ,! ; 30-- 6 Territory. CULIER G. F. HAIIOND,;;; and Main Logan, Cache , GROESBECli'S BLOCK, Co. . SECOND SOUTH STItECT, SALT LAKE CITY; PlOWS, mlOVCI AND vciuac ''Well." reonnnH llo inf ia I as so filled with in listening to grnce l VAMB Hi.. t ; ocrnioa mamouna mat l reauy tonld not aV aea "'Jflvnf Trt the Methodist churoh across ;'The tWAGOX - ; - aaa sboutcd." ' - iiiit'ri ititfvAmtu aau cia v. Groceries w . ?,r, 1 vuunwiwia, lOWS, . s3l-- WbicK they aro offering at lowor prices than any other house in the city. ' i ;s ALL. KINDS OF' FARM MACIIINEKY. j MATERIAL, GARDWOODj IRON AND , .i. ;.t...fi r.t 'I ' , .t.-.- Large Stock of Of ALL KINDS, AT f.3, A Complete Assortment of A English Varnislies ; 1 a a ; n i uuuunj . . . Swcepstaltesi' Threshing Eiffht Spring Wagons, Mowers and Reapers, Buckeye Machines, Feed Cutters, Sulkv Rakes, Corn Shellcrs, Stubble Grinders, Mills Emery Fanning iew aays aitarwards, tne lninisier asked her why she had rushed from the or! '.;.. Also Dealer in ''. ti'flo a lrocVtT terian miuister at Columbus, Miss. who bad a horror of shouting in church, hich fact was well known to his con One day, after he had gregation. preached a Tery spiritual sermon, ' an ld ladv waa ohRnrv((l tn Imtp thft church a a tery hasty manner.. Meeting her Kh & C O., ( ..A'.FCIX SUPPLY ALWAYS OX HAXD. W OUUUCUtJf IUQ !Ftrmtendeiit. , Stores iu the Also by all the chiittler Wagoh few iranM nniA fticn , All onr Stove are kept and for Ral and all it llrancla by Z. C. M. I.HtoreN. " A f i Which has such a Demand through the Territory, for Beauty and Excellence, cannot be , surpansod. There's mutton intil't. and-V AGENT. FOR THE I Here the interview was brought to . .. a elouft nnA nf t.bp. Prinf!f'a suite. TTAVE JUST DECEIVED A LAKUK ! who was fortunately passing, who flopped in to save His lloyal Higho ... from lipinrr -rannptl over tbe head ness . o ri with a big spoon, in his search for MATERIAL JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF TIIE BEST rpiIIS J intormation irom the cook. , W!rr"". JL inrOUgl)ul auu AND , &C.,&C. ALSO, TflR CEI.KBIUTED If rtrt. St., Main St., Ogden, ITS ALL IN and "'Yisitors Wholesale Purchasers TO llx 31,314 MONITORS no w in USE, , o snoon. 4 SLEDS; FAR-FAMJ.- SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., Agent. Also at tb Sales Rooms, a few doors west of, Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake i lander, , brandisliiiifro "am I na tellin' you MA J BOB HAS GAINED A THE MONITOR. Kn hiirlinr nncomiuni can be do stowed ujwn 0 CookinR Move tnan to say mat who ns It spA&k In its praixa, every houso-wif- o Call and Kxoraine our Stylos and Ffice at , T. W. JONES', Tailor, Third door from Z. C. M. I., Ogden. intii t, ana cur 'There a mutton ....it. " 'nirjfl intil't. and City. 'Yes, certainly, I know," urged the inquirer ; "but what is iota ' . intil't?" . F' WAGOXS, XCUjUTTLER Ac; ! a iraraueu intil't, and 'Why, there's mutton " Stitch and turnins intil't and Perfection of Tension. who "Yfs vps." said the Prince, and had not learned tliat "intil't" means Ease of Operation ' into it " exnressed by the eoutrac Management, Talca-U- n. ArUiieftnn C7? is iion intil't?" what "but mutton intil't, and ilWrhy there's ... i turnips intilt, and carrots intut, ' j ; jjijeiiiiiv. "intilV ! ! ( t) . ' GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, ' Ml Orders Sent to M. , T22A TCIIER, Logan, uiU Jteceiw Prompt Attention. the Highlander IMPLEMENTS TOOLS, CAKPETS, Olli CLOTHS, All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notice.; :1 ; i i !; ' & CROCKERY:. . : , .; ; California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. DRY . . .', U t. THATCHER, BARX4KD WHITE, SEWIKG MACHINES, .'SINGER ''.' ' - MOSKS e " ;, wiiuivinloptmut8 ' . preparing. ,. bst cultivator aa have a Harrow . .; ;, for graiit, grain, corn or potato, yof luveuU'd. Onr bet Farincf ; will ftlo frlva information and reMi crd.ir for TTRnrNE W.fKEU?, VMt nr nllmr urtkrlit tint lirimllv kont 111 ituok. HUNT jiml KUV. . w . i -- Bed and to Iks the ,1 lit-.1- was . , . Winchester and Democrat 'iiight Spring Wagons, h . . 4 , "was discovered by Bruce, who found bavthe man and his wife alone, they five children in" disposed of their satisfaction Little road. ;llong the the ., where to as could be obtained nna hsirf" btiea left,' both . parents IIC UH" , thau more no have to feeling ecming talk of W-wolves, and when there was off as fast arresting them.they drove that' they believed is It as possible. Hiodge-podgewhic- ep.lne,iM'I ., ' lmmi-Thursda- y hat is Intil't? know that TurchuM m t, fwr much study and ' " '" and VOSU.D CHAMPION W OODS, ., .., Glassware,r &fM or Self Itakcrs. Motions, 3IOWKKS, Droppers .. .:.f .; ;'i Stoves and Tinware, "i .. ,., f., nv, & Medicines IMKI-SDrugs TIinESIIIXG MACIIIAES and SULKY - S W i i tbe Supplitd to the point as " eun reiy on thi TucOmmendatiou. . S the road about fifteen miles while the' teamster, Iroui the city, James is Bruce, came on whose uame the City Hall Market, through. At vesterday noon. the immigrant wagon ':";.',v Groceries, Hardware, Roots and Shoes, HM and Caps, Crockery, tarrn-- - cauip-besid- WAGONS & RHACHINERY WE GUARANTEE .iif. ", (' g and in night they RETAIL AND oau i,ae ciiy. vo Countiei can purchase wit uoul comiBg nutWantthe c t !.(00. . STEEL,. ETC. i. ft:','-- -- n 1 uJt I .Tj .;;':" ''"t i : 1 : ' ' Freigbt added. Orders from the country Promptly1 Filled. ; S3-l- y |